sexy dolls

Started by superluser, February 20, 2007, 04:51:54 AM

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The media's portrayal of young women as sex objects harms girls' mental and physical health, US experts warn.

Well, the US media.  I can only hope that we're more messed up than the rest of the world.

Singled out for criticism were Bratz dolls.  On BBC World, I just heard an interview with one of the designers of Bratz.  He was saying something about how sexuality was in the minds of dirty perverted adults.  His dolls are pure as the driven snow.

Yeah.  And I'm a Chinese Jet pilot.  If you scaled those dolls up to real size, they'd be size -30.

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Ah yes, Bratz dolls... I've always hated those things. Especially when they came out with those "baby" Bratz.

And if I remember right, if you made Barbie lifesize, she wouldn't be able to hold herself upright because of her boobs (or at least she'd have horrible back pain).


Oh boy...They already noticed this..Hmmm..And yet ruining girls minds? Oh dear...I wonder they will bash on next...Oh wait shes been bashed so many times yet many sisters to boot...Well tell me where they storing their pot too...


I hate Barbies and Bratz and pretty much every other girly thing. :< It makes little kids think that they have to be pretty/sexy to be liked and stuff.

I swear, 'cuz of crap like this my 10-12 year old (I dunno how old she is :dface) cousin wants to be a model.



...*Complains some more* :U

King Of Hearts

And here I thought we had progress after Barbie stopped being as anorexic as she was before during the 90s...


Dolls of alcoholic children who dress for sex are not good for seven year olds to play with? ALERT THE MEDIA!

Couple them with impossibly overmuscled superhero action figures teaching kids that the only good physique is one you get from a syringe, and no wonder we're supposedly screwed up. Then again, the media can't seem to find anything that doesn't mess us up.


I think the bratz damage them more. And just about all that other stupid crap they came out with in the past 7 years.


I wish people wouldn't use Barbie as such a go-to-- they have to have a thin waist on her to make the clothes lay correctly.  You have FOUR layers of fabric hitting that area- and once you get clothes on her she looks much more normal.

That said, I think the Bratz are terrible, and they make my eye twitch.  My hypothetical children will not be allowed to have them.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


You should probably keep them away from Winx and Trollz too. Depending on what you think of them.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... they make good ammo.

If my son wanted to make a trebuchet, I'd consider getting some bratz to load into it.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


i dont know what the problem is with some people finding offence at barbies- ive seen real life people with way bigger boobs and no problem. when you look closely you may notice that barbie dosent really have large boobs, theyre just small boobs on a morbidly deformed chest which expanded like a robins chest. however real life people have enough torso to contain such things as intestines and a liver in addition to whatever muscle tissue and spine it is required to stand upright.

for example my viking dwarf of a wife wears size 42 DD bras, shes about a foot and a half shorter then me but actually her shoulders measure one inch wider then mine. thats freaky, cause im built like an exceptionally ugly gorilla where as shes this tiny little thing with gorrila like strength. sure, she complains of back pain occasionally but mostly she complains that nobody on earth seems to know how to design a bra that dosent jab her with wires while still being able to contain her bounty.

i feel sorry for barbies, they have deformed chests and a severe lack of intestines, and they always look like thier face has been injured so that its always in the smile phase and cant breathe.

they should really have PMS barbie and a whole line of barbies with faces NOT in a perpetual smile- frowns, scowls, looks of puzzlement, laughter, come hither eyes for a romantic night with GI joe, sticking her toung out, a smile that dosent show teeth, that kinda stuff.

we should also have vampire barbie. screw horrible braces barbie, for true equality you need to represent the living impared too.

QuoteWhenever I hear people talking about "liberal ideas," I am always astounded that men should love to fool themselves with empty sounds. An idea should never be liberal; it must be vigorous, positive, and without loose ends so that it may fulfill its divine mission and be productive. The proper place for liberality is in the realm of the emotions.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Damaris on February 20, 2007, 12:20:46 PMI wish people wouldn't use Barbie as such a go-to-- they have to have a thin waist on her to make the clothes lay correctly.  You have FOUR layers of fabric hitting that area- and once you get clothes on her she looks much more normal.

I'm not terribly concerned with Barbie's waist or chest, for the reasons stated in this thread.  I'm more concerned about the image that she's projecting of women as homemakers, ballet dancers or ``pet doctors.''

I mean, where's the construction worker Barbie?  Police officer Barbie?  Biker Barbie?  Soldier Barbie?  (and yes, Cowboy and Indian Barbies)

The other thing that I'm concerned with is her legs.  I was reading up on this, and someone mentioned that Barbie's supposed to be 1/6th scale.  That puts her at about 7'2" with those legs.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

Amber Williams

Quote from: superluser on February 20, 2007, 02:07:13 PM
I mean, where's the construction worker Barbie?  Police officer Barbie?  Biker Barbie?  Soldier Barbie?  (and yes, Cowboy and Indian Barbies)

Have you even bothered to attempt Ebay before shooting this statement off?  I was able to find all but construction worker on your list.

Personally, I fail to see how people laying their children-raising woes on Barbie or Bratz is any different from people whining about how video games or cartoons make their kids violent.  To me it sounds like the same old wank of "Oh noes. Let me blame something else for my lack of parenting input."  Cause heaven forbid people actually play with their children to find out how their kids are reacting to stimuli.  If you are just lobbing doll after doll with all accessories at your child and not bothering to see what they do with it, then you are no less guilty than a parent to buys a video game for their kid just because the kid asks for it regardless of warnings.


All this doll talk reminds me of a joke

See when he man came out It must have been gay little boys dreams come true

A mom comes home and finds her little boy playing with a barbie doll.  Concerned she runs off and buys him a masters of the universe doll.

Mom: No billy don't play ith barbie.  Here play with blond rippling musculare He-man

Gay little boy: Wow mommy that might be the best Idea you've ever had


Game, set, and match. I no longer have any productive input to put into this conversation.<br /><br />My Weasyl!


Well, can't say I don't disagree with the Bratz being dumb argument. It wouldn't be so bad if every one of them wasn't a bubblehead. Hey, the tv at the employee lounge was always only on one channel. Combine that with the fact that 90% of the Bratz Babyz figures are always in their underwear or in Britney Spears-esque attire.

Not saying that it might not just be fun to little kids, and they may not see the more mature-esque aspects of it, but it's mainly the Babyz that makes me want to slap the crap out of them.


Quote from: thegayhare on February 20, 2007, 04:40:31 PM
All this doll talk reminds me of a joke

See when he man came out It must have been gay little boys dreams come true

A mom comes home and finds her little boy playing with a barbie doll.  Concerned she runs off and buys him a masters of the universe doll.

Mom: No billy don't play ith barbie.  Here play with blond rippling musculare He-man

Gay little boy: Wow mommy that might be the best Idea you've ever had
But... that doesn't work, since as far as I knew, sexuality doesn't come out that early >_>

Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on February 20, 2007, 12:56:49 PM
i feel sorry for barbies, they have deformed chests and a severe lack of intestines, and they always look like thier face has been injured so that its always in the smile phase and cant breathe.
I'd say something interesting about this, but I can't remember if the original barbies were better or worse...


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 20, 2007, 04:33:05 PMHave you even bothered to attempt Ebay before shooting this statement off?  I was able to find all but construction worker on your list.

Awesome!  That means that we're just one Barbie short of a Village People concert!

Actually, Barbie has made quite a few very positive changes over the past few years.  It's just that I work in retail, and most of what I see is princess/mermaid Barbie.  And when you've got 100 homemaker Barbies beside one singing ``Sisters are doing it for themselves,'' it doesn't really help that much.

Quote from: Amber Williams on February 20, 2007, 04:33:05 PMTo me it sounds like the same old wank of "Oh noes. Let me blame something else for my lack of parenting input."  Cause heaven forbid people actually play with their children to find out how their kids are reacting to stimuli.

This is an *extremely* good point, and I owe you a cookie as soon as I get back to a karma-enhanced forum.

In fact, this is exactly what the American Psychological Association suggest on page 38 of their report.  The problem, as I see it, is that kids are going to watch TV at some point.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against TV viewing by kids under age 3, but after that, they're certainly going to watch it.  They're going to see print ads for Calvin Klein featuring Kate Moss.  They're going to see billboards.  When you take them to the toy store, they're going to see the toys there.  When they visit friends, there's a good chance that they'll see a Barbie.

Watch your kids; know what they're getting into.  But we need to tell these companies that we don't want them to plaster this stuff all over the place.  It's our world, and we want our kids to be able to grow up any way that they want to.

We might be able to do this with regulation, but the best way is with our pocketbooks.  That way, the culture that we show our kids is one that we have decided to show them of our own volition.

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on February 20, 2007, 05:50:30 PMBut... that doesn't work, since as far as I knew, sexuality doesn't come out that early >_>

Not sure how much of it is genetic, but everything that I've heard suggests that by about age three or so, it's pretty well set.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Amber Williams on February 20, 2007, 04:33:05 PM
Personally, I fail to see how people laying their children-raising woes on Barbie or Bratz is any different from people whining about how video games or cartoons make their kids violent.  To me it sounds like the same old wank of "Oh noes. Let me blame something else for my lack of parenting input."  Cause heaven forbid people actually play with their children to find out how their kids are reacting to stimuli.  If you are just lobbing doll after doll with all accessories at your child and not bothering to see what they do with it, then you are no less guilty than a parent to buys a video game for their kid just because the kid asks for it regardless of warnings.

Oh, well, of course.

I mean, how is he going to get the maximum range on his Bratz-o-pult if I don't help him build it? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: superluser on February 20, 2007, 06:06:27 PM
Not sure how much of it is genetic, but everything that I've heard suggests that by about age three or so, it's pretty well set.
No, I meant when it actually shows up.


what barbie is designed for does not limit what you can do with a barbie any more then designing a ball for dodgeball dictates what games a 4 year old uses it for... usually the game in question is "bean the brother" or "coffee table pong"

i am having vivid flashbacks to a group of lego soldiers defending a castle against a '50 foot' rampaging barbie doll. if i remember the catapults were useless so they had to ride plastic dinosaurs in a wildly sucessfull attempt to dissembowel barbiezilla. afterwards the victorious lego men had a feast of Mr. potatoe head.

QuoteNo more tears now; I will think about revenge.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Oh wonderful. Bratz dolls. I remember those damned things--my sister used to collect them, had them set up on pedastals for a good long while before she finally took them down. Just about every form of entertainment save for Uno gets targeted by the media or some parent's bitching one way or another, so I'm not too surprised.

Me, the only thing I've used Barbies for is studying frickin' anatomy as a kid for drawing, because heaven knows I had nothing better to do, or better dolls (I can just hear myself now--"they're action figures! ACTION FIGURES!") to use for random poses.

QuotePersonally, I fail to see how people laying their children-raising woes on Barbie or Bratz is any different from people whining about how video games or cartoons make their kids violent.  To me it sounds like the same old wank of "Oh noes. Let me blame something else for my lack of parenting input."  Cause heaven forbid people actually play with their children to find out how their kids are reacting to stimuli.  If you are just lobbing doll after doll with all accessories at your child and not bothering to see what they do with it, then you are no less guilty than a parent to buys a video game for their kid just because the kid asks for it regardless of warnings.

By the way, Amber, you win the Internet. *bows* Excellent point.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


I've always said Bratz are just chibi barbies, at the least most of them, including the ones on the idiotic looking cartoon they have on "$Kids TV" (I purposefully held down the shift key when I hit the button).  The dolls are simply garbage, unless maybe they actually dressed a little more proper than what one would wear to go clubbing, which most people can't do till they hit 18 or 21.

And parents do have to take some time to see what their kids are doing, and to properly educate them in how to act like a decent human being.

And legos, that's an excellent thing to get your kid.  Brings out creativity, though there is that problem of being a choking hazard.

And a note on Uno, Japan actually came out with an Uno video game, complete with stereotypical opponents.


Dood, Legos rock! :O  I made an AH-64 Apache and a P-51 Mustang out of the older Legos, with a minimal amount of special pieces.  I should start messing with Legos, again.


and yet there are good toys out there.

i am specifically reffering to the mary queen of scotts action figure you can find at hot topic, and the blackbeard action figure that i dare any one of you to find where its sold.

fifty brownie points to the first person to display a picture of the blackbeard action figure.

QuoteIt takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.



Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on February 20, 2007, 06:16:12 PMNo, I meant when it actually shows up.

Wait.  Does that mean that there's no hard-of-hearing genie, either?  'A'

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on February 20, 2007, 06:35:31 PMI made [...] a P-51 Mustang out of the older Legos

(runs out to buy Legos and a picture of Chuck Yeager)

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Very small, mind you, probably somehwere around 1:100.

Alan Garou

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on February 20, 2007, 06:35:31 PM
Dood, Legos rock! :O  I made an AH-64 Apache and a P-51 Mustang out of the older Legos, with a minimal amount of special pieces.  I should start messing with Legos, again.
For all Lego lovers, here:


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on February 20, 2007, 06:16:12 PM
Quote from: superluser on February 20, 2007, 06:06:27 PM
Not sure how much of it is genetic, but everything that I've heard suggests that by about age three or so, it's pretty well set.
No, I meant when it actually shows up.

Jeeze Aridas way to suck all the fun out of a joke

Yes kids straight or gay are most likely not going be having sexual thoughts,  hell I'd bet most boys at that age are still in the girls are icky phase of life (this is to say most since I know of a few kids who were fine playing with little girls)

It was a JOke damn it a joke made to play off the age old hypocrasy that if boys show an intrest in females before acertain age they must be gay and pointing out why its a stupid.

It was not a serous statement in any way what so ever