Battle of the Se- Whoa, Abel!

Started by Rithm Alfortele, May 09, 2008, 08:04:30 PM

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Predicted answer:  Gay?  Oh yes, very, I feel pretty.  Oh so pretty.  Oh so pretty and witty and gayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.  Couldn't be gayer. (all this while Abel is refering to the happy meaning rather then orientation meaning)


Predicted answer: none. Jyrras changes the question or just says, "Never mind."
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on May 13, 2008, 05:07:01 AM
Quote from: Lucheek on May 12, 2008, 08:01:14 PM
I can speak 1 fontese. :mwaha

I don't think that we can exactly count the things in the Wallpaper war as being Canon in the sense that the characters will remember the actions in the comic.

I, too, have acquired the ability to speak 1 fonteese! :3

But seriously, what happens in Wallpaper Wars stays in Wallpaper Wars.
There's a big difference between speaking and understanding.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: AmigaDragon on May 14, 2008, 01:53:22 AM
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on May 13, 2008, 05:07:01 AM
Quote from: Lucheek on May 12, 2008, 08:01:14 PM
I can speak 1 fontese. :mwaha

I don't think that we can exactly count the things in the Wallpaper war as being Canon in the sense that the characters will remember the actions in the comic.

I, too, have acquired the ability to speak 1 fonteese! :3

But seriously, what happens in Wallpaper Wars stays in Wallpaper Wars.
There's a big difference between speaking and understanding.

Oh, right. Then I have acquired the ability to understand 1 fonteese! :3


i still say he is that special kind of bisexual that is actually "ill just tease you about it regardless of anyones sexual preference"

those are rare, but fun to hang around
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Bisexual, you say? Ohhh, you have no idea how well I'd be able to relate to Abel if that meteor hit...

But now that I think about it, Abel kind of seems the not-all-the-way-into-girls type. I don't think I've seen him show any suggestive emotions towards girls, but he seems a bit... nicer with Jyrras. The breakfast, the jacket, the new outfit. So much with Jyrras and so little with everyone else. Hating Dan, attempting to kill Pyroduck, Wildy's first meeting, Merlitz's first meeting, a hard distaste for Aaryanna, Mab and Alexsi are okay. But he went so far as to tolerate having his nose beeped by Jyrras when he would likely brutally threaten the rest after such an act. Why would he have this amount of tolerance with Jyrras, and so few else?

Oh dear... I seem to have been rambling...
Round 9!


I think you guys are kind of missing the point with Abel here. Basically, it seems to me that never mind whether he's inclined to be straight, gay, or bi, he's Just Not Interested Right Now. He doesn't even want to make any friends, remember? One such is not looking for a lover. Personally, I'd say that right now he's sort of asexual.


Quote from: Alterationartist on May 14, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
Hating Dan, attempting to kill Pyroduck, Wildy's first meeting, Merlitz's first meeting, a hard distaste for Aaryanna, Mab and Alexsi are okay.

Interesting theory, but I don't think these are all the same thing.

I think Aary and he saw each other as rivals.  His meeting with Merlitz went bad because Merlitz attacked him. It would probably have gone a lot easier if that hadn't happened.  Alexsi simply scares him (she scares Dan too).  He seems to get on with Mab (if you met a Creature that could kill you in an instant, I don't think you'd try to make enemies with them), aside from the time Mab trapped him into becoming Merbel.

But he doesn't hate Dan.  Right now, Dan has upset him, and he has a bit of a grudge over the fact that Fa'Lina has forced him to become a teacher.  Additionally he seems to have little patience for fools (e.g. the Sucker Punch when Dan screwed up).  But hate, I'd say, is overstating it.

Apart from the baseball bat, pretty much everything he did in SAIA was to help him.  Remember how mad he was when Ink drove Dan catatonic?  If it was hate, he'd have pointed and laughed.  Even the paint was to stop him from going into a spiral of depression.
Pyro is part of that.  Abel was convinced that Pyro was sent to eliminate Dan as part of the Dragon-Cyra feud or whatever it is.  That - to save Dan - was, as far as I can see, his sole reason for trying to take Pyro down (which meant risking his own life).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Huh. An explanation for everything... So rarely have I ever been faced with such an answer so perfect. But there is a bit to admit that Abel does see Jyrras a little better than he sees everyone else.
Round 9!


The long chain of studdering continues, Abel looks bored, and Jyrras gets cuter the more he blushes.

I wonder how long this'll continue for?

Janus Whitefurr

The cute guy/guy shy-stuttering is clearly distracting everyone from the fact that they won't be getting their guy wallpaper because the girls are winning. Or something silly like that.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Well, Amber did say she wanted to do both, the winner was just going to be done first and a bit better than the other. Plus blushing and stuttering Jyrass + vaguely befuddled Abel are rather distracting... :mowwink


My question is who will be in the Girl Groupshot.  All the Girl's I can name are; Mab, Lorenda, Wildy, Alexsi, Kria, Photophie(basement rat), Matilda, Aliyka, Regina, Aaryanna, Destania, Fa'Lina, May, Cynthia, Hennya, Moira, and Nutmeg.


Quote from: AndersW on May 14, 2008, 10:41:23 PM
My question is who will be in the Girl Groupshot.  All the Girl's I can name are; Mab, Lorenda, Wildy, Alexsi, Kria, Photophie(basement rat), Matilda, Aliyka, Regina, Aaryanna, Destania, Fa'Lina, May, Cynthia, Hennya, Moira, and Nutmeg.

Bernadette (rhino), Deathbringer (Deebs), Rose (Mab's daughter), the 6 sisters....
Someone in the valley calls out to me;
A voice from the past, fading out fast;
Am I to be wary, do I have to be;
I just know, I have to be there.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on May 14, 2008, 07:36:30 PM
The cute guy/guy shy-stuttering is clearly distracting everyone from the fact that they won't be getting their guy wallpaper because the girls are winning. Or something silly like that.

I still have enough money..I can donate again if need be..i'm just waiting.

When does this wallpaper war end though?


Whenever Amber decides to end it, which I assume might be near the end of the month.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


To be honest, this is the first donation duel that I don't really want to pick a side.
If the guys won, I can take bride from being part of team testosterone and give a good slap from my john to anybody who doesn't own one.
But then again, the moment of glory will only last so far and I like to look the female characters a lot more than the male characters, so despite the fact that 'we' would have won, the prize would feel like you'd trade the washing machine & dryer -combo to a hand full of magic beans.
In the rare cases, like this one, my solution is to call this win-win-situation. What ever happens, I'll say that this is exactly what I wanted to happen and if someone says that this could also be lose-lose situation, I'll just shove fingers into my ears and won't listen to his/her insane mumbling.

Victoire Épique

Rambling Jyrras is adorable.
Which is unfortunate, because now I'm torn between having him ask properly and him continue being embarrassed and continuing to ramble.

Either way, I sort of wonder which wallpaper would have more content. 'Cause, personally, I'm a horrible taskmaster and want to make Amber to extra work. :mwaha
Okay, not really.
I'd probably vote for the one with less characters so that the extra niceness and other good stuff could make up for the lack of numbers.
But that's just me. :3


Quote from: Omega on May 15, 2008, 02:59:17 AM
To be honest, this is the first donation duel that I don't really want to pick a side.
If the guys won, I can take bride from being part of team testosterone and give a good slap from my john to anybody who doesn't own one.
But then again, the moment of glory will only last so far and I like to look the female characters a lot more than the male characters, so despite the fact that 'we' would have won, the prize would feel like you'd trade the washing machine & dryer -combo to a hand full of magic beans.
In the rare cases, like this one, my solution is to call this win-win-situation. What ever happens, I'll say that this is exactly what I wanted to happen and if someone says that this could also be lose-lose situation, I'll just shove fingers into my ears and won't listen to his/her insane mumbling.

This could also be a lose-lose situation..i'm not really sure how, i'm just saying it to bug you.

Really, I'm just here to donate, the wallpaper is a nice bonus but i'm mainly participating to give money to this comic that has given me a sort of joy. I'll proboblly continue participating in wallpaper wars as they appear and most likly i'll send in random donations now and then as well. Wichever side wins I think I'll be happy with but it's somewhat fun to have a mini-competition..well I think i've talked enough for now.


Come on fangirls! Choose the guys, and you might get some suggestive poses from Jyrass and Abel!



Can't you just see it now? Abel bent over kissing Jyrras, Dan about to attack Abel for 'sucking out Jyrras soul'. Hmmm...who else? Pip and Pyroduck talking? Merlitz, Biggs, Azlan, Albanion, and the Doctor playing who has the best abs mid-strip?
Hooray ellipsis!


Quote from: ChainmailYaoi on May 15, 2008, 12:25:25 PM
Can't you just see it now? Abel bent over kissing Jyrras, Dan about to attack Abel for 'sucking out Jyrras soul'. Hmmm...who else? Pip and Pyroduck talking? Merlitz, Biggs, Azlan, Albanion, and the Doctor playing who has the best abs mid-strip?

I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Round 9!


Predicted answer: Abel gives a long, funny and informative response about how just because one appears a certain way doesn't mean they necessarily are, how in such a diverse place such as Furrae one can seldom make judgements based on stereotypes and be right about them, that there are plenty of straight guys who enjoy wearing feather boas, etc.
50% Chance it involves puppets.

Or I could just be saying this because I want to see the grouchy Jy-face again. Grouchgrouchgrouch.

EDIT: Motherclucker, I don't remember BBC. This complicates things.

  You're welcome.
  --  llearch


I'm gonna make a bet odds sheet.

1. Abel confesses love for Jyrras - 1000 to 1
2. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ awkwardness - 10 to 1
3. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ physical attack - 25 to1
4. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ verbal attack - 12 to 1
5. Amber makes major loot from WW - 1.7 to 1
6. Jyrras faints from tension - 7 to 1
7. Jyrras chickens out and changes subject - 3 to 1
8. Deus Ex Machina from an actual Girl team representative - 9 to 1
9. Jyrras continues to stutter - 2.5 to 1
10. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ non-defining response - 6 to 1
11. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ Abel flees - 11 to 1
12. Jyrras confesses love for Abel/ Mocking - 8 to 1
13. Jyrras chickens out and flees - 3 to 1
14. Meteor strikes the WW - 973 to 1
Round 9!


15. Abel cuts himself on the banner and goes on a blood-rampage - 700 to 1
16. The feathr boa attacks! - 2000 to 1
Hooray ellipsis!


OOOOHH!! Give me $5 on number 16!
Round 9!



17. Off comes the patch...and its DAN confessing to Abel. - 2 to 1
18. No more talk. Abel and Jyrras make out behind the banner - 25 to 1
19. And then! Mows! Everywhere! - 10 to 1
20. Hallelujah! It's raining men! - 50 to 1
Hooray ellipsis!

Victoire Épique

Quote from: Deebs on May 17, 2008, 02:11:04 AM
17. Off comes the patch...and its DAN confessing to Abel. - 2 to 1
It's funny because it's true. :)