Favorite Boss fights ever?

Started by Xuzaf D, October 11, 2005, 11:49:05 PM

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Xuzaf D

Let's think a little broader now. What are your Favorite bosses throughout gaming history?


Gotta go with the Mana Beast. He was fun, if easy, but his music fuckin rocked.

Similarly, I really dig Magus.

Destina Faroda

Storm Eagle from Mega Man X.

Up until that moment in playing a Mega Man game (I hadn't played the oringinal Mega Man), I was used to going through the gate and fighting the boss as usual.  However when you reached the gate (which you enter from the right...really unusual) in Mega Man X, the ship itself practically blows up, leaving the remains of the ship as a wide, two screen length area.  Then Storm Eagle makes his entrance by descending with the crackling of those metallic wings, the meter fills up, and his first attack is to try to blow you off the side of the stage!  And if you survive that -- which you should despite being scared out of your wits -- then there's a chance he'll "disappear" from the screen (although if you are on the same screen you will see him ascend) and dive at you, appearing on screen for only a short period of time.  It doesn't seem like much these days, and the fight isn't hard by any stretch, but it did trip me out because it was so unexpected.
Sig coming...whenever...


His was a pretty boss fight.

I dug Wheel Gator more though. He was a good fight, just tough enough if you were fighting him first, but not too difficult that you could never kill him.

Xuzaf D

Personal Favorites:
Pirate K. Rool (DK Country 2)
Goji and the Golden Rhino (Jet Set Radio)
Majora's Mask/Incarnation/Wrath (Zelda: the Underrated Follow-up)
Skorne (Guantlet Legends/Dark Legacy)
That's all for now.


Not a big fan of the boss fights in the DKC series. Too much pattern, not enough improv.

Xuzaf D

True, but he had three patterns. Yeah, think about it...


the hardest battle was against hugh baldwin in CV:COTM

Xuzaf D

That statement makes it sound like Hugh was the thoughest boss in any video games ever. Do you have anything to back that?


Hard boss fight? The fuckin Prime Metroid. Bastard always kills me. Never beat the fucker once.

Destina Faroda

I didn't think Hugh was THAT hard, but that's probably because I overleveled and used up my stock of health potions.

DKC boss battles had to be predictable for an important reason.  Two hits and it's game over.  If the battles were any more complicated it would be unfair.

Wheel Gator was a bit hard, although I always fought him first, against the recommended order.  But I don't like fighting him because I run into the same problem that I do for a lot of Mega Man X battles...staying on that wall during certain attacks.  That wall pounding hurts your thumb after a while.

On the other hand, I like fighting Storm Eagle in part BECAUSE of the ease.   It's easier on your hands too since you get rests, something you don't get with most bosses.  He's actually easier to beat with your buster than with the C.Sting.  It's a good stress reliever...man, I really should play Mega Man X again just for the heck of it.

Hard boss fights are never fun, because I always lose.  :(
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D


my fav boss fight ever has to go to dracula from Rondo
it was a perfct recreation of the og Drac battle that I loved sooo much

hardest boss fight ever for me, hmmm probably alma,the greater feind from the xbox ninja gaiden It took over 70 tries for me to kill her

Destina Faroda

There is only one boss that took even remotely near 70 tries for me to kill...Mega Man X3 Kaiser Sigma (I lost count after 30).  Even the Giant Moldworm in A Link to the Past did not take that many tries.  I have a rule that if I'm noticing how many times (usually after the first or six) it's taken me to kill an enemy, I'm giving up on fighting that enemy because the games' no fun then.
Sig coming...whenever...


I never was able to beat Kaiser Sigma... but then, I didn't really try hard. X3 bored me so bad.

One day i wanna try going into Flame Mammoth's stage and beating him first. Without any powerups or anything. I've heard that a fun way to get owned.

As for my order in X2, I always do the Gator first, then I think I do the Junkyard Moth. I do those two because it leaves enough open spots that I can easily access in a quick amount of time to get all the Zero parts. I think I then go in and do Ostritch, Sponge, and I think it's normally the Stag, although I may be remembering wrong. I know sometimes I have to try for the crab instead, but it always takes too long to kill that fish and make it to the Zero Part boss room. They always leave before I get there.

Gotta say that The big dude (not Axle) is far harder in the first fight with him than after wards in Sigm'a Castle.

Destina Faroda

X3's whole fight with Sigma was too difficult.  Not only did he have that annoying Captain America-like Shield in his first form and that nigh-invulnerable Kaiser Sigma form, but then you have to climb your way up in a narrowing vertical corridor bering chased by FIRE!   Believe me, the game makers went overboard in the challenge of that game.

You will get owned, definitely if you try to take on any of the Mavericks in the original Mega Man X with nothing (and by nothing, I mean not even the dash boots, so Chill Penguin doesn't count).  The only boss I ever defeated without anything is Armored Armadillo, but it took like a half hour because you only do 1 bar of damage per hit with his armor on.

For X2, I beat Wheel Gator then Bubble Crab because here's the thing about the Zero parts:  the X-Hunters stick around as long as you don't beat any more Mavericks.  They will jump stages, but they won't disappear forever.  So don't worry about killing the fish, just exit and enter a stage.  With the Spin Wheel and the Bubble Splash, you can get a good amount of the powerups and fight the X-Hunters.  I always try to fight them in Overdrive Ostrich's stage because the X-Hunter door is easy to access there.
Sig coming...whenever...


Eh, just feels like cheating. I much perfer to take out the side-bosses while playing the main game. More challenging. X2 is fun, but the least challenging of all the games, honestly.

Destina Faroda

I'm sorry but I can't see how you think X2 is easier than Mega Man X.  Some parts are clearly easier than Mega Man X, but just having three extra bosses makes the game harder.  Plus in Mega Man X2, I had an extraordinarily hard time getting some of the powerups.
Sig coming...whenever...


I always had more issue wth the end boss of X than X2. He's vastly more powerful, and irritating to fight.

Destina Faroda

Oh that I definitely agree.  The Sigma's final form in X1 is a bitch to fight.  But if you fight Zero in X2, that makes beating the game downright impossible.  Plus the fact is most of the other bosses in X2 are harder than X1.
Sig coming...whenever...


Favorite Boss battles. I remember palying Super Mario Brothers for the first time. That was actually the first game I ever played that had an actual boss.

As for favorites, I vote for Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 (3 if you've only played it on SNES).

Not only is being a insane clown scary enough, his final form was three screens tall. Very fond memories of that game.


Actually, I can beat X2 fighting both Zero and Sigma. That was a challenge, but fun.

I do have to agree Kefka was cool. A friend of mine played that game all the freakin time.


Kefka is a clown...so yeah...I hate him. My friend is stuck on a stupid formation battle where you have to guard the entrance.

My worst place was Suikoden 3...the ice dragon guy. It was impossible to beat. The ice deals around the dragon itself kept coming back and the moves took out half the life points.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


My favorite boss whould have to be sephiroth from ff7. However i like almost any boss music.

Xuzaf D

Get the Fanboy!! :knifed
You can beat every boss in that game with the same strategy: HasteAll, RegenAll, Summon, Summon, Summon...
I know this for a fact because that's how I beat the game.


Atma weapon
Kefka fights ff6

Menace CVDoS THIS GAME F'ing Owns.
Paranoia he was a nifty Cv boss

Galamoth was a whore

Neclord fight on Suikoden 2 *drools*

All Megaman fights up to X7


And the Ninja turtles enemies also me and my friend just beat VI on hard mode in 28.16.

Xuzaf D

Just remember that "hard" is a relative term.


You never see a flaccid mode. Curious...

FF7 wasn't really hard, I have to concur. Long, sometimes tedious, but not hard.

Xuzaf D

The only difficult thing about it was getting those missable items which I didn't care for anyway.



Thing I hated most about all the FF games was the amount of needless time you had to spend powering up. That was something I dug about Chrono Trigger. No wasted power-up time.