The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Are you guys accepting new members right now?

llearch n'n'daCorna


Pay Attention.


Failure to pay attention to the way every post of yours has been moved, barring one, from IC to OOC, will result in more permanent attention from the moderators. Take it from me, you do not want me to pay attention to you.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Okay... a little while ago, someone mentioned persuading me to submit a Castle character. The ideas finally percolated through to my keyboard, and the last bits fell into place tonight. Here's Andrace, and right now she's sitting in the Green Room waiting for her cue, drinking something with an umbrella in it.

For the curious, here's a pic of Andrace.


Name: Andrace Kithara
Nickname(s): "Andre" is the only one she can really tolerate. Call her "Andy" and be introduced to your pancreas. She's secretly tickled pink when people call her "that crazy $&@#" or "gawdshe'sbig".
Age: 22
Race: Being
Species: Lion
Family and Association(s): Antimo Kithara (father), Clarice Kithara (mother), Zach, Arcas, Mitri (brothers), Eugenia, Despina, Zoe, Irene (sisters).
Place of Origin: Mytilene, the Kithara family estate.

   Physical description

Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 220lb.
Build: Tall and muscular.
Eyes: Dark golden-brown.
Hair: Fiery red.
Fur Coloration: Tawny buff all over, lighter on front, with tail tuft the same colour as her hair.
Distinguishing features: A tall and statuesque lioness, Andrace looks like she could juggle Dragons. Her features are more striking than attractive, her hair is loose, shoulder length and usually at least a little untidy. The rest of her fur is well groomed, though. Andrace's favourite adventuring outfit is a jerkin, shirt and trousers in black/red leather and silk. Depending on what she's wearing (none are visible in the above outfit), some scars can be seen; on her right thigh, stomach, left forearm and back. There's a small silver ring with dangling spikes in her right ear.

   Biographical and general information

   History: One look at Andrace will tell you what she is: an adventurer. Andrace comes from the Kithara, a moderately successful extended family of adventurers (i.e. still alive and in one piece... mostly... by the time they retire). Trained by her family since she was old enough to stalk a Pygmy Shrew, Andrace learned a variety of weapon styles and fighting techniques.
By the time she was a teenager, she was coming along on some of her family's more straightforward jobs, and proved herself an effective and (when the mood — i.e. teen angst and hormones — struck her) a downright scary fighter. In the four years since she started out on her own, she's done a little bit of most things: courier, guard, bandit suppression, anti-critter patrols, bounty hunting, etc.
She tries to avoid taking on dubious jobs: and apart from one incredibly embarassing exception, she's mostly succeeded in this. (It was bad enough the nice handsome bear who hired her, and who she fell in lust with took a liking to, turned out to be the bad guy. The band of adventurers she didn't know had been called in to bring him down, who burst into his bedroom while he was... preoccupied, turned out to be Andrace's brothers and sisters. Hilarity ensued, mainly because she didn't have time to put her clothes back on until after they'd fought and driven off all the guards. Andrace always enjoyed showing off for her younger siblings, but they'd never seen her do anything quite like this before...)
Both of Andrace's current main weapons have been obtained during her solo career. The sword was the first thing she bought with money she earned all on her own, and the gun was "acquired" in the aftermath — and rubble — of a particularly spectacular and successful bad-guy-disposal job. Not the embarassing one.

   Personality: Usually friendly and boisterous. Loud, even (especially after a drink or three). Not just the life and soul of the party, if she's really determined to have a good time she can be the regressed past lives and afterlife of the party as well. Occasionally feels the need to show off, usually when she's comfortable with family or friends. Can seem a bit flirty with friends, but isn't really serious about it. Most of the time. Can become quite ruthless if necessary: she's no dewy-eyed dreamer.

   Abilities: An experienced fighter, Andrace is at least somewhat competent with most types of weapon. If it has sharp pointy bits, can shoot, be thrown or or used to hit things (and people), she can pick it up and immediately start beating on some thoroughly deserving monster or rogue Creature. With her favourite sword, though, she's highly skilled.

Andrace has a small amount of magical talent. This limits what she can do, but she's concentrated on learning a few useful spells, e.g. fire-lighting, magical light, and low-level healing. This last is not enough to heal injuries completely, but it can reduce bleeding, pain, and the chance of infection.

   Weapons: Her favourite weapons are a large two-handed greatsword (a zweihänder) and, for longer ranges and those hard-to-shift critters, she also has a gun. Considering her size and strength, this almost counts as a small cannon. The ammo is expensive and hard to find, so Andrace only uses the gun very much as a last resort. Knives of various sizes are tucked away, often in the most surprising places, in her clothes. Some of them are shaped and balanced for throwing. Andrace doesn't wear armour, although her dense fur and usual leather jerkin do give some protection. She relies on agility and speed to avoid being injured, and stamina to keep going if she is. As a last resort, she'll use her claws and teeth to best effect.
Neither of her favoured weapons has any sort of magical enhancement, or a fancy name. One of them's sharp and pointy, the other goes "bang" — in Andrace's hands, that's quite enough. She does, though, have a spare magazine stored securely in her backpack, with three bullets left in it. These were specially treated as a birthday present by Andrace's younger sister Despina, a mage. The effects seem to be part high explosive, part napalm, part very-bad-luck hex, and possibly (although it's not easy to tell on top of the other effects) a quick-acting deadly poison. Despina is not someone you want to have PO'd at you.

   Strengths: Strong. Stamina by the bucketload. Quick-thinking and confident when she has to come up with a plan in a hurry.

   Weaknesses: Considering her height and muscles, Andrace is not most people's vision of "svelte and dainty". Her natural feline agility helps in small spaces, but she can get stuck if she's not careful. Sometimes jumps into things with great enthusiasm, but "makes it up as she goes along" to get out of them.

   Trivia: Andrace needs to watch her diet, she's one of those people who can gain a pound or two just by looking at a sticky sweet dessert. She also needs to exercise regularly to keep those muscles.
In addition to the knives intended as weapons, Andrace has a range of useful tools tucked away in hidden pockets all over her clothes: lockpicks, wires, saws, tiny blades etc. There's a lot of them. Not (quite) enough to give her clothes extra armour protection, but they are noticeably heavier than they should be, even after you take all the knives out.
Apart from her never-quite-tidy hair, Andrace is a little vain about her appearance. She's picked up several scars in her years of adventuring, but she's had most of them completely healed, apart from a few suitable to wrap a good yarn around. (One or two are in places only very close friends get to see...)

ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

llearch n'n'daCorna


I love the embarrassing story bit. *giggle*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


In light of recent developments and problems, and the way that they haven't magically sorted themselves out, I'm contemplating leaving the forums. So I shall be turning over the role of GM to someone who has the bloody enthusiasm to keep up with this crap.

If people have objections, they can PM or try and talk to me and sort things out like they bloody well should have in the first place.

Anyone who wants to be GM is asked to respond to this post as immediately as possible. People not currently in the RP will be accepted as well.