
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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Even so he's outnumbered three to one and we have three larger allies who can drop funding and such on us.

Whilst Fres only has an MS of 5, myself of 9, Valynth has an MS of 15. 5 + 9 + 15 may not exactly equal 29, but it's still more than enough numbers in our favour. >:3

lucas marcone

just sayin is all.

good news if two trades go through ill have the cars, steel, construction, fastfood, and asphalt bonuses.


Hmm... now that I'm back in the top position in CN, it seems I'm getting all the alliance-related mail. Get off your butt and pass me, llearch! :3

Anyways... we have some important alliance related business.

First off, Fresnor is apparently clueless about our "no attacking nations in an alliance policy"... especially the "don't attack people several times our size" clause. :animesweat I received this message from the person retaliating against him:

Quote from: Lucifers Turtle
Hi. Your the strongest in your alliance so i will tell this to you and you can report is to whoever.

Fresnor of you alliance attacked WSOGMM of my alliance. I declared war with fresnor to make him pay. I expect full reparations to be payed to WSOGMM. If fresnor is a rouge then tell me and he will continue to be destroyed. ALMEA is a much bigger alliance then yours and is in OFFSPRING. I suggest you get this guy to pay up! Thank you

Golden Boy

I haven't had the time to follow the CN boards at all recently, so I'm unfamiliar with the OFFSPRING coalition, but his alliance is big enough to make good on that threat on its own. I haven't seen Frensor post here at all. What's up, man?

The moral of the story is: If you're going to attack random people, make sure that their buddies are smaller than your buddies. Or something like that. Really, attacking any nation in an alliance is asking for a pounding. (I suppose it's worth noting that the other person he attacked has even bigger friends... :dface)

Here's something from a slightly friendlier party:

Quote from: The Tower
Hey I just caught a glimpse of your guys's alliance. Do you have boards or are you disorganized or what because i would love to become a diplomat over there.

Having friends is good... or, failing that, at least having open lines of communication. :3 I'm not sure having a diplomat here is a terribly good idea, but we should try to work something out. RIA is quite large.

In other news, we mourn the passing of Tycador (2007-02-19 to 2007-07-27). Rest in peace.

(Aiyno, ya twit, did you miss your nation's deletion by a few hours? :B)

Kryptic is on track for deletion in a few days, as well. Still holding onto my tech, no less...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


For alliance blocs, see this thread and click the bloc name for stats

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tezkat on July 31, 2007, 04:22:08 AM
Hmm... now that I'm back in the top position in CN, it seems I'm getting all the alliance-related mail. Get off your butt and pass me, llearch! :3

Heh. What can I say, you've got better bonus resources than I have. :-/ (although you're welcome to pass me a couple million to spend on Infrastructure...)

As for Fresnor, well... As I see it, ours is a DEFENSIVE alliance. If said person wants to hammer him into the ground because he's attacked someone with big friends, then I have no objections.

RIA, no problems with them sending a diplomat here. If they want, there's a slightly more related forum, we could both be diplomats over on someone else's board...

Aiyno was AFK, and couldn't get online. Or, rather, he could, but not to CN. Which sucks.

And Kryptic... well, not a lot I can do there but sympathise...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?


I vote the latter. Our focus is on helping ourselves and each other - spreading the alliance means we gain little unless we micromanage aid/trade/etc.

As for Fresnor, well, perhaps he should pay attention to his victim's friends next time.  :rolleyes

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 11:45:11 AM
would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?

We -are- a "small, close-knit alliance of DMFA fans" - there's no point claiming otherwise, and I don't think we ever -will- be much bigger than we are now, in terms of numbers.

As for size - well, we're growing all the time. It just takes time. So, eventually, we'll -be- "big, beefy" nations. Until then, all they'll do is make us targets, IMHO.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

ok but one question... IMHO what does it mean?


"In My Humble Opinion"

Anyway, I'm saving funds in CN untill I can get a 15% population boost event.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

lucas marcone

im going to try to start a trade ring. it will give 8 bonuses

fine jewelry
radiation cleanup

if you have
or rubber and want in let me know.

we need everyone to have atleast two resources. there will be one person with an extra resorce since the ring dosent use all 12 resorces we will be reciveing.


Heh... somebody twice his size apparently believed that one day is enough inactivity for a tech raid against llearch. Excuse me while I adjust my military budgets... >:]

And somebody else is raiding Kryptic. For my tech. Too bad I'm not small enough to raid him back. :3

Ah well... at least Fresnor is now attacking smaller alliances. :animesweat

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 31, 2007, 09:26:28 AM
RIA, no problems with them sending a diplomat here. If they want, there's a slightly more related forum, we could both be diplomats over on someone else's board...

Hmm... okay. Since you seem to be in the loop with respect to these matters, would you be interested in working out the details with him (The Tower)?

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 11:45:11 AM
would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?

Right now, this forum represents our only practical means of communication for alliance matters. If said beefy friends are willing to hang out with us here and help out, then I don't see a problem inviting them to join us. I don't see any point in merely bolstering our alliance's NW for cosmetic reasons.

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 04:57:12 PM
im going to try to start a trade ring. it will give 8 bonuses

fine jewelry
radiation cleanup

if you have
or rubber and want in let me know.

we need everyone to have atleast two resources. there will be one person with an extra resorce since the ring dosent use all 12 resorces we will be reciveing.

In the long run, it's far more effective to maximize population enhancers and infra reduction rather than bonus resources. A lot of the resources you need to collect bonuses are not good enough to be worth the small bonus benefit.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote8/1/2007 6:29:38 AM Subject: War Declared!

War has been declared on you by Cylon for the reason of raid inactive, pm for peace! You may access your War & Battles screen to view and manage this war.
Quote8/1/2007 6:29:53 AM Subject: Battle Report

You have been attacked by Cylon. You lost 803 soldiers and 11 tanks. You killed 1,008 soldiers and 93 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $11,020.28 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
Quote8/1/2007 6:30:10 AM Subject: Battle Report

You have been attacked by Cylon. You lost 275 soldiers and 17 tanks. You killed 530 soldiers and 15 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $6,906.04 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
Quote8/1/2007 7:23:20 AM Subject: Peace Offer

A peace offer has been submitted by Cylon to end the bloodshed between your nations. As soon as both nations accept peace, the war will end.

Hmmmm. While I disapprove, he -did- kinda pay for some of the replacement tanks and troops.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'd say attack him twice and then offer peace.  See how he likes it.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Nah. Him being twice as big as me, about all I could do is lob a couple of missiles at him.

Which would cost him badly, mind.

Besides, I already agreed to peace.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tezkat on August 01, 2007, 03:20:09 PM

Heh... somebody twice his size apparently believed that one day is enough inactivity for a tech raid against llearch. Excuse me while I adjust my military budgets... >:]

And somebody else is raiding Kryptic. For my tech. Too bad I'm not small enough to raid him back. :3

Nor am I. Curses.


Does Fresnor even read this thread?

Anyways... ALMEA has made their ultimatum: Pay reps or die. :dface

Quote from: madman121
Hello there... I am empror of ALMEA... One of your members has attacked one of our members! He is therefore considered a rouge! He will be ZIed unless he pays full reps! Thanx...

Amusingly enough, he added...

Also... May I offer you a merger? we give our members 2M every 10 days! If you merge you can be in this too!


I asked them to give him a few days before they start pounding him into the ground, but I otherwise see no reason to bail him out of his little predicament. :animesweat

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Well, I also consider Fresnor to be a ghost.
Membership is dependent on posting in this thread... which he has not. Just because he has been a DMFA forum member for a while and we know who he is doesn't mean squat in CN.

If he wanted to raid people, \m/ is still ruining the game for everybody :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

Fresnor has mentioned: "I would, but my economy doesn't exist because they're still hammering it into shreds"

.. which sort of suggests that, y'know, stopping kicking the shit out of him might be a good first step towards getting him to pay reps...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


QuoteNation Name: Drakelia
Ruler: Fresnor
Government Type: Revolutionary Government (Next Available Change 7/24/2007)

He is not in anarchy therefore his "economy" is perfectly fine.

However, it is probably worth noting that WSOGMM now has no alliance affiliation.

llearch n'n'daCorna

yeah, but the chances of him having 600k lying about is pretty slim, wouldn't you say?

Or, at least, that's what Fres commented in channel to the effect of. If the reparations can be done over time, it might be worth while advising him so - I can't say I've dealt with reparations, so I don't know how they work...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Who cares how much money he has on hand? If nobody has told ALMEA that he is going to pay, they are going to keep attacking him. End of story.

Also, 600k sounds like bullshit to me. Unless Fres continued attacking while they had no soldiers, the damage wouldn't have been more than 10 or so tech along with 20-50 infra at most. Given the small size of the nation, that's probably around 200-300k

llearch n'n'daCorna

What it is, and what they're asking him to pay may well be totally different things.

But yes, I agree.

However, without some sort of input from Fres here, we're just flapping our gums, really...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Paying reps is supposed to hurt a bit. It's not uncommon to ask for reps equal to a week or two's income. At DEFCON 5, Fresnor would be making something in the $40k/day range, so $600k is on the upper edge of that. I consider that sum to be a starting point for negotiations, however. $600k is practically chump change for most of us, and I'm not opposed to working out a deal if he makes at least a good faith contribution.

Nonetheless, given that Fresnor continued along his merry way raiding other (alliance) nations after ALMEA retaliated against him suggests to me that he has little interest in ponying up.

In any event, we have lines of communication open with the leadership of ALMEA, so an arrangement of some kind is not out of the question if he's willing to take responsibility for his actions.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I didn't even know this thread existed until today.  Already sent the needed info to Tezkat in-game though, and to llearch directly.


Hmm... okay. I have a better picture of what's going on now. I CC'ed my original response to the nation attacking Fresnor and have since received an acknowledgement from their leader, so further attacks should cease pending negotiations.

Now the question is: What do we consider to be reasonable reparations given the damage that Fresnor has already suffered? I do think that $600k is a bit over the top. Their leader is an agreeable sort, and my gut feel is that he'll take any reasonable offer.

How much are you willing/able to pay, Fresnor?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

id have to go with maybe 1.2 times the amount of the damages. but that's just me.


Looks like the attacks aren't going to be stopping at all, they are still coming.

lucas marcone

have you made it clear yet that you can't pay him back till they stop?

dude fres you gotta slow down on the attacking oher nations...i just caught a look at you war history. you're fighting on a four nation front man. try to end a few ok man? i hate to see your nation go under.


My but we're popular all of the sudden. Is it my shiny new air force? It makes me look big! >:]

Something from GLA:

Quote from: Frag_Insurance
Would you consider merging the Global Liberation Army? We are a yellow alliance with nukes, and could offer you protection. If you join we would become more powerful together and have more members. A lot of your members could become high GLA rankings. Lemme know if your interested, thanks, frag

And yet another one from ALMEA:

Quote from: madman121
Thanx! Would ou guys be intrested in merging? We have huge alliances protecting us such as the Legion! We are in Offspring! A bloc of 25 alliances ready to defend us! We do tech deals every 10 days insuring the growth of our alliance members by a minimum of 200 infra every 10 days! we also give 3M to 3 tech dealers every 10 days. So if we have 9 every 3 will tkake extra money on their already money that they will get causing them to boost by about 500 infra!

Evidently, our little alliance is now reaching the size where acquiring a few allies becomes important. Where do you guys see us headed in the grand scheme of things?

By the way, what's the status of our treaty with The Directorate?

Regarding Fresnor, I've let them know that the attacks aren't helping and requested leniency with respect to reps. It looks like Golden Boy's acting on his own accord a bit here, so I made it a little more clear that I was going above his head to their leader this time.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...