Rules for the Merchant's Corner

Started by Darkmoon, May 04, 2008, 11:25:26 PM

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The Merchant's Corner is, effectively, CMF's answer to Craigslist. It is a place for you, as members, to post things you are looking to buy or sell. Essentially, it's the one section of the forum where the rules on advertising are relaxed. It does, however, come with a couple of caveats.

For one, you have to have at least 11 posts at CMF to be allowed to post anything in the Merchant's Corner. This stops people from simply signing up on the forum to hock their junk. Additionally, if you've been around for 11 or more posts, and we feel that your posts have been little better than filler, we reserve the right to take away your privilege to post in the Merchant's Corner until such time as your posting improves.

Do not use the Merchant's Corner to advertise websites you like, websites you run, a desperate need for donations, or anything akin to that. We don't want to hear about this cool new forum you found, so don't post about it. The Merchant's Corner is solely to help people find others that are interested in items they have or items they are looking to acquire. That is it. (Donations requests are to be approved by admins, and will be posted in a different section, as per the admins)

We at CMF also reserve the right to remove any items listed/requested as we see fit, for any reason.

CMF is not responsible for any of the transactions that take place because of the Merchant's Corner. What happens between the buyer and the seller is a matter between those two individuals, and CMF is not directly involved in that aspect of the transaction. CMF sees no profits from the buying/selling of items.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Note that we cannot restrict people programmatically from posting with less than 11 posts. So technically, you can post with fewer than that. Your post just won't stick around for very long.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Actually, I think it's setup so that unless you are a Bat or better, you can't even see this section.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


So we can post anything? within reasonable bounds correct?


You're not allowed to sell yourself.  Or anything illegal.  (which, I suppose, would include yourself in most states)

But otherwise... yes.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


We're iffy on selling your soul. We'd prefer if you gave them something tangible in the process.

And only did it once.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Can we sell someone else's soul?  Or would we have to have them post instead?


Well, you'd have to legally acquire it first. No selling souls you don't own.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Personally I like the eBay policy on human souls.

"eBay does not allow the auctioning of human souls for the following reasons: If the soul does not exist, eBay could not allow the auctioning of a soul, because there would be nothing to sell. However, if the soul does exist, then, in accordance with eBay's policy on human parts and remains, we would not allow the auctioning of human souls."
The All Purpose Fox


Indeed, which is why I always thought you should include the "Certificate of Authenticity" when you sell your soul. That way, what you're really selling is the certificate.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


how about medical aperatus...  I've got a fully functioning Cpap machine that we've got no further use for.  It's a perfectly safe and harmless device but Ebay won't let me sell it. 

Would it be okay if I put it up here?

I know the chances are slim it would get sold but it's better then throwing it away


So long as the person buying it understand that we in no way endorse the sale, are not responsible for the sale, and make nothing from the sale. If so, then yes.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on May 16, 2008, 11:52:56 PM
So long as the person buying it understand that we in no way endorse the sale, are not responsible for the sale, and make nothing from the sale. If so, then yes.

Thanks but I found an auction site that deals strictly in Cpap machines (how weird is that)

thanks so much though

And just so folks know it's just a machine to help you breath at night nothing kinky or weird


Well, if it's not kinky or weird, I doubt it woulda sold here.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


so if I wanted to sell a game how would I go about doing that?


Quote from: ilpalazzo on May 24, 2008, 07:26:20 PM
so if I wanted to sell a game how would I go about doing that?
Post a thread offering it for sale, I guess.  Basically this is a sort of classified ads section.  So the only extra rules here are rules limiting the sale of Bad Things, really.  At least, that's how I understand it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


In other words, as long as I'm selling something that isn't inappropriate, and isn't intangible or non-existent, it's okay? I'm guessing false advertising is probably also against the rules. i.e. don't expect to sell your crappy typewriter you bought for $5 and sell it for $50 as a word processor and not get flak for it from other users, not to mention the person who bought the thing.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: shadowterm on May 25, 2008, 10:41:11 AM
In other words, as long as I'm selling something that isn't inappropriate, and isn't intangible or non-existent, it's okay? I'm guessing false advertising is probably also against the rules. i.e. don't expect to sell your crappy typewriter you bought for $5 and sell it for $50 as a word processor and not get flak for it from other users, not to mention the person who bought the thing.

Well, our presumption would be that, in and amongst the discussions between the buyer and the seller, the details of the agreement would be hashed out, and, should anything not meet the satisfaction of either party, appropriate restitution would be decided.

Since we, at CMF, aren't in charge of the money, or the advertising of the items, we aren't really in a position to verify issues or mete out restitution. Our best suggestion is make sure that what you're buying really is what you want to buy, and only buy from people you can trust (which is, in part, why we limit who can see this section). In the end, if a deal goes south, the best we can do is ban a person for false advertising (which I'm sure we will do). However, if you're out 50 bucks, a ban isn't going to make you 50 bucks richer. :/

As far as what's allowed to be sold here, it just has to be legal. No porn (since we can't verify ages), no drugs, no roms, etc.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


no porn... damn how am I gonna get rid of these damn straight henti vhs's


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


eh too many rules... and I realy don't like there no paypal thing... I mean so long as no one tells pay pal it's porn they would never know

I think I'll donate it to the goodwill... that or slip it into department store demo cassette players and leave it running


If you want to be really mean, find a video rental place and replace the tape inside with your tape.  To be really bad, actually rent the tape and disassemble the casset and replace the tape itself, that way the case looks normal too.  And it all looks like cartoons at first...
The All Purpose Fox