2013/09/23 [Matilda #29] Marriage aspirations and awkward questions

Started by MT Hazard, September 23, 2013, 05:27:21 AM

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MT Hazard

Seems next week we'll be getting answers, but for now, I wonder if Kesserk ever found that crystal?

Could be he did and that cause problems as some people wanted to leave with him.

On a side note, the child mythos is adorable. 
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


So... Mahilta eventually killed Hinchik. I suppose the legend goes that both had children by Keeni, and this explains the dichotomy towards females within the Blue Volcano Mythos culture.

I suspect that one of Kisriss' family members has died (dad), or that Kesserk has attacked Heshi directly.

Huh - I wonder what the Blue Volcano Mythos do with their dead - do they bury them? are they floated off on a raft in ceremony? Do they cremate them in magic-infused lava? There's probably different burials depending on how "honourable" the death was, I suppose. I also wonder what the usual lifespan of a BV mythos is versus their maximum age (Not really looking for answers, just pondering things)


Does anyone notice how it's NOT Matilda talking about marrying Kesserk and being a tribe leader's wife? Does this mean Kesserk put the same moves on Matilda's sister that he did on her, or that Kesserk would marry both sisters if he won the fight...?


Wait, so that's not the sister... I thought it wasn't the same girl in the beginning because she was basically rehashing what had already been said as if Matilda hadn't been there when Kesserk told them himself.

I checked the coat pattern and it's not the sister, and it does look like it's the girl from before... so maybe I read too much in to it.


Is that Matilda's sister? I thought it was her sister.... Aaahhh all these taurs make things confusing! XD

Though I do have to note that Matilda looks adorable in the last panel.


I wonder if Matilda isn't more interested in marrying kessek because she has a secret forbidden fetish for biped butts

MT Hazard

Its possible that she has taken on what her adopted society sees as attractive. After all she has been living outside the blue volcano for nearly half of her life*

* Based on her cast page age (216) and the fact she operated as a trader for approximately 100 years before setting her shop. However, we don't know how long she has been running said shop.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic)