things are looking up for the bunny

Started by thegayhare, May 20, 2009, 06:55:23 PM

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yep things are on the up and up..

Today I got my first call back on a job...  When I met with the lady today she said I'm virtualy assured a job.  35-40 hours a week and I'll pretty much be the assistant manager.  She's going to call me back on monday to tell me when I start and my pay rate.


It's nothing big just a Subway sandwich shop but after 2 years unemployed it's a big moment.

*dances naked*

the shop is 3 miles away and since I don't have a license I'll be biking or walking to work so that should help me shed some pounds too


Good stuff.  Hope it works out for you!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Congrats!! ^_^ That is definitely something to celebrate!  :boogie  Just be careful with the commute  :)

llearch n'n'daCorna


oh, and as wuffnpuff says, try not to get run over during the commute. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hey, congrats! An assistant manager isn't bad at all. Plus discount or free subs are always good.   :januscat


as for safty I've got one or two of those bright orange vests round here some where

and no it's not a bad possition at all but it's not exactly what I wanted out of life.  But hey it's money maybe free subs (don't know it was never brought up) and a chance to get back in the work force.  Hell maybe I can be the Maine version of Gerad Biking to work everyday eating subway sandwiches and losing the 100 pounds I need to.  *chuckles*

Paladin Sheppard

Awesome TGH! Hope ya really enjoy it!!


Dude, maybe since you can't do the cookies for AC... how about SUBS?!  :boogie


llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well some bad news on the commute...

The Bunny just participated in one of the great acts of unintentional comedy 

The bunny who is atleast 100 pounds over wieght, decided to ride the bike down town to see how he did.  The bunny who hasn't ridden a bike in atleast 12 years, decided to do this shortly after noon one the second hottest day so far.  and he also forgot to bring any water.

Needless to say I didn't make it far not even half way into town I turned around and headed back.  I was not 20 feet from my house when I had to stop... doubled over coughing trying to slow my heart rate and feeling like I was going to die... 

Ahh thats what happens when a fat man tries to do to much... 


Ouch.  Hope you're ok.  Dehydration can be very nasty and it sounds like you just created a perfect setting for it.  I'm sure in slightly better conditions you'll be able to make the trip and eventually the trip will be a cake walk.  Just take it slow and gradually increase the pace over time.  Sure it means you leave for work much earlier but it will work out for ya' man.


Oh I'm fine now 

I sat on the school steps for about 10 minutes to calm down beofer I biked the rest of the way home...  I should probably mention that at the end of my street is a fairly steep hill thats always a killer and today it just wiped me out. 

I got home relaxed and nursed a bottle of water and I'm fine.  It's just a waring that I've got to pace myself  Especialy in the heat.

I still need to get into town for some soap but I think I'm going to risk a quick trip in the truck since I'm deffinitly not up to walking.

I think my plan will be to Walk to or from work at first and I'll practice on the bike round the house till I get the hang of it again

I figure after the first 2 weeks I should have enough to get my license back so it'll realy be easier after that


I'm glad you're ok! What an experience! >_< You sound like you have everything under control though so good luck and bunny speed to ya!  :boogie


It's nothing I haven't been through before, just the bodies way of saying okay wait thats just to much right now...

I got the soap and anti persperent... I figure if I'm going to be hustling to work it's going to be a sweaty affair so I got two things of body wash (though it's over rated I got the Axe stuff for the smell)  I'll keep my normal stuff at home and the axe at work.  get there 20 minuts early to rest slip into the restroom wash up with the axe use the anti persperent and slip into a new shirt ready for my shift.   course I may only be walking one way since mum and don have said they might be able to drop me off for work and I could walk home after closing in the cool night air...  I should get one of those hat brim LED lanterns


Bit o' advice for ya TGH. Grab yourself some Vector cereal for the mornings you're gonna be biking. When I was a bike courier we swore by that stuff. It's like an energy drink in cereal form. In your case, judging by what you said, it should give you enough of a kick to make it comfortably where you're going.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Reese Tora

Quote from: thegayhare on May 20, 2009, 06:55:23 PM
the shop is 3 miles away and since I don't have a license I'll be biking or walking to work so that should help me shed some pounds too

Sorry, couldn't help but think 'subway diet' and 'employee discount' in the same moment.

In any case, congrats on the job! :) do you think that, if all goes well, you might have the time of and money to go to AC after all?
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on May 22, 2009, 06:48:18 PM

Sorry, couldn't help but think 'subway diet' and 'employee discount' in the same moment.

In any case, congrats on the job! :) do you think that, if all goes well, you might have the time of and money to go to AC after all?

I actualy made that joke when I met the manager.

and if anyone at the shop (customer or employee) hassles me about my weight It's gonna be my retort.. Said with a smile.

Unfortunatly no I just won't be able to make it to AC this year

Since the shop should open second week of june It would be way too soon to take a week off even if I had the money.  but a job will definitly improve the chance of me making it for next year.  But I should be able to make Fur Fright though since I should have the money.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2009, 07:48:56 AM

oh, and as wuffnpuff says, try not to get run over during the commute. ;-]

sounds like a fun alteration on frogger
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


sorry I've been off line

I've been training at another store and they don't have internet at the place I'm staying. 

I've got to go back tomarrow so I'll be offline till friday