The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

Okay Okay

I am going to do some research and refine some of my abilities.  Fae maybe Powerful, but they are also self limiting.. So I will refine my spell books and power levels.  No, nothing to much higher than what I first posted...

I also know of my problem with TIME, since I join the RP no more then maybe 10 minutes has gone by.  So, I will step back for a few days, but I will be watch the thread, and learn RPing all over again.



Yeah I get that problem too, timezones and all that jazz.

Mel Dragonkitty

Bam, figuring out how to run a magic-user is hard work. I struggle with it every post. You might want to notice that when I'm unsure I often just write that Mel is going to try something and let Styg post if it worked or fizzled. And if your pendant is an enchanted object you might want to add it's abilities to your character sheet.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

Thanks Mel

I will be outline all it's abilities, and post here for approval, and I found that when Stygian remove my missile bracers from play, I was more weakin than I thought once I started playing and then overdid it with my compensating....another reason to step back and regroup.  I am not angry,  but playing RP via a message board is a little more challenging, then I thought, and spells need a set system.   No worries, I will have everything work out and clear it with Stygain... before I start again.

And I will be re-read over your posts  Mel, to learn proper spellcasting...



hi i'm kinda new  :P but you won't mind if i join if you don't mind i'll post my charry here  :)


Nope. Go ahead. Hope you've read the comic, and know how to write longer posts than that though. :P


witch comic :O lol ok let me fix and post the charry


Styg means the DMFA comic.


yes i know i was being a smart  ass

Name:Kerag Sean Luo Nickname Bad luck
Personality:You won't call him the smartest person around but he does happen he has to catch up with what your say sometimes he not a morning person so he a little stupid at times but it happen that he a good fighter not the best but good enough and he has a habit of surprising himself cause he still getting a little used  to his powers he not all that talkative he rather go with the flow so it a little hard to befriend him but if you can he is a nice fellow at times.

Appearance:He a cat-like body that is covered in Black fur it not soft or smoothed unless you want to put him in to a car wash witch of course he will hate you for the rest of his long life his feathered wings are the same color as his fur and act like bird wings of unless of course he decides to have heads or some thing pop out of them witch he don't do much shifting his wings so most of the time they look like bird wing that are black. His tail is long and slender but his fur makes look more solid tho. His build of his body is more slender and long but his fur makes him look more solid.
The clan marking is a white flame ring on his uper arm

Likes:wine,fighting,sleeping, running, fruits, meats, and of course catnip :D
Dislikes: noise, big crowds, green.
Strengths:fighting, sleeping, and acting like a fool, fast reaction timing, and his Cubi powers of course witch are pretty limited for the moment.
Weaknesses:acting like a fool, not the smartest cat around.

Weapons: he will use any weapon he can get his hands on knifes swords trees ECT but he happens to have a typical long sword he carries around.

OOC:(from a little reminder i forgot something the clan marking XD)


Bam, you're taking control of Gina. That's an unauthorized action in violation of the rules, no matter what it is. Edit.

Prof B Hunnydew

Okay revision up... PBH  How is that?

Aisha deCabre

Say Boog?  You might wanna edit your post just a little.  Most of the party started eating, not all of us are in the library yet.  Just Sebastian and those he called.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


*headdesk* misunderstood. sorry

EDIT: Edited.


Uh, PBH, how can Bam instantly know that the dragon is Mel?

Prof B Hunnydew


Well, I would think that Mel's dragon form would look like somewhat close to... her white tigress and white ice dragon with her ice leaning magic spells... It makes sense...



Once again, Bam, you're assuming things and getting too convenient. If the house was still haunted, that might be plausible, but it is not. Also, Stygian is hardly so easy to trace. And the poison and the spider are separate.


llearch n'n'daCorna

That would be Prof Hunnydew.

She knows who she is, anyway. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 :mowninja a well XD we all still love her  :hug

Prof B Hunnydew

Thanks, Rloa

I try to be good


Tiny crested flint

A reader's got a question: Is Mel's desire to have the tube returned an act of respect for the wishes of Stygian or an attempt to save herself from more persecution? Is it a selfless gesture or a selfish one? Both? Other motive?

Love what ya'll are doing, keep it up. :)


We get fanmail now? I'm just trying to run an RP here. Wasn't aware that it was relevant to the interests of anyone else.

Anyway, time to get on with more drama. Clues are that Stygian's breakdown-liable, Cog's being more of an asshole than usual which is excellent, Mel is awesomely IC and considerate, and everyone else is keeping it up in style.

Tiny crested flint

:B I Know Nothing! My interests matter Not! What a Nuisance am I! >:3 IGNORE ME‼ :tongue


You do know you're perfectly welcome to join? I have much in store for people still...

Tiny crested flint

Oh, I plan to but I'll wait for things to die down. Heh heh, Plus I seem to be lacking a bio. :animesweat


"Die down"? I think you've got the picture wrong here, my friend...

Mel Dragonkitty

To answer the original question, Mel would feel that she acquired the item under false pretences since Sebastian obviously wouldn't have given anything to a dragon. He's also scared her enough that she's not taking any chances of him coming to take it back.

I think we're all rather stunned to find someone who isn't a player following along with our game.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Tiny crested flint

From only 3 weeks ago

Quote from: e_voyager on March 03, 2007, 09:30:34 PM
wow i get busy a few days and suddenly the story jumps five pages. god work i'm enjoying the read.

I ain't the first.

EDIT: crap, e_voyager was a player.


At the time, he was involved in the RP. So yeah you are. Don't blame you though, I do the same. After all, what makes an RP fun is that you're essentially cowriting with a bunch of people, and what is written is meant to be read.


I'd kinda like to join. Are characters required to be furries? Because I have two characters in mind, but one's a furry and the other is a subspecies of elf.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...