
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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HURRHURR, wat r dese red letters at the top of my profile? I no care abowt big wurds; me collect moniez neway. :rolleyes

Oh well, -5 happiness (below 20% soldiers) just negates the fact that I just bought a Stadium and have +2 happiness event.

lucas marcone

is there anyway to delete your nation faster than 5 days? i wanted to put mine around ireland but i tried to drag the map and it put mine close to antarctica.


I'm pretty sure that, as of a recent update, you can move your nation anywhere you like.
Click Edit Nation and there should be a little icon next to your Capital City name.

llearch n'n'daCorna


... nah. I'm happy ruling over all of Hawaii.

And all of Arcatech. ;-]
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lucas marcone

.......i am now the proud ruler of a mile of dublin. if anyone wants to help a poor third world fledgeling nation out... my country's name is insomnia land. my user name is canadian bacon.

i joined DMFA

am still a third world country.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 20, 2007, 12:17:43 PM

... nah. I'm happy ruling over all of Hawaii.

And all of Arcatech. ;-]

Shush. I put down there first, you just spammed the cheat butan. :B


Cheat button aside, Arc, here's some tips to get your nation a little extra cash.

First off, set your tax rate to 28%.
Except for when you are starting out, there is almost no reason to have it set below 28%

Change your government to Monarchy.
I whipped up some tables so you can see why.
List on the left is net happiness bonus; list on the right gives +2 to governments with the 5% infra discount
(P. = preferred government type; * = 5% infrastructure discount)
+2   P. Monarchy*
+2   P. Democracy
+1.6   P. Totalitarian State
+1.2   P. Revolutionary Government*
+1   P. Capitalist*
+1   P. Republic*
+1   Monarchy*
+1   Democracy
+0.6   P. Federal Government*
+0.6   Totalitarian State
+0.6   P. Communist
+0.6   P. Transitional
+0.2   P. Dictatorship*
+0.2   Revolutionary Government*
~0   Capitalist*
~0   Republic*
-0.4   Federal Government*
-0.4   Communist
-0.4   Transitional
-0.8   Dictatorship*
+4   P. Monarchy*
+3.2   P. Revolutionary Government*
+3   P. Capitalist*
+3   P. Republic*
+3   Monarchy*
+2.6   P. Federal Government*
+2.2   P. Dictatorship*
+2.2   Revolutionary Government*
+2   Capitalist*
+2   Republic*
+2   P. Democracy
+1.6   Federal Government*
+1.6   P. Totalitarian State
+1.2   Dictatorship*
+1   Democracy
+0.6   P. Communist
+0.6   P. Transitional
+0.6   Totalitarian State
-0.4   Communist
-0.4   Transitional

afaik, each point of environment = 0.4 happiness
Some governments also have a +5% land purchased bonus; this gives a preferred Capitalist or Republic government a slight edge over a non-preferred Monarchy.

Finally, when you near 1000 infrastructure, make sure you stop at 999.99 and save up around 2mil in cash before buying any more infra as the price and maintenance increases at 1000.

Of course, you don't have to do any of these things. It's just that, unlike finding and keeping good trades, these require no effort.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Several months have passed since the last rains in your outlying territories. Your people are now suffering from Drought and your Advisors state that food is a problem and health issues are expected soon.
Option 1: Ration your nations water supply severely. Citizen income -$5.00
Option 2: Abandon your outlying territories and bring your citizens in where fresh water is more abundant. Land area -10%
No Response. Citizen income -$8.00

Let me think...
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lucas marcone

i would ration my water.... but that's just me

llearch n'n'daCorna

I took option 2.

Since I have water as a trade, it doesn't bring my number of people up to an unreasonable level - only about 27/mile - and they don't get angry at me.

The only thing I was worried about was the environment, and since it appears that the balance between infra and land is based on the -original- value of land, that's not so much of a problem.

... I wonder where Kryptic has gone...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 22, 2007, 04:12:04 AM
I took option 2.

Since I have water as a trade, it doesn't bring my number of people up to an unreasonable level - only about 27/mile - and they don't get angry at me.

The only thing I was worried about was the environment, and since it appears that the balance between infra and land is based on the -original- value of land, that's not so much of a problem.

Heh... I've had that event like three times so far. My rainforest preservation efforts must not be doing so well... :animesweat Land is just so useless. In the worst case scenario, you'll drop a whole 0.4 happiness from losing an environment point, but even that's pretty unlikely at your levels of tech bloat.

... I wonder where Kryptic has gone...

Hmm... yeah. She hasn't sent up my tech and even missed her nation's month-old birthday. :animesweat

Speaking of disappearing players... is Aiyno gonna make it back from vacation before his nation gets wiped? He's only got a few days left. (On a more selfish note, I'll lose nearly $200k/day income and all my bonus resources if his trade drops. :dface Wheat/Marble is damned near impossible to find...)
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

is it possible to trade just one resource? and how does tradeing work exactly do you stop reciveing bonuses from the ones your trade or what?

llearch n'n'daCorna

You can't trade 1 resource. If you set up a trade, you get access to their resources, and they get access to yours.

I'm sort-of half pondering skipping any more land, and merely buying tech...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

you still need the coal llearch? i have it and gems

llearch n'n'daCorna

Whilst coal and gems would both be useful, I already have 5 trades, I think.

*checks* Yup.

So I'm unable to trade with you, sorry. Not without dumping one of the ones I already have, and if I did that, the most likely one would be poor Arc over there. And he's got enough troubles as it is. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 23, 2007, 11:21:43 AM
Whilst coal and gems would both be useful, I already have 5 trades, I think.

*checks* Yup.

So I'm unable to trade with you, sorry. Not without dumping one of the ones I already have, and if I did that, the most likely one would be poor Arc over there. And he's got enough troubles as it is. ;-]

And I'm somewhat relying on you for my piggies, because I need those for my Fast Food special. :B

llearch n'n'daCorna


Incidentally, I just passed 550AI in LW, and bounced up something like 6k in cost, per level, to 42k. :-/

Fortunately, I've also reached 15000 population, which means I can purchase the 15% off AI improvement - a snap at 300k.

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Update log -

Bank - $200,000.00 - Increases population income +7%.
Barracks - $100,000.00 - Increases soldier count +10%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%.
Border Walls - $120,000.00 - Decreases citizen count -2%, increases population happiness +2, Improves environment +1. (Does not affect Global Radiation levels)
Church - $80,000.00 - Increases population happiness +1.
Clinic - $100,000.00 - Increases population count by 2%. Purchasing 2 or more clinics allows you to purchase hospitals.
Factory - $200,000.00 - Decreases cost of missiles -5%, decreases tank cost -10%, reduces initial infrastructure purchase cost -8%.
Foreign Ministry - $240,000.00 - Increases population income by 5%. Opens +1 extra foreign aid slot. Limit one foreign ministry per nation.
Guerilla Camp - $40,000.00 - Increases soldier count +35%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%, reduces citizen income -8%.
Harbor - $400,000.00 - Increases population income by 1%. Opens +1 extra trade slot. Limit one harbor per nation.
Hospital - $360,000.00 - Increases population count by 6%. Need 2 clinics for a hospital. Limit one hospital per nation.
Intelligence Agency - $100,000.00 - Increases happiness for tax rates greater than 23% +1.
Labor Camp - $200,000.00 - Reduces infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, reduces population happiness -1.
Missile Defense - $180,000.00 - Reduces effectiveness of incoming cruise missiles used against your nation -10%.
Police Headquarters - $150,000.00 - Increases population happiness +2.
Satellite - $180,000.00 - Increases effectiveness of cruise missiles used by your nation +10%.
School - $170,000.00 - Increases population income by 5%, increases literacy rate +1%. Purchasing 3 or more schools allows you to purchase universities.
Stadium - $220,000.00 - Increases population happiness + 3.
University - $360,000.00 - Increases population income by 8%, reduces technology cost -10%, increases literacy rate +3%. 3 schools must be purchased before any universities can be bought. Limit two universities per nation.

edit: also, I don't really care that much that the prices have gone up but, y'know... ugh :<

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. I bought something this morning. Oh, well...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


lol, reverted :P
Well, except for
Labor Camp - 50k -> 150k
Factory - 80k -> 150k
Intelligence Agency - 35k -> 38.5k

I guess we can expect more price changes soon.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Bugger. I was -thinking- about getting a factory, but decided to wait...

Oh, well. I guess I can afford 150k...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

man do you guys know how hard it is to find sugar, iron, and lumber in combination? if i even find one it's paired with something that is useless to me! i want construction and fast fooooooooood! my peoples need to be lazy an fat!

edit: i found people with everything but rubber/sugar.....but they havent agreed to anything right now.....seriously im about to sell my country off piece by piece and give everything to smeone to hold till after i make a new one...for better starting resources you know


Figures. Just lost one of my trades with one of the people who left the alliance some time back.

2 slots open. Already have Furs, Iron, Cattle, Coal, Gems, Lead, Marble, Pigs, Sugar and Wheat. Ideally I want another Spices/Water trade to get my happiness back up and to get Fast Food back.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 26, 2007, 07:06:50 AM
...give everything to smeone to hold till after i make a new one...for better starting resources you know

Er. You're seriously expecting a) people to give things back, and b) the admins to not delete -both- countries for cheating?

Most of us, for the former, aren't all that fussed - anything less than, oh, a couple hundred tech or something, is small enough that, at least for those of us up at the top, is pocket change, more or less. But the latter is a killer...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

well if i do start over id want to give kasarn back his use in letting it go to waste on a failed nation......i probably wont delete my country anyway....just a passing thought.....i like my coushy house in 2 am town


On the LW front, I've just helped Fresnor beat the living tar out Araven (the guy who attacked him).  Right now that guy has 0 soldiers, 82 tanks, and 5 fighters.  I know what's going to go next ;).  That is unless he accepts the terms of surrender that I sent him (a demand of full reparations to Fres).

I only hope his only ally doesn't decide to bail him out, otherwise I could be in serious trouble.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)



Quote from: Valynth on July 27, 2007, 11:12:28 PM
On the LW front, I've just helped Fresnor beat the living tar out Araven (the guy who attacked him).  Right now that guy has 0 soldiers, 82 tanks, and 5 fighters.  I know what's going to go next ;).  That is unless he accepts the terms of surrender that I sent him (a demand of full reparations to Fres).

I only hope his only ally doesn't decide to bail him out, otherwise I could be in serious trouble.

I have also been somewhat concerned about this, but I don't think this is an issue if they haven't already stepped in.

lucas marcone

you can never be too sure though