Does anyone know what this webcomic is called?

Started by ChaosMageX, February 26, 2011, 03:33:38 AM

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I was recently going through all the web comics I haven't read in a while in order to catch up on them.  I lost my browser bookmarks to them in my last computer transfer, so I have been trying to locate them by memory.
I was able to remember and find all but one of them.
I remember reading this comic and I can remember several details about it, but I've completely forgotten its name.
Anyway, here are the details I remember about the comic:

It started with a story of how the world setting that the comic takes place in was created by the gods.

Most of the protagonists are angels with halos.  Warriors had red halos and healers had green ones, and when you zoomed in on the halos of the higher ranking officers, they had swastikas on them.

The main protagonist was the general of the angel army and an anthro reptile, and his second in command in was a snow leopard centaur.
There were also two anthro canine siblings, the female being a healer and the male being a warrior (albeit a rather incompetent one).

Most of the antagonists were humanoids that looked like they had skin cancer or severe burns.  They were attempting to summon one of the seven deadly sins.

You'd think with all these details, I could find the comic I'm thinking of with search engines, but I completely fail at using them.  So instead I thought I'd try asking around to see if anyone knows the comic I'm describing.

If anyone does know what comic I'm talking about, please post its name and a link to it, and thanks in advance for doing so.

Icon by Sunblink

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Previewer on February 26, 2011, 04:07:43 AM
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE)

Yes, that was the comic I was thinking of.  Thank you for finding it, Previewer.

Also, here are some of the other comics I've been getting caught up on, in case others don't have them on their web comic lists:

Cheap Thrills
Deer Me
Ana Kuro
Slightly Damned

Icon by Sunblink


You're welcome. Now it's my turn to add to my list.

llearch n'n'daCorna

No, got it, got it, no, got it.

Will look later at the other two...

Edit: hrm. .sig is muthered. Must fix that...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm familiar with all of these except Ana Kuro. I like it, but seems to me there is a lack of updating going on there... This is really quite a pity. Hopefully it's not for good like some other really good webcomics I was into such as Awakened, Black Tapestries, or Thunderstruck...

llearch n'n'daCorna

FWIW, The Awakened is going through a revival again at the moment. You might want to pick it up while it's only a couple pages in, as it were.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


im all for a comic creator deciding to scrap it and start over

but what i dont like is when they seal the old stuff which is still good away in some hidden safe never to be seen again.

heck, theres a whole section of the belfry webcomic index devoted to comics you cant find anymore.

you now cannot see the awesome existing issues of 'the awakened', or 'the mouskaroos' which i was told was wicked yet i cant see a single page of it, 'true magic' restarted and a very extensive archive just disappeared

sure, restart, but at least put aside some little archive off to the side so people can view your old stuff. its what 'altermeta' did and it makes you really see how it changed over time
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I am actually aware of Awakened having restarted. I included it on the list because it's a good example of something that went on insane term long-hiatus.

And ditto on the erased archives score :/ I sent an email to the Awakened author asking about the old stuff cause I really liked it, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet...

Also, True Magic did an archive reset? That explains a lot actually. That's one of my 'once a year' comics so I was really confused when I suddenly was seeing stuff I didn't remember and not seeing stuff I did.


Quote from: AmberCross on February 28, 2011, 06:27:54 PM
I am actually aware of Awakened having restarted. I included it on the list because it's a good example of something that went on insane term long-hiatus.

I believe I have some fragments of Awakened, unless I am thinking of some entirely different comic.  Chapter 1, pages 20 and 22, and chapter 2 pages 1 and 5.  I was sure I had more than that.

EDIT: No, that's the one.  How sad...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


reboots in the comic sense is generally not a bad idea per se. especially if the writing/art is just horrid and the creator(s) just wanna go back over a few things in order to make it all mesh properly.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


nothing wrong with restarting, however i do object to them acting as if everything they already had didn't exist.

also i find it odd that many people who do it have quite good work that they are restarting. however comics where the early stuff is crummy quality but the new stuff is so improved you find it hard to believe its the same person- rarely restart, finding it far too much work to scrap three to five years of actually quite well written material just so you can see the same thing with prettier art. yes, DMFA is one of those, while CVRPG probably isn't going to improve its art style anytime soon...

i blame this scientific principal

yes, it has a name

its different if you actually change the story though...
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


truthfully, in the case of mine, i'd love to "redo" the first half of the comic to make it fit all a bit more seamlessly. i'm not pleased with the writing and it needs smoothing out and a few plot holes filled, overall it'd be the same story, just cleaned and pressed.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Yeah.... a lot of people I know have said they have little to no idea what's going on in your comic. It's like you keep changing the story drastically every so often.

They start as people in a bar getting kidnapped by the government for evil research.

Well they escaped and it turns out they're just Therians now.

Now they're magic and part of an ancient prophesy or something!

Suddenly... Atlantis!

Let's go visit some guys in Russia now!

Now they're in..... alternate dimension DMFA?

There were a few other steps in between I don't recall and I may have screwed up the order since I've not read it in a while, but that was the gist of their problem with it. Personally I like it and wish it would update more ^.^. I think I may have liked it better before magic got involved and it was purely real-world stuff, but that may be just because that was back when the storyline still made sense. I love your comic to pieces, but that's exactly how I have to read it in order to figure out what's actually going on. *shrug*

On a side note, I have the ODDEST sense of deja vu while writing this :/


okay, to be fair. the switch between book one and two was a risk i felt i had to take, i even lost some readers because of this, which was one of said risks.

A) book one, at least to me, is a mess. plot holes a plenty, storyline was leading to various roadblocks and i felt i was writing myself into a corner that looked to me would be akin to some horrible lovechild between star trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Dragon Ball Z.

yes... that bad.

Ariannia was a certain creative freedom to me, as well as a literary device, as you can see currently, i've revisited foxfire's earth in order to pluck a few plot strings.

B) as stated before i'd like to go back and revise book one to the point of adding a bit of backstory, cleaning up and omitting some things.. In general this line of thinking is to not only clear up what i think is a horribly convoluted plotline, but to also make it mesh better with what's going on in book two.

just bear in mind that i'm no english major, nor a writer in the professional sense, i write primarily on-the-fly, and have no scripts to refer to and re-write as needed. I've often joked that at least my writing isn't as confusing as that of "lost" was sometimes.   :U

if i ever had the time i'd actually do it, but right now i'm focusing on moving forward with the whole thing. as it stands it's fine, but as a whole package? it doesn't.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


   Echoing prettyy much everything AmberCross said. Your comic has gone through so many genre shifts over time...and to be honest, I did like the original, too. I even still liked it when some prophecy and magic got involved, and there was those "Big Three" dudes, Caperne, Benghal, and...can't remember the third guy (Manitou?). But the real breaking point, for me, was....Ariannia. Hate to say it, but ever since then, everything's just been... "meh" to me. Not really all that interesting. Though, the recent return to Earth has been looking up.

  And I'm of course, not actually expecting you to do anything about any of this (even if that were possible at this point), it is your comic and it's just me, but, there you go, random feedback. :animesweat



Indeed, I liked book 1. And I liked book 2. But I kind of have to treat them as separate if I wish to like the whole thing. Anyway, I do look forward to any more updates you make, whenever that may be.


Quote from: AmberCross on March 05, 2011, 10:57:48 PM
Indeed, I liked book 1. And I liked book 2. But I kind of have to treat them as separate if I wish to like the whole thing. Anyway, I do look forward to any more updates you make, whenever that may be.

Turnsky just made an update. :mowmeep

I think one big thing that might settle everyone is when the group is brought back together. I don't really have a problem with both parts. Its the missing others that make me kind of concerned.

I find myself hoping that they don't meet up with bad company while split up. We only know where two are right know and some of the people seen here on Ariannia aren't all people you would trust with out of towners.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Huh... wow. I should track down authors on hiatus and tell them I like their stuff and look forward to the next update 'whenever that may be' more often XD


Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 05, 2011, 11:24:28 AM
  Echoing prettyy much everything AmberCross said. Your comic has gone through so many genre shifts over time...and to be honest, I did like the original, too. I even still liked it when some prophecy and magic got involved, and there was those "Big Three" dudes, Caperne, Benghal, and...can't remember the third guy (Manitou?). But the real breaking point, for me, was....Ariannia. Hate to say it, but ever since then, everything's just been... "meh" to me. Not really all that interesting. Though, the recent return to Earth has been looking up.

  And I'm of course, not actually expecting you to do anything about any of this (even if that were possible at this point), it is your comic and it's just me, but, there you go, random feedback. :animesweat

i enjoy the feedback when i'm able to sit down and have a civil conversation with folks. I'm not the kind of guy that will go "you will read this and you will LIKE IT" or the sort that'll drag the whole thing in in favor of pandering to select groups.

it is worth noting that Ariannia has its fair share of technological marvels, for example:

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


I have the entire run of The Awakened if anyone is interested.


Quote from: AndersW on March 14, 2011, 09:49:29 AM
I have the entire run of The Awakened if anyone is interested.

I'd be interested, yes.  How big is it?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Less than 30 mb.  I hope to get it up sometime later today.

I also have several other comics.  Too many to list here I think.  Does the site have spoiler tags I can use?


Quote from: AndersW on March 14, 2011, 10:46:17 AM
I also have several other comics.  Too many to list here I think.  Does the site have spoiler tags I can use?

I saw them used earlier.

Testing testing

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'd also like to get that if you're handing it out ^.^


Some of these may be abbreviation of the full name.

21st Century Fox
8 Bit Theatre
Abby's Agency
Absurd Notions
Accursed Dragon!
Advent. Dr. McNinja
Arthur, King of Time & Space
Alex's Restaurant
Alien Dice
Alpha Shade
Angel Moxie
Angels & Aliens
Antihero for Hire
Angst Technology
The Awakened
Backward Compatible
Black Tapestries
Buck Godot
Casey and Andy
Chainmail Bikini
Cheshire Crossing
Clan of the Cats
Code Name: Hunter(old)
Code Name: Hunter    
College Roomies From Hell
Count Your Sheep
Darths and Droids
Dead Winter
Dela the Hooda
Dinosaur Comics
DM of the Rings
DMFA: Abel's Story
Doc Rat
Doctor Fun
Dominic Deegan
Dork Tower
Down to Earth
Dreamland Chronicles
Dresden Codak
Drowtales (original)
Duel in the Somme
Dumnestor's Heroes
Dungeon Crawl Inc.
Dungeons & Denizens
Earthsong (original)
EGS (filler)
EGS (newspaper)
Elf Only Inn
Errant Story
Evil Inc.
Exterminatus Now
Fantasy Realms
Farlight Saga Ethos
Faulty Logic
Faux Pas
Fellowship of Heroes
Fey Winds
Flaky Pastry
Flintlocke Vs the Horde
Fortissima's Treasure Hunters
Foxfire Chronicles
Full Frontal Nerdity
Gaming Guardians
Geebas on Parade
Geeks Next Door
Get Medieval
Girl Genius
Goblin Hollow
Goblins (Tempts Fate)
Gone With the Blastwave
Gossamer Commons
Gunnerkrigg Court
Help Desk
The Hero's Handbook
Hero In Training
Heterodyne Boys
Home On The Strange
I Drew This
The Institute of Metaphysics
Irregular Webcomic
It's Walky
Joy of Tech
Kevin and Kell
Kitsune Jewel
Knowledge is Power
Lang Lang
Las Lindas
Last Resort
Legostar Galactica
Life and Death
Life of Riley
Little Dee
Looking For Group
A Miracle of Science
MSF High
Never Never
New World
No Need For Bushido
No Rest For The Wicked
Non-Adventures of Wonderella
North World
Not Invented Here
Order of the Stick
Ozy and Millie
Paradox Lost
Paradigm Shift
Parallel Dementia
Phoenix Requiem
Prince & the Pauper
Project Future
A Quartz Bead
Queen of Wands
Questionable Content
Real Life
Sabrina Online
Sandra & Woo
Scary Go Round
Schlock Mercenary
Sergeant & Prof. Winslow
Sequential Art    
Skin Horse
Slightly Damned
Sluggy Freelance
Sorcery 101
Star Crossed Destiny
String Theory
The Suburban Jungle
Tales of the Questor
Tally Ho
Team Nexus
Two Lumps
User Friendly
Wapsi Square
Wayfarer's Moon
What's New
The Whiteboard
Will Write For Chocolate
The Wotch
The Wotch: Cheer!
Zebra Girl
Zebra Girl: Sandra's Journal
The Zombie Hunters

And I will get a .zip file up after I get back from martial arts class.


Forgive the double post.

It includes part of the redone chapter 1 that was being worked on before the full reboot.