30/05/2011 [DMFA# 1223] - Waiting. Pining. Worrying

Started by MT Hazard, May 30, 2011, 05:33:29 AM

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MT Hazard

It seems he does a lot of waiting for Dan, but then he is Abel's responsibility and probably the closest he will get to a brother.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Well, Dan has had a tendency to get into trouble when he goes out lately.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Well, one has to do something while waiting, be it for headstrong fellow cubi or just tired out travelers.
It wouldn't be too far fetched to conclude that Dan is spending the night at Matilda's house, now it is just waiting for the speculating to start at what is happening there ;)


MT Hazard

Quote from: Dard on May 30, 2011, 10:41:16 AM
Are those Warp-Aci banners in the background?

I was thinking that. Yes, I believe they are.

Also:quiet on the forums today, everyone else away?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Ones a warp aci the other is some type of bird I think
Yes I know I'm a horrid speller queen of typos but dang it, I'm trying to get better
MY warp aci crappy photoshop I wish I had my tablet working
My Yappty thanks Silver :)
(hmm my sig needs updating. eeeeeh I'll do it later 07/29/06)


Well taking in how events have gone so far, I would have to say Abel generally cares for Dan an Alexsi. In fact as long as Alexsi isn't mad, Alexsi and him get along well.

As for Dan, will we have to worry about Dan coming home finding out he just became a father?

The detail of the background are very nice Amber. :boogie
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Abel is worried about Dan...

I can't imagine why.  It's not like Dan has ever been caught by demons looking for sacrifices and mistaking him for a girl.   ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Seems like there's been a bit of a time skip perhaps.

Madd the Sane

Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


I'm still trying to figure out if this is at the same time waiting for Dan to get back from Matilda's or a month in the future waiting for him to be back from SAIA. I think it would be epic if Alexi in this strip is actually Dan, but that does seem unlikely. Still, while I wish this is a month later cause time skips are fun... I also wanted to see that centennial meeting thingy. Or was it decade? Either way, if this was a time skip Amber may have to depict the leader meeting in a flashback.


Not to overload Amber but I hope this is a month later, just so we can get another side story involving Dan's month at SAIA as I don't think any thing less then a whole  years worth of comic could come close to a month's time worth of Mink and Dan especially is there is a clan meeting going on too.


Month, year, hours, days.. we'll find out soon enough.  I'm just happy to let the story take me wherever it's going.

Also:  Who said anything about Mink? ;-)


Timelines aside, it looks more like Abel is in deep thought, or perhaps feeling a bit 'homesick' as it were. SAIA was his home for almost four centuries, and he's finally had enough time while not watching Dan for him to start feeling it...Knowing Dan is going back, and he's forced to stay behind; A little resentment, perhaps?

I'm with Mao..Lead on, Mon Capitan!
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


I really like the backgrounds with this one :D

Also: Mink!


Quote from: AmberCross on May 30, 2011, 05:53:53 PM
I'm still trying to figure out if this is at the same time waiting for Dan to get back from Matilda's or a month in the future waiting for him to be back from SAIA.

I wondered this too, but then I realised that Dan is liable to reappear in a flash of light on his return from SAIA, not walk in through the front door.  IMHO, Abel's vigil only really makes sense if Dan walked to Matilda's place.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It seems like Abel's time as a librarian is showing here as well.

I wonder if Abel at time still has hope of being a librarian?

He certainly has a wide and diverse education from the Saia.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.



Quote from: Zaejue on May 30, 2011, 08:58:58 PM
:mowsad I wanted to see the dan at saia arc D=

You likely will.  There was a cameo attached to that arc that I know she wouldn't renge on so I can almost say for certain that we will.  Most folks are just speculating and jumping to conclusions without any real basis for what they're saying.  It's par for the course in here, you'll find.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on May 30, 2011, 10:26:18 PM
Quote from: Zaejue on May 30, 2011, 08:58:58 PM
:mowsad I wanted to see the dan at saia arc D=

You likely will.  There was a cameo attached to that arc that I know she wouldn't renge on so I can almost say for certain that we will.  Most folks are just speculating and jumping to conclusions without any real basis for what they're saying.  It's par for the course in here, you'll find.

Par? Par! I'm not par, I'm lucky if I double bogey at the best of times.  :mowmeep


Dan is always getting into trouble but he manages to find a way out.
Side note, I see why P-Ducky likes Alexsi, when she is not being scary she is quite beautiful and nice.

I want to see the upcoming Dan and Able meeting.  I have my reasons.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on May 30, 2011, 05:41:05 AM
Well, Dan has had a tendency to get into trouble when he goes out lately.

... or when he doesn't go out. ;-]

I do find it interesting that Alexsi is gently ribbing Abel about organising the bottles...

... and Abel appears to be totally missing the amusement.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Anker Steadfast

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Abel was a little bit homesick.
The question is, which home ?

The one he was born in?
Or maybe SAIA ?
Or has the inn become his new home and he's worried how quick that changed ?

There's plenty of possibilities, and lets not forget that he has started dreaming as well.
More fuel for his angst.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.