Heroes (Beware of Spoilers)

Started by topher chee, February 21, 2007, 11:42:13 PM

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topher chee

I don't kno w how they got him their, but they did.  The NBC show known as Heroes featured Stan Lee.  As always he had his 5 seconds of fame.   If you want to check it out follow this link--- http://www.nbc.com/Video/rewind/full_episodes/heroes.shtml ---and select part six.  Im still wondering if I'm the only one that watches this show.  Anyopne else?


oh, Stan's a whore.  He'll do anything for some screen time.

I have to say, though, I really enjoyed this episode.  A lot of wonderful, heart-wrenching performances!

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


RJ likes...


<3 *squiggly-loves*


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Ohh I was giggling like mad to see Stan Lee as a bus driver


I'll admit I like Hiro I wonder if he's ever going to get his sword (wait of course he is he already had it on the subway)

and I'm also glad Clare is standing up to her dad (though I wonder who she sides with now that Wireless and her crew have him cornered)

and I've been wondering for ages how Psylar steals powers

this show has me so drawn in... I think part of the draw is the fact that no one once they get a power seems to feel the need to put on spandex and pontificate

Psylar is the only one who's even adopted a psudoname (I'm not including wireless in that because thats just her IM name I don't remember her real one)


I'm finding the show interesting, when the channel comes in and I can actually watch it.

The non-spandex is a good thing, but so far it seems to me that for the most part most of them are acting afraid of their abilities, or at least not acting like many people would. You'd think there would be at least one comic geek in the group that would count a superpower as a blessing.

As for Stan, I'm actually surprised he popped up in a non-Marvel production. I may be mistaken, but the last time he showed up in a non-affiliated movie was Mallrats.

(Edited because I suffer from excessive typoing lately...)


Oh noez, spoilers! D:

Australia isn't up to those episodes yet! *hides*

Reese Tora

wha? but it's been a couple days...

Anyway, I wondered when I saw his name in the iopening credits... then I saw him driving the bus, and I though "oh, that's why."
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Destina Faroda

Quote from: TheGreyRonin on February 22, 2007, 12:55:26 AM
The non-spandex is a good thing, but so far it seems to me that for the most part most of them are acting afraid of their abilities, or at least not acting like many people would. You'd think there would be at least one comic geek in the group that would count a superpower as a blessing.

That's what makes it a great show.  If the writers had given people powers who either wanted them or saw them as a blessing, it really would have been a boring show.  The way the powers are distrubuted, they're given to people who would rather lead "normal" lives.  They become heroes because of the difficult choices that they have to make, not because they are inherently heroic.  Besides, only a few characters in the cast can control their powers to the point where they willingly use them.
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Destina Faroda on February 22, 2007, 01:52:36 PM

That's what makes it a great show.  If the writers had given people powers who either wanted them or saw them as a blessing, it really would have been a boring show.  The way the powers are distrubuted, they're given to people who would rather lead "normal" lives.  They become heroes because of the difficult choices that they have to make, not because they are inherently heroic.  Besides, only a few characters in the cast can control their powers to the point where they willingly use them.

there are people who have embraced there powers
The cop tried, Peter certainly wants to,  Hiro's defitly into having power, Issac has always embraced his power, the mechanic from monday seemed content with what she could do, and Hiro's crush the waitress was pretty happy with what she could do, even Clair seems to be embracing what she can do, Mika seems happy but then he's a kid with super powers.  And then there is Psylar he's the poster child for embracing your power.

But even those that embrace what they can do know there are downsides,  the lack of control is one, and then theres that guy from texas messing with people and mucking them around. 

one of my questions is Peters power is there any limit to it?  I know he has to learn to control them but are they as strong as the origninal?  My thoughts were that he could only get part of the power,  He can't fly as high r fast as his brother, or he heals slower then claire, or he can't stay invisable perminently like ecklson


Quote from: topher chee on February 21, 2007, 11:42:13 PM
I don't kno w how they got him their, but they did.  The NBC show known as Heroes featured Stan Lee.  As always he had his 5 seconds of fame.   If you want to check it out follow this link--- http://www.nbc.com/Video/rewind/full_episodes/heroes.shtml ---and select part six.  Im still wondering if I'm the only one that watches this show.  Anyopne else?

OF COURSE you're not the only one who watches the show! And being raised on Marvel since i was five and watched Spider-Man vs. Doctor Doom, I was squee-ing like a hopeless fangirl going "OMG IT'S STAN LEEEEEEEE!!!!"  :boogie :boogie :boogie

And RJ, I share your Hiro-love. HIRO-KUN IS KAWAII AND I LOVESES HIM! (wuggle)

My brother's favorite is Isaac, my dad likes Claire, and my mom and I are Hiro fangirls. I also kinda like Mohinder and Peter.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on February 22, 2007, 03:25:12 PM

And RJ, I share your Hiro-love. HIRO-KUN IS KAWAII AND I LOVESES HIM! (wuggle)

:) I read his blog the other day, which they update after the show airs. It's funny.

He also likes a lot of video games and anime that have time travel in them XD

Lol, and he likes future Trunks from DBZ. Future Hiro and Trunks look quite similar. :3


Quote from: RJ on February 22, 2007, 10:16:00 PM
Lol, and he likes future Trunks from DBZ. Future Hiro and Trunks look quite similar. :3
Ohh you know now that you mention that I can see it


Sylar eats people's brains in order to steal their DNA mutations and assimilate them into himself.

He's great. The creepiest, most shiver-inducing psychopathic madman ever to grace the TV. I dare you to find somebody more psychotic.

My favorite episode was where Eden McCain shot herself in the head to prevent him from stealing her powers.

topher chee

Wowza.  Lots of info there.  What up with Peter's bro, Nathan.  He's the whore lol.  He's slept with so many woman....feel bad for his wife.


I was under the impression that since Sylar can "see" how things work and repair/duplicate them, that he was merely cutting the others open in order to see how their powers worked. Then somehow changing his own brain to duplicate the abilities. I suspect if he stole a form of x-ray vision killing people would no longer be necessary for him.

But he'd most likely do it anyways, if only out of jealousy and a desire to be the only one of his kind.


I don't think so because he removes the brain and no one ever finds it


*shrugs* It'll be interesting to see exactly how he does it, if they ever tell.

topher chee

well, yesterdays episode was quite nifty.  Clair really took one for the team.  Wonder whats gonna happen next.  Now we know how inviso-dood is involved with them


Grararararararr! I can't watch! Damn piece of crap...!

topher chee

Aisha deCabre

Heroes!   :3  Awesome show.  Though I think that Sylar should have thought ahead a little bit.  If they happen to run into the guy who can read minds...or someone else of that manner, his charade is screwed.

For the record, the award for one of the more awesome powers has to go to Isaac (guy who paints the future), just for the uniqueness of it.  That eye thing is just too freakin' cool.   :U
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

haha i think the best power is peter petrelli's because he isnt like rogue where the power wears off.  He's a good version of Sylar if you think about it.  He doesnt have to kill anyone to permanently keep their powers.


I just watched the 5th episode tonight. :3 I can't get enough of it.

topher chee