Favorite Boss fights ever?

Started by Xuzaf D, October 11, 2005, 11:49:05 PM

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Until you got to the last boss. that bastard kept killing with his chest of doom.


(blinks) I never had that issue. Ever...


Magus, the thing with his chest laser does 999 damage every time.


Did you play through the extra quests at the end? The ones that help to open up the best items?


Yup, did that to level up, had the best evra thing. just magus or spikey dude whatever th flick his name is. I don't know My memory card formated itself so I don't have it.


That's fucked up man. I never had that happen. Ever.


I don't remember a chest of doom attack in Chrono Trigger. Odd indeed.


Well he opens his cheat, and it sprays fire all over you, but I don't recall it insta killing.


As many times as I've played through that game (SNES version twice, and then the Playstation version enough times to unlock almost all the cut scenes and endings) I should have remembered that one. My mistake.

It is kind of funny though that you fight BAD ASS Magnus, only to have him join your party and start with almost nothing at all. What happened to all the spells he just used to try to kill us?


He got is power drained by Lavos, remember?


Yeah, but still it's all too often in RPG's that an all powerful character fights you, only to stop, join your team, and somehow they lose their powers and equipment. hmmmmmm.....




CT had good production values all around. There are some games out there that just lack and are hard to really enjoy, like... Secrect of Evermore. I so wanted to like that game, and while it's fun on an occasion, and the art was pretty decent... it's just not a very good game. I'd rather have gotten SD3, which we were supposed to get originalyl, but the released SoE here and didn't want SD3 to compete with it... Lame.


Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games. I am kind of hoping they remake it for Gameboy Advance like they are doing with Final Fantasy 4, 5 and 6.   :D

I also have to agree about Secret Of Evermore. It had potential, but kinda left a bad taste.


When are they gonna remake FF3? I'm hankering to add that in some form to my collection.


They are supposed to be working on it as a DS title, but nothing further is known about that.

I know the feeling. They need to hurry up and release it.

Destina Faroda

Sig coming...whenever...



and now for something completely different

It should still be worth it though

Xuzaf D

Usually when someone says "and now for something completely different" they change the subject.


Well, I was going to.....but......I.....think I got distracted....

HEY LOOK! What's that?

~runs away~

Xuzaf D

That's right... run in a strait line

Green Lantern

One of the hardest boss fights for me was from Final Fantasy IV. It is the gauntlet with the Four Fiends of Elements.


FFV was annoying for the boss fights, It got to a point in that game where if you didn't have every character able to use Summon magic, you just got owned. Weak.


Aparantly I've been shot  :redrum

I started replaying all the Final Fantasy games again, and I am just now on FFV again. I agree about the Summon magic though.  :meh


Yeah it's like what's the point of having a great customization system if in the end you have to give all the characters the same powers just to win the game?


well, you make a point. then again, who gives a flying crap about looks? i just make my characters as strong as possible for the biggest cheapshots.but since this thread is about boss battles... my favorite is against Jenova. I am a pretty big fan of the Jenovas and the Weapons. good fights, difficult, though. if my friend hadn't warned me earlier, i woulda lost every time i fought Emerald.



(one xtra post for no reason)


1-Storm Eagle(MMX)
2-Olrox(of course,CVSotN)
3-Death(from all CV games)
4-the Black Dragon(chrono cross)
5-Bat company and zephyr(CVDoS)
6-puppet master(CVDoS)
8-4 demons of golbez(FF4)
9-giant of babel(ff4)
10-Golbez and zeromus(FF4)