
Started by Nikki, September 20, 2006, 12:42:46 PM

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ok guys, my problems have gone from bad...

To a living Hell.

First: They canceled the Anime club at my school.
Second: The guy that only wanted me for...that...decided to put grafitti all around the school and frame me for it. he even put spraycans in my locker!!
Last: i got expelled.

so now i'm not in school, i have little to no social life, and i swear i'm gonna kill myself sooner or later on my dirtbike >>

anyone have any sugestions as to what i should do? (i wanna move to either Michigan or Australia >>)

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


One word: Fingerprints. They've got no business saying you did it without first getting fingerprints. And if you haven't touched it, of course, your prints won't be on it. If HE touched it, which is likely, he'll get kicked out instead. Hopefully the evidence isn't trashed by now.

And maybe you should give us the name of this school, maybe the address or phone number. I'm sure there are plenty of people here willing to sort the place out for you, one way or another.


pah. that's impossible now. they've ravaged my locker >>
hell, i was stupid enough to pick up the cans when i saw them!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


well, run of your problems will get you nowhere i can garantee you that...
Problems are like lies, in a circle, always come back for you...so face it!
This guy you say...i dunno exactly what happened, but you gotta be realistic : you'll find A LOT of men in your life that will only care for THAT, so deal with it...or run from these kind of guys you know ;)....
the anime club...it's over...deal with it as well, find a new hobby, or a new way to replace the miss that it causes to you, you must fill the empty that the lost has caused...
but hear this: don't run or lock yourself at home...social life?i dunno how old are you, but when i was in my high school, i was incredibly unpopular...one day everything changed...my friends and me started an arcade ''club'' kinda thing...and arcades were very popular back there...'95, 96'...so all we became quite popular, cause people wanted to join but they needed our aproval :cool ...
popularity it's stupidy believe me, when i was at the swimming team i could see that for sure...
those people that are aparently happy to be popular are so concerned about that, that they even don't enjoy the very pride to be in such a cool life period...social life? don't care about that, but do in to find and most important, don't lose, the true friends we all have in high school.


Well, you could always move somewhere that i've never heard people do that. Like say, Sudbury, Ontario >.>


There's always the option of Britain, too!  Quite insane, I know but I've never turned anyone away yet.

I'd also mention that thanks to the fact that we're still a top-notch socialist country (despite the best efforts of New Labour/the Tories to dictate otherwise), social workers would be called in to help deal with a situation like that.  I've met a few of those in my time, they're good people.

Setting aside silly notions of ocean hopping; Aridas has a damned good point.  Where do they get off with this 'guilty until proven innocent' malarkey?  Have they been reading Judge Dredd religiously or something?  They aren't the law and they need this pointed out to them in an extreme way.  Clearly, someone needs to deflate their egos by pointing out their poor sleuthing skills.

I'm actually mildly irritated by this because I hate to see people dragged down by a bad system.  I encountered a corrupt teacher in my youth, she really enjoyed abusing her power and picking on the kids and for that we almost had her sacked.  That's how it should be in your case too, if these people are taking up a bad attitude with you without any grounds to do so, then officials should get involved and people should be warned!  It's just not proper practice.

On a day to day basis, I try my best to really set aside my distaste for the way that things in America work but stuff like this ... doesn't help.  I feel for you, Xze.


In before Amber says to seek real life professional help.

Unless you want to become a hooker, or get married, I would look into finishing highschool first. It's just a suspension, not an expulsion. Once you're 18 and have rights over yourself, then you can try crazy notions like moving away from the people paying for everything you own / eat.


Quote from: Netami on September 20, 2006, 02:53:29 PM
In before Amber says to seek real life professional help.

Unless you want to become a hooker, or get married, I would look into finishing highschool first. It's just a suspension, not an expulsion. Once you're 18 and have rights over yourself, then you can try crazy notions like moving away from the people paying for everything you own / eat.

I don't think you quite understand the meaning of the word expelled.

I'm not really sure what to say, any advice I could give has already given, and the only thing I can do now is give my condolences. :(  And lots of huggles.  *Gives Xze like, 80-kajillion huggles*


Eh, if they actually meant it as a full explusion from the school district, then she's got to find an adult continuation school or petition another district nearby. Not having a highschool education is bad news.


Pfft. What a prick.

If he's gonna get you expelled from school just because you won't f*ck him, then he's a [insert lots of censor-beeps here].

Are you expelled for a few weeks/months or are you expelled "forever"? 'Cuz I did something bad at my middle school (Not gonna say what it is...only my closest friends know...) and I'm expelled for like 120 days (I can't go anywhere near any of the schools in the same district as my middle school...so yeah, they're not expelling me from -just- the middle school...'cuz I'm in high school now. :B). And I'm pretty sure what I did was worse than what Xze got in trouble for. :/

What, did he write something bad? Like lots of swear words?

And why Michigan? D: Are you probably gonna sneak into Canada when you're 18 too?


I'm going to start with the illogical advice that normally people wouldn't try in this day and age. Or at least, not that I've seen.

GO crazy about it. I don't mean blow shit up or anythign, but blow up on people. Not violently mind you, go to the school, or the police station, or the town hall, or anwhere where you can be heard and just demand justice. Yell if you have to, but don't get too loud. They tend to take that as rash and can lead to more trouble, though it could be fun >> This is all bull, and you shouldn't have to take it.

Make the sucker pay, too. Make sure he gets what you got, but worse. I mean, in the punishment thing >> Be assured that they might not try to give him a greater punishment for framing you, its entirely possible they won't, demand they do, force them to.

He deserves it. And while your at it, if you can, get shit on his little moron friends too. Why not, eh?

Now logical, more practicaly and used advice.

Do what other people have said. And don't kill yourself on your dirtbike, trust me, it just doesn't end well :P


Freaking SOB!
I'm not a great advice-giver, so I'm mainly gonna sympathize. What a JERK. :gun2 Like Rowne said, I absolutely hate it when the system gets turned on its head and screws up the wrong people. Something like this happened to a friend of mine recently-- someone did it, blamed it on her, bam. Suspended. :banghead Isn't there any frigging justice at all?!
What are the terms of the expulsion?


*regains composure*
My, but that does sound like one sunovabeech. My condolances on your situation. School, as a buerocracy, is not known for being actually smart or efficient when it comes to anything involving people. If I may offer some advice from my own meandering experience. Find a new school, forget the bastard's name, and make more friends. I can't say I know what that's like; I've never been in such a situation, but I most certainly sympathize. Hope things work out for the best. :mowsad

Castle Pokemetroid

If you have to get somewere far, go over seas. Try Hawaii. It's thousands of miles away from any other land mass.


It's not distance. It's the locals wherever you end up that are the issue.


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 20, 2006, 11:01:12 PM
If you have to get somewere far, go over seas. Try Hawaii. It's thousands of miles away from any other land mass.

It's also ridiculously expensive to live there. Moving out is a horrible idea, she has NO INCOME.

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 20, 2006, 11:02:09 PM
It's not distance. It's the locals wherever you end up that are the issue.

I just put something for her to think about and feel a bit better . . . Am I not good at that? Thinking about random stuff sometimes makes me feel better . . .

The locals are asses. Once, I had neighbors that were so bad that they got kicked out of my neighborhood. They destroyed property, did drugs, and 500 pages of other stuff.

But, for every mean person, there is a nice one to match. Here in Hawaii, I have seen many bad people, but I have seen more nice people than bad at my school, as in I have more friends than enemies.

That is another reason I mentioned it.

As for the price of things, it's the exact same, but it's SHIPPING that is hell in price. Shipping can be from 50% to 100% more than in the mainland. Sometimes more! But it also means you can sell things for nearly 80% more than what you can in the mainland.

Trust me, my dad imports glass. Everyday he works, at the VERY least, he makes about a $100 a day. Once he made $800 in the same day! That might be the most though . . .


:( I would say come to Kentucky and stay with me, but considering I'm trying to escape myself...blah. *gives much hugs*  :hug  I'm sorry things turned out this way, Xze.  I'm more than happy to lend an ear if you ever need to talk.

Just return it whenever you're done.  :3


If it's a permanent expulsion, it is absolutely not hard to complete your high school through home schooling.  Darkmoon and I were both home schooled through our high school years, and I at least turned out to be a productive member of society.  The jury is still out on Darkmoon... ;)

If that needs to be an option, e-mail me with your state and I'll try to pull together some information for you.  Different states have different laws, so that would come into play.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


aren't you forgeting anything Dama?
that maybe, mostly, the decisions will come from her parents?

Quote from: Damaris on September 21, 2006, 12:01:58 AM

The jury is still out on Darkmoon... ;)

hehe, the badboy! lol


That was a good post Damaris, a nice sentiment and very thoughtful.  I'm glad someone came through with real help towards a solution to dealing with any real problems that might arise here and perhaps those that really do give a damn (like myself) can worry a little less now.



I've been avoiding posting here for one reason

I had nothing offer but powerless platitudes and childish offers for revenge. 

I'm glad sme one has some real advice


should've gone for the nadkick... :x


Leafer- depending on the state and the regulations involved, she could pretty much homeschool herself with a minimum of parent interaction.  High Schoolers generally can read, and that's 90% of the battle right there. ;)

All she needs is a good support system of science, english, and math nerds, and she's good to go.  And, really, I think she probably has that here, so any huge problems she has with schoolwork is covered.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Damaris- That's feasible, but I doubt that 'My online friends will teach me!! :B' is going to go over well with, well, anyone.

Xze- Is there an alternate school system that you can get into? It would mean leaving your friends if you tried to get enrolled somewhere else, but you'd still have after-school and other times. And it couldn't hurt to get away from the administration involved at the school you were just at.

It's even worth a shot to appeal to the school board. If you explain the situation, they may allow you to rejoin. Something similar actually happened to a friend of mine (He wasn't framed, but there was a misunderstanding), and they allowed him to finish his grade 12. He just couldn't take any electives and had to leave the school immediately after each day.
So try that, even if you suspect it's futile.
/kicks the internet over


You don't need online friends to teach you.  You need people for the days you have when that particular calc problem is kicking your ass and your family doesn't know shit about it.  Obviously you missed the part where I said that overwhelmingly one can homeschool themselves.

My mother managed to teach all four of us with only a high school diploma.  Xze is bright, and I'm sure she's up for the task.  That's what they sell the teacher manuals for.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Also, if you want to go that route, you could ask around and find other homeschooled kids in your area. I'm sure they'd be happy to help you with the  details on how to do it right.


If I lived near you, I'd go kick him in the nuts for you and break his nose. But since I'm not I'd actually say go and argue your case to the school. If they've expelled you on such grounds with no actual hard proof other than the cans in your locker, then really, they had no right to. If you have one, go talk to the school consellor first and get them to help you out- it's their job to work such things out.

Don't just run away from it, though it's the easy way out, it's not going to help since it'll be on your mind (and your record) for quite a while after that. Just try to get your case settled first, and then think about things from there.


Well, Xze has posted in two days, and I know I'm probably over-exaggerating, but I am worried.  I just hope she doesn't do anything drastic. :(



but surely a place of learning has security cameras? I know my school has cameras covering most areas, surely someone walking with a spray can would be easy to spot,