End of my dog

Started by Faerie Alex, June 02, 2009, 11:54:31 PM

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Faerie Alex

So, yeah. My dog died earlier this morning, around 5 AM Eastern. I think he was about 7, but I forget exactly. His kidneys were failing for a while, but he was really bad for the last week. Honestly, I'm told it was surprising he lived this long, given his condition. For the last few days, he'd stopped drinking and was vomiting a lot, before he died of his own volition earlier today. Right now, he's on ice at the vet's, awaiting being shipped to a taxidermist...I forget where. He'll be freeze-dried, actually, which I hear is the latest thing in pet taxidermy. He won't be done for months though.

He will be missed. (The odor on the carpets, less so.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Wow, I'm really sorry  :hug  pets are one of the hardest loved ones to loose. I hope you feel better..


Yeah. I know what it's like to lose pets. I had a cat who was born with 3 legs who died a few years ago. Her dad is still alive though. I also lost a pet rabbit about 2 years ago and I'm surprised he lived as long as he did because he was sick for a long time. He even went blind in one eye. Cat was named Pogos and rabbit Jack.
I'm back, and tired.


Sad to hear that. Some say pets are like part of the family. Pets are part of the family.   :januscat


These things happened, Max my dog died in his sleep