
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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lucas marcone

i don't think we should merge with anyone, though haveing allies may be a very smart think to do maybe if ALMA will let this incident slide we could work something out.


Oh, hmm... interesting...

ALMEA claims that Frensor's attack on WSOGMM messed up the timing of the little foreign aid chain they have going to boost new members and screwed things up for several people, hence the high price tag.

Anyways... I've talked them down to $350k. Is that acceptable? (It should be a bit under two weeks of income for Fresnor at this point, assuming we don't help.) They're willing to waive it, of course, if we consent to merge with their alliance. :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


hmmm, have Fresnor pay for what he did or change the leadership/attitude of the alliance....  I vote against merging and letting Fresnor get pummeled/pay off his debts.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think Fres can cope with that. I'm against merging, because the whole point of our alliance is simply self-defence. We're not interested, or so I understand, in diplomatic crap - we just don't want to get hammered into the ground.

I think Fres would manage to save up 350k reasonably quickly, mind. After all, he sold me 50 levels of tech... ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"Self-defence" isn't necessarily all that helpful when everyone else is part of large, multi-alliance blocs. :animesweat Given the attention we're receiving now, a few treaties might be useful, even if only for the name-dropping value in negotiations.

Anyways... I'm not opposed to aiding Fresnor back up to a reasonable state after this is over, but since my negotiations for reduced reps centered around him being unable to pay back the full sum on his own, it wouldn't look very good to be pumping him full of cash before he's paid his dues to WSOGMM.

I'm guessing it will take a bit under two weeks to come up with that on his own, which isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things. Once he has a little cash on hand, it'll go even faster if he only collects taxes every two days (for the interest bonus).

I'll inform them of our agreement to their terms once I've heard from Fresnor. I'll leave the door open to further talks with their alliance, however.

In related news, Google turns up interesting things about our new friend:

Quote from: flareman
I don't know much about the offspring bloc but I do know some history about Golden Boy. He was a member of POSA until he went rogue for inciting a war against Devil Dogs and FOA. He was then expelled from POSA and sentenced to ZI. He has since found friends in ALMEA who have saved his nation from destruction. The thread can be found at Because of Golden Boy's history, I recommend that we do not become involved with this bloc.

(Golden Boy, the guy pummelling Fresnor, is currently ALMEA's Minister of Foreign Affairs. :animesweat)

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

heh. I don't have the cash on hand - I was going to save up. Which would take me a week - and I'm pretty sure that Fres there would need most of that cash to cope with the destruction that has been ravaged down upon him - buying more troops isn't expensive, but doing it every day is...

You reckon I should hold off until after reparations, I can do that. I'll just... uh.. collect slowly. And let the interest pile up, or something...

Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

No reason...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

what mean you with the letters "ZI"???

llearch n'n'daCorna

Zero Infrastructure.

Basically, they keep hitting you until you have nothing left - about the only real penance in the game.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

thank you mr. box of smart things!

Edit: i don't think i spent the money kas gave me too wisely...

i should have bought less tech and more infrastructure.


Quote from: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 01:47:37 PM
Oh, hmm... interesting...

ALMEA claims that Frensor's attack on WSOGMM messed up the timing of the little foreign aid chain they have going to boost new members and screwed things up for several people, hence the high price tag.

Anyways... I've talked them down to $350k. Is that acceptable? (It should be a bit under two weeks of income for Fresnor at this point, assuming we don't help.) They're willing to waive it, of course, if we consent to merge with their alliance. :3

So, did you guys bring up the fact that WSOGMM is no longer a member of ALMEA and has been inactive since?
In any case, I call bullshit on the aid chain thing. WSOGMM had been inactive for at least 5 days already when Fresnor attacked him and was inactive for a further 7 days since the war expired and then was inactive for a few more days before he finally got on and ALMEA "contacted" us about it. If there was an aid chain, then they would have contacted us immediately.

As for merging, I don't think we have anything in common with the ALMEA theme. Why would I, an Australian of half-Malaysian blood, want to join the Arabic, Lebanese, Middle Eastern Alliance? :S

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

Even after you were attacked for being "inactive"?
Heck, I was going to suggest you go over to them and ask them to censure him :P

lucas marcone

i attacked a guy for being inactive for five days. i sent a ground attack planned full force. i was totally whupped... i sent a peace offer. if he decides to seek revenge or what not i dont have the strength to sand up to him....funny how crap works out huh? i dont expect you guys to help though... i know this is a defenceive alliance.

just testing out the war option really. well im off to recall my troops and buy more.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kasarn on August 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

Even after you were attacked for being "inactive"?
Heck, I was going to suggest you go over to them and ask them to censure him :P

Meh. He lost, I won, despite him being twice my size. On that basis, I figured live and let live. Plus I'm apathetic at the best of times. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I guess 350k is better than what it was, though does that guy I hit not being in the alliance anymore change anything?


Quote from: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 04:33:23 PMGolden Boy

I'm sure I've heard of that name before somewhere. :B


Quote from: Kasarn on August 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
So, did you guys bring up the fact that WSOGMM is no longer a member of ALMEA and has been inactive since?
In any case, I call bullshit on the aid chain thing. WSOGMM had been inactive for at least 5 days already when Fresnor attacked him and was inactive for a further 7 days since the war expired and then was inactive for a few more days before he finally got on and ALMEA "contacted" us about it. If there was an aid chain, then they would have contacted us immediately.

As for merging, I don't think we have anything in common with the ALMEA theme. Why would I, an Australian of half-Malaysian blood, want to join the Arabic, Lebanese, Middle Eastern Alliance? :S

Well... their "empror" has less than perfect English, and his attempts to explain the horrible damage we inflicted on his aid for newbies scheme were garbled at best. At any rate, it's more a matter of them being big enough to ask for whatever they want, anyway. :animesweat

With respect to the merger, I drafted a polite noncommittal reply. :3

Quote from: lucas marcone on August 04, 2007, 04:37:14 AM
i attacked a guy for being inactive for five days. i sent a ground attack planned full force. i was totally whupped... i sent a peace offer. if he decides to seek revenge or what not i dont have the strength to sand up to him....funny how crap works out huh? i dont expect you guys to help though... i know this is a defenceive alliance.

just testing out the war option really. well im off to recall my troops and buy more.

Oh great... "just testing out the war option"... :animesweat

If that goes bad, I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole. >:]

He's obviously not inactive, at any rate. Five days is usually not a long enough break to consider a nation inactive in any event. I'd be particularly wary of flagging a old nation like this one as such. People often take short vacations, and larger nations regularly wait that long between collections to take advantage of improvement swapping tricks and such.

Good targets for raiding are those who haven't logged in for a good fifteen days or so. In other words, they're nearing deletion.

Speaking of which, Kryptic's nation is gone now. Seems like such a waste...  :kittydepressed We're losing nations left and right.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

you know if this goes bad ill just sell all my crap and pay back kas and make a new nation. insomnia land was just a joke anyway. maybe i can make a nation worthwhile with the knowlegde i have now.

EDIT: i got lucky. i was honest and explained my intentions shortly offering peace. he understood and offered peace as well but not before he attacked me three times and i lost 7.77 infra. all in all i came out of this with my nards in tact. and i learned a bit.

Quoteheh heh, you're fine. to be honest, i learned a thing or two just now myself too. anyway, don't worry about the little war. ya didn't do any real damage to me anyway, and i'm pretty sure you weren't thrown into anarchy either. anyway, now that ya know how it works, use that to your advantage. it's always fun to show up people who think they know what they're doing.


You do, of course, realize that you can't sell your crap for more than a tiny fraction of what you paid for it, and that rebuilding even a ZI'ed nation is considerably cheaper than starting a new one from scratch... right?

Sincere apologies do work. Sometimes, amidst all the kids smiting each other for the lulz, we forget how far a little civility can take us... :3

Ah well... we've all had some interesting learning experiences this week. Everyone in the alliance has now been blooded in combat--very useful should our little alliance ever be faced with a real threat.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

Quote from: Tezkat on August 05, 2007, 01:49:25 AM
You do, of course, realize that you can't sell your crap for more than a tiny fraction of what you paid for it, and that rebuilding even a ZI'ed nation is considerably cheaper than starting a new one from scratch... right?

yeah but seeing as how my createivity was stifled in the sea of midnight stupids i couldnt think worth a lick. oh well... ill stick with it and continue playing till i am ZIed. then ill just make a cooler nation in spite of cost.


Well, up to 200k now.  Still wondering if they'd want me to pay him back though since he's not in thier alliance anymore.


Hmm... that's coming along quickly. :3 Regardless of what tags he's wearing, he's obviously still under their protection. And we don't want to look like folks who renege on deals anyway...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

*saves up for the 50 levesl of tech, in a slow and tedious way*

Give me another week or so, and I'll pass it across, Fres.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.


Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 04:35:39 PM
i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.

You could offer to buy tech... if you can get Gold and Lead, you'll get Microchips.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kasarn on August 09, 2007, 12:06:39 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 04:35:39 PM
i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.
You could offer to buy tech... if you can get Gold and Lead, you'll get Microchips.

... and, in case you're not aware, Gold and Microchips both decrease the cost of technology. Hence why you should be aiming for them - it'll increase your profit on any tech trading you do.

Internally to the alliance, tech trading has been running at $1.5 million for 50 levels of tech. The going rate for outside is $1m/50, though, because the -internal- rate is intended to boost the lower members of the alliance. Bear in mind you should, on getting any of these sorts of Foreign Aid agreements, buy -up to- 50 levels, aid that back to the person who you're swapping with, wait for them to accept (and thereby send your tech levels back down to 0) before buying more. The reason for this is that tech costs go up as you buy more, so the 50 levels from 0 to 50 costs a heck of a lot less than 50 levels from 50 to 100. And that's a drop in the bucket compared to the 50 from 300 to 350... I'm currently at 341.48 levels, and 10 levels costs me $735,454.02, and I have both Gold (-5%) and Microchips (-8%).
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

call me slow but i just realized you can send out tech.... enjoy it llearch. it's for the best my citizens were corpulent in their dependance on the stuff.


llearch n'n'daCorna

our nation has been asked to host a major 30 day sporting event. While this could entertain your citizens and make them happy, it will also make them quite unproductive during the event.

Option 1: Host the sporting event. Population happiness +2
Option 2: Refuse the sporting event. Citizen income +$5.00    
No Response. Population happiness -1

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


1 Happiness = $2 (plus adjustments for income mods)... should be simple, no? :3

I've discovered an amazing technique guaranteed to make people stop playing CN: Ask them to trade with me. Seriously! Since my Iron/Coal trade got deleted (and I lost most of my bonus resources and hundreds of thousands in daily income :<), I've approached several nations. Ordinarily, people jump at an Aluminum/Lumber trade, and I've been offering substantial cash bribes to boot. They were all established nations that had collected taxes the day I contacted them, and none of them have been online since! (Some going on nearly a week now...) Coincidence? I think not! :dface

Now... the more important question: Do I use this newfound power for good... or evil?


In other news... still getting random merger requests from all over...  :B

Quote from: ArchNeo III
Hey dude i come before you from Brothers In Arms a fast growing maroon alliance, with friendly guys and friends, we offer protection from tech raiders and aid and trade and advice, i would like you and your comrades to join us we will give your leaders authority positions so you choose. And we have gone from 6 to 20 members in 2days so are doing well. What do you say?
If you would like to do this please message me back.

Quote from: nickmagus
Hello, I am the MoFA for the Crimson Sun Empire. We are a mid sized alliance and are interested in a possible merger with your alliance. we offer 200k in start up aid to all nations and have many open government positions that we would like people with experience to fill so if you are interested in a merger you can contact me or go to our forums ( and talk with us. Together we could be even stronger than before so we hope you will consider merging with us.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

i am SO glad im not one of the bigger nations in the wording while declineing may send alliances intowar heh.


Heh, I was getting offers thrown at me for my Oil/Rubber.  Though a couple were  polite enough to ask first.