This one bids thee...farewell...

Started by Lysander, August 21, 2006, 10:14:05 AM

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I didn't plan on making a topic for this, was originally thinking of leaving the same way as I entered. Heck, I wasn't planning on ever making a topic. But is has come to my attention that at least one being here wishes to know why I'm leaving and stuff. This topic is for anyone else who may wish to know.

So I've left a few pathetic not so subtle hints around that I'm to disappear for a while. The thing is I'm leaving this week's Wednesday and tomorrow will be my last day to come here. This is because I have a mission to accomplish in New York of the USA. As such I will not be able to come to places like this for two years, give/take a few months. The only way this may change is if something weird happens, and not the good kind of weird. But hey, I will be back.

And so, if it wasn't for my coming here, I'd probably have far less on my mind than I now do. Before coming here I'd have never read anything other than usual school/gaming stuff, never any real books or short stories. I was so happy hating reading, but now I only have a mild dislike for such. I also would have never though of drawing anything, but now I have a small few bad pictures completed and a freaky amount left for me to get out of my head, as well as a couple stories to go with them. :cecil



Too bad, I thought you were quite nice.

And two years in NY without being able to get to the internet!? Don't they have libraries there or something? :P

*puts a homing device on Lysander* :mowninja
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Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

*tracks the homing device and gets TGH to send cookies* :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*starts baking the cookies and hires a pilot... will air drop them in... saturation bombing style if needs be*


Sorry to hear the news, Lysander. Hope to see you again soon!


I got dibs on all of Ly's bad karma. D: ...Just 'cuz I want it. Gimme!

...See ya, Ly. :3 *Hug*


good luck with whatever you're doing, and can't wait to hear from you again! *hug*

Roureem Egas

I guess we'll all see you later then and hope you'll be back. Till next time Lysander.


Good luck in New york Ly!
maybe we'll run into each other sometime.


*kchk* Ow. Eh? What's this blinking red light sticking out of my neck? Ah well, can't cause too many problems. Saturation bombing sounds fun...
Dakata, you can have my -karma. It has surved its purpose, and I'm pretty sure you're the only one who can make good use of it.
EMD, if ya recognize me from my picture in the info thread, give a yell. Would be weird to see someone face-to-face for once.
To Xze-Xze, Gareeku, Vulpesweasel, Roureem Egas, the other mentioned, and anyone else I don't remember since I suck with names, have some metaphorical hugs. *hugs* :januscat

Here's another little something I never intended for use. A farewell speech I wrote back in May. This one will see thee in a couple years...(Warning: Don't read if you're emo and desire to stay that way):

As time comes to a close, we take a step closer to our goal of some sort of fate.
As such I come here before you to encourage you...
To advance forward.
I know I have learned much in my time here,
In these hours seized by memories.
I know you have as well.
So let us not suffer ourselves to relinquish the knowledge we've gained to the recesses of our mind.
Just like angels with burning hearts,
We'll face the risk of our lives.

You came to this place for a reason.
Whatever the reason, it must not be forgotten.
That reason is why you carry on with your journey.
The journey made through your mind,
To possess that which you live for.
Dare to find the meaning of your life.
Take a look at what you've done.

Until that moment,
Until the truth.
Until it's in you,
Until minds rest.
Until your phoenix rises, time stands still.
Just like angels with burning hearts,
We'll face the risk of our lives.

Could it be so real?
Seek truth beyond perception.
Find that which longs to be found.
Take the mystery and set it free.
Savor what may come to pass.
It can all be revealed in days unfolding.
It's time to rise above destiny,
No longer living in slow motion.

As J. W. Jones would say,
Seize the day.
Be not constrained by society,
But find your own passion.
Embrace these reflective paths of light as they appear.
Do not allow yourselves to be infected by the norm.
Do not be consumed by the pressure of your peers.
Do not be misguided by your own divine indignation.
Never walk away.
Just like angels with burning hearts,
We'll face the risk of our lives.

Does it matter if these feelings are gone?
Are we moving on?
Or do words mean nothing anymore...?
I wish to not be second rate anymore.
Not in a world that whispers.
It shall not be a thorn in my side.
I will melt my moment of frozen time,
By holding to the secrets of dreams and desires.

Even when you are lost in the darkness,
You must believe in tomorrow.
It will come like angels with burning hearts.
Embrace the vision.
Starting an adventure for our future.
To the brand new sky we dive.
To face the risk of our lives.

Allow Morpheus to be our guide.
Achieve the elusive grandeur of our dreams.
Though if we revel in our accomplishments,
We may become bereft of our true desire.
Only to become a scar that bleeds within us.
Likewise, should we cower by cause of failure,
Only fields of desolation await.
Do not be shadowed by the result of a loss.
Whatever may be the outcome of our actions,
We need to get up and start from there.

Let us not succumb to our fears
Let us not be ignored.
Let us not allow our ambitions become symbolic visions, withering in the wind.
Let us be a never ending blade, always cutting through our limits.
Let us fly on the wings of our future.
Let us temper our wit so no malignant stroke of luck shall be allowed to draw us back.
Let us be as the mighty dragon and stand up to that which opposes us.
Challenge your fate like that of the arachnid to it's prey.
Make it submit to your resplendent will.
Just like angels with burning hearts,
We will advance forward.
QuoteDying unto this world
Blindingmy eyes to see
Ever changing, re-arranging
Peices of my memory


Ly, you're a dork. :P *Hug*

*Didn't read the huuuuge speech-thing because he/she's lazy* :3


Quote from: Dakata on August 22, 2006, 11:53:22 AM

*Didn't read the huuuuge speech-thing because he/she's lazy* :3

Oh, you mean little...

*didn't read it either*

Anyway, it's a pity to see someone leave, especially since we have a policy that nobody gets out alive. Oh well, I suppose we can make exceptions. Have yourself a hell'va time.  :)


James StarRunner

Two years? Mission? Away from home? No internet? Hmm... I think I know exactly what you're going to be doing!

I went on a mission too not far from where you're going. I served in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. Best two years of my life! Have a blast! Return with honour and CTR!


What parts of New Hampshire, if I may ask?

James StarRunner

Mostly the townships surrounding St. Johnsbury. I served there for 9 months.


I'll miss you for the time you're gone, Lys.  You were always one of the nice ones, quite consistently in fact.  Polite, well-mannered and kind and those are aspirations of my own, so I've had no end of respect for you.

I just hope I didn't miss your send-off because I've had some stuff to deal with lately, some major, some not.  I haven't been checking the forums as thouroughly as I'd planned.

So, be good, have fun and buy a bloody wireless phone capable of online browsing and posting.  *Cough.*  Okay, maybe not ... but be good and have fun.


I hate long goodbyes, so I'll just say this: Good luck with your mission. :)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

Just a note to all those asking if he can stay in touch... If he's going on the kind of mission I'm thinking of (and I'm pretty sure it is), he still won't be able to post on the forum even if he does find a place with internet. The most he'll be allowed to use the computer for is likely e-mailing his parents.


In my case, I gathered that, I was just being facetious because I really will miss him but I know he won't be able to stay in touch with us here, as much as I'd personally like that.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Two questions, James...

One: CTR? I'm not familiar with that acronym.
Two: Dare we ask what the mission you think is? Or would you have to kill us? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

James StarRunner

Thing #1: CTR stands for Choose The Right
Thing #2: Ya, you can ask I guess. I wasn't going to say it at first because anytime religion is mentioned, people seem to scream like banshees. But ya, I went on a mission for two years for my church. Basicly teaching gospel related stuff and doing service.

Amber Williams

Well, if I was to hazard a guess, I'd assume Lysander is Morman and is going on a 2 year mission.  I forgot the details despite the fact my grandmother is Morman.

Either way, best of luck to you, and heres hoping if that is the case, that you get very few Wildy responses. :3


Quote from: thegayhare on August 21, 2006, 10:30:22 AM
*starts baking the cookies and hires a pilot... will air drop them in... saturation bombing style if needs be*

Readies a B-52  :mwaha

Best of luck to ya :hug see ya when you return.


Heh, bye. Goodluck on your uh... Heh.

James StarRunner

Quote from: Amber Panyko on August 22, 2006, 04:04:56 PM
Either way, best of luck to you, and heres hoping if that is the case, that you get very few Wildy responses. :3
Oh dear... Ya, that would be awkward.

Drake Manaweilder

(has actually read the speech)
Wow... that was beautiful... Sorry to say that i don't know ya, but best of luck to ya.


drake is right, wonderful speech indeed. I'm not sure what your doind on your two years, actually i have no clue, but whatever it may be, best of luck to you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: James StarRunner on August 22, 2006, 04:00:39 PM
Thing #1: CTR stands for Choose The Right
Thing #2: Ya, you can ask I guess. I wasn't going to say it at first because anytime religion is mentioned, people seem to scream like banshees. But ya, I went on a mission for two years for my church. Basicly teaching gospel related stuff and doing service.

#1: Thanks, that's another acronym I shall store in my collection :-)
#2: Noted. Thanks. I disagree, but will fight to the death to defend your right to do so. Or something.

Voltaire was a nut, but he got that bit right. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears