Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Aeo spun to face 28, which of course meant looking up and that never made anger seem as threatening.  "Well gee, I wouldn't want to "squander" what time we have with my "limited" magic.  Best you do it." Aeo made sure to accentuate his words with the well known "air quotes" and then he stomped away and grumbled under his breath with such a venomous edge that the words themselves could have been acid.  "And don't call me demonic again." 


A crow landed on the back of a huge construct and started picking the pieces of mangeled and frozen gobling flesh.
"You don't like being called demonic, Aeo?" Armita asked.


   DFX was very surprised, almost stunned, by Aeo's sudden outburst. He still didn't know why exactly he was angry, but he had an idea of what this time.
   "You are experiencing a hieghtened state of antagonism." DFX said. It wasn't a question, or a statement. It was an observation. "Why are you in such an elevated emotional state? From context, it appears that you are directing your antagonism toward me, or more specifically, words I have spoken. I do not understand how this can possibly be the cause. I merely spoke obervations and factual statements based on avaliable input, partially from you directly. How does this...anger you?"
   DFX then added something. "I did not refer to you as 'demonic', I refered to you as 'part-demonic', but I can see where a fleshling would experience confusion. Why do you not wish to be referred to as such? That is what you are, is it not?"


Aeo bit back some more anger, this time directed at himself and his bloody forefather.  He had actually forgotten the golems had little understanding about cultures other than their own.  He took a deep breath and sighed before holding up a finger.  "Let me calm down first."

Aeo stood in place and took several deep breaths.  He knew it was in his nature to be quick to anger, most tieflings were, but he had always been taught to let the anger go and to never let it swell inside.  After a few seconds he laughed at his own stupidity before sitting down and pulling out a piece of jerky. 

"Ahh..."  Aeo was back to smiling.  "Where to begin; ah here's a good place.  Tieflings do not like being called demonic in any context.  Think of it akin to someone here calling you 'machine' or 'tin can' or something equally insulting although I don't know what those would be..."  He paused for a second to think before shaking his head and brining himself back.  "Anyway, we aren't demons, we only have demon blood and most of us actually try to rise above the base comparison of such."

He sighed and continued.  "As for my anger, like I said I don't usually do things that controlled or small.  Infernal power is meant to explode upon an enemy, shaping it and imbuing it with elements takes years of practice and while I've got the elements down I'm just starting on the shapes, you insulted me when I was trying to simply help.  THAT is why I got angry.  I just let it get the better of me."  Aeo huffed.  "All thanks to grandpa balor who had a thing for humans..." Then he took a large bite out of the jerky he had pulled out earlier.


Tarson looked into the woods a bit, away from the group. He slowly stoud and started to walk into the direction he was looking.
"I'll be right back. Gotta take care of some personal business"
Tarson looked over his shoulder as he walked. He looked at the group with a bit of a stare as he walked away.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Meanwhile, or Farmer Eric's farm, all seemed quiet... well, except for the cricket game going on in the field. Considering the noise the "cricket" game was making, it should come as no surprise that Eric would come barreling out into the field, yelling at the top of his voice about creatures from the sky and how they "best get away from my Bessie, ya hear?!"

Then, realizing that what he actually had were, in no particular order, one box (bocks), ten monkeys, and a rather comely woman painted white, he quieted down for a second, before yelling about how he "weren't gone stand for no two-bit cattle thieves!" before aiming his crossbow at the mime.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Since Tarson had recommended the group stop so the larger construct could be cleaned, Alcir had decided to see if this area had any rodents he could catch. He only had one rat left in his pack, and that one would not last a whole day. Alcir walked off into the woods only a bit before he heard some soft chittering. Following the sound, he saw a small rodent, but anything was better than nothing, so he grabbed it and put it into his pack.
Coming back to the group, the undead quickly devored the rat so it would not be wasted. When Alcir reached the road again, he saw Aeo talking to DFX.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Enigma idly wondered what Tarson was up too but was too distracted to think about it fully. this mystery of the goblins was still fresh in his mind. still if he was Tarson this would probably the the ideal time to abandon the group. he'd consider it himself if he weren't so sure that profit was in the future of this journey. not necessarily Quid but magic and lore. histories that the world has probably forgotten if the goblins rant was any indication.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX cocked his head and listened to Aeo as he spoke, all the while picking goblin bits of Tank, who was still crouched down. When Aeo finished speaking, DFX had gotten almost all the solid stuff off.
   He turned his head back to his chore, saying "Fleshlings are unnecessarily highly complicated." quietly to himself.
   DFX had finished picking everything off, and while he was talking, he fished a small cloth out of one of his rucksack side pockets and wiped the tongs off before replacing them in his belts. He then picked out a vial with a strange liquid in it. He then put drops of it around the areas stained with blood and other bodily fluids. A faint hissing or sizzling sound could be heard. He then rubbed the areas down with another cloth, making sure to take care of Tank's armor spikes as well. Soon, Tank's armor was completely goblin-free.
   But DFX wasn't done yet. Tank's fiber-musculature was still slightly damaged from the hacking the goblins had given it before. DFX set his rucksack on the ground, opened it up, and pulled out a length of fibers in a cord almost exactly like the ones that made up the two composite construct's innards, but it was a lighter shade. He then pulled off a strange needle-probe-like tool from his belt, and started threading tiny bunches of fibers from the cord into the ruptured areas. The tip of the tool glowed as it touched the fibers, sealing them together. DFX then continued to work on this for some time.


Aireluin had stopped a short distance away and was staying out of the conversation regarding black magic, demonic heritage.  She was uncomfortable with dark magics and demons.

What "raised her hackles" the most was the presence of undead goblins.  Necromancy was a respected and acknowledged form of magic, but it still made her uneasy.  She increased her light aura ever so slowly, hoping to keep the creatures away.

Oddly the presence of the undead did not disturb the horse, just the knight.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Armita had to admit to himself that he really needed the break. He usually travelled alone, if you don't count the birds that keep following, and he was used on more slower pace than this. But soon they'd have to keep going again. The dead goblins were still around; long enough for not to be seen, but close enough t be summoned  if the need arise. They wouldn't last long, though. By the end of the night, they'd be back rotting again. Armita waled in front of the huge construct. He didn't remember it's name, but Armita wasn't going to let that to bother him. "Say, you look like strong machine." He started, with a Innocent smile on his face. "Would you allow me to sit on your back while we travel? I could keep a lookout and rest my feet."


Suddenly Tarson is standing in the bushes and speaks to Armita.
"Tanks isn't a machine"
Tarson walks from the bushes over to Tank and DFX. He looks at Tank.
"All cleaned off big guy?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


With out breaking his smile, Armita responses to Tarson: "Machine, construct, golem. It's all same. It's the same thing that DFX calls the rest of us as fleshlings, because that's what we are: creatures made out of flesh and such. They are creatures made out of metal and such."


Tarson turned to Armita with a nasty look on his face.
"THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! DFX and Tank have personalities. They can think for themselves. So what if they are made out of metal"
Tarson takes off his hoodie to reveal a black tank top and his whole right arm, right shoulder blade and some of the right part of his face to be stone plus many viewable scars on his torso and left arm.
"You gonna call me a statue cause part of me is stone? Tank and DFX are just like you and me. They where given personalities and the abilities to think by their father. Machines are mindless objects made to make life simple. Those two *gestures to Tank and DFX* are beings, just like the rest of us"
Tarson stoud there glareing at Armita for a second then turned and walked away from the group, further in the direction they where heading. As he walked he put his hoodie back on
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Geeez. I guess someone has some un dealt issues." Armita said while looking at Tarson's leave. "No matter." He continued "I never claimed that you two wouldn't have a mind of your own. What is with these people today. 'Don't call me that'. 'Can't call those this'. Guess we're just a bit tired after a badly slept night. If there's no ill will being the words whoever is speaking with you, then what's the problem? Words hurt you only as far as one wills them hurt him." Armita shaked his head.


   Even though he was crouching, Tank was still very significantly taller than Armita. Tank's head slowly cocked down to look at Armita's face, his little red light-eyes glowing ominously. Armita's first flattering comment and his disarming smile had no effect on the social interaction deaf and blind Tank whatsoever. Armita's plea to rest his feet did not register with him, either. All Tank heard was that a fleshling wanted to sit on him!
   Before Tank could reply, however, Tarson reappeared and corrected Armita about Tank being a 'machine' before asking himself if the cleanup was done. This is when DFX interjected;
   "All fleshling residue has been removed from my brother's external shell layer, however he has sustained some minor damage to his subdermal components, which I am currently repairing."
   Armita then asserted he was indeed right about calling Tank a machine. DFX was going to interject again, but Tarson suddenly had a defensive outburst towards Armita on DFX and Tank's behalf. DFX, once again, was extremely surprised. Fleshlings were so volatile!
    Tarson then stomped away. Armita said a few things more on the matter. DFC returned to working on Tank while deciding to finally say something himself. "Actually, on referring to us as machines, you are technically correct in conclusion, but your reasoning is faulty. Metal does not equate machine. Indeed we are not even composed entirely of metal, our bodies are composites of many componenets, much like yours. A machine is any device that transmits, modifies, and-or converts energy from one location, process, or form to another. In that sense, we are machines, converting arcane magical energy to physical energy to move our bodies. You are also a machine, a highly complex organic one that converts chemical energy to physical energy to move your own body. However, such a term is then far too general, as it can describe many things in this world. Construct is a much more specific and accurate term, though we are an even more specific subtype, a living construct. Golem, while technically referring to another specific subtype of construct, is a widely accepted regional terminology, and is also correct.
   "For another example, Aeo. As much as he might deny it, he is of demonic origin. That is what he is. Nothing will ever alter this. I cannot understand why or how he would attempt to deceive himself from this. It is inescapable. Who he is, on the other hand, is another fundamental entirely."
   DFX finally finished working on Tank. His exposed fiber-cord musculature now had small sections with a lighter shade than the rest. DFX put the leftover material in his rucksack, replaced it on his back, and put the strange little tool back in one of his belts. "Brother, begin a test cycle." DFX said.
   Tank gave a strange small grunt, then started...stretching. DFX carefully inspected each section that he worked on as Tank stretched it out. As he did so, sounds like ropes being pulled taught emitted from Tank, as well as an occasional pop! from one of his joints as some part of it shifted ever-so-slightly. Eventually, Tank had thoroughly stretched all of himself. "Satisfactory, as usual." DFX commented. "No splitting or rupturing. About one half-day and the new materials will be fully integrated and assimilated. Maintenance complete."


"So, in short..." Armita started "...You want yourselves to be called as constructs?" He scratched his head. "I dunno. Tastes a bit difficult on my tongue. Oh! How about Iron man? Or Clockwork crew? No. wait, I got it! Artifact creature!" The glee on Armita's eyes would have been enought to light a large dinner table.


Aeo took in the entire stream of events with disturbed curiosity.  Then 28 had to go back to him being demonic.  At that point Aeo just resigned himself to being labeled the "part-demonic fleshling".  Although he did have to agree with Tarson on the whole issue regarding the golems or as they seemed to want to be called; constructs.  He sighed as he got up from his snack, thoughts raced through his head as he stood inf ront of DFX and held out his hand.  In the back of his mind he made sure to note a private talk with Armita about tieflings and the word "Demon" being used to describe them.

"Let's say we try to understand each other a little better and try to be friends."  Aeo smiled.  "I din't mean to get so touchy about the demonic thing, but you mention demons in most towns even a part one and people want nothing to do with you.  Tiefling is just a word we all use to avoid that... displeasure.  I think you could understand that at least, right?"


"Who we are is not necessarily determined by what we are" Enigma said to the construct. "after all if you and your brother are wounded and repaired enough then the material that makes you up will change in their origin but who you are is based on your experience and memories of what you've done not what you are made of." then after a paused he asked " or am i wrong?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX looked at Armita in an odd way, if his expressionless face wasn't already odd enough. "...No. Those are highly inaccurate designations. We are not 'men', and we are not composed of iron. Some of our components are, but we are not. We are also certainly not clockwork, nor are we artifacts."
   Aeo then walked over, and explained something about how others view his demonic heritage. "Then," DFX began, "the only reason you dislike being referred to as part-demonic is because other fleshlings develop an aversion to you upon discovering your origin?" DFX's head tilted. "This seems somewhat similar to our own situation..." DFX said, referring to himself and Tank. "However, you are asking to be referred to as a...tiefling...instead?" His head tilted the other direction. "But its definition essentially means the same thing, does it not?" His head tilted back to where it was. "However, because my understandings of fleshling and humanoid social interactions are woefully inadequate, I shall have to take your word on this matter."
   The eccentric fleshling with odd trinkets then stopped and said a few things. Poor DFX was starting to feel a little overwhelmed at this point. So many fleshlings, saying so many things! To him, no less! No fleshlings had ever loaded DFX with this much input before! "Correct, that is in essence what I asserted earlier." DFX said shortly to Enigma. "However, we should resume our travel. Our forceful companion seems to be getting ahead of us. We must not fall behind." DFX and Tank both then started moving again, in the same direction as Tarson, who had gotten fairly far up the path by now.


Alcir had been listening to the talk between the others. "Everyone's upsets so easily now-a-days..." he said. "Undead, zombie, I've been called a ghoul once... Doesn't matter what I'm called, I'm still a reaminated corpse."
The smaller construct said that the party should be moving once again, so he began following the constructs and Tarson ahead of them.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Enigma shrugged . the construct had a point and seemed disinclined to look beyond the surface of his words. ah well. some liked to look for meaning where there was none others didn't bother looking for meaning where it was there plain as day. The construct seemed to be idling liked a  peasant or merchant trying to shift this his sales pitch to ferret out  if what he was told was true or not meaning that there was a chance that he was trying to come to grips with everything that was going on at once. it was amusing to think that these entities could be bewildered but that might come in handy later on if he needed to do some fast talking to get something from them...

a few grammar / spelling errors fixed so i can copy and past in ooc

I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson continued to walk down the path. He had gotten his hoodie on and pulled his hood up over his head and face. He didn't seemed concerned with the others. He just kept walking. He didn't look back to see if the others where following him.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Don't think too hard on it Mr. 28 or you might just cause you're head to implode."  Aeo sighed as he decided to keep pace with the smalled construct.  "Fact is organic life is full of struggles that logic can't explain.  Hating a a particular race of people for instance..."  Aeo sighed again, this time we he began to speak again his voice was filled with melancholy.  "I remember when I was a little kid, the other kids in my village would only let me play one game with them; 'Monster' and I was always their monster.  Every time I'd try to get in another game they'd laugh at me and run away..."  His voice trailed off as he pushed the old memories back in the past where they belonged.  "Then they grew up and got to know me and a lot of problems fixed themselves, but I'm probably boring you with all this useless nostalgia, I know I'm boring myself."

He laughed and then began to walk backwards again.  "So, Mr. 28, would you like the warlock's perspective on this whole adventure we seem to have been dragged into or do you want take in everything that's been going on in silence while we follow Tarson, 'the tall dark and ticked off'." He said the last part in his usual joking manner.


   DFX gave another one of his odd expressionless stares to the fleshling walking beside him. "Excessive cognition will not cause my cranium to spontaneously impode, tiefling." DFX said in responce to Aeo's first comment. On the other things that he said, DFX replied, "If my brother and I had not been out on our own in the world of fleshlings for more than a year now, I would say that I am beginning to understand the reason why our father strictly enforced an imperative of never treading beyond the boundries of his estate."
   Aeo then started walking backwards in front of DFX, and offered his perspective on the goings-on. DFX said, "I am always open to new information and input. It expands my knowledge, which is something I value highly."


Aeo stopped dead in his tracks.  He hadn't expected 28 to want to hear what he thought was going on, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to give his opinion. 

"Well first off, I was joking about your head imploding.  You'll probably get used to that if you hang around us fleshlings long enough.  Some of us, like myself use jokes, to lighten moods and such, and that goes hand in hand with what I said earlier about logic being a bad place to try and understand us fleshlings."  Aeo smiled as he talked, glad to finally get the earlier thoughts out of his head.  "As for our group here, I'd put Tarson high on the list of being ticked at our little necromantic friend Armita.  I don't know why, but it looks like he hit a nerve with Tarson, probably for whatever reason he's half rock.  Armita on the other hand seems to be like me in the whole carefree attitude thing, although I wouldn't ever if I lived for a millenia ask your brother for a ride on his back, just like I wouldn't ask Tarson for a ride on his back." 

He stopped for a few seconds to take a few breaths.  "Now Our portable shop keep friend and uh... Alcir I think is his name.  They're a bit of a mystery, although it's kinda interesting to find out he's undead..."  Aeo's thoughts turned to the possible source of Alcir's animation.  "Although I don't think he could qualify as a revenant he is definitely an interesting person."   He smiled and then spoke with his eyes closed.  "Then there's our lovely lady Elf, probably one of the few light magic users with enough goodness in them to actually be well, worthy is a bad choice of words, but light magic actually suits her from what I've seen and from the few conversations we were in." 

A lecherous smile then formed over his face.  "Of course it doesn't hurt that she's got..." Before he finished his sentence Aeo looked over his shoulder to see if Aire was again listening in, he wasn't sure but he decided to cover for himself anyway.  "Really good hearing.  As for this adventure, I'm just praying to all the known gods that a dragon is not involved.  You know all this talking made me feel better, don't know why."  After that Aeo just shrugged, crossed his arms behind his head and looked up at the sky while he walked beside 28.  He was really starting to like the constructs.


Tarson finally looked over his right shoulder to see if the others where stayed there or where following him. When he saw they where following him he slowed his paced to let them close the gap. He still didn't say anything to the group as he walked. He kept his eyes forward, slightly scanning the forest as he walked. He then spoke rather softly.
"Life is lived in the present, not the past. Looking back while traveling the path of life will cause one to stumble"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Talking can lift the spirits. They flow out of one's head through his mouth such as a river flows over a waterfall. If one puts a dam in that river, problems occur. Others benefit from one's thoughts as people downriver benefit from the water. With a dam in place, either the river finds other modes of flowing-- such as violence to others or oneself-- or the river becomes a heavy lake that eventually breaks the dam, causing a flood which drowns all in its path. Talking releases the spirits in your mind, too many left unsaid can lead to pain-- even insanity."
Alcir had been listening to Aeo and DFX of course, it was nice not having to constantly talk to himself thought Alcir.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aire had not been listening in on the conversation past Tarson's outburst.  His statement worried her, but she could not possibly understand what he has been through.  Her own experiences would seem as one who had drunk from the golden cup and hypocritical.  Still she fell in beside him.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson kept looking forward but spoke somewhat softly.
"You meet all kinds when adventureing"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.