The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Bunny, please try and take some action to rationalize the formulation, and the separation between speech and actions in your posts. It's hard to read. I'm saying this on behalf of everybody.


wow i get busy a few days and suddenly the story jumps five pages. god work i'm enjoying the read.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Prof B Hunnydew

You are right... I will keep all my speech in bold and quotes  Thoughts are "Italicized" like most everyone


PS  Where did Bunny come from?   This Bambi Hunnydew signing off...

Aisha deCabre

Um, Boog?  I'm sorry to put a dent in your drama here, but you know how Aisha's been using an incantation to unlock the bracer?  Only she can unlock shouldn't come off by itself.

Will that mess up something?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Noticed, actually. Thing is, Jeremiah's curse interacted weird with the specter venom (or whatever you want to call it), so the "specter mentality", if I may call it that, has been pushing against the bracer to get loose.

EDIT: PBH, Jeremiah took a wrong turn. He's probably not within line of sight of the chapel. Within hearing, yes, but easy to mistake for anybody else who happens to be laughing until he does something harmful to his vocal chords.


My dearest apologies to all of you, but life has intervened in such a manner that it's not feasible for me to keep up with the RP in any reasonable manner. In essence, I suppose, you've lost track of Cog in the spiders. Perhaps he was eaten. Perhaps he will return.

When time and circumstance allow, I'll try and continue again. :(

Aisha deCabre

Oh man, sorry to hear that,'s hoping things go well for ya.   :mowcookie
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Malicious, in your last post you referenced Mel as a dragon, which she is, except that right now she's wearing the illusion of being feline. If 75 can see though illusions he'll see her as a dragon. If not he's going to be seeing a rather small (5'0") young looking snow leopard. Just so you know when someone else calls her a feline.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Ahhh, sorry, I've read from your profile and you're described as a dragon in that, disregard it as a typo.

Mel Dragonkitty

Not a problem. I wasn't sure if you had the ability to see through her spells or not. But everyone else is seeing her as a leopard. We have a lot of female felines at the moment and sometimes it gets confusing who is being referenced.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Naw, s'entirely my fault, I shoulda read the previous posts in more detail. 'sides, it'd be cheating if I could see through your illusion.


Hunnydew, I have to remark that you are going very fast, and that you are about violating rule number two quite a lot. I am sorry to say, but I happen to be the GM here, even if this is a "free" RP, so this means that I am more in charge of circumstances and plot and that I don't want you or anyone else veritably stealing it and running away with it. Because things are as they are, and because this is supposed to be more lenient an RP, I am going to play along for now, but please be more careful in the future.

Also, I have no idea how you imagine the layout of the castle, nor do I think it would be a very good idea to lock the others out with the spiders...

Prof B Hunnydew

Wait A minute I do not think I closed the door yet.. I all I said was that the door was repaired   and call people back in the chapel.    But I will check again>>>


Thanks for not acknowledging Gareeku's presence. :rolleyes

llearch n'n'daCorna

You're a badass, Gar. I'm sure you'll cope. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Prof B Hunnydew


I wish to say I'm sorry and my post was misunderstood... I wish to make a mends at the new Post..

I promise to slow down and let other players their turns, and give you a chance to post.

Questions:   Does or Did the entrance into the chapel have a set of a double doors? 
Was the doors made of great oak wood and iron brackets?   Are or were the pews made of the same hard oak and iron?

I will post more questions like this in the future



It's allright, Bunny. Just as long as you keep more focus on your character, and don't try and solve every problem in less than half an hour, I'd say everything is going to be fine.

Yes, the chapel doors were double, and made of iron-reinforced oak.

Prof B Hunnydew

People are near death left and right, what am I going to do? ... PBH


Aisha deCabre

I think everyone's still gonna live, Bam.  Don't try to solve everything at once, we're all kinda working together here.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Yah, it'd be terribly lame to die after only being in the game for 5 minutes.


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on March 06, 2007, 06:55:55 PM
People are near death left and right, what am I going to do? ... PBH

Last I checked, I believe Keaton is only trapped in a nearly inescapable web of spider-sticky (that did NOT sound right). She's nowhere near death, just unable to move properly, struggling, and VERY pissed.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Jeremiah (for a given value of Jeremiah) has taken an unpleasant thumping and is not in the most mentally stable of states, but I wouldn't say dying per se. Honestly, he's probaby doing a lot better than he's been in the rest of the RP :rolleyes


Ehm, Bam... You're doing that thing again.

Prof B Hunnydew

What ?  I haven't done anything, .... yet.  little back story and a little light .. See I am waiting
But thanks guys on the updates  and I am trying not to steal the ball.
:giggle PBH

Aisha deCabre

Say, Bam?  You might want to read my last post a little carefully...Aisha threw the boomerang at the spider attacking 75 before she did the chandelier and pretty much sliced its head off.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Bam, could you please explain the logic behind the magical system you are currently using? What is this green glow that can unmutate spiders that have been growing in dark magic for 164 years and heal the injured with a hug. This seems a bit miraculous and instantaneous. I hope something this overpowered has a major payback involved.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

Yes, Bam is burning an awefull lot of energy which is she is going to pay for in a very short time. 

I will be out of the game for a few days in about a minute game time and I will be without magic for a day or more of game time.


Please do edit, Bam. If she's such a beginner with spells, and if Mel who's a Dragon can't heal someone that quickly, then it's a bit annoying to have everything fixed in a jiffy. Who knows what Malicious was thinking? He might have been planning something. And there goes that thirty-minute thing again.

We are trying to keep the power levels very much in check here, since the last RP suffered great flaws and setbacks because we couldn't there. Read through the Lounge and see. It's all... well...

Point is, even if Fae have insane magical power, we are still assuming that these things are difficult, arduous and strenuous.


Yeah, don't worry bout me Bam, afterall, it says in my character sheet that I can get the s*** kicked out of me and still get up again.  I'm not planning on hittin the great RP in the sky just yet. ;)