Cubi Marriages

Started by KarlOmega1, May 04, 2011, 10:23:47 PM

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*ahem* I have had some time to think this over and best thought it should be asked.

Due to the fact that most of the Cubi Clan leaders are female, do some clans have a tradition of doing matriarchic marriages when planning to wed someone? (meaning that the husband adopts the wife's last name instead of the wife adopting the husband's last name)

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Skype Name: Karaius


Hrm, good question. I always figured each kept their own last name (since most Cubi use their clan name as their surname) and the children would take the name of the clan they are born into. Unless the spouse crossed over to the other's clan, like in the case of Sel. Then I suppose they take the name of their spouse's clan, 'cause that's the one they belong to now. But yeah, when it comes to Cubi that don't use their clan name as a last name... I have no clue. :P

Sienna Maiu - M T

Do the Cubi even use last names? Sure they might say *blank* of Clan *Blank*, but for the most part, I don't think their customs use family names strictly in the way we know them.

Apart from that, whatever floats one's boat.  (And I suspect that either a Cubi must convert to the spouse's Clan to be married/have children, or whichever is the stronger of the two, the child winds up with that marking.)
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
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They seem to use their clan name as their last name. Ainz was refered to as Ainz Siar a few times.  Abel is obviously an exeption and dan likely is as well (But we don't even know his last name to see so...)


Don't know who's last name? Dan? It's Ti'Fiona. His Cast Page lists his full name as Daniel Ti'Fiona. And Abel's is Rewanz; it's been mentioned before. But they're both half-Being. In Dan's case, Edward's a Being and Destania apparently took his surname when she married him, maybe to lay low. And with Abel, of course Aniz was pretending to be a Being, thus the last name. Though I wonder... since Aniz really wasn't Cid, does that mean Abel's surname of Rewanz is even valid?  :erk Okay. I just confused myself, way ta go, me.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Rewanz is his legal last name. It's on his birth certificate (assuming he has one).

People legally change their names all the time. It's not a brand. A Clan and your blood are what's inheritable, not the name itself. That's just what normal convention tells you.
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
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llearch n'n'daCorna

I can understand Abel being upset about Rewanz, since that's Cid's name and not Aniz', and due to the way Aniz revealed himself, Abel would be well within his rights to refuse to accept the name at all.

May keeping the name is, well, that's unknown. She might have reverted, she might not. We simply don't know. And... May had a big heart, anyway, so she might have stuck with the name just because she was a big enough person to forgive Aniz his flaws.

My 2p, anyway.
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Anker Steadfast

Maybe she kept it to honor the original Cid Rewanz's memory ?
It's hard to guess at, it's not like we can ask her why.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 06, 2011, 09:02:49 AM
Maybe she kept it to honor the original Cid Rewanz's memory ?
It's hard to guess at, it's not like we can ask her why.

Stranger things have happened...
   Avatar by me. Signature image made from a picture by shadows-play on dA (circa 2007-2008).      :deadhorse
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Quote from: berkinix on May 05, 2011, 11:41:24 PM
Don't know who's last name? Dan? It's Ti'Fiona. His Cast Page lists his full name as Daniel Ti'Fiona. And Abel's is Rewanz; it's been mentioned before. But they're both half-Being. In Dan's case, Edward's a Being and Destania apparently took his surname when she married him, maybe to lay low. And with Abel, of course Aniz was pretending to be a Being, thus the last name. Though I wonder... since Aniz really wasn't Cid, does that mean Abel's surname of Rewanz is even valid?  :erk Okay. I just confused myself, way ta go, me.

*faceplam* Yes. I ment dan. I entirely forgot we knew it. That was stupid of me.


Hmm, reminds me of something.
Given the way genetics works in Furrae, cubi of small clans would probably prefer reproducing with beings than with other cubi, to both avoid inbreeding (their clan) and to make sure the offspring is of their own clan.
So , regardless of cubi conventions, there'll be plenty of cubi with surnames, especially since for the offspring.. well they attain reproductive age well before headwings.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Anker Steadfast

I've always wondered what clan the child of Destania and Aniz would have belonged to.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 07, 2011, 10:13:09 AM
I've always wondered what clan the child of Destania and Aniz would have belonged to.
If it's by power, Cyra clan after Siar died and likely Siar clan before that.

Wait, that makes little sense... Dee was a more powerful individual regardless.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Though also including in all the facts that we've learned from the comic and the half breed page about cubi, it isn't hard to see that names might be hidden for protective reasoning.

Also you got to figure in if they might pull a less traumatic of breed then kidnap the child like what Aniz did. Actual marriages might differ from clan too clan. Some might see it as a form of relationship, others might just see it as a way to continue their clan. Though being the creatures of emotion they are, they might try to simply out live their being mate living as a being and sparing them the trauma. So it might depend more on the person they marry.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: VAE on May 07, 2011, 08:57:38 AM
So , regardless of cubi conventions, there'll be plenty of cubi with surnames, especially since for the offspring.. well they attain reproductive age well before headwings.

Point of order, it's unclear that "reproductive age" is "before headwings", to be blunt. It may be that they look perfectly normal, as in post-puberty, but the gun fires blanks, if you follow my meaning.

In short - we really don't know.
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