Dak's Chibi Art Thread (Updated Jan. 5)

Started by Dakata, November 21, 2006, 02:09:57 PM

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Yay. :3 New thread. *Claps hands*

[Click] (195 KB) - Ripper, one of my demon-draggy bebes. :dface I haven't drawn him in a while....but now he's got a horny back. :B And sexy chibi spiked....belts. And bracelets and stuff. :P His evil little sister made him wear them.

[Click] (278 KB) - Tabby/Tabitha, Ripper/Patches/Necros' little sister. :U She's anthro-y! ....And she's holding a [poorly drawn] rose....with her tentacle. :3 Yes, she's a succubus.

[Click] (115 KB) - Patches, yay! :3 He's a widdle anthro chibi....and he's happy or something. I dunno. :dface

[Click] (431 KB) - Oni. :dface My stewpid demon-tiger servant muse. I drew him in a crappy forest and stuff. :) One of my classmates saw me drawing this like a week ago and he said "HOLY SH*T, THAT'S BEAUTIFUL. D:" That made me happy. :3

-"Kawaii desu? :3" (97 KB)
-Shadow-wingie Patches (224 KB)
-Patches' nameless best fwiend :3 (158 KB)
-Fox Cooties :dface (77 KB)
-Weally Sad Puppy :3 (74 KB)
-"Beep!" "Meep?" (83 KB)
-Dakata n' Draggy-Boogey :U (60 KB)
-Angsty Dakata D: (121 KB)
-Emo Dakata D: (145 KB)
-Eddie (234 KB)
-Toyru :3 (18 KB)
-Toryu (again) (23 KB)
-Xmas present for Gareeku :U (8 KB)
-Emo-Hazzy D: (10 KB)
-Abel prawn PR0N >:3 (10 KB)
-Boogey's Xmas present (11 KB)
-Nameless Draggy-plushie guy :< (9 KB)


May I quote your classmate because it is the most beautiful picture I've seen drawn by your hand.

Really it is.

It's a very nice picture, all the pictures are but the last one seems special  :)



Yes, 'Oni' is definitely the best in this set.  Very nicely done.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


What's up, Dak?  :lol  *Is shot.* :<

The first one scares me. :cry  Though they're all very awesome, esp. Tabby. :3

Why doesn't Patches wuv me? D:

*Is drowning in a pool of smilies.*


Thankies, Tape. :3

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 02:31:24 PM
What's up, Dak?  :lol  *Is shot.* :<
Nothin' much. :B *Hides gun behind back*

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 02:31:24 PMThe first one scares me. :cry  Though they're all very awesome, esp. Tabby. :3
Ripper's scary? :dface But he's so harmless! He's like the giant horny :3 snake-puppy I never had! :U He attacks the mailman, and licks my face, and scares the neighbour-kids...

And thankies, Haz. :3

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 02:31:24 PMWhy doesn't Patches wuv me? D:
'Cuz you're not his favorite Uncle (Boogeyman). D:


But I'm not his Uncle, anyway, as far as I know.




You are getting WAAAAAAAYYYYYY Better!! your drawins look beautiful!! and the shading makes everything look more in-depth!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


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Aisha deCabre

They're all so CUTE!  And very well-done!  I wish I could draw background elements half as well.  :mowtongue
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



Quote from: Xze-Xze on November 21, 2006, 03:21:40 PMoh...my...Ra...

You are getting WAAAAAAAYYYYYY Better!! your drawins look beautiful!! and the shading makes everything look more in-depth!!
LIAR. Thankies, Xze. :3

...and thankies, ITOS and Aisha and Zedd. :U

Rawr. New arts. :U

[Click] (97 KB) - KAWAII DESU? ;3 *Is hit by a flying ice cream truck* (I was sleepy when I was shading this one. :dface And the hand/finger/claw looks stewpid.)

[Click] (224 KB) - OMG PATCHES...with shadow-magic-wingies! :3

[Click] (158 KB) - Patches' nameless....demon-y friend-thing. :U I don't know what he is. He looks like some kind of weird, adorable, and ghey rabbit thing...with a demon tail...and claws! (Meh. It's a crappy-ish doodle...but I don't care. :dface )


Cool pics. Your art's improving quite a bit. I like Patches' friend, he's cool. Notice you trying something different with his legs too.


Quote from: Boogeyman on November 21, 2006, 07:36:26 PM
Cool pics. Your art's improving quite a bit. I like Patches' friend, he's cool. Notice you trying something different with his legs too.
Thanks Oogie Boogie. >:3 *Hug*

You still owe me art. >:[



Quote from: Dakata on November 21, 2006, 07:39:06 PM
You still owe me art. >:[
Oh no you di'in't! :O  You still owe me art. >:[  Not to metion all the other peeps that requested stuff in your old thread.  *Prepares for lack of life.*

Right, about teh art.  Very awesome, your art skills are increasing exponentially! Patches looks uber-awesome with wingies! :O

Get well soon, Patches. :3 *Hugs.*


Quote from: Zedd on November 21, 2006, 08:48:47 PMI love your all childrens my dear
And they love you too, Zedd. :U And they'll love you more if you give them lots of hugs...and be mean to Hazzy 0:3

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 10:59:23 PM
Oh no you di'in't! :O  You still owe me art. >:[  Not to metion all the other peeps that requested stuff in your old thread.  *Prepares for lack of life.*
Oh, yes I di-id. NOW STFU, FOX. *Draggy-slap*

I've been busy. :dface And be nice to me or I'll tell Oogie Boogie that you said you'd tickle me 'til I cried. :dface

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 10:59:23 PM
Right, about teh art.  Very awesome, your art skills are increasing exponentially! Patches looks uber-awesome with wingies! :O
Thanks, meanie-fox. :U BTW, those wingies aren't permanent. And they're useless. He just likes to have shadow-wingies 'cuz...he likes 'em. :dface

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 10:59:23 PM
Get well soon, Patches. :3 *Hugs.*
It's -your- fault he's sick. :dface You infected him with FOX COOTIES.

Patches: D:

...Don't worry, it's my ex's fault too. D: He tried to infect me and Patches with some really stewpid fangirl-japanese-speaking-idiot disease. My poor bebe. *Hugs Patches* He had to hear that meanie say 'baka' and 'desu'...and other japanese words that annoying fangirls like to use all the time...

I'll scan more arts tomorrow. *Takes a nap*

Alan Garou

They are all very cute, and you are very, very talented. The shading is excellent, and I love the knowing, mischievous smiles they have. Thou art the ruler of dark chibis!


Quote from: Alan Garou on November 22, 2006, 12:02:07 AMThey are all very cute, and you are very, very talented. The shading is excellent, and I love the knowing, mischievous smiles they have. Thou art the ruler of dark chibis!
Thankies. :3

More art, yayz. :U

[Click] (77 KB) - FOX COOTIES, EWW. :dface Don't let them touch me. They'll make me foxy. :U 'Cuz I'm not a fox.

[Click] (74 KB) - A sad puppy. And it's in a box. :U Isn't it adorable? It makes me happy. 'Cuz it's sad. And I hate puppies.

[Click] (83 KB) - My draggity beeped your yappity's nose, Toric. :V ...You gonna kick his butt? >:3


Holy crap, foxy mows! D:

Aww, poor puppy. :(  Your style reminds me of PPG in tha tpic. :lol

Yay, more winged Patches. :>


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 22, 2006, 07:58:52 PM
Holy crap, foxy mows! D:
Fox cooties! D: They're mammal-buggies that'll make everything that's not a fox...*Gasp*...Foxy.

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 22, 2006, 07:58:52 PMYay, more winged Patches. :>
Winged Patches? :V Where?

Aisha deCabre


(Escapes fox cooties and runs into the puppy)


Seriously, your art is kewl.  :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



Quote from: Aisha deCabre on November 22, 2006, 08:04:44 PMFox...cooties...must...escape...

(Escapes fox cooties and runs into the puppy)


Seriously, your art is kewl.  :3
Thanks. :3

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 22, 2006, 08:10:00 PMOh I guess that isn't Patches is it? :B
Which pic? The third [new] one? That one has my draggity and Toric's yap. :U


Oh, I see.  Your style has changed a lot, then.


Quote from: Dakata on November 22, 2006, 07:47:53 PM
My draggity beeped your yappity's nose, Toric. :V ...You gonna kick his butt? >:3
Nope, just be friends with the foxy-bugs since I happen to be inorganic. And even if they do make me foxy, hey, poofy fox tails are cool.
Yap by Silver.


Ha. :U Only one piccie today because I'm lazy. I might add more crap later.


*Has started using DA and SA again* :B

Hay, is it just me or is DA being stupid right now? I uploaded stuff and it won't show up in my gallery (Except for one pic). But I can see them if I look at my popular stuff. :U



Quote from: Dakata on November 21, 2006, 05:52:49 PM

[Click] (97 KB) - KAWAII DESU? ;3 *Is hit by a flying ice cream truck* (I was sleepy when I was shading this one. :dface And the hand/finger/claw looks stewpid.)

Kawaii desu KA or Kawaii desu NE. Grammar is dandy, in any language.

Might I suggest inking? Some of your pictures are hard to see, and inking would made things easier. Also, try to steer away from uploading pictures on linedpaper, or at least try to get rid of the lines. If you're using photoshop, it's really simple. I can dig up a few tutorials to link you to.


A fairly simple method I've discovered for making lines darker (I use Photoshop Elements, but others should be fairly similar):

* Make a copy of the layer
* Set the new layer's mode to "Multiply"
* Merge the two layers into one.

This usually seems to give good results.

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