
Started by Nikki, September 20, 2006, 12:42:46 PM

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They don't have any in my school. Something about the kids' privacy. BS. Kids smoke and do other crap in the halls. They don't deserve any privacy. You're not breaking the law by preventing crap from happening.


Quote from: RJ on September 22, 2006, 01:46:37 AM

Don't just run away from it, though it's the easy way out, it's not going to help since it'll be on your mind (and your record) for quite a while after that. Just try to get your case settled first, and then think about things from there.

THAT'S WHAT I SAID, I HOPE SHE LISTEN TO US :U ....i used to run from my problems too when i was about xze's age...i had my lesson of the hardest way possible...

as usual the princess is right, so give her ears ;) ... :]

Mel Dragonkitty

Xze, check out your local laws. Where I live the school is obligated to educate all children in the district, even after expelling them. This could mean sending tutors to the home or paying another school to take the child. My nephew's half-brother (a testament to fetal alcohol system) was permanently expelled from the local school for violence in first grade. The school had to pay to send him to a special school (for violent/criminal kids) and for someone to drive him there, (one hour each way). I find a kick in the pocketbook is the most effective way of dealing with bureaucrats.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Maybe she got grounded from the internet.
*hmpf :<*

I hope she'll get this sorted out soon.
Good luck!
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Drake Manaweilder

Quote from: mini-lion on September 22, 2006, 02:49:38 AM
but surely a place of learning has security cameras? I know my school has cameras covering most areas, surely someone walking with a spray can would be easy to spot,

secondid, in my school out here in Canada, they've got a few cameras both inside and out, so if they have got cameras they should have spotted him..

also, how did that sonofab****  get in to Xze's locker in the first place.. walking with a spray can is one thing, but walking with a sledge hammer is a whole other story..


Quote from: Drake Manaweilder on September 22, 2006, 02:27:30 PMalso, how did that sonofab****  get in to Xze's locker in the first place.. walking with a spray can is one thing, but walking with a sledge hammer is a whole other story..
I think lockers make a clicking sound or something when you pass the combination numbers. I dunno. *Shrug* Just something I heard.

I doubt he used a sledge hammer to break into it. :/ A teacher'd probably hear him beating the locker and he'd get his ass in trouble.

Hell, when did he get into it? If it was during school, he could've got caught (by a teacher or a student). And I kinda doubt it was afterschool, 'cuz at my school we can't be on school property when school's over (Unless we're a member of a club or something)...and the teachers would probably still hear him or something.


Combinations are VERY easy to get. I speak from experience.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Usually school lockers are not locked by anything serious, since the idea is just to keep casual passers-by out, not anyone seriously concerned.

If the locks are supplied by the school (depends on the design) the key is generally held by the caretaker, or the head, but the locks themselves are supplied by the lowest bidder, and hence are, usually, fairly easy to bypass. In some cases, a paperclip or listening carefully, or even just applying a little pressure in the right point, and they'll let you in.

As Bill says - if you have friends who can watch your back, which someone on the football team will have, you can usually learn how to break in without too much trouble, and the backwatchers will watch for passing teachers while he breaks in and dumps the spray can in her locker.

*sigh* minor politics, and idiots. I hated dealing with them, mostly because I was a hell of a lot smarter than any of them, without trying. That's not a good situation, because the things they do bored the everliving out of me, which meant I was outcast.

This is all a long time ago, and where I grew up was a lot different to the situation Xze is in... Enough rambling, I hear you say...
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I'm somewhat conflicted. It wouldn't take me long at all to get to where you live with more than enough muscle to get this guy to fess up to the truth. I'd like to help, but that would remain rentirely up to you.

As far as you need to be concerned right NOW, you need to find some way towards an education. I believe you're seveteen, and right now there are ways to just skip highschool, but you'll have to look for them.

I gotta go, good luck.

Mew Mew Renee

Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 20, 2006, 11:01:12 PM
If you have to get somewere far, go over seas. Try Hawaii. It's thousands of miles away from any other land mass.
Oh please that's where we live!