I have a girlfriend!

Started by Boog, October 07, 2006, 10:23:53 PM

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I am now the boyfriend of a girl by the name of Penny (not the one on this forum. Different Penny). She's a female gamer and I'm the kind of geek who sits at home meticulously painting intricate model goblins for a board game with an inch thick rulebook. This is lady and the tramp in a comic shop here.

We went to forbidden planet, a comic and gaming store, where we geeked out. Then we went wandering about in central park. On the way to forbidden planet I gave her this glass flower sculpture I bought for her and asked her to be my girlfriend, to which she said yes. Most of the rest is just a daze of basking in how awesome she is, but I remember before she left she gave me a peck on the cheek. I am now in possession of an indestructible, almost narcotic good mood. If a nuke went off right now all that would be left would be the world's supply of twinkees, three cockroaches and my goofy grin.

Sorry, it was either this or shout it out of my window and they don't take to that well in Brooklyn.

Paladin Sheppard

Congrats man! Hope you keep feeling that way.  :3


Sounds like you're over the moon. Congrats  :)



Awww thats o sweet hon

Good luck with your girl


Woot woot..Congrats for you...Now i just need a dude to huggle


Hey, good job! Seduce her with some high-level character of other?  :P
/kicks the internet over



How sweet, nerds in love. j/k

Seriously, yeah, way to go dude! :robo
Yap by Silver.


YAY!! someone else is as happy as meeee!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Hey, we have somethign in common :D

Happy for yua, dude. I hope for the best

King Of Hearts

How sweet... in a gamer kinda way

Now my tea tastes like bliss...

Good for ye, man.


Congratulations to you dude!  :3

Now I´m getting jealous XD


Nice going, man!
Good luck with that relationship, here's hoping it lives up to everything you want it to.


Best of luck to you and your girl Boogey.



She's and only child TGH, sorry.

And thanks all of ya! Heh. 24 hours later I'm still in a good mood over this.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Good to hear, bogey. Keep it up :-)

... No, not like that. Keep those dirty minds out of the gutter, thankyou... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I hadn't even though of it like that 'till you said that, llearch. :|

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*seals the box thouroughly with book-binding tape* We'll be having no more of that from you. >:3
But that's awesome, Boogey! I'm happy for ya. :mowcookie For I hath decided that I need no one, and I shall forge out on my own! Therefore, I harbor no jealousy!

*tries very very hard not to harbor jealousy*


Quote from: Boogeyman on October 08, 2006, 12:48:51 PM
She's and only child TGH, sorry.

And thanks all of ya! Heh. 24 hours later I'm still in a good mood over this.
Dude- I was on a happy-high for a flippin' week when Kaos first tol me he liked me/not really asked me out.

I still am sometimes. >>


Yeah, relationships; that's some potent shtuff, right there. :mowdizzy :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Endorphins. Nature's high. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



QuoteChet: I didn't think we'd ever find the crates.
Erik: I knew we would because I believe in myself. I'm high on life. I'm so high on life, I shouldn't be allowed to drive, if I wasn't already not allowed to drive for other reasons.
Chet: Me too. What about you, Kevin?
Kevin: I'm high on heroin.
Erik: Is that like hugs?
Kevin: Kind of, but you're being hugged from the inside. Imagine being high on life, except you're actually high. And unlike life, you don't die at the end. Usually.

--The Crate Review System