2013/04/15 [DMFA #1394] I may be a bad person.

Started by xom, April 14, 2013, 11:46:58 PM

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Quote from: Amber Williams on April 15, 2013, 05:26:49 PM
*shakes her paddle*

Making bad puns? Thats a paddlin'.  >:[

So you're saying nobody should be able to make bad puns with impunity?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Jasae Bushae

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 15, 2013, 09:52:36 AM
Quote from: Prroul on April 15, 2013, 09:46:47 AM
Eh.... I'm not so sure. I mean, demons are pretty resistant to fire and physical blows... which is pretty much all you get out of a conventional explosion. Might've really pissed her off, though.

I'm not completely sure, but I think Demons have to deliberately (or instinctively) harden their skin.  Catch them unawares and they'll probably go down like anyone else if you hit them with enough force.

http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Abel_99.php Yeaaah~ theres a difference between resistance and immunity so if this is any indication, an exploding cart could have done her in ^^;

Also, if we didnt know dark pegasus was off listening to a flashback i would have totally assumed he was behind this and trying to spark a war against the undead ^^;
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 15, 2013, 05:26:49 PM
*shakes her paddle*

Making bad puns? Thats a paddlin'.  >:[

Being mean Amber. Thats a paddlin'.

Stealing tacos. Thats a paddlin'.

A paddlin'? You better believe that's a paddlin'.


ouch, talk about rough timing (points at Boston marathon) :mowdizzy


I'm not so sure the incident in Boston is bad timing so much as the "I regret nothing" underneath it.

But it did give me something to write about in review tonight. ^^;; Yes, I am mercenary. (And hey, I think that news events shouldn't dissuade storylines.)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 15, 2013, 05:26:49 PM
*shakes her paddle*

Making bad puns? Thats a paddlin'.  >:[
Somehow, I don't think this will discourage certain quarters...


Quote from: Tangent on April 15, 2013, 10:04:18 PM(And hey, I think that news events shouldn't dissuade storylines.)

Especially since this strip was posted a few hours before the marathon attack.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

Lying Foo

Cracked has (temporarily?) taken a recent article down due to the incident, but that

A: Is about the real world, and
B: Isn't part of an ongoing storyline.
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.

Amber Williams

Having just gotten back in from being kind of in my own world for the day, I can confirm that

A: The update (and rant) happened well before the events that happened today
B: It's really an unfortunate coincidence.

However I did alter the rant underneath because I do feel somewhat bad about that and the possible implications it could have.  That said, the story is pretty much pre-done days in advance so it would be really difficult to just up and change gears.  I suppose in this case the show must go on in the comic itself.


Quote from: Tangent on April 15, 2013, 10:04:18 PM
I'm not so sure the incident in Boston is bad timing so much as the "I regret nothing" underneath it.

But it did give me something to write about in review tonight. ^^;; Yes, I am mercenary. (And hey, I think that news events shouldn't dissuade storylines.)

She posted the comic, with the update, hours before the incident. Taken out of context, if the incident is on your mind, you could assume the comment corralates.. but only if you think Amber is an insensitive jerk about these types of things; she is not.

What she doesn't regret is the fact Ree is/was adorable before being in dire need of being stitched back together.


Aaaand she's changed the comment now anyway. Just... noticed. ¬.¬


I actually commented on the forum hoping Amber would change her comment - just to avoid anyone taking offense.

If I do write a Commentary article, it would not be negative in any way. Instead, I'd be pointing out that writers would have to avoid entire plot concepts out of the sheer POSSIBILITY of something happening that would have naysayers going "too soon" or the like. Heck, I live half an hour from Boston. This comic did not offend me. And I'm damn glad Amber kept the comic up.
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Tangent on April 16, 2013, 01:02:11 AM
Heck, I live half an hour from Boston. This comic did not offend me. And I'm damn glad Amber kept the comic up.

Likewise, likewise, and likewise.

There's only so much an author can do about comics they've already created without crippling their ability to create anything, after all. What it comes down to in this case is if the comic is objectionable on its own, irrespective of recent events. If we didn't think the comic was a problem when it went up (and I didn't see anyone objecting at the time), then I'd say it's perfectly fine to leave it up.


If we're talking about real world reactions, I have to confess I found the comic slightly unnerving given that car bombs were frequently used in civil unrest in an area geographically close to where I live. Not that unnerved since I was (thankfully) never directly affected by it or knew many people who were (Northern Ireland feels like a different country in many respect, including the fact it technically is another country), and clearly I was still able to make lighthearted posts and terrible puns in response so it's not that bad and we've had peace for many years since, but that sort of stuff doesn't suddenly leave your mind just because peace has broken out.


Back to the subject of the comic proper, I just noticed something that I thought interesting.  In the third panel, at the top of the hill behind Sherri, there is a glint of light.  It looks like a specular reflection off of something like glass or metal.  I'm likely wrong, but could it be someone looking at the scene through binoculars or a telescope?  Then again, perhaps it's not a reflection, but the flash of a spell being set off.  On the other tentacle, it could be something completely innocuous.  Still, I wouldn't put it past Amber to sneak something significant in such that we see it but don't notice it.  :mowninja
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Quote from: Wanderer on April 16, 2013, 01:53:07 AM
Quote from: Tangent on April 16, 2013, 01:02:11 AM
Heck, I live half an hour from Boston. This comic did not offend me. And I'm damn glad Amber kept the comic up.

Likewise, likewise, and likewise.

There's only so much an author can do about comics they've already created without crippling their ability to create anything, after all. What it comes down to in this case is if the comic is objectionable on its own, irrespective of recent events. If we didn't think the comic was a problem when it went up (and I didn't see anyone objecting at the time), then I'd say it's perfectly fine to leave it up.

Furthermore, why should we let some arse who thought planting the bombs was a good idea cripple our culture on top of the immediate damage he did?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Lurkie on April 16, 2013, 03:49:09 PM
In the third panel, at the top of the hill behind Sherri, there is a glint of light.  It looks like a specular reflection off of something like glass or metal.  I'm likely wrong, but could it be someone looking at the scene through binoculars or a telescope?

That is interesting.  And yes, it's likely significant.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Lurkie on April 16, 2013, 03:49:09 PM
Back to the subject of the comic proper, I just noticed something that I thought interesting.  In the third panel, at the top of the hill behind Sherri, there is a glint of light.  It looks like a specular reflection off of something like glass or metal.  I'm likely wrong, but could it be someone looking at the scene through binoculars or a telescope?  Then again, perhaps it's not a reflection, but the flash of a spell being set off.  On the other tentacle, it could be something completely innocuous.  Still, I wouldn't put it past Amber to sneak something significant in such that we see it but don't notice it.  :mowninja

That's a good catch! :eager When I looked closely at the last panel, I noticed a puff of smoke emanating from the same point that the flash of light was from, which could lend to the theory that it was indeed a remotely fired spell that caused the explosion, like some sort of laser.

EDIT: Perhaps it could have even been a focused beam of sunlight being aimed at heat sensitive explosives materials planted discreetly in the cart earlier, but that might be stretching it a bit.  It's more likely that the explosion was triggered by something fired through the air, hence the "smoking barrel" effect afterwards.

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: Lurkie on April 16, 2013, 03:49:09 PM
Back to the subject of the comic proper, I just noticed something that I thought interesting.  In the third panel, at the top of the hill behind Sherri, there is a glint of light.  It looks like a specular reflection off of something like glass or metal.  I'm likely wrong, but could it be someone looking at the scene through binoculars or a telescope?  Then again, perhaps it's not a reflection, but the flash of a spell being set off.  On the other tentacle, it could be something completely innocuous.  Still, I wouldn't put it past Amber to sneak something significant in such that we see it but don't notice it.  :mowninja

Good eyes!

I didn't notice those small details. A flash and then smoke. It does seem like something up there was most likely responsible. Though if it was magic, wouldn't it have to be a very powerful magic user to both have that range and still have that kind of punch.

Even for a standard Demon or Angel, that seems unlikely. So we must be dealing with some exceptional spell caster here. That is, if it is a spell caster.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on April 16, 2013, 07:27:41 PM
I didn't notice those small details. A flash and then smoke. It does seem like something up there was most likely responsible. Though if it was magic, wouldn't it have to be a very powerful magic user to both have that range and still have that kind of punch.

Even for a standard Demon or Angel, that seems unlikely. So we must be dealing with some exceptional spell caster here. That is, if it is a spell caster.

My thought is that this was probably done in two parts.  The first part was a spell or incendiary device planted on the carriage.  (Which could have been something like essence of fire elemental, or even gunpowder, bespelled to ignite on command.)    The second part was a control spell designed to detonate the device.  Thus, all the "heavy lifting" would have been done beforehand, and it wouldn't require a highly skilled or powerful mage to cast the spell.  It could have been anyone on that hill, who would simply have to "push a button", so to speak, to blow up the carriage. 

I will say that whoever did this has remarkably poor timing.  They should have waited until Kria was in the carriage, and it had started to move.  Unless they deliberately missed, and want everyone to think that they aren't very smart.  But why?  Trying to lure Kria into underestimating them?  Maybe.  (Forgive me, I tend to look for Convoluted Plots everywhere.  I love watching them unfold. :) )
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Pfft, obviously they weren't aiming for Kria. There true target was Ree all along.

He knows too much.

(Disclaimer: All characters are male to me unless obviously otherwise.)


Quote from: Wanderer on April 15, 2013, 12:53:02 AM
I bet she sees it coming NOW.

QuoteYikes, what's next; kidnapping Lorenda and demanding Kria never visit the undead island ever again or else? <: C

Take a hostage from someone whose traditional response to minor annoyance is to destroy cities. Well gosh, I can't see ANY way THAT would go wrong, do you?  :rolleyes

Combine this suggestion with aforementioned slim horse taken by mistake and the comedy writes itself!

Undead: Soulstealer, we have your child! We demand that...

Kria: *fanged grin and bright happy eyes* LUNCH!

*undead terrorists all look horrified as offpanel Kria devours hapless horse*