In All Honestly, I'm Not Surprised (Steve Irwin is Dead)

Started by xHaZxMaTx, September 04, 2006, 12:59:32 AM

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Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, died earlier today at the age of 44 after being stung by a stingray, of all things.  This is the guy that let Fear Snakes (most venomous snake on Earth) crawl around on his face, 80 miles away from any medical facilities.  It's too bad, even if he was crazy, he was a cool guy.


Steve Irwin? Dead? Here I thought he was immortal, and thats why he did this crazy stuff.

Seriously though, thats quite upsetting :\ As Silly as he was, he was cool. Andya gotta respect someone with the guts that that guy had to do those things.


Yeah. Stingray through the heart. What the hell. It still seems like a crazy internet prank to me, it's so surreal. But I know it isn't. news article on confrims it.


got confirmation from Queensland Police Service. Queensland Ambulance Service also has a record on it. eesh.


*edited to stop screen stretching- Dam*


saw this on the news this morning,

thats a real shame, he's done so much for the re-education of people about animals.


Farewell, Steve... we'll miss you. I was a big fan of his and how he brought so much happiness and awareness to the world about its creatures.


Well seems like the famous Steve Irwin the Croc Hunter has passed on due what it seems a manta ray has claimed his life...Well I hope most you down under peeps her can coope soon but dont worry his high spirited level will live on and RJ I hope you will be okay too  :rj


I read about this a few minutes ago. He died doing what he loved. The world will surely miss such an enthusiastic conservationist and wildlife expert, as will I. Farewell Steve.


I'll definitely miss him... I had been hoping one day to go watch one of his croc shows at his zoo.  :<


wasn't it a stingray, not a manta ray? They're quite a bit different.


He's only the third person in Australia to be killed by one, IIRC.


It was on the news this morning. A sad day for Australia, the world, and environmental conversationalists.
He died doing what he loved most: telling people about the natural world.
My condolences to his family.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


It's sad, I loved his show, No I adored his show. I feel sorry for his wive and shilderen that he left behind.



Do we really need FOUR topics on this? No! I've merged this in with the other topics. Try and controll your sadness people and stop cluttering the forum.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on September 04, 2006, 09:29:16 AM
Do we really need FOUR topics on this? No! I've merged this in with the other topics. Try and controll your sadness people and stop cluttering the forum.
Well, we ARE talking about Steve Irwin here. Does all that Irwin-ness even FIT in only 1 thread?  ;)
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

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He was larger than life. I don't see how that can fit into one little thread...


Well, he'd only be on every single forum on the internet by now..


He survived the fae but not the ray, lets all hope we'll be ok.

:rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose
:rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose You'll be missed Steve.  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose  :rose
:rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose :rose


Almost ironic that it wasn't a crocodile, but still.

Some people don't know the meaning of the word "fear".

I remember, I used to watch "Crocodile Hunter".

Could have been worse. Better a swift and painless death, really. :/



I liked him.

There was a lot he had to say and teach in regards to animals and his showmanly ways meant he got his message across better than most documentaries.  He might've seemed somewhat insane (aren't we all?) but he had a purpose, a number of them in fact and he was a good old chap.

I'll miss him and I'd say he died too young but at least he died conveying those ideals that were so important to him and thus, died not a pointless death.

Aisha deCabre

Very well put, all.

Steve Irwin was a great naturalist, and his love for animals and for what he did always showed every time people watched him, always enthusiastic about it all.  In the name of aspiring biologists everywhere, he'll surely be missed, and we can hope that people coming into his field of work will learn from his example of dedication.

The thing that struck me the hardest was the irony of it all.  He died doing what he loved most.  But it was because of an animal who was only defending itself...not out for food...nothing like a croc or a snake...

He was one of those you always jokingly said would never die.

And every time you hear about it happening, it's like a punch to the gut.

Rest in peace, Crocodile Hunter.   :rose   :tired
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee


He was a crazy mofo, and I mean that in the best possible way. Farewell, Steve, I miss you.



What I don't get is how he got attacked by something that usually.. well.. doesn't attack.

topher chee

Ok......the barb came up and stabbed him in his chest, subsequently his heart, when diving into the northern part of australia....the ocean or sea, i dunno......the news just said that
