Off-Topic: School Essay Questionairre. Results

Started by Kenji, February 17, 2007, 05:43:14 PM

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Height: 6'2
Weight: Ummm not sure 350-360
Allergies: cat dander
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Finger Length: artist fingersI guess
Free earlobes or attached: attached
Double-Jointed: N
Multiple Finger Dexterity: yes
Can you curl your tongue: No
Eyes stay one color or change: no
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: no
Blood type: unknown
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Gay
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Single
Artistic: writer or cook
Smoker: no
In our out belly button: in
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: not realy

Roureem Egas

Height: 5'6, give or take
Weight: Umm...dunno.
Allergies: None that I know of
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Black, but I could swear it was a dark brown if I held it in the sun when I was younger
Eye Color: Brown
Finger Length: Average?
Free earlobes or attached: Attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: I guess not. :/
Can you curl your tongue: No
Eyes stay one color or change: One color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: None
Blood type: Don't know
Lactose Intolerant: No
Sexual orientation: Unsure...lean more towards guys though.
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Single
Artistic: Took drawing and choir before, hoping to write more than that one time
Smoker: Hell no.
In our out belly button: In.
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: Don't really get it...
Multitaskable: Yes

Hmm...I'm one of the shorter guys in this forum.

Edit 2: How'd that slip me by?


I guess it shows my parents are doctors. I doubt I'm more unhealthy than the majority of people here, but hardly anyone else puts anything on the lifelong diseases or abnormalities list.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


There. Edited. Feel better now, Gab? [laughs]

Oh, and I didn't know you sang, Roureem. Any good? Modern or classical?

James StarRunner

Quote from: Gabi on February 20, 2007, 11:44:06 AM
I guess it shows my parents are doctors. I doubt I'm more unhealthy than the majority of people here, but hardly anyone else puts anything on the lifelong diseases or abnormalities list.
Ha, I noticed that too.

Oh and FKK, I remembered something else too... For abnormalities I have a lung that's sewn to the side of my chest cavity so it can't collapse. I think that's it unless I'm more deformed than I remember. :P

Other than the big stuff, I'm actually pretty healthy... really!


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Allergies: Pollen
Eyebrow Thickness: Thick
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Finger Length: Skinny and normal length
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Left Hand easily; Right hand takes me 30 seconds
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: One color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: None that I know of
Blood type: O-
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Not really (aka No)
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: IN
Colorblind: Not that I know of
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: I can do the pat head & rub belly. And also the counter-acting fingers.


Quote from: Gabi on February 20, 2007, 11:44:06 AM
I doubt I'm more unhealthy than the majority of people here, but hardly anyone else puts anything on the lifelong diseases or abnormalities list.

..I only have mental things....  but nothing physically abnormal that I can think off. >.>
(is most unhealthy eater ever and doesn't deserve healthiness)


Quote from: James StarRunner on February 20, 2007, 02:14:49 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 20, 2007, 11:44:06 AM
I guess it shows my parents are doctors. I doubt I'm more unhealthy than the majority of people here, but hardly anyone else puts anything on the lifelong diseases or abnormalities list.
Ha, I noticed that too.

Oh and FKK, I remembered something else too... For abnormalities I have a lung that's sewn to the side of my chest cavity so it can't collapse. I think that's it unless I'm more deformed than I remember. :P

Other than the big stuff, I'm actually pretty healthy... really!

It wouldn't count unless it was biological. For instance, "liver removed in surgery" wouldn't count as something, but "liver degraded due to poor care" would.

Roureem Egas

Quote from: Stygian on February 20, 2007, 12:46:28 PM
There. Edited. Feel better now, Gab? [laughs]

Oh, and I didn't know you sang, Roureem. Any good? Modern or classical? It was in middle school and I took it for three years (could've been four, but mom said no). A lot of the songs are fairly old or a bit obscure, usually folksongs like The Water is Wide. I remember doing Phantom of the Opera once. The biggest things that stood out for me then was the Marching On event thing in the third year, which I heard would be the last ever, and that my voice went to hell every winter.

Edit: Stupid mistake.


You've done the Phantom musical? Hehe. I remember doing that one in ninth grade. Guess who got to wear the mask? [grins]

Oh, and singing really is interesting. Another genetic trait. Everybody seems to have a sense for music, or at least very nearly, but there are some who simply can't hold a tone, no matter what.

Jim Halisstrad

Height: 5ft6
Weight: 240
Allergies:  Pollen, mold
Eyebrow Thickness: thick
Hair Color:  Brown
Eye Color:  Greenish
Finger Length: sausages :<
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: no
Multiple Finger Dexterity: (can you do the "live long and prosper" hand sign, etc) Yes
Can you curl your tongue: yes
Eyes stay one color or change: change from greenish blue to more blue then green
Life-long diseases or abnormalities:
Blood type:
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Bi
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc:  Single
Artistic: 'fraid not
Smoker:  YES
In our out belly button:  Inny
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: no
Multitaskable: (I.E. as in rubbing your belly and patting your head)  All that and many others ;3


Height: 5' 3"
Weight: somewhere from 120-135, maybe 140.
Allergies: pollen
Eyebrow Thickness: thin
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Finger Length: not too long, not too short.
Free earlobes or attached: free
Double-Jointed: no
Multiple Finger Dexterity:yup
Can you curl your tongue:  yes
Eyes stay one color or change: change... either that, or different enviornments bring out the different colors in them... but they did use to be bright blue, and now they're just kind of strange. >>
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: one or two was were suposedly "chronic" problems, but I've worked over them by this point.
Blood type: A, I think.
Lactose Intollerant: no
Sexual orientation: bisexual.
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: singular.
Artistic: drawing and music.
Smoker: no
In our out belly button: in
Colorblind: no
Flat footed: no
Multitaskable: yes


Yes, I did ask before posting in this again. :P

Thanks everyone who participated. I had a lot of info to go on, which is always good.

Final result: Perfect Score on the essay.
You guys rock. |3


Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: (thin, average, thick) Average
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Brown
Finger Length: (artist fingers, sausages, etc)average
Free earlobes or attached: (whether the bottom hangs free or is attached to your head) free
Double-Jointed: (Y/N) y, in thumbs and shoulders
Multiple Finger Dexterity: (can you do the "live long and prosper" hand sign, etc) yes
Can you curl your tongue: (Y/N) y
Eyes stay one color or change:one color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Nada
Blood type: ?
Lactose Intollerant: (Y/N)n
Sexual orientation:Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Single birth
Artistic: (drawing, sculpting, music; please specify) Drawing is my thing, i'm not any good
Smoker: no
In our out belly button: in
Colorblind: (Y/N)n
Flat footed: (Y/N)n
Multitaskable: (I.E. as in rubbing your belly and patting your head) Yes

Reese Tora

I do hope you're planning of sharing your findings and essay with is. :3
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on April 03, 2007, 09:41:43 PM
I do hope you're planning of sharing your findings and essay with is. :3

Well, the findings you can easily see through the whole two pages. But if you really want me to post the essay, I'd have to find a hosting site for documents at some point tomorrow. >.>

Faerie Alex

Couldn't you just copy from the file (assuming that the essay is a Word or other text file) and paste into a forum message? It would make for one heck of a long post, but that way, you wouldn't have to find hosting.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Quote from: modelincard on April 04, 2007, 10:37:34 AM
Couldn't you just copy from the file (assuming that the essay is a Word or other text file) and paste into a forum message? It would make for one heck of a long post, but that way, you wouldn't have to find hosting.

I would... but 7 pages long worth of a message? o_O I know there's a document hosting site.. I just need to find it again.

EDIT: But if you'd really wanna see a post that long, sure, just let me know and I'll toss it up here.

EDIT The Second: On behalf of boxes everywhere, let there be hosting.


Im glad we was worth your time dude...But I am glad to help you muchly