Out of interest - what do we all do?

Started by rabid_fox, May 02, 2007, 04:17:24 PM

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I'm a teacher - secondary school level (that's 11-19 year olds). It's always interesting to see the RL jobs of people that're brought together by a common interest.

Oh dear.


Amber Panyko is an artist.
Damaris works middle management.
I'm a lazy slacker.
Bill is a noob.
RJ is a squirrel.
And llearch is a box.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Ryudo Lee

I'm IT Support for the New Orleans sector of the USCIS.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: RyudoLee on May 02, 2007, 04:25:41 PM
I'm IT Support for the New Orleans sector of the USCIS.

Alas, a kindred spirit. We shall have to get mad at stupid people together.  :mowignore


I'd be one of those. All the teachers get given laptops in our school and when something goes wrong, I tend to run down to the IT dept with my best whining voice on and whinge about a problem that their magical techie hands can solve with a few keystrokes.

Oh dear.

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Netami on May 02, 2007, 04:27:07 PM
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 02, 2007, 04:25:41 PM
I'm IT Support for the New Orleans sector of the USCIS.

Alas, a kindred spirit. We shall have to get mad at stupid people together.  :mowignore

Oh don't get me started.  I used to work for lawfirms and a corporation.  But being in the government is far worse.  :mowdizzy

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I'm currently un employed

As per my doctors orders


I'm presently employed to cut open cardboard boxes and extract their innards so that people may purchase them.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

Aisha deCabre

What do I do?  I do many things.  I write, I draw, I read, I laze on the internet, and I worry about life.  I'm a person, that's my occupation.   :U

...Okay, I'm also a college student.  And currently awaiting the start of summer vacation.

One week to go through...just one...   :blink
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


See, I'm already thinking that if we were all put into a room without explanation, nobody'd talk to anyone. That's what's ace about the 'net.

Oh dear.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: superluser on May 02, 2007, 05:01:22 PM
I'm presently employed to cut open cardboard boxes and extract their innards so that people may purchase them.

I knew there was a reason I didn't like you. ;-]

Quote from: rabid_fox on May 02, 2007, 05:04:09 PM
See, I'm already thinking that if we were all put into a room without explanation, nobody'd talk to anyone. That's what's ace about the 'net.

Erm. Given the number of posts I have, I think you'd have more luck duct-taping my mouth shut... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


It's a strange thing that people who talk a lot online are often quieter IRL. I mean, I can't keep my mouth shut for love nor money, but usually I get shot down by dirty looks when I'm meeting new people. Bless

Oh dear.


Software Engineer, specifically mobile data capture (on Windows CE... ewww)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'll (hopefully) be graduating from high school at the end of May.  Thank God! D:

I wouldn't have (much) of a problem talking to these peeps in person.  I just recently took a trip to a theme park with a bunch of peeps from a rollercoaster forum I visit.


I've met a few folk off the 'net. Generally, once the alcohomohol gets flowing, it's all good. There's always a moment of "Um. What the friggle are you saying," though, when I start gabbing off in my normal speaking voice.

Oh dear.


Yeah I hear ya, I'm about a good 2 weeks and a half from finishing my first year of college. Then I got a little more then a month before classes start up again.  :rolleyes


meeting people off the net laways has that moment of "Ummm now which one are you"

and dispite the fact that I do have long fluffy ears hanging down my back I don't look much like what people expect

thats one of the reasons I started bringing the cookies to AC I mean they are a great Ice breaker.  I mean few things set people at ease like the offer of a cookie. 

"Cookie? What kind?"

"Well I've got cherry, sour apple..."

"Wait did you say Sour Apple Cookies?"


I sell baby stuff. :B
Or, at least I will come monday.


Ooo, no laughing at the knocked up teenagers. Hard as it may be.

Oh dear.


I'm a complete and utter failure. Hi!

Roureem Egas

Hmm. First year college student, and on a different schedule than the others here. I've still got a month to this term, and I've gotta take summer school to catch up a little bit.


I used to review video games before the site that employed me went under...

Faerie Alex

Freshman in high school. I also work in the school's science department on the side. (Cleaning and stuff like that.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


I'm a professional axe murderer. If you need a good axe murderering, let me know.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 02, 2007, 08:35:59 PMI'm a professional axe murderer. If you need a good axe murderering, let me know.

Nah, we're good. (even have a backup)

Also: Bill, I'm a complete and utter failure, too.  We can be failures together!

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Think we can incorporate? I'm sure there's a niche market for failing.


/kicks the internet over



I mean...I'm a freshie like Modelin. I'm usually a good Dakata (I have 3 A's, 2 B's, a C minus, and I'm passing a Pass-or-fail class :3) and I do my work unless someone makes me mad.

Then I have to kick some butts! >:O *Tries to look tuff and mean*

I also play on Neopets...and 3 other pet sites. And 2 Pokemon petsite-ish sites. And I scream at kids who go to my school on MySpace. Because they can't spell. :<

And when I'm not doing school-stuff or dorky stuff, I'm usually kicking Boogeyman's butt.  8) Someone's gotta show that mean 'ol closet-monster who's boss. *Tries to look tuff again*


You know what else Daka does?  Not draw me stuff he's supposed to draw me, that's what. :<