Plush give away

Started by thegayhare, August 16, 2006, 11:38:31 AM

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Hello all

Do to all the stuff thats happened here my family is selling our house and moving... Hell it looks like I might be moving twice,  but thats something to talk about later.

Now cause of the move I'm forced to cull some of my collection of plushies,  I'm mostlikely keeping my bunnies but some of the others will be going.  and on that front I was wondering if anyone would be interested in adopting them?   Thes are normal plushies, nothing perverted has ever been done o them.  I'd just rather see them go to a good home then get sold to a stranger in a yardsale. I'll post an image of the ones I'm giving up later. 

Now this is technicly free but since I'm in a finacal mess if you want one I'd apreciate a few bucks to cover shipping.  but at the moment thats neither here nor there.  So is any one interested?  I know some of my big cats might go,  and the unicorns,  and if aubrun doesn't want the penguin he'll still need a home.

also I don't know if I should give away my little valintine bear,  the one my ex gave me,  the one I'm using as a voodoo doll.


Ooh, I might want one, TGH. Got any reptile plushies? :3


two snakes, a few lizards, a dragon (might keep it) and a big purple tree frog


Oooooh...Snakes and lizards...:3 Got any Kitties too? I need to buy my mom a birthday present soon. >>

(Oh, and don't worry, TGH. I have money. And mom might let me use her Paypal account. D: If I'm good.)


Aww, wish I could adopt one, but soft toys generally don't enjoy a very good life in my household... It's hard enough for me to protect my mini Care Bears and the teddy bear I was given when I was born.  :<

llearch n'n'daCorna


... well, ok, and possibly the dragon. Or the frog. Maybe.

.. I should probably wait for pictures, shouldn't I? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


yeah and the pengiun might be taken.  I e-mailed the artist Aubrun and offered it to him.  but If I don't hear back from him soonI'll put it up.

and yes I do lots of kitties and I know I can't take them all



What would shipping to Germany cost? I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to international shipping :(
And how'd people give you money? Paypal?

Not sure if I'll hop onto the plooshie bandwagon yet, but just in case, it'd be neat if somebody here has experience with shipping cost :)


I won't deprive anyone of the chance for more free plushies, I already have too many of my own anyway, two walls in two rooms of my house are devoted to the little blighters.  I frequently use my walls of cute to strike the fear of hell into people, it works well.

About the only thing that would make my collection perfect is a life-sized Wolf plush (and not a taxidermist's project either) but I might never find one of those.  Even if I did, I'd want a Leosco one, for almost all my plushes are Leosco, I'm in love with that brand.  The eyes are so perfect.

Anyway, I'll stop now.


Well here they are

A good portion are beenie budies, larger versions of the babies

I named them all but I think there new homes shouldn't be influanced by my choices.

As you can see there are 2 ducks, turkey, 2 Fishies, a snake, a red bull (Ohhh there was this stall t AC that sold little clip on wings.  that would have been great for him) killer whale, small panther, red pup, crab, pengi, tiger and jellyfish

and here we have 2 frogs, a ostrich, a flamingo, a salamander, a chemeloen, a tiger, two leapords, 2 bears (each from the ex but neather are the voodo bear), a ladybug, a mouse, a kola, a hound dog, a dolphin, and a jawa


Dang, love 'em all. Though there are a specific few I'd ask for, were I not going away for an extremely long time in less than a week. Hope they fall into a good home, sad to hear you have to loose so many. :januscat


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I asked me mum if I could have some and she said she'd think about it. :U
Just because TGH's over 18.

Evil woman. She knows I can never ever be a patient draggy!

*The Dakata impatiently waits* :<

Oh, and if she does lemme have some, I want the lizards and the snake. :B And a kitty. I don't care which one.

BTW, what're the names of the ostrich, flamingo and fishie (the one that's not yellow/black)? I used to have those but I don't remember the names....Beanie babies -do- have names right? :U I could've sworn the flamingo's name was Pinky.

Edit #2:
*Notices Forestcat's post* Oh, how much to ship to 48198 (Ypsilanti, MI)? D: I hope it's under 20-25 bucks.


lol girl's talking!!!!!!  :B



The leopard (orange) and the white tiger in that second picture (basically the two kitties in lying poses on the back of the couch) as well as the panther and tiger from that first picture (the beanie whatevers - I have that yellow n' black fish lol!) - I would gladly adopt those four and add to my collection of feline plushes. :)

If you wish to email me about it you may at and let me know shipping costs to 68516 (Lincoln, NE, USA) and I shall send you monetary units, and don't forget to factor in the fact that you shall have to find a box to ship them in. I can do Paypal easily. ^^

Let me know, I'll gladly offer them homes if they are still needed. :)


Aubrin wants the penguin

Okay so llearch n'n'daCorna wants the purple frog

And Forestcat wants four wild cat plushies...  I'll warn you though that the first two you mentioned have large styrofom heads.

and I want to send the snake to some one else. 

If no one else is interested I'vbe got some one who will take all the rest in

I'm gonna start packing them up and check on shipping charges next week

llearch n'n'daCorna

Note that I'm not expecting you to foot the bill for overseas shipping, here.

Nice as it is, that's a little -too- nice, if you know what I mean :)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Lo all
here is what I'm gonna do

Well I get paid tomarrow
*technicly today but I'm not gonna slup an hour down to work and an hour back just for my crummy paycheck*  So I'm going to pack up all the taken plushies and get them ready to ship out.  On friday I'll mail them all out and come back here and post how much the shippin on each costs.

now I'm trusting you boys and girls that you'll be honest.

anyway what I need from you folks is the mailing addy you want your new plush frind to go too.  So please PM that to me so I can get them right out to you


Bah. I can't have any, TGH. Sorry.

...I wasted all of my money on candy and manga. D: I'm so bad.


no worries Dakata

okay my boxy friend you should be reciving your fron in 4-5 days... shipping was suprizingly cheap it'll cost all of $12.80.  Also the box it's comming in could make for a nice date for you hon *wink wink nudge nudge*

if you want to paypal it I'm

and now for the second part of my plan to raise money...  Who here wants to buy llearch's mailing address... one day ownly the home of the fabulous box...
*is found dead ten minutes later from savage cardboard cuts*

llearch n'n'daCorna


It's work, not home. :-P
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I wish ya had a panda plush


I do have a panda weenie baby I think


*eees softly* Well thats a plus