The Con thread

Started by Miaka, September 04, 2006, 12:47:13 PM

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So- Another one of Miaka's brilliant ideas.((not really))

So I know that some of us at least do try to get around to Cons, be it Anthrocon, or any other anime, sci-fi, or such conventions. So, I figured it might be a good idea to try to get a list of the cons any forumites are trying to go to, and not end up accidentally walking by someone you chat with online every day by accident. By which I mean, actually try and get together, and all that good such.

So, just to start getting a list together...
Anthrocon-(There would be a list of who's planning on attending here)
AnimeBoston( )- Miaka, Kaos
Llamacon( )- Miaka, Kaos
San Diego Comic Con- Netami
Furthur Confusion. - Zorro
Morphicon. -Zorro
Midwest Furfest. -Zorro
Animania- RJ(hopefully)


I'm probably going to Anthrocon, but I'm not sure yet. I'd like to go to one closer, but the only one I know much about is Mephit Furmeet and that was this weekend. Meh. :P

I usually go to Sugoicon, but I don't think I'm going this year, as everytime I go I have a horrible time. Same issue with Anime Central.

I'm hoping furry cons will prove to be a better experience.


Currently planning on AC. Any cons before or after that are still up in the air. It all boils down to how much money I have and free time.

The Lurking Dragon

I'm with Zina here. AC 07 is planned/hoped for but it's a long time from now so who knows. Also depending on on schedules, i am looking at GenCon or DragonCon next year also.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


I'm slated for San Diego's comic convention in 07.

Glad to see a thread like this, maybe now I wont have to pay for five people to go to AC next year cause they actually thought ahead.  :laugh



Likely, the only con I'll be trying to get to is Animania in Sydney in October. :/ I've pre-registered for it, but so far I haven't exactly got a fool-proof way of getting down to it >.<


Quote from: Zorro on September 04, 2006, 09:20:40 PM
Furthur Confusion.
I forgot all about that one. I might go, I'm not sure yet. I won't be 18 for it...

Also Anthrocon for sure.


AB is a definite, no matter how I have to pay for it. Llamacon is a "More likely than not" con for me.

In the "If I can afford it, but probably can't" Collumn we have Anthrocon and DragonCon. DragonCon being in bright bolde and flashy colors to make a point that its probably not.

I may or may not go to Vericon, depending on a few thigns. Mainly money, time, and an actual want to go >>




so basically.... AC- metric f***load of people.
And I'll add the others to the list in a bit.

...Kaos, you might want to set Llamacon as a definite at some point before registration for tables open, 'cause I doubt my parents will be big on dragging me and my art crap across the state. Sorry hon. >>


Quote from: Miaka on September 05, 2006, 09:58:14 AM
so basically.... AC- metric f***load of people.
And I'll add the others to the list in a bit.

...Kaos, you might want to set Llamacon as a definite at some point before registration for tables open, 'cause I doubt my parents will be big on dragging me and my art crap across the state. Sorry hon. >>

Fair enough. Llamacon=definite. Its not like its a lot of money for that one >>


Just wanted to add this:

Thanks to the first furry I've met at my university so far, I am now officially going to Midwest FurFest.  :3


Oh yes...There will be blood...


More then likely I'll be at AC  with even more cookies this time



If I somehow manage to get a whole lot of money, I'll use it to go to AnthroCon once more. It's not very likely, though. My mom has just lost a lot of money due to a business that went wrong, so I will have to contribute some more of my money to the household... And I don't have that much money to begin with. But if it all somehow works out, I'll go to AC again. I won't be able to attend any other cons, though. At least they're held in Argentina, preferrably Buenos Aires, and at a time when I'm not extremely busy.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly