mothers day rant

Started by thegayhare, May 08, 2011, 11:27:35 AM

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I'm sorry I haven't been to active lately, and to have my first big post in ages be a rant but I just need to blow off steam.

Oh and also this isn't a rant about mothers day its a rant that happens on mothers day.

Okay as some of you know I have a sister,  now my sister is living down south with her boyfreind.  and well she has effectively cut off communication with me.  I finaly just last year came to terms with that fact and stopped caring.  In the years since she left she's never called me, never written me never sent a package for a birthday or christmass( though I have that is till this last year), never emailed me (though she might respond to maybe one ten emails or texts) and the only time she too the initiative text me was a rather insulting fat joke.    But in truth I'm used to her treating me like nothing.

I took some comfort from the fact that she was atleast keeping up with my mom.  She'd call once every 3 months maybe.  but that was something.

then this morning.  My mom had asked for me to make a german pancake for mothers day and I slept in (truth fully I think calling 7:30 am is sleeping in is a little much) so she had her own breakfast.  Mom was upset  but not really at me so much  thats when I learned that things with my mom and my sis were worse then with me.  I hadn't known that the calls mom got were only made cause my mom called and left a message.  and them like with me  not ever call was returned, not even every other call.  I 'd probably say 1 in 4 is an optimistic number.  Mom told me that last mothers day my sis hadn't called here, but she had called our grandmom and a family friend that day.  and last christmass she never called to thank us for the gifts mom sent (she'd put my name on something even though I told her not to.), but she did call our uncle.  this is the uncle that took several of my dads guns after he died to sell for my mom, and then later swore up and down it had never happened.  a man who had recently been tasked with informing the rest of family that a great aunt was in the hospital and not long for this world... and he kept that to himself.  My sister called him on christmass rather then her mother.   My mom is getting married this june, my sis is invited to come, hell my mom has arranged so that my sis and her boyfriend can stay at a private cabin on a lake while here and as far as I know there is no answer.

we have never received so much as a thank you card from her.   

to top it off she has this whole list of people she calls her "adopted"  family.  That is people she only freaking knows most of the time as a icon, and a screen name.  Or meets once or twice a year at furry cons.  And she treats them better then us.  hell I've met one of these people, one of the ones she'd rather call her brother, but I wont get into the sordid details of that in counter.  but it seems clear to me that My sister doesn't want to be part of this family, at all, so I think I really am done with all this.  Done with her.  I already expect nothing from her, and after seeing mom crying this morning, I think Its time to cut my losses and leave her to the new family.  as for the whole mothersday situationI hope she calls, I sent her a message this morning to remind her some one might like to hear from her, but I don't expect anything to come of it. 

sorry all for ranting I just needed to vent

Baal Hadad

I know I don't usually post in these forums, but my heart goes out to you.  :(  So sorry you all have to put up with something like this....