05/20/2011 [DMFA #1220] - Making sure everything is in order

Started by RandomMetaphysics, May 20, 2011, 01:49:14 AM

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Ha! Once again, Matilda has proven she is quite awesome >:3


Fear not, Matilda! No succubi has grabbed his eloquently-put "good parts" as of yet.

Demon, however? Might've come close!


D'awwwww. :mowhappy Matilda just gets better and better with every update she's in. Farsighted, wise, reasonable, and playful to boot! So good, in fact, she's now competing with Jyrras for favorite character in my opinion! xD

Keep up the astounding work Amber, I love Matilda's characterization! :D

Viking ZX

Aww, Matilda is awesome...and quick to the comeback. Pow!

Excellent comic as usual Amber!
I'm an author! Check out my site!


I'm really starting to love Matilda's quick wit and sarcasm..It complements Dan's personality nicely. I also recall Abel saying something about a Cubi in love having no rival in passion; It would seem the young feline is truly quite smitten by the lovely Taur...

I thought at first that Dan's face looked really off in the second panel, until I realized he was going crosseyed looking at the tip of her tail...Yay for insomnia! *derpface*

Amber: Five years is a huge milestone these days; It's a sure sign you're doing things right. My mare and I will be together eight years this coming January, and will finally be tying the knot this October as well...Congratulations to the both of you!  :mowhappy
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Dan and Matilda... such wit, such remarks, such reactions... I think Dan need not worry about a succubus as a certain cobra-taur is much more interesting for his preference.  Now all she needs is an amazon costume and Dan will be all hers.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on May 20, 2011, 04:05:55 AM
Dan and Matilda... such wit, such remarks, such reactions... I think Dan need not worry about a succubus as a certain cobra-taur is much more interesting for his preference.  Now all she needs is an amazon costume and Dan will be all hers.

I think of she was to put on an amazon costume, Dan just might burst into flames from the desire.  :eager


for some reason I don't think he's told her what happend at the party

Hanii Puppy

Quote from: Russano_Greenstripe on May 20, 2011, 04:14:55 AM
Quote from: Madmann135 on May 20, 2011, 04:05:55 AM
Dan and Matilda... such wit, such remarks, such reactions... I think Dan need not worry about a succubus as a certain cobra-taur is much more interesting for his preference.  Now all she needs is an amazon costume and Dan will be all hers.

I think of she was to put on an amazon costume, Dan just might burst into flames from the desire.  :eager

Now you've got me thinking about Bikinis. How exactly would a 6-legged being wear a bikini?


Quote from: thegayhare on May 20, 2011, 07:40:03 AM
for some reason I don't think he's told her what happend at the party

I don't think so either, but she was VERY understanding about the whole 'dating Lorenda' premise...Matilda seems to 'get' that Dan's life is exceedingly complicated...
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Awww, I keep forgetting how cute Matilda is when she's not in the comic for a while!  They bounce off one another so well. More of this. :januscat
Old as she is, I suspect she's either down with how cubi work, or she'd be reasonably understanding about any, um, 'mistakes' Dan made. We all know he'd beat himself up enough for the both of 'em!

Anker Steadfast

They do bounce off each other really well ... I wonder if Dan is smitten enough to invite her to the Ballpit one day ?
Also, she is Funny + Cute = Awesome.

Moar Matilda, I say !  :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


I just wanted to say that Matilda is just all kinds of loveable. I'm very glad Dan included her in all of this - though he's going to have to stay away from the bishi fangirl once he gets to SAIA (well, that's a good idea regardless).


Quote from: tiggertoo on May 20, 2011, 10:07:28 AM
I just wanted to say that Matilda is just all kinds of loveable. I'm very glad Dan included her in all of this - though he's going to have to stay away from the bishi fangirl once he gets to SAIA (well, that's a good idea regardless).

With Dan's more manly appearance lately, she might not find him so attractive anymore...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Matilda looks beyond adorable in the first panel. That has to be the best she has looked yet in the entire comic.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 20, 2011, 10:03:17 AM
They do bounce off each other really well ... I wonder if Dan is smitten enough to invite her to the Ballpit one day ?
Also, she is Funny + Cute = Awesome.

Moar Matilda, I say !  :)

Hear hear!  I had missed Matilda so much.  When I saw the comic early this morning, it was like an early ray of sunshine!  Her personality has been a perfect match for Dan.  The mental picture of a happy Matilda on her back, 6 legs abattin' at various balls of yarn... that could crack the dial on the cute-meter.


I'd rather see a pic of a shot-down view (as if the 'camera' were looking down at her) of Matilda on her back with Dan face-up on her underbelly. Tail wrapped around one of his ankles, hindlegs stretched out, forepaws wrapped/folded at Dans ribs, hands hugging his upper chest/under the neck, and a cute smile on her face while she noms on Dans head or one of his ears. ^.^
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Ah, Matilda. How I have missed you. You need to show up in the comic more often.

It's been five years since you were married, Amber? Really? ...And here I am still having trouble remembering that your last name is Williams now, whenever I'm speaking about your comic. Man how time flies.


Quote from: Hanii Puppy on May 20, 2011, 09:14:40 AM
Quote from: Russano_Greenstripe on May 20, 2011, 04:14:55 AM
Quote from: Madmann135 on May 20, 2011, 04:05:55 AM
Dan and Matilda... such wit, such remarks, such reactions... I think Dan need not worry about a succubus as a certain cobra-taur is much more interesting for his preference.  Now all she needs is an amazon costume and Dan will be all hers.

I think of she was to put on an amazon costume, Dan just might burst into flames from the desire.  :eager

Now you've got me thinking about Bikinis. How exactly would a 6-legged being wear a bikini?

Given past episodes, probably as a hat.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Daymond42 on May 20, 2011, 02:20:40 AM
Fear not, Matilda! No succubi has grabbed his eloquently-put "good parts" as of yet.

Demon, however? Might've come close!
Well, plenty consider cubi to be "demons" anyways.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


A lot of ego bloating references this month. Amber must be feeling really good right now. :mowsmile

Though with jokes and funny antics aside, I notice Matilda has swirlies. Awesome.

Also, Matilda obviously loves Dan in his battle garb. Now if he can only keep it from getting ruined when he heads back to Sia. :P
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Dan and Matilda need a theme song. Something happy, silly, and sweet...

I think that this is just perfect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd0zggVKJmw :3

Or maybe, a song about rainy days and banana pancakes. :U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkyrIRyrRdY
I'm just a little bit... Aiene, Geisteskrank, Insano, Elnebajos, Vansinnig, Fou, Atamagaokashii, Gek, Dolzinnig, Hullu, Gila, Meschuge, Nebun, Dement... INSANE.

And do not tell your daddy how to ----.

MT Hazard

Quote from: Tapewolf on May 20, 2011, 10:10:27 AM
Quote from: tiggertoo on May 20, 2011, 10:07:28 AM
I just wanted to say that Matilda is just all kinds of loveable. I'm very glad Dan included her in all of this - though he's going to have to stay away from the bishi fangirl once he gets to SAIA (well, that's a good idea regardless).

With Dan's more manly appearance lately, she might not find him so attractive anymore...

Ah, but Mattie admires Dan for his good soul...and cute butt.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: joshofspam on May 20, 2011, 01:31:28 PM
Though with jokes and funny antics aside, I notice Matilda has swirlies. Awesome.

Holy crud she does have swirlies.  That is awesome indeed
I think Mattie is good for the soul, a little ego crushing is the best way to keep somebody humble.
Dan needs all that he can get  :mowcookie
This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last. - Oscar Wilde

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.  Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. - Winston Churchill


Quote from: MT Hazard on May 20, 2011, 05:08:31 PM
Ah, but Mattie admires Dan for his good soul...and cute butt.

Well, I meant Nirfy, really.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wildy san said it best, Dan is one of the few nice ones, which makes him a good catch.  

... Now all she needs to do is move him up from the couch to the bed.  Then maybe their non-cannon crazy love-kid will be cannon.  We all know Cyra's response to the thought... Fa'Lina says it best.

Side note:  yes I like hyperlinks to the comic.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


I just have to say that the upgraded art has Matilda looking incredible.  The definition of even bent arm(?) in the first panel is so realistic in the bunching of the skin like on a real body.  Your art has hit a new level of awesome.

Also congrats on the anniversary.  May you have many many more.
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


Ah, Matilda, she do be adorable!  I must say that she and Dan make a cute couple.  I'm glad they found each other.  If Mab is right, and there's going to be a war in the near future, they'll be great support for each other.

Congratulations on your fifth anniversary, Amber!  May you have many more years of happiness together.
|  Space   ||   Space  ||  It's Hard  ||  A Place  ||  Burma  |
|  is Big  ||  is Dark ||   to Find   ||  to Park  ||  Shave  |


Quote from: Naldru on May 20, 2011, 11:58:18 AM
Quote from: Hanii Puppy on May 20, 2011, 09:14:40 AM
Quote from: Russano_Greenstripe on May 20, 2011, 04:14:55 AM
Quote from: Madmann135 on May 20, 2011, 04:05:55 AM
Dan and Matilda... such wit, such remarks, such reactions... I think Dan need not worry about a succubus as a certain cobra-taur is much more interesting for his preference.  Now all she needs is an amazon costume and Dan will be all hers.

I think of she was to put on an amazon costume, Dan just might burst into flames from the desire.  :eager

Now you've got me thinking about Bikinis. How exactly would a 6-legged being wear a bikini?

Given past episodes, probably as a hat.

I'm way ahead of you.

For those who still don't get it, the thought bubble refers to how little clothes she normally wears and her former volcanic residence.
            <-- #1 that is!


Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club