PS VITA- Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Cover Artwork Box)

Started by DjRunza, April 13, 2012, 10:09:47 AM

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Complete cover box artwork or Incomplete cover box artwork. Any suggestions and opinions? Please, feel free to comment this Not-So-Complete cover box artwork of mine that I've just done recently when I was in a boredom in a while ago. What say you? :)


Uh, I'm not sure if this is a spam bot or not.  I hate it when I can't tell.  Though, upon looking this guy up on DA he's got a journal with this exact same text and a link in it...(that I'm not going to click)


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 13, 2012, 10:47:05 AM
Uh, I'm not sure if this is a spam bot or not.  I hate it when I can't tell.
I call spam bot, he only has 1 post and the spelling is perfect. Usually having no spelling errors of any kind (not even a missed capital or comma) means bot if you are not sure. It usually works for Identifying chat bots vs non chat bots.

Also if he does not reply to defend himself, it usually means a bot. (ofc the best bots call themselves human, but the simple bots don't.), and his sentence structure is not like somone would use in a forum post, even a professional one.  Also I use also too much.

Edit: seems he is a newbie, not sure yet.

(credit: Gabi)


Hey Castlevania fans! I am so sorry about this post because I'm a newbie here and I can't even upload any pictures over here too. So how am I suppose to add an image from my desktop to show you guys my cover artwork box? So sorry once again guys. :( Hope you guys can help me out.


in the bar above the smilies there is a row, hover the mouse above each of them, and when the text says "insert image" click it and when the text (img) and (/img) it's actually [ and  ] not ( and )
place the image url inside of the 2 

(img)*place image url here* (/img)

(credit: Gabi)

Corgatha Taldorthar

To clarify what Ignus said, you can't upload an image here directly from your hard drive, you need to link to one uploaded somewhere around the net.

I recommend photobucket, it's free and easy to use for image hosting.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


YES!! I've just done it! Lol thank you so much guys! I really do appreciate. ^^ So what do you think about the cover artwork of mine that I've just done recently. :D


(credit: Gabi)


Lol thank you Ignus! unfortunately, I couldn't erase the part where it says "USA only" simply because I was actually downloaded the PS Vita cover box from And I wish I could erase that as well. Plus, Castlevania: Souls of sorrow which is a fan-made by myself and was created for the purpose of supporting and bringing back our old beloved gameplay system of Castlevania 2D back to our Castlevania fans exclusively for PS Vita or Nintendo 3DS instead. I've already made a fanfictions storyline with dialogue conversation scenes for this game in my deviantART artwork pictures from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. Here's the link for Chapter 1. Hope you will like it and have more interest as you read it. ^^

Soma Cruz and his friends stands together once again, to defeat Death and Orlox before Lord Dracula is fully revive. And i want to see some really surprising storyline for the next game for Castlevania in PS VITA.

Surprise scene:
- Genya Arikado finally reveal himself as Alucard.
- Soma Cruz becoming more stronger when he turn himself into
an evil personality.
- An old man and an old women. There are the two old warriors
whom had fought Lord Dracula once before. Old Jonathan
Morris and Old Charlotte Aulin join the battle with Soma's
- Lord of all Castlevania, Dracula finally made his appearance in
Castlevania 'Sorrow's' third series and prepare for the final
decisive battle! For the first time ever in all Casltevania
history, this time players must defeat Dracula 4 times! Finish
him once and for all!

Of course, once this is over, peace and victorious always prevail. :D


The cover looks good, but I tried to read the description and gave up before the end because the grammar was too painful. >_< Sorry.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on April 13, 2012, 02:56:15 PM
The cover looks good, but I tried to read the description and gave up before the end because the grammar was too painful. >_< Sorry.

Lol I'm so sorry for that because this image won't allow me to zoom it until you can see it. Here's the more clearer and more details for you to be able to understand fully about the description.

Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow's plot of the storyline:
Ever since the incident of the Demon Castle War in 1999, Lord Dracula had finally defeated for good by the hands of the Belmont clan. The world has finally be at peace. However, in a year of 2038 which taking place 2 years after the incident of the Solar Eclipse and the Dark Lord candidates, is a year where Soma cruz and his dear friends, stands once again to face the final battle against the two Castlevania's own favorite Immortal villains, Death and Olrox. They are the only one left and they who attempt to rule the Castlevania after Lord Dracula's demise. Peace and victorious must be prevail forever! There is only one hope, one destiny and one twist of fate. Prepare for the FINAL chapter of Castlevania Sorrow's third series!

I've already made a fanfictions storyline with dialogue conversation scenes for this game in my deviantART artwork pictures from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. Here's the link for
Chapter 1 (The Twist of Fate)-

Chapter 2 (Uninvited Guest)-

Chapter 3 (Awakening)-

Chapter 4 is in progression currently. Stay Tune! ;) Hope you really enjoy it and have more interest as you read it. Cheers! ^^


The copy text on the bx cover is full of grammatical errors and garbled sentences.

"Ever since Dracula had finally defeated..." This should be "had finally been defeated," or "was finally defeated," or some such.
"...the world is finally be at peace." Delete.
"However, in a year of 2038..." Should be "the."
" a year where..." Delete.
"Soma Cruz and his dear friends, stands once again" "Stands" would be correct in the singular, ie.: if Soma were the only one who stands, but since it refers to Soma and his friends it should be plural, ie: Soma and his friends stand." Also, the comma just before it should probably be taken out.

You get the idea. The whole block of text could use a proper revising.

The three characters on the back cover are rendered in very different art styles and the characters on the front look "squeezed" horizontally, presumably to fit them all in... it sticks out.

Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 13, 2012, 11:08:13 AM's actually [ and  ] not ( and )...
You might like this: the "code" tag makes text appear in a post as-is, so tags within are unconverted. It's handy for showing people how to use them.

For example:

strikethrough, underline, color.

Horizontal rule:

Smiley substitutions: >:3 :/  :cry :rolleyes

[s]strikethrough[/s], [u]underline[/u], [color=blue]color[/color].

Horizontal rule: [hr]

Smiley substitutions: >:3 :/ :cry :rolleyes

(Disclaimer: Excessive formatting can be annoying, please tag responsibly.)
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 13, 2012, 08:31:15 PM
The copy text on the bx cover is full of grammatical errors and garbled sentences.

"Ever since Dracula had finally defeated..." This should be "had finally been defeated," or "was finally defeated," or some such.
"...the world is finally be at peace." Delete.
"However, in a year of 2038..." Should be "the."
" a year where..." Delete.
"Soma Cruz and his dear friends, stands once again" "Stands" would be correct in the singular, ie.: if Soma were the only one who stands, but since it refers to Soma and his friends it should be plural, ie: Soma and his friends stand." Also, the comma just before it should probably be taken out.

You get the idea. The whole block of text could use a proper revising.

The three characters on the back cover are rendered in very different art styles and the characters on the front look "squeezed" horizontally, presumably to fit them all in... it sticks out.

Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 13, 2012, 11:08:13 AM's actually [ and  ] not ( and )...
You might like this: the "code" tag makes text appear in a post as-is, so tags within are unconverted. It's handy for showing people how to use them.

For example:

strikethrough, underline, color.

Horizontal rule:

Smiley substitutions: >:3 :/  :cry :rolleyes

[s]strikethrough[/s], [u]underline[/u], [color=blue]color[/color].

Horizontal rule: [hr]

Smiley substitutions: >:3 :/ :cry :rolleyes

(Disclaimer: Excessive formatting can be annoying, please tag responsibly.)

Hello there WhiteFox, thank you so much for the feedback and urge to tell me which of the words that I should delete and change it. I really appreciate it. Do you have any idea which part at the back cover that I should change or delete it? Honestly speaking, I don't even have any idea what to do with the back cover especially the layout of the three characters, Death, Soma and Olrox and the words there. :( By the way, would you love to read my idea of storyline for this game that I've made recently? It's a fan-fiction storyline and surprisingly, quite a lot of Castlevania fans are actually following up my storyline and find it very interesting to them which I'm very happy about it. I've done from Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is still in progression currently. I would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it. Hehe *grin*


(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 14, 2012, 06:17:56 AM
Doesn't that count as advertising  :B ?

Ahaha I don't know. But the whole point is to just showing you about my own idea of storyline for this game. I would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it. Hehe *grin*


Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AMDo you have any idea which part at the back cover that I should change or delete it?
Um. Pretty well every sentence has four or five major grammar errors. It would take me a few hours to comment the whole thing.

Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AMHonestly speaking, I don't even have any idea what to do with the back cover especially the layout of the three characters, Death, Soma and Olrox and the words there. :(
Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
Well... I don't have any idea either. It's your box art, after all.

Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
By the way, would you love to read my idea of storyline for this game that I've made recently?
Not really, no. If it were a proper story, I might be convinced to give it a shot, but this is just a script. For a videogame.

Besides, I'm pretty ambivalent about the "Sorrow" games. Most of my experience was with Castlevania IV, Dracula X, and Castlevania 64... most of the games after those were pale in comparison. Not that they were bad, mind you, just that IV and 64 were awful hard acts to follow.

My favourite boss was Slogra.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 14, 2012, 03:35:46 PM
Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AMDo you have any idea which part at the back cover that I should change or delete it?
Um. Pretty well every sentence has four or five major grammar errors. It would take me a few hours to comment the whole thing.

Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AMHonestly speaking, I don't even have any idea what to do with the back cover especially the layout of the three characters, Death, Soma and Olrox and the words there. :(
Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
Well... I don't have any idea either. It's your box art, after all.

Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 03:31:47 AM
By the way, would you love to read my idea of storyline for this game that I've made recently?

Ahaha I see, neah it's alright, don't worry about it. Plus, you should start playing Sorrow games and those Sorrow games are actually really fun to play! Man, speaking about the old Castlevania games, Castlevania IV and Castlevania SOTN are always my most favorites Castlevania games ever since I was a little kid back then. Lol XD
Not really, no. If it were a proper story, I might be convinced to give it a shot, but this is just a script. For a videogame.

Besides, I'm pretty ambivalent about the "Sorrow" games. Most of my experience was with Castlevania IV, Dracula X, and Castlevania 64... most of the games after those were pale in comparison. Not that they were bad, mind you, just that IV and 64 were awful hard acts to follow.

My favourite boss was Slogra.


Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 04:08:43 PM
Ahaha I see, neah it's alright, don't worry about it. Plus, you should start playing Sorrow games and those Sorrow games are actually really fun to play!
Only three problems with that.

First, writing and drawing comics takes up all my time. I mean, ten hours a day minimum. Pretty much the only other thing I do is write critique for other people, and watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Second, I'm blind in one eye, and have a few blind spots in the other. I get eyestrain very easily, because just the one eye is doing the work of two. Staring at a computer monitor is fatiguing enough, even under ideal conditions, but staring at the tiny screen of a hand held device for any significant length of time is paramount to stabbing myself in the eye with a red hot poker.

Third, I spent about fifteen years of my life heavily addicted to videogames. I bombed out of college, lost two jobs and a girlfriend, and let my diabetes spiral out of control (which is why I'm now blind in one eye, and my kidneys "probably look like wet tissue paper," as my endocrinologist put it). I had to do no less than quit gaming cold turkey, and to this day I have absolutely nothing good to say about any of it. After several years, I'm still trying to straighten my life out.

I'd rather not get into a debate about that last point, by the way, I end up ranting.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 14, 2012, 10:53:13 PM
Quote from: DjRunza on April 14, 2012, 04:08:43 PM
Ahaha I see, neah it's alright, don't worry about it. Plus, you should start playing Sorrow games and those Sorrow games are actually really fun to play!
Only three problems with that.

First, writing and drawing comics takes up all my time. I mean, ten hours a day minimum. Pretty much the only other thing I do is write critique for other people, and watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Second, I'm blind in one eye, and have a few blind spots in the other. I get eyestrain very easily, because just the one eye is doing the work of two. Staring at a computer monitor is fatiguing enough, even under ideal conditions, but staring at the tiny screen of a hand held device for any significant length of time is paramount to stabbing myself in the eye with a red hot poker.

Third, I spent about fifteen years of my life heavily addicted to videogames. I bombed out of college, lost two jobs and a girlfriend, and let my diabetes spiral out of control (which is why I'm now blind in one eye, and my kidneys "probably look like wet tissue paper," as my endocrinologist put it). I had to do no less than quit gaming cold turkey, and to this day I have absolutely nothing good to say about any of it. After several years, I'm still trying to straighten my life out.

I'd rather not get into a debate about that last point, by the way, I end up ranting.

WhiteFox, I'm so sorry to hear that. Why don't you go to any hospital nearby your house area and let the doctor check out your eyes or something. I'm pretty sure that there's a right medicine for you to actually cure your eyestrain and blind spot simultaneously. One of my friends had the same problem before as you facing it now, and he eventually get back to normal already. I guess here's one of the solutions for you in order to resist from your eyestrain. Don't look at the computer screen for too long. As for you, the maximum time to look at computer screen is just from 10-20 minutes before it getting more worse or something. Take a very good rest WhiteFox and please drink plenty of water. That is very important as you may know it. Hope it can cure your eyes as soon as possible. Cheers! :D


I appreciate the concern, but the blindness is permanent. The retinas are detached in the blind eye, and there's just no currently known way to reattach them. I had a vitrectomy (WARNING: icky) back in '08, but it was unsuccessful, so the eye was pretty much a complete write off.

I see an ophthamologist four times a year for laser coagulation treatments, so I don't lose the other eye to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. I'm currently in very good hands, medically.

As for the eyestrain, believe me, I have plenty of methods for dealing with that by now. So don't worry about me.

We're getting off topic, tho, what with this being the forum for art/writing discussion... I really should let you get back to writing/editing. :3
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


(credit: Gabi)


Well there's always hope for the future, and believe me I'm hoping like crazy.

Anyway there is one thing that strikes me as odd in the box art, that green figure on the back of the box. It just seems rather out of place and bluntly looks like a shopped image. Everything else looks rather fine but that green glow just doesn't match the color scheme of the box.


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 16, 2012, 02:51:56 AM
I appreciate the concern, but the blindness is permanent. The retinas are detached in the blind eye, and there's just no currently known way to reattach them. I had a vitrectomy (WARNING: icky) back in '08, but it was unsuccessful, so the eye was pretty much a complete write off.

I see an ophthamologist four times a year for laser coagulation treatments, so I don't lose the other eye to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. I'm currently in very good hands, medically.

As for the eyestrain, believe me, I have plenty of methods for dealing with that by now. So don't worry about me.

We're getting off topic, tho, what with this being the forum for art/writing discussion... I really should let you get back to writing/editing. :3

Ahaha your welcome WhiteFox. Neah, I'm cool. I wouldn't mind at all if you would like to have a conversation with me over here or in FaceBook or somewhere else. Now I'm currently thinking and what to write for my upcoming Chapter 4. I really hope that my storyline does actually happen in a future Castlevania and who knows that my work will get recognize from those top people in the gaming graphic world. I shall promise to all Castlevania fans about this game that would be way more better than Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and other Castlevania games as well. Heh heh heh XP


Quote from: justacritic on April 16, 2012, 12:32:36 PM
Well there's always hope for the future, and believe me I'm hoping like crazy.

Anyway there is one thing that strikes me as odd in the box art, that green figure on the back of the box. It just seems rather out of place and bluntly looks like a shopped image. Everything else looks rather fine but that green glow just doesn't match the color scheme of the box.

Exactly justacritic, that's what most of the people said to me about Olrox. I couldn't even find any high-quality picture of Olrox unless KONAMI or IGA actually draw him up with high-quality picture instead of this type of image of him though. Thank you so much for the feedback justacritic, I really appreciate it. I shall upgrade the cover box and re-upload it in here. :)


So, other than photoshop the images in and write the text, you didn't really do any of the work here, did you?  :-/


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 16, 2012, 01:30:02 PM
So, other than photoshop the images in and write the text, you didn't really do any of the work here, did you?  :-/

Lol yes, unfortunately I didn't even have the ability to actually draw a character or an object. And I don't even have the "Drawing Skills" ability too. I really wish I'm good in drawing. Sad right? :'( Unless if you could help me to draw some new bad-ass villain characters in my fan-made game and storyline of Castevania: Souls of Sorrow. I would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it. So far, I've already done Chapter 1 until Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 still in under progression currently. Hehe :P


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 16, 2012, 01:30:02 PM
So, other than photoshop the images in and write the text, you didn't really do any of the work here, did you?  :-/
to be frank, most newbie's start out by frankensteining a picture together, though I did mot, I know many people who did... OFC it usually isn't copy pasting the entire image in, it's taking parts of things and placing them in...

I'd reccomending working a bit on changing the people so they don't exactly look like you just tore them out of somewhere  :B

(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 16, 2012, 10:00:28 AM
Wait 15 years and you might be able to see again!
I can see. Just... only in one eye. I have 20/20 in my "good" eye, and I have half decent depth perception thanks to focal blur. Apart from fatigue, the only real inconvenience is a lack of peripheral vision.

Quote from: DjRunza on April 16, 2012, 01:36:28 PM
I really wish I'm good in drawing. Sad right? :'(
Most people would say, "well then, learn how to draw." I, on the otherhand, believe that not everyone has the drive to spend the ten years of full time study required to get started.

So, all I ask is, please don't make idle wishes about something that people have committed their entire lives to pursuing.

On the other hand, if you do want to learn, take your best shot and post the attempt here. We'll give what advice we can.

Failing that... I charge very reasonable rates. :3

Quote from: DjRunza on April 16, 2012, 01:36:28 PMI would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it.
Runza, I feel I should point out that you have already gotten feedback from several people here already. If you want more advice, I'd suggest making revisions to what you've already posted before asking for further comments, or posting something new for comment.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I'm gonna just say my piece here, since another person's point of view may be required.

Quote from: WhiteFox on April 16, 2012, 04:36:56 PM
Most people would say, "well then, learn how to draw." I, on the otherhand, believe that not everyone has the drive to spend the ten years of full time study required to get started.

So, all I ask is, please don't make idle wishes about something that people have committed their entire lives to pursuing.

Ten years of study to even start? That's a bit much, it actually doesn't take that long to 'learn' how to draw. It's like with anything, you don't start out that great, but hey, you're learning and you'll generally make leaps and bounds within the first one or two years, which is commonly how long most art classes last here from a curriculum standpoint.
HOWEVER. one does not need study to learn how to draw, the will to do so and resourcefulness to find the right guides for that path may be all you need
I'm not saying Whitefox here is wrong, but he certainly isn't right either, this is his opinion, as this is mine, you'll find that all artists can be quite the opinionated bunch when it comes to their craft. You'll find things come at your own pace, but considering you seem to wanna lean towards basic graphic design, might i suggest you look into Graphics Design and Publishing as a possible career path? art is a fairly good skillbase to draw from for this, especially if you have an eye for detail and like working with graphics software, just be prepared to do fiddly work with vectors, also.
All in all, very rewarding.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: WhiteFox on April 16, 2012, 04:36:56 PM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on April 16, 2012, 10:00:28 AM
Wait 15 years and you might be able to see again!
I can see. Just... only in one eye. I have 20/20 in my "good" eye, and I have half decent depth perception thanks to focal blur. Apart from fatigue, the only real inconvenience is a lack of peripheral vision.

Yeah, but give 15 years and you can with your other eye too....

... or you can replace it with a camera!

Remember to make the most out of things you don't have!

(credit: Gabi)