Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Tarson walked into the barn and looks around a bit.
"Well it's a roof over our heads. Better then how I usually sleep"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Having settled in, those that are inclined can sleep. The barn is comfortable enough, with old hay scattered around that (ignoring the musty smell) is rather comfortable to sleep on. The barn isn't exactly warm, but it is out of the elements, so it's not the worst place, over all, to sleep.

Those that stay awake, however, will notice sounds around 3 in the morning. The sounds are those of a band of goblins, led by what could only be described as an aristocratic goblin... if goblins usually had those kinds of things.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Armita was silent like a corpse. Quickly after the Farmer had agreed to let him and the rest of the merry party to rest in the barn, he had walked in and made a shot bed from hay to him to sleep on. Before dozing off, he had studied his magic lore book, in order to streghten his sorcerous potential; he fell asleep with the open book still on his arms. Armita didn't dream per se, but his consciousness falled into his mindscape, to wander and talk with the dead. To most, this would be an unearthly experience, but one who had idea from anything else, it was just a state of sleep. During the night, the crows woke him. They were clearly nervous. Something was going to happen soon.


   Shortly after everyone has fallen asleep, DFX and Tank plotted out their patrol rounds for the night. Bacially, they just walked around the barn in a square path at opposite rounds. They did this near-perfectly and without tiring, quickly wearing a rather noticable square rut arund the barn from their huge, heavy footsteps.
   Tank ended up being the one of the two living constructs who heard the noises first. He stopped his trudge, then turned towards the sounds in the woods, his little red eyes glowing dangerously. He recognized the sounds, he and DFX had run into them once or twice before: Goblins. Tank was not able to understand or discern anything else other than that.
   Hefting his monstrous greathammer, he then called out into the night, his deep voice even louder and larger than ususal; it pounded throughout the farm and, more intentionally, the woods. "Who is out there eh? Something for me to crush, hey? Come out, come out, little flesh-beasts. Big Brother want big smash. Here, gobly gobly gobly...."
   DFX, of course, was alerted by this (as well as anyone else on the farm, probably), and quickly began a dismayed walk directly towards the foresight-deprived Tank. About halfway there, just outside of the barn doors, DFX stopped, held up his arms in front of him, and concentrated. It took a somewhat noticable span of time, but finally, the metal plates comprising his forearms and hands suddenly flashed, then glowed consistently with magic. As a last action, he opened the doors of the barn to see if there was anyone who hadn't been woken up by Tank. "We may have a problem." He called inside the barn, "Please ceace your fleshing inactivity cycles and take whatever action is necessary to reach optimum cognitive and physical capability." DFX then continued towards Tank.


Aeo heard Tank yell, how could he not, the large golem had been thwomping around the barn all night and the footsteps followed by their usual shake kept him from getting much sleep.  Then 28 started talking, something about trouble.  Great he had just gotten maybe an hours sleep and something wanted to ruin that.  Aeo grumbled as he got to his feet and activated his mace with an annoyed grunt.

"After we find out what's wrong..."  Aeo interrupted himself with a yawn.  "I think I'm going into the barn... might be less noisy." 


From the path into the woods, there could be heard chattering. The goblins were agitated. There was some yelling and snorting, and then, as one, the goblins ran out into the clearing by the barn, swords drawn.

By the rear, his hands empty and his eyes watchful, the "aristocratic" goblin stood back.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


While the rest of the group was sleeping, Alcir had gone into a dark corner of the barn, where he could eat in peace. Alcir checked his pack and saw that he had two rats still alive, not enough to keep him full for a complete day, but enough for now. After his meal, he started looking around the barn and outside for more rats.

He had not found anything, when he heard some noises and then Tank's massive yell. The wall of yelping goblins bursting out of the woodline was difficult to miss as well. Rushing back to the barn, Alcir screamed "Anyone still asleep needs to wake now, goblins are here!"
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aeo whipped around once the man, Alcir had announced the arrival of goblins.  His need for sleep was now overriden by the sheer fear of the tiny horrors.  Granted most goblins weren't a threat normally, but anytime a group was caught off guard odds had a way of shifting into favor for the goblins.

Aeo spotted one of the charging little beasts and quickly extended his palm while reciting an incantation.  In the center of is palm a small sickly green globule of liquid formed and suddenly sprang forward like a viper lashing out at it's prey.  He had targeted the nearest goblin with a an acid spray.


The goblins fanned out, 8 to a side, working to perform a pincher maneuver around the group. One was almost immediately taken down by blast of acid...

But that was when the aristocratic goblin at the rear moved. He waved his hands over his head, drawing bursts of white light. A complicated pattern formed, much akin to a dreamcatcher...

And the goblin that fell stood back up, grabbed his sword, and ran to catch up with his brethren.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Lighting arched across the ground at several of the goblins, it was coming from the barn. Anyone still in the barn would see Tarson still just sitting there. His back against a pillar and his hood up. His right arm was placed palm first on the ground with electricity arching around it. Other than that he looks like he is sleeping. Then he spoke with a rather gruffer voice than usually.
"I've been waiting for these bastards to show up"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Tank had readied himself for the incoming goblins. Such small annoying little flesh-creatures. Usually they were hard-pressed to put so much as a scratch on him, especially with such small swords against his adamantine outer body shell. Unless they had magic on their side, in which case Tank was still rather vulnerable.
   Tank didn't even bother with his monstrously oversized greathammer. Its sheer size and momentum when swung was inefficient against such small targets. He just waded towards the array of goblins, who barely came up to his knees, and started to indiscriminatntly stomp around with his huge metal feet. However, similar to how they probably wouldn't be able to hurt Tank unless they managed to cut at the spots in between his plates where his 'musculature' showed even though even that was toughend and somewhat resistant to cutting, Tank would have a bit of a hard time actually catching a goblin under him. His whole body, especially his armor-shell, were very heavy, and the encumberence it put on him was enough that his relative slowness showed, especially since the little goblins were so fast. At best, he would probably just manage to scatter them. It also presented the problem that he was now close to the goblins, so further ranged attacks from allies risked hitting him, though he would probably survive it anyway. Tactics and strategy was never Tank's strong point.
   DFX, on the other hand, had hung back, and was watching the goblins carefully. He had seen the one that was hanging back reanimate one of his fallen bretheren. A magician of some kind. The color and effect of the magic he used suggested a Light Affinity. Tank could be in trouble. DFX started strafing from a distance, his magic-imbued forearms held up in front of him in something resembling a defensive boxing stance, waiting for the right moment to start flinging the (limited) magic bolts he had at his disposal.


Aire being half elven did not need much sleep, even less so due to the fact that her other half was faerie, and was alerted when Tank had moved to engage.  Grabbing her rifle, she went for higher ground.

The pink haired knight had moved up towards the loft and was just taking sight out of the loft's window (or whatever they call that opening up there) when the noble looking goblin did its white light show.

Aire risked revealing her position as she leaned out and took aim.  The rather uncommon repeat of her rifle could be heard as she took a shot at the noble goblin.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


To his credit, Armita was seeing everything that happened around him, even if he had had just a half night's sleep. After the mechanic golem man had given the warning, Armita had grabbed his spear and run to out from the barn. He's plan was to hurry out from the first attack wave's way and flank who/what ever war coming. A solid strategy that he had used many times over with good success. But now Armita found himself cornered, his back against the barns wall and three of the goblins were charging on him. and two more coming towards from both of his sides. Ancient words flooded into his mind, promising power and dread. This time he would not push them away. These goblings weren't just going to bully him and then let him be like a used ragdoll. These wanted to taste blood. "And blood..." Armita thought "...is what I shall give to them." He pulled his sleeves and spread his arms. An aura of terror and woe surrounded him, promising nothing but pain, death and worse. Grin filled Armita's face and a shadow started to cover his arms, spreading from his torso and when it reached his fingertips, he let out an unearthly howl. For a split second, the goblings stopped. At that moment, dozens of black darts sprung from his dark arms to every direction, impaling everything on their path, flesh and armor alike.


The first wave of attack against the goblins secured three more of their deaths. Additionally, the noble goblin took a nasty shot to the shoulder, and he dropped to the ground, unconscious but still alive.

Tank, although unphased by their attacks, is also the one most attacked by the goblins. Four of them mobbed him, literally hanging off him trying to gain purchase with their attacks.

The last of the goblins ran back to the noble and was trying to drag him off the field.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Aeo's eyes almost bulged out of his head.  They've got a magic healer?! 

His thoughts raced as he quickly incanted several more dark words and shot forth a small stream of fire that he centered back on the same goblin.  He then noticed the goblins were getting closer faster than he would be able to launch attacks, and as soon as the stream stopped jetting forward he grabbed his mace and pressed the key rune again to increase the flame power.  He then swung as hard as he could at the first goblin that got near him.


Tarson had gotten up and headed out of the barn to help his companions. He spoken the goblins trying to mob Tank and figured he would start there. He ran over at one of the goblins hanging from Tanks arm and aimed a punch straight for the goblin's chest with his stone arm. He didn't charge up his arm because Tank would have been hit with charge and Tarson didn't want to take a chance of harming him.
"Can't let you have all the fun"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Tank continued trying to deal with the goblins he scattered, but some of them quickly regrouped. Fairly quickly the fast little bugs were climbing on him. They were hanging on for dear life as Tank tried to shake them off. By necessity they were trying to stay on his back so he couldn't just grab them off. They continually hacked at the gaps in his armor-shell, where his fiber-innards showed. They, like the rest of Tank, were very dense and tough, and the damaged caused so far by them was presant, but negligible. More like simple wear-and-tear than actual damage. However, if they kept at it for too long, DFX would definitely have a task to perform later.
   One of the people in the group, the half-fleshling-half-stoneling, came up and tried to assist by punching the one on his arm, making an off-hand comment as he did so. Tank quickly threw it off, but there were still three more. Tank, not having any social skills, did not even bother with thanking Tarson.
   Tank is not know for his intelligence. His is, however, known for his brutal directness and unsubtlety. For the last three goblins, Tank dropped his greathammer on the ground in front of him, and then...simply fell on his back, with a huge, earth-shaking WHAM.

   DFX had been carefully watching all the goblins, and saw the magician-goblin, whom was also probably the leader by how he seemed to order the others around, taken down by a shot from the fleshling who wielded the magical pseudo-rod. Another goblin took up his fallen leader, and was followed by the final remaining goblins. This is why DFX had been strafing in a wide circle around the main goblin group. As they retreated, DFX was already almost at a diagonal position in front of them.
   DFX, unlike Tank, was smart. He had already planned this. And he remembered their mission; stop the monstrous incursions. To do this, they needed to know what was going on, what was causing it. The consistant invasions of rare monsters was very much indeed unusual. This particular goblin raiding party, while they may not have anything directly to do with the source, were in all logical probability symptoms of the same problem. They probably wouldn't actually know much, but if captured alive, they might be able to produce a small clue as to how to proceed next. That clue could be anything; direct information from the goblin's mouth, or maybe an item on their person, or any other significant anomaly tying them to the source, or an extension thereof.
   DFX cast his arms forward, and flung four low-power cohesive bolts of magical energy. They illuminated the area under them in the dark field as they flew, hitting somewhat ahead of the goblins. He hoped that might halt or at least slow the goblins, as DFX continued to strafe-run to get directly in front of them to cut off their escape route completely. However, if they took the hits as bad aim and not warning shots, and continued undeterred, then they had a good chance of getting away, unless DFX fired in earnest and got lucky. He was not able to charge the spell he infused on himself very much on such short notice. He could not afford any further warning shots.


Enigma was disturbed to say the least. he'd been searching the ground looking for anything that might be useful and then for somewhere nearly out of now were the place was over run with goblins. they were like rats and given the choice he'd have preferred the rats. quickly concealing himself he had watched the others as the fought he goblins.
he hear the one called Aeo mention a magic healer? this might not be a wasted effort after all. all he had to do was get close to the healer and see what he was using and if it was worth something.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Two of the retreating goblins turned as DFX fired at them. They interlocked their spears... and there could be felt the tell-tale rumblings of magic. It was like static on the air, a faint, salty-sour taste on the tongue (for those that had tongues).

The interlocked spears blurred for a second, and, what could only be described as a portal opened in the space between spears and ground.

The magician goblin, along with the one helping him walk, ran through the portal, disappearing to wherever they came from. One of the goblins nodded at the other, who bowed slightly, then let go of his spear, dashing for the portal. It remained for mere moments, long enough for the goblin to make it through, then it dissolved, leaving a single goblin standing there, armed, with a nasty look on his face.

He aimed his spear at DFX, gave out a cry, and ran full-tilt towards the golem.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Sighing disappointed Enigma picked up a rock and form his hiding place and threw it at the charging goblin's head as he ran for the clockwork man. He new that the goblin probably would not be hurt the clockwork man but he was miffed that it had through it's sacrifice allowed the others to get away. he was particularly interested  in the healer goblin and what secrets it may have had. 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX, likewise, was rather dismayed when most of the goblins escaped by way of a temporary portal. His was slightly upset that he had not already detected magic like that, but then again, that was not something he was good at yet anyway. He would definitely need to invest some time in honing his magic sense at a later date.
   One single goblin was left behind, and he charged at DFX with his spear. DFX shook his head. What could the little goblin possibly hope to accomplish? DFX knew that goblinoids, in general, weren't the smartest products of the forge, but he didn't think that they would be so suicidal. The magician goblin had escaped, and if any of them had any useful information, it would have been that one. The left behind no longer mattered. While DFX would have killed him--Forging Father knows that held virtually no sympathy anymore for fleshlings who did such things, and would have killed the remaining goblins with no qualms whatsoever had it become necessary--the last goblin was simply too small to be worth his time. He'd let Tank have that honor, he liked this kind of job.
   DFX completely ignored the goblin and didn't even look at him, instead walking straight past the goblin, heedless of any spear-jabs he might be receiving, towards Tank. As he walked, he brought his still-glowing forearms up, and salvaged what remaining energy there was from the spell, pulling it back into himself for later use. Needless to say, his arms stopped glowing.


Armita rolled his sleeves back down and looked around himself. Seemed as if the battle was already over and everyone of them were still standing. The smell of fresh bodies was like a smell of a warm apple pie to a hungry child, or a scent of a flower to a bee. "No, not those damned bees again." He said to himself.
He kneeled over on one of the bodies. "They might've been goblins, but all the dead were same in the end" Armita thought and started planting the seed of necromancy on the corpse, like a farmer would plant his field.


The goblin, indeed, did attack DFX, hitting him with the point of his spear until it broke, and then smashing the shaft of the spear against the golem until that, too broke.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

The two monkeys, having failed to find anything useful nearby, head on back to the box and vanish inside.

A short time later, they reappear, followed by several others, carrying which bags, one between two. The three bags are set down in a fairly flat area, and opened. Several sticks are removed, which the monkeys then set up in threes, about twenty paces apart. Various padded materials are also removed, and donned, and a bat is extracted, as well.

And promptly used to bludgeon one of the monkeys who has been standing around and "helping".

The bludge-er and bludge-ee are left chasing each other, alternately, around the area, and two more bats are extracted from the bag. Several of the monkeys spread out over the area, and another cluster collect more white, padded clothing and settle down on one side. The third bag is opened, and proves to contain a number of cans, which are passed around the monkeys who have yet to join either group, and they settle down, spread around the area in the dim light, drinking peaceably and watching the bludge-er chase the bludge-ee in a large oval.

A small red ball is also produced, passed around, and the game commences...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Aire had drawn her sights on the aristocratic goblin again, but before she could take another shot, a magical portal was opened and it had escaped through it.

The pink haired knight was again surprised as one of the two goblins remained behind, allowing his fellow to escape.  This was not a trait typically found in such creatures as far as she knew.  Shouldering her rifle, she whispers a brief word of arcane undertones and leaps out of the second story loft window.  The elf drifts lightly to the ground and immediately dashes over to where DFX was standing.

"Hold goblin, your sacrifice is noble, but you need not die here.  Surrender and I promise no harm will come to you."

In case it did not understand the common tongue, she tried the dark speech common to goblinkind, though she was a bit rusty, "<we not hurt you.  You give up the fight and talk, we wish no harm.>"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


In common: "The dark wind calls forth those who would bring about the liberation of the down-trodden. The 'high' races have, for too long, destroyed the forests, abused the elements, and killed the peaceable beasts of these lands. Now, in the world's hour of need, we shall set right that which, for so long, has been wrong."

With that, the goblin thrust his spear into the ground. The spear caught fire, and then, so did the goblin. Those closest to it watched the fire burn from red, to yellow, to blue, and then to white. Any with normal "human" eyes would soon have to turn away as the bright white fire went brighter than their eyes could take.

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Enigma watched his rock miss the goblin. it was annoying but then he'd not bother with magic. he was contemplating throwing another rock when the goblin began his spell and his spell. the goblin itself was casting magic and on top of that it was showing the traits of self sacrifice again.  this must be some kind of puppet act Enigma thought."some one must be controlling the goblins" as he said this the goblin began to burn to bright for his eyes to watch and he raised his cloak to shield them. the light has a second side effect as well. it stripped his clocking rendering him very visible to anyone that was bothering to look in his direct one to anyone behind him whom his shadow would be cast upon.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo turned away from the amazingly bright light the suicidal goblin produced.  Then when the goblin was done burning itself into oblivion Aeo looked back to what remained.  A small series of thoughts occurred to him, all random thoughts of how goblins could use such magics.  His first thought was a demon was bound to them, but they would be then inspired to cause havoc for no reason, and the goblin did sound convinced about the "high races" abusing the world.  Secondly he thought of a powerful artifact could be involved, after all a lot of goblin had a knack for finding that kind of stuff; that explanation seemed likely.  The third explanation was something he didn't even want to consider as it involved a creature known for being more malicious than any demon he'd ever read about:  A dragon. 

As these thoughts passed quickly through his head he made it a point to push them aside, negative thoughts never did any good, especially in tight spots.  He then walked over to the remains and bent down to inspect them.  "What kind of magic were you using little guy?"  He tried to get a feel for the magic that had been used, but he was inexperienced in the matter.  Still he had to know what the source was.


Tarson watched the fire burned with his right eye, he covered his left eye as to not go blind in it. Once the fire burned down Tarson shook his head and headed back to the barn where he was sleeping.
"Wonderful fire works, it not a bit anti climactic."
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   DFX turned and watched as the paladin-fleshling attempted to communicate with the goblin who had ineffectually been trying to hurt him. He certainly had some prominent scuff marks, his body not nearly as tough as Tank's, but nothing really serious from a little spear. The goblin in question then went on a short tirade against 'high' fleshlings. As he spoke, DFX found it to be quite believable. He had already seen firsthand how cruel and brutal fleshlings could be to others.
   Then the goblin cremated himself with his magic spear, something which surprised DFX greatly. He had never seen such an act before. His metal jaw actually lowered slightly at the spectacle. It didn't hurt his 'eyes', but he turned his head for a moment anyway simply because the light had such a large, powerful glow to it that he couldn't see anything else. Finally it died down, and DFX turned back to it. One of the other fleshlings, the part-demonic one, went up to the area and wondered aloud what kind of magic it was. DFX immediately reacted. He knew he needed to increase his own ability to sense magic, now was as good a time as any to get some real practice. He quickly rushed up to Aeo's side, kneeling down.
   "Let us combine efforts." He said directly. DFX placed a large composite arm in the area where the fire had burned. He felt the tinglings of residual magic in his arm. Being a magic caster (albiet only one that can imbue objects), he had an understanding of its workings, and by extension an innate magic sensitivity. However, it was weak, unrefined, and untrained. There wasn't terribly much need for it back in his father's superforge, all identification taken care of by direct magic specifically for that purpose. Here, he was hoping to glean as much as he possibly could without actually using direct identification magic. He didn't expect much, though. Probably just the basic Affinity, if that. With that, he began concentrating on the residual magic. One thing in his favor was something he and all his bretheren had, somthing similar to true constructs: Single-minded focus. When set to a task, it gets done. The principle was the same here. That doesn't mean his concentration can't be broken, just that it's much more difficult to break than a normal fleshling's. Really all it means is that he has powerful focus. And focus is improtant when you are trying to sense anything.