Warning! Warning! Long text, read at your own risk, may cause boredom.

Started by Rabid Mollusk, March 05, 2012, 09:32:30 PM

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Rabid Mollusk

Warning! Warning! Long text up ahead, read at your own risk may cause boredom.

Hey everyone, sorry but this text is long since I have a lot of reasons to join the forum.
Well about me, I'm or at least used to be a rpg maker game designer, I have found DMFA when I was in high school, I was through a period without inspiration for new games, a friend of my sent me a lot of different webcomics for me to try to find some new ideas, one of them was DMFA, the comic itself was "OK" I don't really like furrys they kind of creepy me out, but anyways the part that called my attention was the Demo. 101 races section, especially the Insectis, they were the inspiration I needed to create a new game. My beast game. My masterpiece.

The game plot was basically about two deities one of the day and the other of the night,  both of them were in a war, and the humans believed that the dark god was evil since he created the vampires, undead and werewolfs, the heroes fight in the name of the goddess of the day and sun but in the end they find out that the dark god wants the balance between day and night and the Sun goddess want to turn the world in a giant desert ruled by Insect monsters, so is up for the player to choose, remain loyal to the Day goddess and help her rule the new land without the cold night or help the night god restore the balance. It was a modest popular game at the time, but unfortunately the forum where it was posted went down and after some months the pendrive where I saved the game went missing, so I lost the game, is possible that it is somewhere in the internet but... Oh well.

I planned to thank Amber for the inspiration, but the PC where I bookmarked this comic broke, so I lost the site and I did not remembered the name of it since then I've let this task incomplete. Besides a Rpg maker designer I'm also a frustrated Spritecomic creator, I have created three spritecomics already but I gave up all projects... Part of it because I don't know how to create sprites so I re-use some from not well know games, but they were very limited. So I gave up.

Thanks to TV tropes I have found Castlevania RPG, being a big fan of Castlevania, I started to read it, and I love it! It is in my opinion the beast Sprite comic! In the beginning I thought it would be limited to the Castlevania universe but it is something much bigger, deeper and complex, it has everything that is important. I really like CVRPG sprites since they are very expressive, something hard to find in sprites, it has the right amount of funny parts, serious parts and action parts, that is something hard to find in a spritecomic or even in a geral webcomic, ACTION, fights are exelent to keep things interesting, I also love the small damage numbers they are a very original touch.

It was a big suprise to discover that the creator of my favorite webcomic is also Amber brother, such a big coincidence! So here I go:

Thanks Amber(if you ever check this forum with regularity), for giving me the inspiration I needed to develop a game years ago that I don't even have access anymore... That sounded much better in my head.

Well that is it, I read Castlevania RPG every day, I'm a big fan of it, I used to read DMFA a long time ago, but never really look deeply in it, maybe now I have the opportunity 'cause I have to say Dang it! Amber your art really improved, in my time you already used colors but now they are so vivid! And your style is a lot more smooth. Congrats!

Again sorry about the small text.  


I... I have a fan. Huzzah!

Welcome to the forum. Love your name, btw.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on March 06, 2012, 10:52:36 PM
I... I have a fan. Huzzah!

Hey! That is very unfair, how about me and joshofspam?

Since none of the dark knights mods showed up to do the formalities let me take care of it.

Welcome aboard, make sure you've read the rules and FAQ, enjoy your stay and beware the boxes.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Rabid Mollusk

Quote from: Darkmoon on March 06, 2012, 10:52:36 PM
Welcome to the forum. Love your name, btw.

Thank you, I thought you would not recognize it.

Quote from: Zen on March 07, 2012, 07:28:21 PM
Welcome aboard, make sure you've read the rules and FAQ, enjoy your stay and beware the boxes.

I have one question though, how do I put those little "Fan" boxes? And where are they located?



In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


If you look at my last post in that thread, you'll see examples on how to put them in your sig...  Here we are:  http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7164.msg352460.html#msg352460


Another fan of Darkmoons sprite comic? That is most excellent!

Hope you have a most excellent stay!
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Zen on March 07, 2012, 07:28:21 PM
Welcome aboard, make sure you've read the rules and FAQ, enjoy your stay and beware the boxes.

That's a very Zen suggestion.
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