Dak's Chibi Art Thread (Updated Jan. 5)

Started by Dakata, November 21, 2006, 02:09:57 PM

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*gives 'Kata a file full of Buttsecks* be happy X3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



i think i got the colors wrong ;;

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Quote from: Xze-Xze on December 03, 2006, 03:30:57 AM
i think i got the colors wrong ;;
My bony-wing's a lighter shade of grey. :< The pic's good though. Except for the JPG-killing-it and all of the white spots.

...*Baps Xze on her head* And -don't- try to write over my sloppy-handwriting! It's sloppy enough. :U

Whee, I fail for not posting pics for like 3 weeks. Oh well.

I've been busy with life and stuff. And I only have 2 pics that don't look like crap...and some doodles I drew for someone IRL. :U I'll post those too. Just 'cuz. But I probably won't link to 'em in the first post. 'Cuz I suck.

[Click] (18 KB) - My new widdle baby, Toryu. :3 Doesn't he look cute and innocent? (His daddy is a cute guy I "know" IRL. >:3 And he doesn't know he's a dad. *Bwahahah*)

[Click] (23 KB) - Toryu again. :U And he's HUNTING. Like a good, evil little boy...:mwaha

Aaaaaaand, the other pics. I drew 'em for a cute guy I like and I gave 'em to him. :U And I wrote my phone number on one of 'em 'cuz I'm evil. *Bwahahah* He hasn't called though. :< He better be busy or something. Or I'm-a glomp him IRL or somethin'. (And yeah, these are colored [with crayonz! :B]. But my scanner fails at life and can't scan colored stuff without KILLING it.)

[Click] (209 KB) - One of the pics. It's a draggy with a firebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall! :mwaha Fiiire!

[Click] (180 KB) - And the other pic. Yes, it is Dakata. And yes, I did draw a :3 face..

...Oh, and I forgot to draw your precious pretty-boy-ninja as a dragon, Xze. I'll try to draw it later/tomorrow if I'm not too lazy...or too sick. :dface


(Yes, it's the 3rd here. :< It's been the 3rd for like 7 minutes.)

OHNOES DOUBLEPOST :< And I still haven't drawn that durn prettyboy ninja. Oh well. Xze probably forgot. :3


...It's not an uber-late Christmas present for you I swear, Gar! :< And it's definitely not a doodle of Fa'Lina. :< (I think I screwed up the hair. D: )

...*Gives Gar a biiiiig dragon hug* 0:3

...And here's [the Emo-Hazzy pic]. :< I'm sure just about everyone saw his avatar. He should feel special since it was my last '06 doodle. :< FEEL SPECIAL! *Hits Hazzy* Stewpid emo...

...And that's all I got right now. :< Some other art's on my laptop but it's getting fixed right now. And I'd post my first '07 doodle, but it has GAY DRAGON SNUGGLING in it.

...Hell, I'll post it anyway. Just 'cuz I suck.


LOL Everyone <3s gay dragons. :B

(And yes, that is my fursona with a draggy-fied version of a guy I like. D': But his hair's not that messy-ish IRL. And he's hotter than that. <3 And screw you, Xze. I ain't sharin'. <3 <3 <3)



*Squeals like a fangirl*

Squee!! :3 Thank you very much Dak! ^.^

*cuddles his present* :3 I'm gonna look after you and love and love you and love you and...

Fa'Lina: get away from me weirdo! :<


Every time I check back here the art only improves. *noogies the dragon, on a 'cuz-I-can-get-away-with-it' basis* Nice art and all that rot.


Quote from: Boogeyman on January 03, 2007, 07:32:32 PM
Every time I check back here the art only improves. *noogies the dragon, on a 'cuz-I-can-get-away-with-it' basis* Nice art and all that rot.
Thanks, meanie. >:3 *Rawrs and noogies Boogey back*

And I still want my pic, Boogeyman. :< You better scan it soon or I won't give you your Christmas present...>:3


9_9 It'll be scanned when it's scanned, as will all the other art requests from way back when that only piled up. From now on, next time I do that I'm only doing one at a time.


*Baps Oogie Boogie* :<

[This is not Abel-prawn. I swear. ;3]
(He's sad 'cuz he heard rumorz on teh intarnetz. He heard that a Dakata is hungry...and that Dakatas like prawn. :<)


[And this is not Boogeyman's Xmas present, which I showed him yesterday.]
(Everytime I look at this, I think about gerbils. :< I think it's 'cuz of Dragon-Boogey's tail....and I think his ears look kinda rodent-y too. :< AND I STILL WANTS MY PIC, OOGIE.)

...[And here iz a dragon-plushie who wants to be the ruler of all toys. :< I can't think of a name for him though. *FAIL* NAME SUGGESTIONZ PLZ? :<]
(Yes, his right eye is gone. HE GOTZ SHOTTED BY A GUN :< But he can still see stuff.)

I <3 my tablet. *Hugs it*

