Started by Damaris, October 07, 2006, 09:15:29 PM

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The site will launch tomorrow. All pages are setup, it's just a matter of typoing now.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


In the names section at top, while Tani is a name that one person calls me, most go with Tanis. Unless you don't want people thinking I'm a Dragonlance freak, which I kindof am.

Oh, and thanks for killing me. You can edit it to say Prom instead of dinner if you want ;P Thats what it actually was.


I didn't know I was a strange, kinky man...


'Favorite Color(s): Dark Red/Maroon/Blood Red tongue'

Change the 'tongue' part. It looks stupid. And it should be a :P smilie.

BTW, can we ask Darkmoon to change the info (Favorite stuff, Likes, Dislikes, ect.) if we want it changed? :B



i seem like a freak

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Yesm, you can change your basic info. You however cannot change your summary. That is my domain.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


...Well, can I have a new summary that's totally random and stuff? :B


Even if I could change my summary, I doubt I would. :lol


Hey, if you'd rather not have the same picture there for Miaka and I, I also have this you could use


Darkmoon, I know Joseph is what you like to call me at nights, but my name is really James
Although, there was also that girl back when I was in grade 8 who called me Jason...
Actually, I think James sucks too. So you can put whatever you like in there... you will anyway :)

Also, it's zodiac... or you could spell the sign Kaprikorn; either way works :)


Would anyone be kind to help me with this?


Yes it is very shiney...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Probably just a typo, Kasarn. I'll check it tomorrow.

Dakata: no. I like what I wrote.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


On the FAQ page...

QuotePrincess: There's always room for Jell-O

Lack of punctuation at the end... (minor)

QuotePrincess: There is no "Old Forum" Neo... its all in your mind.

its --> it's 


Rules section:

QuoteRule #8

Please forward all complaints/concerns to either Damaris or Darkmoon (if they will not be available for several days, a secondary point person will be designated). If your complaint or concern is about Darkmoon or Damaris, you should choose the other administrator. All PMs off an "issue" nature that cannot be resolved immediately will be posted in the admins' area as documentaion of the issue. The admins will then come up with a fair desicion on the matter.

While I applaud the appropriate use of the apostrophe in "admins'", "desicion" should be "decision", "documentaion" should be "documentation", and the "off" I believe should be simply "of". However, there is a chance I am wrong on that last one...

Hmm, I like the rules. A compilation of banned annoyances that any sensible person can comply with without qualms.  :)

But, running the entire Rules page through a spellchecker yields all sorts of interesting things, some actual typos, some just words it doesn't recognize. A comprehensive list could be compiled, but I'm really too lazy to do it...

"flaimbait" was an interesting one. Should be "flamebait", or no? [In Rule 2, Section A, Sentence 1]

EDIT:  <.< 

Uhhh, wait, was I only supposed to care about the Photo Album?


Quote from: Supercheese on October 08, 2006, 01:30:35 AM
Uhhh, wait, was I only supposed to care about the Photo Album?

It is the funny part. :P

Nice work, Darkmoon. Very  ...  creative. :paranoid
This generic comment was brought to you by:



QuoteOnce owned a hampster named Bruce. Sadly, Bruce met with a particularly cruel fate. Aiyno still hasn't recovered.

Hampster! and my Hamster was named Deedee and did meet a cruel fate. The cat responsible is still alive and petable  D:

or is Darkoon just unique with writting hampster while the spell check says its wrong?  D:

There we go again. I request hampster being added to the spell check :P


QuoteThis picture was taken just minutes befoer RJ went on a murderous rampage, killing 3 dozen people and a particularly cute hampster named "Bruce". What Bruce did to earn RJ's ire we don't know, but RJ swear that "he had it coming!"

Ah, not particulary the best moment of my life, but it was necessary.

I would have laughed more if THIS picture had been used:


Woot, I'm a ninja now.

So much love.


I'm for sale? I'll need to have a word with whoever wants to buy me.

Nice site, Darkmoon!

Now, for the insults part... Slav's name is Slavkei, not Slaveki or Slavenki. It's been spelt wrong on both the main list and his page.

And RJ's page says "This picture was taken just minutes befoer RJ went on a murderous rampage". It should be before.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


a hand full of pages -> handful
FAQ: A run down of rules -> rundown
2nd paragraph: it's relly quite simple -> really
Forest Cat -> Forestcat (or ForestCat?)
Slaveki -> Slavkei
the tough of a snake -> tongue
hampster -> hamster (mentioned)
Bruce -> Deedee (mentioned)
against all odd -> odds
Technology ahs come -> has (mentioned)
sandwhiches -> sandwiches
Throught - Through
she juliennes fries -> she makes julienne fries (mentioned)
nick names -> nicknames
what he's grown... illegal -> what he's grown... is illegal
told you not too! -> to
margnically -> marginally
governments -> government's
adnroid -> android
and with who -> and with whom (?)
37th times -> 37th time
27 is just too much. -> 37
who's -> whose
threash -> thresh (or thrash)
alandscape -> a landscape
Usually the later -> latter
christian -> Christian
encycolpedias -> encyclopedias
drivvel -> drivel
doesnt -> doesn't
incredably -> incredibly
sentance -> sentence
has to time -> has time (or has the time)
during and administration -> an
hampster -> hamster
befoer -> before (mentioned)
hampster -> hamster
RJ swear that -> swears
(Gabi ninja'd me)
an Transformer -> a
Scrumps dying words -> Scrump's

*sits quietly and awaits a Jack-like wrath from Darkmoon)*

[Edit: demo de-demo'd, links updated]


If anyone wonders:

Yes, I can spell. I just type really fast and have dyslexia, so unless I'm paying attention, I get ahead of myself and don't realize I've made errors. Even reading over them sometimes doesn't show me my errors.

No, I don't write these things in Word before I put them into Notepad, since Word uses quotation marks that don't interpret to the web.

No, I don't proofread these things, since usually it takes me 10 hours to write up a huge batch and code them anyway. I prefer just going back over them later and editing them when people notice.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I make spelling mistakes all the time.

Like, there was this time I thought vociferous was voliferous and that other time when I thought egregious was egrarious... :B


I swear I thought hamster has a p in it... Prolly cause I was thinking it's be spelled like the "Hamptons" or something...

BTW, skwerly... 68 smites, so you don't feel left out. ;)
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on October 08, 2006, 11:30:37 AM
You bastard, you spelled that right. *angry pitchfork*

other than that, hampster and hamster seem to mean the same thing now despite one of them having been wrong...


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Nice work :3

(Can you post up that extra photo of me too though? It makes the hamster thing much funnier XD )


I can change my photo, right? The one that's up was a placeholder that I forgot to change.


Quote from: Darkmoon
Yes, I can spell.  I just type really fast and have dyslexia, so unless I'm paying attention, I get ahead of myself and don't realize I've made errors. Even reading over them sometimes doesn't show me my errors.

No one types perfectly, and my post shouldn't be taken as "HAW HAW UR SPELING IS TEH SUCK!!"  Damaris encouraged typo-finding, so I decided to go a-huntin'.  Most of 'em I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.  It's the whole "get the word close and the brain fills in the intent" thing.  A few I had to verify in  Considering the amount of typing you do, it's still a damn high accuracy.

QuoteNo, I don't write these things in Word before I put them into Notepad, since Word uses quotation marks that don't interpret to the web.

The curly quotes?  I hate those things.  If you want to write in Word instead of notepad, you can turn off the quote changing:

Tools->AutoCorrect Options->AutoFormat As You Type->Replace As You Type->"Straight Quotes" with "Smart Quotes" (uncheck)

That's for Word 2002.  The menus may have changed since then.

QuoteNo, I don't proofread these things, since usually it takes me 10 hours to write up a huge batch and code them anyway. I prefer just going back over them later and editing them when people notice.

That's the proper way to do things.  Have your minions fine-tune your work, and then smite them for doing so. :)  I just now realized, Damaris promised karma cookies, but she never said it'd be good karma. *sigh*

Sooo.. want me to go proof the other pages? :)


Proof anything you can find. I'll edit as need be.

RJ: If you want your second picture up, I'll need more content. More faves or whatever.

Bill: I like that picture, but I will et you have a second one up. If I remove that one, though, the bio would have to be rewritten.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

On Slav's pag, it talks about killing a yak from fifty "yeards" - is that a measure of distance, or time? :-)

On Aiyno's page, under "Tries to be:" annoying is spelt with only one n...

On Daimien's page, did you miss a < br > or two or something? :-)

On Electromotivediesel's page, "Desperately" is, uh, not spelt like that, at the bottom of the page.

On Gabi's page, there's, in the disclaimer, a missing f from "side effects", and a missing u from "unusual"

After that I got bored :-)
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