Favorite Boss fights ever?

Started by Xuzaf D, October 11, 2005, 11:49:05 PM

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Since I missed this thread first go around and it got resurrected here's my faves:

Meio - Strider 1 and 2, part 2 was a better fight as he had two parts and just looked awesome.

Lucifer, Sardius, & Satan - GnG series bosses, all were pretty huge and all had to be beaten with a special weapon, none were really to hard to fight, but were hard to get to.

Bacterion, Zeios, and the Gradius Gaiden boss (The One Being if I remember his name correctly) - Gradius and Salamander last bosses, although they all tended to be wimps and the slighest bullet that tickled them would ultimately kill them. Konami tried hard with each game, but I guess they decided to make them easy, because getting to them was hell enough.

Stone Wizard - Kid Niki, crazy looking boss, then again crazy looking game with every boss strange, one blows air on you, another tries to stab you with a sword while lumbering around in heavy armor.

I could think of many more I like, but if this thread survives, maybe another time.


Boss that were fun.
Zelda-Ganon, the big pig version. 64.
Majora\'s Mask, all form were fun.
Wind Waker-Ganon was fun too.
Breakdown-Solus. I like trying to beat him without being hit once.
CoD-Legion. The after form made me want to scream.
Bosses that made me throw my controller and yell harsh things.
CoD-Drac\'s second form. I was to ballsy and died lots. Augh.
Conker\'s Bad Fur Day-The Alien. It refused to go out the vacuum.
I\'ll stop now. :knifed


castlevania sotn the demon the spits the lazzer and the squd thing ine the upside down castle.

Break Man

Was it just me, or was Death from AoS the most badass version ever?  I mean, a double-bladed scythe!  How could you beat that?  Other than him...  I'd say that Bowser from SM64 was one of the best bosses.  And about Vergil being hard...  Which DMC?

Xuzaf D

The original Death was the baddest by far.



Queen Fossil E - G-Darius - one long fight against a huge fish looking ship, nice cinema before, and about a 5 minute battle after. And to think that's just the second boss.

Nimrods Son

Battle of Olympus - that Hades Heini, damn,forgot his name,
oh yeah, and grand hooray to CV SX 68k's Dracula.
Sucked the most: Legacy of Darkness' Ultimate Dracula =  :plzdie

Jack McSlay

Doom's Cyberdemon > All

some other pretty neat battles are
Ganon on TLOZ:OOT
Orochi on KOF97
Zodd on Sword of the Berserk
Wart on Super Mario Bros. 2
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.

The Lurking Dragon

Culex from Super Mario RPG is one of my top all-time fights. That dude was TOUGH. Smithy was a challenge too, no matter how much you leveled.
The end fights in the Ratchet and Clank series were usually fun fights too, though a walkover once you got the gold weapons usually.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon

King Of Hearts

Keisal Ifes, Super Robot Wars Alpha 3.

Ive waited some 6 years to kick his ass.

It was one grand battle, 10,000 years in the making involving the powers that be and the power that may be. all tied in a neat Metal shell... yummy.


Has to be the Axem Rangers from Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars.


Ah, how many I can name.....  :)

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7, Kingdom Hearts, and KH2.)
Ultimate Weapon (Final Fantasy 7)
Kuja (Final Fantasy 9)
Dracula (Castlevania 64)
Perfect Chaos (Sonic Adventure)
Metal Overlord (Sonic Heroes)
Bowser (Mario Brothers 3-Sunshine)
Mega Oogie Boogie (TNBC: Oogie's Revenge)
The Main Boss of Megaman Legends for Play Station (can't remember his name.  :meh )

I'd post more if I could remember. ><; this be it for now...


The second to last level with 5 boss characters- Fire Emblem (US)
The Great Mighty Poo- Conker (A boss made of fecal matter who sings to you... c'mon..)
Gnome- Tales of Symphonia (I love his voice and attitude. Heh)
The Savannah boss- Kingdom Hearts 2 (Fighting the entire savannah as a living being.. yay!)
Phantom Ganon- Ocarina of Time
Twinrova- Ocarina of Time
Giant Baby Bowser- Yoshi's Island
Perfect Chaos- Sonic Adventure
Biohazard- Sonic Adventure 2
Final SA-X (Or whatever it's name was)- Metroid Fusion
Meta-Ridley- Metroid Prime
I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can remember.

James StarRunner

I guess I'm not alone with some of my boss choices. Got some great bosses so far!

Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson's Punch Out:
Took a little over a decade, but I finally beat the guy to get that lame ending. Meh.

Culex - Super Mario RPG:
The rest of the game was easy compared to him.

Mana Beast - Secret of Mana:
I didn't want to kill it but...

Dark Knight (Cecil's Dad?) - FF4:
Sure you win if you just stand there and don't do anything, but somewhat challenging for the typical level Cecil has at that point in the game.

...There should be more, but my mind can't think anymore.


That was Cecil's dark side, and if you fought it, it hit you back twice as hard. You were supposed to defend to show you weren't going to be so aggressive and evil anymore. Excellent fight.

I love most every boss fight... I'll remember a few stellar ones eventually.

Kitsune Ascendant

yoshi's island. final boss. second stage. the music is awesome. that is all.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Xze's bosses:

Sephiroth, Cloud, Ansem, Maleficent, Riku- Kingdom Hearts

XD i'm lame

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Personally, I shall never forget the end of Ultima VII: The Black Gate.

Dammit, Shamino!  I'm trying to place some arcane symbols of ye mystical Electronic Arts, here.  Stop shooting me in the back.  It bloody hurts!  Shoot Batlin, instead.  He's the bad guy and he's shooting me too!


If you're looking for something a bit more conventional ...

Every single boss from every single Turrican game, ever.

They were all awesome.  The fist gets special mention, though.

Xuzaf D

Nothing better than cheap ass bosses that requir 10 hours of level grinding and 2 hours of repetitive move usage to beat. :redrum


Quote from: The Warlike on July 17, 2006, 11:58:34 PM
Nothing better than cheap ass bosses that requir 10 hours of level grinding and 2 hours of repetitive move usage to beat. :redrum
*stabs Ansem* Heck yesh...

Had to get to level 99 and he still kicked my ass...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I nominate the minotaur battle from God of War.  A fun romp with many twists and a kickass finisher.


Okay, let's see here...

Favourite; Metroid Prime (both forms) - Metroid Prime
A decent blend of gimmick (Phazon beam) and the unique aspects of regular MP gameplay (space jump for dodging attacks, matching beams against armoured first form, and switching visors for second form). Huzzah!

Most Gimmick-tastic-est; Shadow Stalker - Kingdom Hearts II, and Xemnas (skyscraper battle) - Kingdom Hearts II
Ah, reaction commands... For some bosses, they way overused it, but I loved 'em nonetheless. These two are my favourites as far as reaction commands go; Shadow Stalker because the variety of commands (and because swinging around pillars in a possessed ballroom is just fun), and Xemnas because the actual need for timing for the reaction commands to work (most boss battle reaction commands can be done by just tapping the triangle button constantly, this one actually needs timing to hit the right command.) Oh, and they also both made the list because they in no way feature the phrase "GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK".

Most Tedious; Princess Shroob's final form - Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
I have no idea why this battle took so long... I dunno, might have been the three or four regenerating targets (legs and crown) that had to all be destroyed at the same time for you to deal actual damage...Possibly...*twitch*...


That was a good fight, lot better than the Sequel, and it's a lot easier to soak up phazon when you have the suit.

Drake Manaweilder

I like fighting Sepheroth from KH2, on Proud mode. the first few runs through I basically got what was left of my arse handed to me when I was maxed out, but 2 days ago i got him on lv51. (is it just me, or is he getten easier?)



You know, I'd have to agree with Destina Faroda on Storm Eagle. His fight was an intense one. He was, infact, my favorite X-boss. However, the true test of a boss fight came from Sting Chameleon. His entrance was beast....he just...appeared! And as soon as that life bar filled up, the first thing he would ALWAYS do was to swing from the ceiling WITH HIS TONGUE and drop needles in random directions. As soon as that was over, you'd watch, terrified, at seeing him dissapear into thin air.

The battle went into a frenzy of button mashing and attempts to dodge his lightning fast tongue. And let's face it: without the foot attatchment on your feet, you were dead. Plain and simple. I still have problems fighting him today (even though I already beat the game, it had a high replay value in my book.).

There are others, but HIS was a boss fight to remember.  xD


I was rather fond of the Finalhazard in Sonic Adventure 2, what with the banter between Sonic and Shadow.

Kraid, Ridley, Phantoon, Draygon, and Mother Brain from Super Metroid.  Each boss battle made me go "whoa".  Phantoon was one of the creepiest bosses ever, IMO.

Super Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhatten Project.  Tough as nails.

All the boss fights in Phantasy Star Online are memorable, in my opinion, made more so by fighting them with friends and yelling crazy stuff!

Granfalloon from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was weird...

Can't forget Shadow Link from Legend of Zelda II! 



Quote from: Belmont on July 29, 2006, 09:59:50 PM
contra III boss at the end

One of the hardest final boss fights EVER.

I must say, Megaman Battle Network 4's final boss, Duo, was one of the most difficult and most hated boss fights to ever come into my hands. He was cheap, he wasn't fun to play against, and the battle-chips you had at the time sucked badly. However, I think the absolute WORST aspect of fighting him came with the music. I couldn't stand it. How could such trash be admitted into a game? I mean, what were they thinking!?

Had to use 4 program advances and a whole lotta luck to beat him. The ending sucked, too. It's the game that inspired me to stay away from the Megaman Battle Network series from then on. The ones before it were great, though.