Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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After Alcir had ran into the barn, he quickly realized none of the others were still in there. He then left the barn and intended to fight against the goblins, but it had been a long time since Alcir had fought and everything seemed to happen so fast to him. Aeo felling one of the goblins, who was revived by its leader. The magic using goblin being injured and the others rushing to his aid. The sacrifice of the last goblin, which had allowed the rest of the creatures to escape.
But now the fighting was over, and an investigation was happening. Alcir knew he could assist there, so he hurried to the scorched ground left behind by the last goblin.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aire averted her eyes as the fire burned bright, the statement and act stunned her and little more could she do then stand idly by as the goblin immolated itself.

As the flames died down, the elven lady dropped to her knees in front of the smoldering spectacle of self-sacrifice, "why did it do this, there... there was no reason to..."

An experienced and hardened campaigner was the front she placed for others to see, but all that melted away with the fires of a fanatical sacrifice.  She had seen no death like this, nor of a creature thought to be base and vile.

"What does it mean... I am a silver elf, the highest of elves... we live at peace with nature an animals..."

She shook the thoughts from her head, whatever this goblin had believed, it was being used and deceived, it must be that...

Aire stood and turned to DFX, "you are not damaged?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   DFX concentrated carefully on the rapidly fading residual magic as much as he could, even when the paladin-fleshling came up to him and inquired about his starte of repair.
   Eventually, the magic faded, and DFX had gleaned all he could. He had discovered the primary Affinity, like he had hoped, but he also had discovered something else quite unusual. Something that explained why he hadn't detected the spears before.
   He turned to Aireluin. "No, I am not damaged. At least, not in any debilitating way." DFX said, glancing down at the side of his composite leg, which sported the scuffs the now-incinerated goblin had given him. He reached down and knocked it with his huge fist. "That is easy to remove. However..." DFX turned back to the pile of goblin-ashes, "I have learned a few things about our miniature fleshling martyr's magic through my sensings.The primary Affinity used in it was indeed Fire, but there is something else that is rather interesting. It seems that he did not draw the spell and magic from the spear, but from himself. He produced the magic entirely of his own power."
   He looked back to Aireluin. "I am not sure, but I would hazard a guess that magic of this magnitude is highly abnormal for a fleshling of its kind."


Enigma listened as the construct confirmed what he'd already surmised.  he approached the party not bothering the hide himself again. what was the point? "indeed. that means that the other goblins were generating there magic as well but answer me this my friend. did you sense anything else in the goblins ashes? the remains of a gies  or some sort or a cursed binding spell?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX looked quizzically at the now-revealed fleshling who was handing out magical trinkets before. "A geas or binding curse? No, I do not believe I sensed anything of that type. However, if there was such magic, it almost certainly was masked over by the far more energetic incineration, and my magic sense is not highly developed. But, having seen firsthand just how cruel and brutal fleshlings are to everything around them, I find his statements to be very believable."
   Meanwhile, Tank got himself up off the ground and slowly lumbered over to DFX. "Brother," Tank rumbled, "I need cleaning and repair." The bloody, pasted corpses of the three goblins were still smeared over Tank's back, and some of his fiber-musculature was a little frayed where the goblins had managed to hack at it.


Tarson walks back out of the barn with his sword on his back and whatever pack he had. He walks over to the group and stands there.
"Well I don't know about you guys but I've gotten all the sleep I'm gonna get. I'm in the mood to get moving. You all can sit there stareing at a pile of burnt goblin till ya all take root but I'm gonna get an early start to this little adventure"
Tarson put his hood up and started to walk down the path into the forest. He seemed to sing a strange song some what quietly as he walked.
"P. A. R. T. Y. Party hardy as elves get high"
He repeated this as he walked.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Alcir studied the ground and the air, gleaning what he could from the remains of the magic that had incenirated the goblin. He heard the construct, DFX speak on his findings and concurred. He mumbled, "A goblin, normal as far as I can tell, using that sort of magic? Strange indeed."
Then Tarson spoke and seemed intent on leaving the barn. Alcir continued in a low mumble,"Well, I couldn't find any rats or other vermin, and I doubt there's any here besides." He raised voice and said to the others gathered near him, "I'm fit to walk again. How fare the rest of you?"
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


She nodded towards DFX as he explained his condition was not adversely effected by the goblin's attacks.

Aire slowly turned her head to face Tarson, receiving only a view of his backside and the sword strapped there.  His attitude miffed her a bit, but it was true, the goblin was dead, the others had analyzed the magic and an early start was practical.

Whistling briefly towards the barn, she turned towards the rest of the group and nodded as her horse approached, "it would be best if we moved on, come let us go."

Aire followed Tarson and her horse followed her.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Being incapable, Tank did not give off any outward appearance of annoyance, but he definitely sounded so when he talked. "Hey, I am not an inanimate statue! My brother needs to clean these disgusting fleshling remains off my back before I rust!"
   DFX came up to his side. "Start moving, you solidified conglomeration of iron slag. I can clean you while we walk. It will take longer, but I can do it. Even if you do rust up, it is nothing I do not have the capacity to remedy."
   Giving off a rumbling sound that eerily resembled a low growl, but without breath, Tank started moving. DFX walked just behind Tank, holding two large tongs from his belts. He used these to start picking off the broken bones and largest chunks of goblin-meat off Tank, which he then discarded on the ground.


Enigma followed suite follow the group as they left the barn. he was still considering the goblins   and whats the clockwork man had said. he didn't out and out say that they were not being controlled but that he did not detect anything controlling them. he also said that the magic used to kill the goblin may be over showing any control magic. still for o goblins tacting like this. caring about the environment. using magic and fire magic at that. this was going to take some real effort to unravel the mysteries here. he smiled. good thing he liked mysteries and puzzles. he considered trying to sell the costructs a water staff but decided again it. first off the staff was more like a wand only 3 hand spans long and second he could probably make more money selling it elsewhere
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo had to chuckle a bit as he heard the golem's banter.  Unfortunately it also broke his concentration, but like always he didn't let that bother him.  He just really hoped to all the gods that a dragons was not directly involved. 

"Heh..."  Aeo walked over to 28 and with a smile offered to help clean the staggeringly tall Tank.  "I can help if you like, it'd be a nice change to use my skills for a purpose other than causing destruction."


   Both DFX and Tank were very surprised when the part-demonic fleshling came up and inquired if he could aid in the clean up job. Tank was very suspicious, but gave no sign; he didn't talk, and kept walking.
   DFX, on the other hand, cocked his head at Aeo. "Well, I'm sure my brother would like to get these remains off with as much speed as possible, so I suppose you can help. If you can reach, that is." DFX moved slightly to the left to give Aeo access, but the question remained if he could even reach so high.


Aeo chuckled, his trademark smile spread across his face.

"Reaching isn't going to be a problem..." Aeo admitted, "Finding the right way to remove the chunky bits is.  Fire will burn it off cleanly but leave a burnt in goblin smell, ice will allow him to almost shake the pieces off and then I can use acid, but I run the risk of melting through him, so I think I'll freeze the pieces.  That okay with you big guy?"  Aeo smiled up at the big metal golem.


   DFX was somewhat...unsettled, by the part-demonic fleshling's odd smile, but opf course was incapable of displaying any reaction. He answered for Tank. "Well, I supposed the solids can be frozen off, but the fluid residue will have to be removed by more...precise and conventional methods. But by all means, do what you can. Be careful, though. We are somewhat vulnerable to magic, and if you go to far, you will damage Tank. And he will not appreciate that."
   DFX fell back slightly so he could carefully observe what Aeo was going to do. Tank just kept walking as he had, though he did unconsciously heft his greathammer.


Aeo saw the shift of the great hammer and subconsciously made it a point to definitely not screw up.  He chuckled nervously before extending his hand to the nearest piece of goblin.  Then he started to recite a rather ominous sounding verse of what could possibly be described as a demonic poem.  He focused his will and the will of the infernal powers within him to grasp a hold of the faded goblin essences he tried to direct the power of the hell rime, a rather weak form of ice spell, through the flesh left on Tank's body.  He wasn't sure how difficult it was going to be, but he knew messing up would be bad so he tried his best to maintain a focus while walking.


Armita had finished his work. He could now summon a little aid to his side if the need arise. The runes would last for a day or two, until they would rot or wear away. He stood up and cleaned his hands on a rag he pulled from his pocket and walked towards the rest of the party. A single crow had landed on his left shoulder. While casting, he had been completely out from all the conversation that had been took place and from the looks of it, the others sure seemed to take their time while going back to sleep. Armita noticed that Aeo was doing...     well, something to the huge golem-man. Was that spell casting? "Ummm.... What is he doing?" Armita asked from a smaller construct.


Tarson continued walking but stopped singing. He heard the group talking and turned to look at them. He had a surprised look on his face when he saw that they where actually walking with him. Then he got a somewhat annoyed look and stared back down the road. He then spoke rather quietly.
"Damn when will these people realize I'm no leader"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma chuckles. "they best are dragged kicking and screaming to the post you know" he said to no one inparticular. He was rather sure that Tarson would hear him but if he didn't it didn't matter.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX turned his head to look at another fleshling, the one that always had a flock of large black avian creatures perched on him. Said fleshling inquired as to Aeo's current actions.
   "Well, as you can see, Tank has battle detritus on himself. Aeo has offered to help in its removal, by using his magic to freeze as much of the solid matter as he can. Tank can shake it off himself from there. I will have to work on removing the fluids afterward. Of course, all of this is rather difficult when walking, and therefor requires much concentration. If Aeo extends his magic too far, it will penetrate Tank, causing damage to his external components. It is best not to disturb him during this delicate, and very unorthodox, procedure." DFX turned back to watch Aeo, still walking.


"Oh. That's kinda clever." Armita said to smaller metal man. "And quite daring, I might add. Isn't your friend a bit scared of this? I mean, your kind can know fear, yes? That's what separates you from ordinary golems, the will and reason." The crow on his shoulder gave a long yawn "And there where is logic and understanding, the fear will follow."


   DFX held his arm out in front of Armita and slowed down a little, putting some distance between them from Aeo and Tank, to reduce the risk of disrupting Aeo's concentration.
   DFX was also a little surprised. No fleshling had ever shown this much (or any, for that matter) interest in how he and Tank work. "Very astute conclusions, for a fleshling. But slightly incorrect. While it is true that we are perfectly capable of feeling most things any sentient fleshling can, emotional primarily, but some physical, doesn't mean that we always do, or that it carries the same significance to us as it does to you. Fear, for example. What do we have to fear? Being destoyed? Depending on your definition, we would be best described as 'cautious' in that regard, if that. Regarding this, the only fear I have is..." DFX suddenly gave a very strange pause.
   "...Is one I do not wish to share at the current time. I digress. Returning to your original question, isn't Tank afraid? I respond, what is there to be afraid of? At most, Aeo's magic will go too deep and freeze through sections of Tank's external shell. If that happens, the magic may cause some ill effects in additon to the primary damage, it is still nothing I cannot repair or remove. As for his somatosensory system, at most he will experience a very mild discomfort, due to the magic. He will still not like it, which is why he will probably cause Aeo some...discomfort of his own. One thing I have learned is," DFX seemed to look closer at Armita, "fear, incidentally our topic of discussion, can astoundingly motivate fleshlings."


"Oh my, yes. In my experience it is the best motivation one can have. I bet that's why Aeo is taking some time in this and that's why he isn't grinning as much as he usually would." Armira flashed a smile and continued walking


The Mime looks at her wrist and shakes her head at the antics of the monkeys.  She walks over to the farmhouse, and knocks on the door, pasting a winning smile on her face while she waits for a response.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Alcir had been walking slightly off from Aeo and the larger construct. The undead felt it might be best to distance himself from the pair. He heard Tarson curse over being seen as a leader in this party, so Alcir walked up to the man and said to him, "You gave our group some action to do and we each thought that it was a good idea. Why were you suprised to see us walking with you though? Did you expect for us to remain behind and let you travel alone?"
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aeo knew the tricky part of this attempt would be in following the large Tank while focusing his magic.  Thankfully all he had to do to follow the large golem was to listen loud and thankfully rhythmic footsteps of the golem.  It made his ability to concentrate a little easier as he used the rhythm to focus his magic.  Soon he was extending his arm out and touching the goblin pieces.  He focused for a few seconds more as he tried to focus more on how the pieces frosted over and how the hell rime felt as it neared the metallic body of Tank. 

As he focused he felt an odd clash of energies.  He was sure it was nothing and continued his probing of the goblin flesh.  Soon he had encased a small area around his hand entirely in hell rime and he quickly pulled away and fell to the ground directly on his rear.  He quickly looked back up to see the small area was definitely not enough for Tank to shake off, nor was it enough to even qualify as being scrubbed off. 

He sighed, for a moment disappointed in his own abilities.  "Gonna have try that again.  Maybe next time without the walking."  He stood up and looked to 28.   "I don't think it's gonna work." Then he thought of something.  "I didn't hurt him did I, I mean it's hard to tell with you two.  No offense."


   DFX looked at Aeo as he came back from his attempt. "The next time we stop will most likely be some time from now. By then, in all probablility, the fluids will have seeped too far underneath his external shell for superficial removal. If this is the maximum extent of your abilities, then time has been squandered. I must recommence conventional removal methods." While the words DFX spoke certainly seemed less-than-friendly, he did not speak them in any sort of accusing or hostile tone, he spoke them as if he was just...casually reciting facts.
   DFX returned to a position directly behind Tank. He broke off the frozen chunk with his hand and examined the adamantine plate layer behind it. "Your magic does not appear to have penetrated the adamantine external layer. No damage has been sustained." DFX then picked out his two large tongs off his belts again, and once again set to the task of manually picking off the chunks and broken bones of mashed goblin.


Aeo was taken aback.  He wasn't sure if it was the golem's curtness (although Aeo wasn't sure it could be curt) or the exact words that 28 had said or even the combination of the two.  That quickly faded though as a slight bit of anger seeped up and if it weren't for the fact that his mother had taught him to never hold a grudge he probably would have let the anger fester like most tieflings.  Instead he expressed his anger verbally and magically. 

A long series of words provided a strong jet of acid which leaped to the side of the path they had been following.  The jet struck into a tree's bark and quickly melted into it taking a sizable chunk from the tree's side.  He then grunted and quickly counted to ten in his head.  "Like I said, I'm not usually using infernal power to clean things."  He then brusquely walked past the duo, towards Tarson.


Tarson looked over at Alcir as he walked up. He shrugged at the undead's question.
"Don't know really. Figured everyone would want to stay and get more rest or figure out what was going on with the pile of Goblin ashe"
Tarson looked back at Tank and DFX, then to Aeo.
"Alright , let's take a break. I'd rather not Tank stink of rotted Goblin. Don't want any predators attacking while we're moveing. Plus whatever it is we're hunting will smell us way before they hear us"
Tarson said no more and walked over to sit next to a large tree and watched the group to see what they where gonna do.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma chuckled. "well said boss man." he knew that chances were that they others would soon have everything thing in hand. mean while he would consider the mystery of the goblins rant. greater beings. dragons looked at all being as being less then themselves according to lore. they elves and humans weren't much better. what could be controlling the goblins yet humble enough to claim that they were not numbered among the greater or supreme being? was this all a game the the manipulating force?  such a puzzle and he was lucky enough to stumble upon it. he waited watching as the others begin to help the huge clockwork man named tank. he would offer no help with out being asked unless these people threatened to take all day with there ineffectiveness.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX watched Aeo quizzically, completely unaware that he had committed an egregious fleshling faux pas, as Aeo started viciously biting off words in a Dark magic tongue, causing a spurt of acid to shoot off to the side of the road, partially melting a tree. What was the purpose of that? DFX thought to himself. He then said that he wasn't used to using his powers for such a task. Then why did you try? DFX, despite his limited understanding of fleshlings or humanoids, could still tell that Aeo was...Upset? Angry? As he walked ahead towards Tarson. But for his existence, DFX could not begin to discern why.
   Then Tarson ordered an all stop for the group, on Tank's behalf (or at least because of him), no less. The two came to a stop in perfect construct unison.
   The two looked at each other for a moment and, being constructs and therefor not ones to waste any productive time, got back to work. Tank set his greathammer on the ground and crouched down to give DFX better access as he continued picking off goblin bits, carefully working around Tank's armor spikes. To a fleshling (and anyone watching) this would have seemed very awkward, but DFX and Tank were not, and only cared about practicality and productivity. Speaking of which, DFX realized something.
   "Part-demonic fleshling, Aeo," DFX called, "You hypothesized that your attempts at freezing would yield better results if we were not in motion, correct? We have ceased motion, apparently due to this very situation. Another attempt is not unwarrented, if you believe that you can achieve better results."