Alright, You Got Me

Started by Surzsha, November 02, 2011, 04:58:20 PM

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I'm not the best at intros, but I'm always a sucker for formalities.

As you can see, my name is Surzsha. I recently decided to seriously dedicate some time to getting around and communicating with others, especially since college life has become more daunting than usual. I'm already making some progress in real life, but I've been neglecting the fact that communication over the internet can be just as de-stressing.

I like to learn new things, so I'm looking forward to joining and contributing to the discussion boards dedicated to their respective comics (I'm an avid reader of DMFA, surprise surprise). I also like to roleplay, but since it's been forever since my last session I'll just stay in the sidelines and watch for awhile before joining in on any new sessions.

And, um... That's all, I guess. I'll answer any questions that come by, but other than that I'll do my best to seamlessly integrate myself into the community. Thanks for reading, and stay fluffy.

- Surzsha


Welcome, Surzsha  :mowwink

    Fluffy you say, well you'll find that a lot of the members here have horns under the fluff- BEWARE!!! Though a lot of them can  be defeated with simple radioactive muffins  :doommuffin

Except for the box- stay clear of the box!


Welcome to the forum.
I hope you enjoy the show.
I'd really like to stay and chat.
But now I ought to go.

Also: Remember to read the forum's rules.


The more people there are the better the group becomes
So welcome