Plot twists that make me feel stupid

Started by CoyoteCaliente, April 18, 2011, 07:00:01 PM

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And this isn't the cool kind! This is the kind that goes waaaay back in the archive that I just now noticed. Specifically, this comic, . I would have just gone back to that particular thread and read up on it, but I can't even find it because this was before everyone started numbering things all orderly and like.

I was just randomly flipping through the archives when the exact implications of what was going on in this strip slapped me in the face. I LITERALLY jumped back, cracking some joints in my neck. I mean.... WHA!? How did I miss this?! Dan's mum, right there, messin' about with her own son's head. (I'm assuming, I'm still not even sure.) Did... Did I subconsciously think that it was just Biggs rambling and that the one in the bath tub was... See I don't even know!

Have you ever had any moments like this? If so, at which point did Amber make you feel not smart?  :<

I'm just a little bit... Aiene, Geisteskrank, Insano, Elnebajos, Vansinnig, Fou, Atamagaokashii, Gek, Dolzinnig, Hullu, Gila, Meschuge, Nebun, Dement... INSANE.

And do not tell your daddy how to ----.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm just a little bit... Aiene, Geisteskrank, Insano, Elnebajos, Vansinnig, Fou, Atamagaokashii, Gek, Dolzinnig, Hullu, Gila, Meschuge, Nebun, Dement... INSANE.

And do not tell your daddy how to ----.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: CoyoteCaliente on April 18, 2011, 07:00:01 PM
Dan's mum, right there, messin' about with her own son's head.
haw.. so, as soon as you said this I knew exactly which strip you meant (and incidentally, as I was looking for something in the archives, I just happened to read that particular one within the past hour).
I did in fact read it and think "wow... what a jerk you are to your son." Especially given how in my mind I've always thought about the "Hi sweetie! :D" moment from back in the old archives when Dan sees her in the Twink Territory.
So, plot-twist? No. Making me question Destania's parenting skills? Maybe. (Slight redemption in the next strips).

And to answer your question... I don't think I've ever been hit by a plot twist (not even a retro-active one ;P), or at least not very hard.
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
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Anker Steadfast

Quote from: CoyoteCaliente on April 18, 2011, 07:00:01 PMHave you ever had any moments like this? If so, at which point did Amber make you feel not smart?  :<

Whenever I feel like I'm about to have a DUHRR-moment, I just find a way to blame it all on Amber and everything is ok again. :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Well I don't know about you guys, but I was pretty freaked out by this strip:
In addition to it being so cute that I was squealing for a few minutes before I could get around to reading it, I hadn't really registered the whole Aniz thing. But then I went back to this one:
And lo and behold...
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Sienna Maiu - M T

What I've never understood is why Abel hates the name "Rewanz". Technically he should appreciate the name, since it was from better and happier times and is the name that his mother kept.

But, whatever... he probably hates it equally along with Cubi who use their abilities to completely change who they are.

[admittedly though, I was surprised, as I had heard a very different story once about Aniz's demise. let me also throw a little of this at you]
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
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Anker Steadfast

Abel probably connects the name Rewanz with his fathers betrayal, a traumatic event that didn't end well.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: CoyoteCaliente on April 18, 2011, 07:00:01 PM
I would have just gone back to that particular thread and read up on it, but I can't even find it because this was before everyone started numbering things all orderly and like.

There's an app wiki page for that.

Sienna Maiu - M T

   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
my art thread