Street Fighter

Started by Nikki, September 30, 2006, 08:10:08 PM

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Leafar, weren't you supposed to stop being an idiot?


Quote from: Leafar on October 04, 2006, 07:18:14 AM
i don't usually care for likes of people like you

Ok. F**k you then.


Quote from: Gareeku on October 04, 2006, 07:27:18 AM
Quote from: Leafar on October 04, 2006, 07:18:14 AM
i don't usually care for likes of people like you

Ok. F**k you then.
*gives the thumbs up* That's something I wanted to say for a long time.


Yeah, this is a forum, and no one has rights.  You all post at the whim of the administration.  While we do try to be fair, that is something to remember.

Leafer, one more rude word out of you toward anyone and you're getting a temp ban.  I believe the next step is a week.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Jim Halisstrad

While I was never considered good at fighting games, I would have to say my two favorite characters are E.Honda and Chung li or however you spell it.

E.Honda slapped people.... I mean here you have this giatantic blob of a man, and he SLAPS people.  :mowgrin
Thats just awsome.


Quote from: Damaris on October 04, 2006, 10:21:42 AM
Yeah, this is a forum, and no one has rights. You all post at the whim of the administration. While we do try to be fair, that is something to remember.

Leafer, one more rude word out of you toward anyone and you're getting a temp ban. I believe the next step is a week.

yeah, i show my opinion, someone says to me to f**k myself and i was least tell me where i was rude...oh, i forgot nobody has rights...except aridas for calling me idiot every 10 minutes or gareeku saying f**k you, or Hazmat, or anyone whom starts a fight when i am only posting...if i remember right, aridas has 2 posts in this saying:

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on October 02, 2006, 11:18:34 AM
Quote from: Leafar on October 02, 2006, 06:57:04 AM

i can't believe no1 mentioned her!!!!!you infidels!!!!!! <--------DEATH!
maybe because we DON'T CARE?

that's very helpful to the topic and to rules or whatever...that's just a plus to the whole picture...

the other post is above saying i am idiot...i am idiot for showing my opinion in a thread related to games...i only said the character in question is slow and that's why was dumped from people's choice (at least in Brazil) and i still was rude....not the guy who said f**k you...maybe i am an know? maybe i am...for posting to 13 - 19 years old people that have a narrow mind...who: i don't agree so f**k you...yeah...
Dama i honestly admire your way of being, your ways at all...i always thought of you as a severe yet sensitive person....i wasn't amazed when i discovered you're a would be too much for a lad....
if you REALLY think i am worthy of all that warning when i defend my person from being called agressive names tell me now here in front of everyone and i guarantee you that i will personally delete my account right now...that's the reason i am talking to you here and not through PM as it should for the rest of the people who still think this a good thread to post in i am sorry for being such a bitch here and for being so off's just something i had to say now...sorry for anything...


The reason i said "f**k you" to you is because you deserved. I do not swear at anyone if they do not deserve it.

The reason? Let me explain:

First of all, you had every right to be annoyed at me for not believing you've apparently won 7 fighting game tournaments. I accept that.

However, what i do not accept is the fact you then proceeded to insult me after i had apoligised for being suspicious. Let me quote...

Quote from: Gareeku on October 04, 2006, 07:07:45 AMForgive me for being a pessimistic asshole, but i don't believe you. Unless I see evidence, that is. It's just the way I am.

Noticed the words "Forgive me" in that first sentence, I was apolising for what i typed before i even typed it, and as the quote says, its just the way i am. This is an internet forum, after all, which is something you seem to be forgetting...especially since you threaten to punch people.

Now, as I have said, i basically said sorry. However, you then just had to type this in your responding post:

Quote from: Leafar on October 04, 2006, 07:18:14 AMi don't usually care for likes of people like you but you can ask JackMcslay...

"I usually don't care for the likes of people like you"...Hmmm, sounds pretty insulting to me. By typing that, you've basically said "You're not good enough. You're just a piece of s**t so i don't have to explain myself to you". Now maybe its just me, but reading that, especially after apologising in the previous post, is pretty damn insulting and angers me. What you have done there is taken my apology, stamped on it a few times and thrown it back in my face.

Maybe I shouldn't have apologised, seeing as it did absolutely nothing to prevent you from being a total asshole.





Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Gar you misunderstood me...
perhaps it's just my broken english...
i am sorry too, i said that cause i am used to kinds like aridas to follow me to threads to flame war with me...i am sorry, i have no quarrel with you, i even liked you (maybe still do) but aridas you see, makes me mad...
you see the guy posted two we don't care (like if his taste was everyone's else*like if he thinks himself a God*) the second annoying me...being hellpful or anything else ''good-elemented''...
i am sorry, again, the only person that keeps following me in every single thread looking for an annoying war with me it's just aridas soulg*y ( :lol ) that must find AN VERY EXCITMENT HOBBY to pursuit me like an rejected school girl...

Jim Halisstrad

Hey look... All I'm saying is that E. Honda has a giant penis.


Leafar: In that same way, you're the one who keeps getting under my skin with terrible posts. You make ME mad. get it? Until you start acting a bit more mature I'll probably still think of you this way. I'm not sure how you can't take a hint, but you're going to have to grow up, and calling yourself a rejected schoolgirl won't do that for you... Or even calling me "soulgay". If you'd like, I can do it in pms instead, but i'll still point these things out. It's not just you being on this forum, Leafar. You're not all that sane and clear-headed, period. I could tell by your girlfriend problems. But if I don't try to knock some sense into you, who will? ..Nevermind, don't answer that. I think I remember a few other people.

Also: Size doesn't matter Jim :<

Jim Halisstrad

I know.

*Cries into his pillow*


your pants are on fire child...
watch me as my phd and 5 languages knock you out with my ''terrible posts''...know what? you can have this is too dumb, when i was in high school i had to fight people that were jealous cause i was in the soccer team being skinny yet so strong...this lil fight again it feels just like the same;;;; childish...bye everyone!have fun sugar posts!


Okay.  Here's what we're going to do.

Leafer:  I know English is your second language.  I tend to forget that.  I would suggest continuing to work on your puncuation and capitalization, as I think that makes people think less of your posts.  It's sometimes hard to follow them, and I don't think it's necessarily all rooted in your English being somewhat broken.  (although, overwhelmingly, you do quite well.  There are some english speakers who are much more incoherent.)

Additionally.  I would like you to think about your post before you post it.  Think about whether it is on topic, relevent to the topic being discussed, and appropriate in nature.  Try to avoid hitting on people.

Aridas:  Stop being mean to Leafer.  If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all in his direction.

Both of you:  If I see you two continuously reporting each other's posts to the mods, I'm going to be pissed.

Xze:  Because you spend a lot of time on the forum, I'm putting YOU in charge of letting me know if they get out of control.  This month is hell at work for me, and I'm short on time.  Please PM me with any links you think are relevent.  Try to make sure they weren't posted before today.  If you don't think you are up to it, let me know and I can draft someone else.  I know life's been crazy for you.

Now, I am going to go watch mindless television, and try to actually sleep tonight.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


i am sorry Dama as much as i like you , you still give me no option...since i can't blast aridas soulgay with my own hands i am leaving now.....leaving for good....i asked you billions of times to ask him to stop this gay stalking but you did naught...nothing...i am sorry....thanks for everything, sorry for anything...bye. :cry

Jack McSlay

I do consider Dan a great char. his super moves are not actually behind the others in terms of damage, specially his hishou burai ken. not to mention that his danku kyaku is far more effective than ryu/ken/akuma`s tatsumaki senpuu kyaku. he can also be pretty fun to play with on MVC2 as well. and CVS2 geez... seriously, he is the best karate fighter in that game

sakura is pretty good too, a sweeping super move? damn...
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King Of Hearts

Sakura is  not exactly high tier tournament material but she can be utilized effectively. She was the first character in SF who had a super that hit low with the Haru Ichiban which has great recovery and abusable even with lvl 1, [do a crouching forward kick to push yourself away if it is blocked] an effective trait when mixing it up. Her short shunpu kyaku also has great priority as a counter. Her Shooken by itself, admittedly can be seen a mile away but the jab version can be used as anti air, and the fierce version is a standard in her combos.

Storywise, Sakura is a protege, from just watching Ryu and getting some odd advice from Dan, she was able to reach her level. She was able to create her own version of the Hadoken much faster than Ryu or Ken even with proper training.

The biggest mistake of people playing as Sakura is treating her as a shotokan fighter, she only looks like one.

For the most effective female character in SF I give that to Chun-Li in any incarnation. High priority, effective supers, and enough speed and reach to be a threat to any comer.

For the hardest character to master... for me it would be the strechy ones, Dhalsim and Necro.

Oddly enough Ive seen them kick reasonable amounts of ass in the hands of a master, its just you tend to dismiss them in battle as they usually dont do insane powerful combos. You'd just suddenly find yourself with little life and realize all that poking they do actualy adds up in damages.

Another person Im having trouble with using is Oro, I find his attack window quite small and the damage dealt hardly commensurate the risk and he takes a bit of damage. Though I like using him for fun, Tengu stone packs quite a wallop if you play your cards right.

Jack McSlay

I think the prize of hardest character to master would go to Marin... counterattack-based chars are teh evil
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Quote from: Damaris on October 04, 2006, 09:43:29 PM
Xze:  Because you spend a lot of time on the forum, I'm putting YOU in charge of letting me know if they get out of control.  This month is hell at work for me, and I'm short on time.  Please PM me with any links you think are relevent.  Try to make sure they weren't posted before today.  If you don't think you are up to it, let me know and I can draft someone else.  I know life's been crazy for you.

[repeat] i will not abuse this power, i will not abuse this power...[/repeat]

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


*poofs as a devil over Xze's shoulder* you weeeel dooo eeeet!

King Of Hearts

Quote from: Xze-Xze on October 07, 2006, 12:09:22 AM

[repeat] i will not abuse this power, i will not abuse this power...[/repeat]

You mean there's another reason to have it?


I like how everyone continued their discussion after Leafer left without giving him a second thought. xD



KOH: I'm going to have to agree with you with the stretchy characters being hardest to master. Oro too, though at the moment i'm trying quite hard to get used to using him. >.>

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on October 04, 2006, 05:01:12 PM
Hey look... All I'm saying is that E. Honda has a giant penis.
That's the smartest line in this whole thread...


>> people and your tactless comments

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Xuzaf D

I thought it was a compliment.

King Of Hearts

I dont have much problem with using counter characters. Using Geese Howard back in Fatal Fury Special back in the SNES days gave me my groove in using that.

I still find Karin usable once you get the timing on her Kourenken Mujen kyaku is also a luncher so yay for juggles. Her mix is good and not as insane to use as say... Angel from KoF. I only use her at versus games with friends because then I can do mind games against my friends woo~ Im gonna hit high! whoops, I mean low. Oh! I meant overhead, silly me.

My problem is using characters who are too counter based in nature like Kasumi Todo in AoF/KoF.
Sure she's got that one hard hitting combo, but everything else relies on keeping the enemy away with her waves and setting up counters.


Ugh, i -really- do not like Kasumi Todo. -_-;

Karin, on the other hand, I find quite fun to use. Yes, she has counter-based attacks, but she's also got non counter-based attacks, meaning that this nice mix makes a very good character to use, though i'm still in the process of trying to master her. >_>;

King Of Hearts

Speaking of street fighter, I am loving the Street Fighter Legends: Sakura comics

Its quite lighthearted and Udon's anime-ey style complements the characters well.

Ryu trying to use the internet messenger was a great scene.


>> i need to fix me super NES...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3