Comic on Possible Haitus (Yay Adobe!)

Started by Amber Williams, September 11, 2008, 03:03:57 PM

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Amber Williams

So I finish drawing Abel's Story, I fire up Photoshop...and I am hit with an activation prompt from Adobe.  It asks me to activate online...I try...and it tells me it cannot and my 30 day supposed trial has expired.  It then gives me a phone number to try to acitvate with.

I call, I put in the number, it says its too long.

So I load Adobe Acrobat, you know, the free Adobe program? Same prompt, same request for code, same code numbers, same rejections.

So yeah.  Apparently I cannot activate the programs I have been using for the past 2+ years on this computer.

In case people are wondering, the promt I get when I try to start a program:

Quote"Your computer's configuration appears to have changed since the time this product was activated. To continue using this product, please click OK to activate it again for your new system configuration, or click Cancel to exit (aka: close everything)"

...I have a sinking suspicion that this may have something to do with several other issues that my computer has been having. I mentioned before I was noticing an odd pixelation and that I thought the graphics card is possibly going out.  Well added to that is a recent situation where my computer refuses to shut down proper and the only way to get it to shut down is via holding the button.

I am starting to wonder if my computer is actually just breaking down and this is one of the many indicators.  If that is the case...then well...there isn't much I can do at this time.

Needless to say...I am INCREDIBLY displeased at the world, life, and everything in general.  This is probably the worst possible time for a computer failure seeing as I just had to throw down 200 narfing dollars on someones pet snake who may never pay me back and my husband got hit hard with a nasty bill have only the 100 from this months donations to my bank account right now and I can't even do a donation drive because I dont have the stuff I already owe done and now I cant even do it because I cant access the stupid program that lets me colour in the first place.

...You know what. Screw this. I am going to bed and waking up Sunday.


Hibernate for the weekend. Sounds like the perfect plan.

Wish I could help you with your problem, but I'm not as much of a computer geek as everybody I know in the real world thinks I would be.


i thought i needed to learn photoshop or something like this, but your post has scared me

i fear graphics programs, for they are mean and wish to destroy all comics we love
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I agree with Rakala; hibernate for now. You shouldn't push yourself with this stuff, Amber. You'll end up overwhelming yourself and explode. Exploding isn't good.

:tighthug Hope everything gets better, Amber.


Erk.  Not good, not good at all.
I wish I could offer some suggestion, but I don't know enough about Adobe's copy-protection scheme.  Whatever it is, it's gone horribly wrong.

But yes, hibernating sounds good.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Don't worry, I (and I believe most of us) are far too much in thrall to you and your work to castigate you for anything borne out of computer problems. Get your equilibrium back, and take it easy till you do.

Wishing you the best from over here.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


And people look at me strangly when I refuse to upgrade to these 'new improved'  versions of software.

Good luck, see you on sunday

PS I recomend standard windows fix, backup, nuke, reinstall. Though 'other methods' may be required to use the software you already own.

Reese Tora

As much as I hate to suggest it, the not shutting down sounds like there's something wrong with your installation of windows, and reinstalling windows might fix it, and may well fix the problem with adobe in the process.

I was thinking of making a donation to the taco drive, now sounds like a good time to do it.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Yeah, I get paid not this weekend, but the next.  I'll see how I'm sitting after bills and plop some cash down.

Take the time off and rest Amber.  I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say that we'll see what can be done to soften the blow from the bills.


Please rest up while those of us who can send some tacos  :hug
" Man is the only animal that blushes - Or needs to " Mark Twain


Blarging blarf..

I do hope you get a well needed rest or problem solver soon, Dont you worry..Rest and we will wait for your return


Which version of Photoshop are you using currently?


I wish you the best.

Found this:
QuoteThis torrent consists of a Windows based patch to fix the problem of being unable to activate Adobe Acrobat 7.x or other Adobe products in the CS 2 catagory. The Error "Your computer's configuration appears to have changed since..." and the effected Adobe application shutting down are the results. This patch is only made available by calling into Adobe technical support and to those with a ligitimate serial number.
QuoteCall Customer Service to request the Adobe License Management 2.70 Patch. Customer Services must make changes to your activation record before you can download and install the patch.
This problem occurs on RAID configurations or when you dock or undock a laptop computer.

Amber Williams


Right now its looking like this may simply just be a deathrattle and my entire computer is going belly-up. I had hoped the issue was something I could hold off until the end of the month when money would be a little less tight...but its looking like things are just dying one by one.

Right now I am just trying to save data just to be safe.  Odds are I am going to have to take the entire PC in to be examined and its very likely I will be losing programs and data regardless. Which is a strain since my cd of Photoshop I believe has long since disapeered from my posession...meaning I will more than likely have to buy a new version.

It is frustrating since this issue with Adobe literally happened out of the blue today and has more or less crippled me.  (Well moreso than I am now that I am stuck wearing a wrist bracer for the next few weeks)  It was my goal for September and October to catch up finally with everything I owed people before even attempting another drive of any sort.

So yeah. No Photoshop. No Adobe in general it seems (and no the torrent thing didnt help, but thanks for the try.) And even now Firefox is giving issues. 

Honestly, I feel like a complete tool and like the biggest hack on the internet.  If i was smart, I should just take this as a sign to curl up and just stop trying anymore and maybe just try to do something that gets me a job at Tim Hortons or something. 

But I realize I am also typing while depressed and this may become outdated once I actually sleep some.  Still...I am just...miserable.


Quote from: Amber Williams on September 11, 2008, 07:03:40 PM


Honestly, I feel like a complete tool and like the biggest hack on the internet.  If i was smart, I should just take this as a sign to curl up and just stop trying anymore and maybe just try to do something that gets me a job at Tim Hortons or something. 

But I realize I am also typing while depressed and this may become outdated once I actually sleep some.  Still...I am just...miserable.

It sounds like you needed that. Honestly Amber, I think we all understand what it's like having computer issues, and I'm not going to be angry. Trust me, I've done some stupid things with my computer (FYI: Coffee and computers do not mix), and all of this sounds like it was basically out of your hands. Get some rest: you need it.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Don't think that, Amber. We know you're trying your best. And it doesn't matter,  as long as you're happy we are. Comic or no. -hug-

I'm offering to draw full body, inked pictures of people's character (or characters they like) for $ Amber. 


Amber, did the possible solution I posted above help in any way? Let me know, hunting and fixing inane, frustrating mind boggling and downright infuriating computer problems is something that unfortunately I'm rather good at. Not the first time I've been at odds with Adobe either (the pain of that install, THE PAIN....).


Awwww, I'm really sorry to hear about your 'puter Amber, definitely sounds like it's on its last legs. Mind giving me a little info so I can see if I can help?

How old is the computer?
Do you use disk cleaners, defragmentors, and registry cleaners on a regular basis?
Got anti-virus and anti-spyware installed?
Which paypal should I send the monies to to help buy you a new computer? ;)


 :hug  :hug

Don't worry amber, I am sure things will work out, Too many people like you for things not to work out.


There's actually a plan in motion. Check for tonight's update to see what's going on.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on September 11, 2008, 08:51:23 PM
There's actually a plan in motion. Check for tonight's update to see what's going on.
*throws a salute* Yes, sir!

In all seriousness, I eagerly await more info.

Just an extra hug, Amber.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Darkmoon on September 11, 2008, 08:51:23 PM
There's actually a plan in motion. Check for tonight's update to see what's going on.

Let us know if there's anything we can do to help, right?


Aww, and here I had an interesting idea I wanted to try and get some art out of ya.

And it is the right time of year for depression to sink in.  Hope ya feel better soon.  And watch out for Adobe ;p

PS: If you are looking to replace the graphics card, what sort of graphics card did you have?  I've got an old AGP card that I'm looking to ditch.
The All Purpose Fox

Jack McSlay

oh yes the incredible things DRM does for you.
don't know about ya guys but if I were facing this situation and coudn't find a straight way to solve it I would engage "fuck this" mode and crack the damn thing, if I paid for a software I would expect it to work regardless of running a proper install or a modified one.

Still it's really sad (and curious) seeing amber having her computer dying, given some time ago the previous one got fried with a thunder. some artists have no luck with PCs I guess

Quote from: Ghostwish on September 11, 2008, 08:16:00 PMHow old is the computer?
Do you use disk cleaners, defragmentors, and registry cleaners on a regular basis?
Got anti-virus and anti-spyware installed?
Which paypal should I send the monies to to help buy you a new computer? ;)
Knowing she had her previous PC fried around an year ago, it's not very old, I assume.
I've never, EVER heard of defragmentors or data cleaners in general solving problems other than performance drops
I really don't think graphical failures are likely caused by viruses
If you're donating, you can just go to the front page and click where it says "feed the mows"
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


It's pretty ridiculous what they make you do but it's all in an effort to stop people like me.
Photoshop CS2 and previous versions have this huge process to activate yet the brand new CS3 has just a key, nothing more. Adobe sucks.

Getting a disk for your version may not be that hard. It may have technically come from an illegal source but your license key would still be legal and it would all wash out.
Upgrade versions are fun, or at least they used to be.

The computer issues definitely sound hardware based. I'm thinking ram myself, explains the most symptoms. It's less then a year old though?!
If your planning on scrapping the whole thing it must be rather serious.

Condolences and time to reassociate that credit card with paypal.


You shouldn't ever feel like a failure for things like this, there's a great number of things that can fail just fine all by themselves. Computer happens, it just does. :|


It could be just a couple key components going bad. If I remember right you built that machine not too long ago, so most of that is probably salvageable. Graphics cards are getting cheaper than ever and I bet you could find a motherboard replacement for that thing for ~$100 or even less. I forget if it's a 939 socket or the one more recent than it, but even a new motherboard + CPU combo would be only ~$200 or so. RAM is probably transferable given the time frame, the GPU is almost definitely transferable (if I remember right you went with a GF7900 which I *THINK* was PCI-Express only, so that's no problem), HDDs and optical drives are easy to swap out, the PSU and case are still good. That computer is recent enough that you can probably get away with just replacing the faulty parts.

But seriously, that was a relatively recent build so it's surprising that it died so quickly. I think Amber has an anti-technology field around her. Fear not Amber, you are not alone. A friend of mine has managed to crash a calculator before!

Good luck! Get some rest!
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


Quote from: Cvstos on September 12, 2008, 12:08:29 AM
Fear not Amber, you are not alone. A friend of mind has managed to crash a calculator before!

All I did was try to divide by zero.....under water.....

(seriously, how DO you "crash" a calculator?  tear out the batteries?)

Quote from: Cvstos on September 12, 2008, 12:08:29 AM
I think Amber has an anti-technology field around her.

What have you done?!?!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


I... I have locked up a digital/analog watch before. It only has four buttons! :U

I would have suggested a similar course of swapping out the bad stuff but I am unsure on their computer repair capabilities. Besides I myself have gotten to the point of not wanting to actually fix anything, I just want it to work!

For those of you who don't know you'd be surprised how a small error in a stick of ram can cause catastrophic, sometimes, failure. And a malfunctioning, not failed, power supply can sometimes be just as bad as a motherboard failure. If you don't have conclusive diagnostics; instinct, experience, and a hell of lot of dumb luck make it work out. Server at work right now could use some dumb luck :P
I don't work on 'em anymore, much, just build 'em.

Seth C Triggs

Yeah I've seen these kind of issues before. Although this seems like an intersection of unlucky software and hardware problems.

I'll be donating tomorrow.

I should note, this kind of DRM stuff is part of the reason I've been using Linux - the other part of the reason is that my Win2000 CD can't install on large Hard drives.

I've found GIMP (100 percent free) to be a nice replacement for many functions in Photoshop, though I have no idea what functions Mab would be using that may or may not exist in GIMP.

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