06/06/2011 [DMFA# 1225] - Nom Nom Nom

Started by RandomMetaphysics, June 06, 2011, 02:41:08 AM

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Hehehe, their expressions in that last panel keep making me giggle :3
I could actually go for a cupcake myself right now :mowcookie

On another note, anyone else get the feeling Fa'Lina came so early for another reason, or reasons? Perhaps to give Abel a little talk of what's going to happen? Or maybe she plans on surprising Pyroduck >:3

It doesn't take two hours to just enjoy a cupcake or two... or does it?


You mean besides meeting the Loving stepdaughter of one of her retired professors and her (maybe) future Daughter-in-Law???  :mowmeep

Also, is it me or is Fa'Lina looking extra buoyant today?  :mowcookie (So I'm a letch, sue me)

The art on today's strip is wonderful Amber (as usual)  :mowninja
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


squeeeeeee we get to see falina again! :3c
I'm just a little bit... Aiene, Geisteskrank, Insano, Elnebajos, Vansinnig, Fou, Atamagaokashii, Gek, Dolzinnig, Hullu, Gila, Meschuge, Nebun, Dement... INSANE.

And do not tell your daddy how to ----.

Viking ZX

Aha! Now that is how to make an entrance! Also Falina clearly knows the best use of her foresight skill...CUPCAKES!

I hope Alexsi wasn't planning on giving those out to guests at the inn...
I'm an author! Check out my site!


I wonder if Fa'lina had a plan A or if she just skipped strait to plan B.


Quote from: iceick on June 06, 2011, 03:23:57 AM
I wonder if Fa'lina had a plan A or if she just skipped strait to plan B.

I think this would kind of be like plan B, subsection A: Muffins, unless Red Velvet happens to be available  :)

And "Dahlings!"...Am I the only one who read that in Zsa-zsa's voice?
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Yay!  It's Lady Fa'Lina of the Incredible Bosom!  She certainly knows how to make a Grand Entrance.  :-)  I didn't expect to see her until Dan got to SAIA.  But of course, she had to show up for Abel's muffins.  (Abel's been a busy boy.  Organizing the bottles behind the bar, and baking muffins.)  Her expression in the last panel is hilarious.  Her hands make it even more so.

On a slightly more serious note (D-flat), I wonder how long it's been since Abel had absolutely nothing to do.  He's been at SAIA for almost four centuries, taking classes that whole time.  Now he's at Lost Lake, as the night-shift innkeeper.  There wouldn't be much to do except clean the place and wait for customers.  (And bake cupcakes?)

I do wonder why Fa'Lina's here, though.  It can't be just for Abel's marbled red velvet cupcakes, no matter how delectable.  Can it?
|  Space   ||   Space  ||  It's Hard  ||  A Place  ||  Burma  |
|  is Big  ||  is Dark ||   to Find   ||  to Park  ||  Shave  |


I like the warp-aci greet in the background.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Back at SAIA he had entertaining classes like grass-growing if I remember correctly. Having nothing to do is just a matter of perspective with classes like that.
Are the cupcakes the only thing Fa'Lina is there for though? Abel wanted to talk to her anyway so what better way to do that then over freshly baked cupcakes?
It seems Fi and Fu are happy to see each other as well.


Quote from: LordViking on June 06, 2011, 04:08:35 AM
Are the cupcakes the only thing Fa'Lina is there for though? Abel wanted to talk to her anyway so what better way to do that then over freshly baked cupcakes?

I've lost track of how long Abel has been away.  It may be that Fa'lina is still able to see his future - it's hard to say if her prediction of Dan's arrival is based on her foresight of him (Dan), his arrival at the academy or his proximity to Abel.  Or indeed, if Dan was in her care long enough for her to get a lock on him.

EDIT: Or to summarise, she may have forseen that he needs to talk to her.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I am most certain that (besides the cupcakes) Fa'Lina is there either for: Pyroduck dating Alexsi or because of Abel's dreams; either way I'm looking forward to either one. However, if she does both I will be greatly pleased! :>

Of course, I'm more curious if Fa'Lina will talk to Dan about him representing his clan; before they leave for SAIA or once they get there... :.

I mean if she knows about him being late, then she's definitely aware that he will attending the upcoming gathering! :U Squeee!

Quote from: D'ymkarra on June 06, 2011, 03:41:02 AM
And "Dahlings!"...Am I the only one who read that in Zsa-zsa's voice?

I am actually amazed that I know who are talking about..... :mowdizzy

EDIT: Oh, absolutely LOVE Fa'Lina's face in the last panel! :love3 I'd be making the same exact face, if I were in that situation.

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


I would totally show up at a place hours ahead of time for red velvet cupcakes
then like a sneaky little cubi I'd steal all the cuppycakes and use a warp aci to get out of there


Anker Steadfast

Right, lets see .... first off, I don't think she more "boyant" than usual, just that the bigger comic lets us see her better in all her glory !!
Also, her old dress covered her shoulders as well, making the focus on her breasts less obvious.

Secondly, even if she doesn't have Abel in her foresight, she probably still know one or two things about scrying on him using "regular" magic. Heck, what with him being pseudo family, she might have gained an almost clan like bond with him ... meaning he might never get away from her meddling influence ! And her puppets !

Thirdly, while she could definately be there to do all that serious talking thingy (ew), but maybe she's just there to say hello ?
I mean, why not have a little visit before she have to do all that tedious school work and the meet 'n' greet ?
Could be she also wants to know how Dan has been doing, so she can put him in the classes that fits him best ?
Really, it could just be a social call. :)

I just love her when she's in "fun-mode", much luv for that.


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on June 06, 2011, 08:18:24 AM
I just love her when she's in "fun-mode", much luv for that.


I am starting to wonder if this is an excuse to collar Abel in the kitchen, mind.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Aaaah, Fa'Lina the Fabulous, how we have missed thee.

And yes, Amber is definitely improving on the 'draw bosomy wimmins' front... front.   Not only has she gotten better and drawing Fa'Lina 'Bigger', but at drawing her in a way that.. well.   Fa'Lina in the first panel of course isn't any 'bigger' than she's ever been, she just makes the Immmpression of bigness because of how she presents herself, and the Fa'Lina Bosom, Large and in Charge.  A Double-E Matron happy with and confident in her body, her appearance and herself and damn the naysayers.

Such a wonderfully refreshing sight, neither 'empty' fanservice nor strictly Gag-Boobs nor, "I have boobies, hear me angst." as is so often the more popular portrayal of the embossomed.   :mwaha
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 06, 2011, 08:27:54 AM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on June 06, 2011, 08:18:24 AM
I just love her when she's in "fun-mode", much luv for that.

I am starting to wonder if this is an excuse to collar Abel in the kitchen, mind.

Nah, but it's definately an excuse to give him more recipes for delicious pastries. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Oooh! Marbled red velvet cupcakes?

Amber, I love how your mind works. =^-^=
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Words are useless! Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble!

They cannot express the excitement I feel for Fa'lina's antics.

I bet Abel had to defend his baked treats from that one cubi in home classes and from Fa'lina. I wonder if it was a common gag to announce that Abel was making tasty treats over the intercom? >:3
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: D'ymkarra on June 06, 2011, 03:41:02 AM
Quote from: iceick on June 06, 2011, 03:23:57 AM
I wonder if Fa'lina had a plan A or if she just skipped strait to plan B.

I think this would kind of be like plan B, subsection A: Muffins, unless Red Velvet happens to be available  :)

And "Dahlings!"...Am I the only one who read that in Zsa-zsa's voice?

No you weren't, but I had to resist the urge to reply to her "yes, but we knew you were coming your busom arrived ten minutes ago!"

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 06, 2011, 05:04:22 AM
Quote from: LordViking on June 06, 2011, 04:08:35 AM
Are the cupcakes the only thing Fa'Lina is there for though? Abel wanted to talk to her anyway so what better way to do that then over freshly baked cupcakes?

I've lost track of how long Abel has been away.  It may be that Fa'lina is still able to see his future - it's hard to say if her prediction of Dan's arrival is based on her foresight of him (Dan), his arrival at the academy or his proximity to Abel.  Or indeed, if Dan was in her care long enough for her to get a lock on him.

EDIT: Or to summarise, she may have forseen that he needs to talk to her.

I thought she was coming because Amber said so a few strips back, implying that Abel just made a phone call to the school and said Dan is coming for a month and Fa'Lina just decided to pick him up rather then send a different Cubi to escort him. The cupcakes were just... icing on the cake.


Quote from: nevwyn on June 06, 2011, 11:02:32 AM
I thought she was coming because Amber said so a few strips back,

I think you may have misunderstood.  I was referring to her knowing exactly when Dan will return, not that she may have foreseen Abel calling her up in the first place.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

MT Hazard

First panel - EPIC. Adding Fa'lina to any comic makes it 100% more epic, she's like a super fun aunt.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 

Hanii Puppy

Fa'lina's like an 8 year old girl who's hit puberty way too early xD

EDIT: Only after reading that after posting did I realise how pervy and just generally wrong that sounds xD didn't mean it like like that


Kria and Fa'lina seem to share a lot of the same charcter traits in personality. The real difference is Fa'lina seems to be less touchy then Kria.

Her gradual loss of seeing the future might be dependant on how predictable the events that come to pass. A thing like baking cupcakes might be routine enough for Her to be Abel to tell for several years what he has baking in the oven.

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 06, 2011, 11:13:18 AM
Quote from: nevwyn on June 06, 2011, 11:02:32 AM
I thought she was coming because Amber said so a few strips back,

I think you may have misunderstood.  I was referring to her knowing exactly when Dan will return, not that she may have foreseen Abel calling her up in the first place.

Well Dan had started to get partially involved with Matilda before he went to the academy. So maybe she foresaw their budding relationship and the delay. I don't think Dan has been away from the academy long enough for Fa'lina to lose total foresight with Dan and Abel. Her visits might have also extended her time keeping an eye on them both
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.



Also, what are those cupcakes marbled with? What tastes good with red velvet?
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


*Charles doesn't make it past the first panel, as he loses consciousness in seconds from nose-bleed fountain*   :mowdizzy
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Black_angel on June 06, 2011, 12:28:04 PM

Also, what are those cupcakes marbled with? What tastes good with red velvet?

Black Velvet? I mean the last time I had red velvet I asked what the heck red velvet was and they said it was red chocolate so if he was just looking to marble it for effect and not touch the taste then that could work.

Though if he really wanted it to stand out colour wise he could take a yellow butter cake. mmmmm cake.


It's a good thing that Fa'Lina (AKA Harpy) is a cubi, anyone else with that figure and bust would have broken their back years ago.

Fa'Lina is one of the most difficult to understand at times, then moments like this come around where her actions are explainable.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Is her Dan's not showing up for 2 hours meaning to SAIA? Or did we just skip that whole part? And Abel is so cute!


Quote from: Madmann135 on June 06, 2011, 02:23:16 PM
It's a good thing that Fa'Lina (AKA Harpy) is a cubi, anyone else with that figure and bust would have broken their back years ago.
Do Cubi have super strong backbones, or does she use shapeshifting to add some extra support for her bust?

Anyway, that's not what intrigues me the most about Fa'Lina: her fur is. Is it naturally that way (short and white, with pink fluffy ear tips)? Does she trim it? Is it shapeshifted? Will I ever know?

In any case, cupcakes are a good excuse for an early arrival, and I really liked the Warp Acis greeting each other in the background.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly