12/03/2010 [DMFA #1170] - messagers for you

Started by e_voyager, December 03, 2010, 05:29:52 AM

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Dan is really comfortable around Widly. either that ore suicidal. after all why else would he say and do thing that he knows will annoy her and cause her to preform acts of bodily harm upon hims person?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I'm kind of curious that Wildy needs support much anyway.  I'm sure she could get a job as a bodyguard or something.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't think her ability to fend for herself is the concern. IMHO it's more a case of tradition that the father always insures the daughter's well-being and future.
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



Quote from: proeliator bradypodidae on December 03, 2010, 08:15:21 AM
I don't think her ability to fend for herself is the concern. IMHO it's more a case of tradition that the father always insures the daughter's well-being and future.

Indeed. Always trying to make absolutely sure that the future of the children is a great one.

And this reminds me of warm summers and laying on the grass and just generally goofing off. Nice and calming imo.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.

Anker Steadfast

On a related note - How much do you think Wildy would bring at an auction ?

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


I think Wildy would fetch at least... 5 beans and Merv Griffin's autograph.   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



I think it's time we start heckling Amber for info on the different being cultures. :}

Reply to Anker and Alondro: How much would you bid? ;)


Quote from: Ghostwish on December 03, 2010, 10:26:23 AM
I think it's time we start heckling Amber for info on the different being cultures. :}

Reply to Anker and Alondro: How much would you bid? ;)

6 beans and Paris Hilton's autograph!   :U
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Tapewolf on December 03, 2010, 05:44:00 AM
I'm kind of curious that Wildy needs support much anyway.  I'm sure she could get a job as a bodyguard or something.

Or maybe an internationally best selling author? :3

Perhaps she isn't referring to financial support. After all, her brother rules a small rogue nation plotting war against the second most powerful race of Creatures in Furrae... :dface

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I think he poke fun at her to distract her from that brooding tangent she was starting to lean toward, he knows the comic need only one Abel :B

Plus that's right, she's a best selling author she don't needto marry rich :P


Quote from: Tezkat on December 03, 2010, 11:13:00 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on December 03, 2010, 05:44:00 AM
I'm kind of curious that Wildy needs support much anyway.  I'm sure she could get a job as a bodyguard or something.
Or maybe an internationally best selling author? :3
Perhaps she isn't referring to financial support. After all, her brother rules a small rogue nation plotting war against the second most powerful race of Creatures in Furrae... :dface

Support does seem to be an ambiguous term here. I'm leaning towards this more of being a fear of going through life alone.


Though she may be taking it lightly. I think the message is clear.

Make fun of Wildy's relationships and she'll kill you right here.

Though one has to wonder if Dan might be one of those potential suitors?

So is Dan going to eat dirt, fist or lip? We already know he'll get a healthy serving of humble pie with the main course :P.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.



Ya know, maybe the father is afraid of a dieing legacy? Maybe he wants to make sure that he has some grand kids in the future whether he's there to enjoy their presence or not.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


*Shows up wearing a "Wildy & Jy-Jy 4 EVAH" T-shirt, holding a butcher knife, and with the contents of a can of shaving cream around his face.*

Yeah, I should've done this on the FIRST comic that mentioned the suitors, but I was waiting on the shirt to arrive. Anyway! How many suitors that aren't Jyrras do I need to try to off?


I'd point out everything in cannon that says 'No.' to Jyjy/Wildy, but I think that Jy/Wildy would be hilarious.
Abel needs a hug...

Quote from: That_wolf on December 03, 2010, 01:43:55 PM
I'd point out everything in cannon that says 'No.' to Jyjy/Wildy, but I think that Jy/Wildy would be hilarious.

Well, he is rich, so if it came to an auction, he might actually have good chances of winning :P

At the risk of sounding repetitive or overly political correct, I like how Dan pointed out the whole arranged marriage thing again, though. So it doesn't actually seem to be so normal in Furrae as it seemed a few comics ago.


Why do I keep getting the feeling Wildy is gonna kiss Dan every time I read this page? It's no way in character for he and just seems insane, and yet I keep thinking she will.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.


Quote from: OminousShadow on December 03, 2010, 03:28:59 PM
Why do I keep getting the feeling Wildy is gonna kiss Dan every time I read this page? It's no way in character for he and just seems insane, and yet I keep thinking she will.

You're not alone, fear not. As out of character it would be, I can visualize it so vividly. Sweet jebus, have I become one of -those- fans? :erk


Quote from: OminousShadow on December 03, 2010, 03:28:59 PM
Why do I keep getting the feeling Wildy is gonna kiss Dan every time I read this page? It's no way in character for he and just seems insane, and yet I keep thinking she will.

i don't blame you. i keep thinking that Dan said that just to admire her cleavage up close before she hurts him.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



Y'know, while the thought of Wildy getting married doesn't really faze me, I can't see her "settling down." Not while there are adventurers to heckle and inventors to... also heckle!

Quote from: proeliator bradypodidae on December 03, 2010, 08:15:21 AM
I don't think her ability to fend for herself is the concern. IMHO it's more a case of tradition that the father always insures the daughter's well-being and future.
Aye, being able to pound the snot out of everyone - especially when you make a habit of it - doesn't make it easy to find a shoulder to cry on. Or a baby daddy.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


I mean I can see this not just from the way she is moving towards him in the last panel, but the last few strips in general. It seems like it is all supposed to be leading up to them kissing. If they do kiss, I wonder if Amber will do another hell frozen over in the last panel like she has in the past.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.

Stig Hemmer

Not going to happen.  The Dan/Wildy relationship has sibling-like written all over it.

Also, it is very good to see that Amber is back among the living! Yay! :eager
Stig Hemmer, at your disservice.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Ghostwish on December 03, 2010, 10:26:23 AM
I think it's time we start heckling Amber for info on the different being cultures. :}

Reply to Anker and Alondro: How much would you bid? ;)

No way I'm going to bid on something that dangerous .. I'm not suicidal, y'know ?

But, if I could use a Wildy as a guard dog, and the Wildy wouldn't kill me for it - Unlikely, I know.
I might offer a Highspeed Seed Planter for her .... provided she doesn't get her hands on it. 


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


...I don't remember siblings going BDSM on each other, ending up with one having the other's brand on his rump...

Early on, there was something between Wildy and Dan.

Wildy won't be paired with Jyrass because Jyrass is going for Abel.

Madd the Sane

Slashfic writers ignore current relationships!

Or incorperate it into their fic as a three-way love relationship.
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Slashfic writers ignore everything that gets in the way of their story - characters' personalities, their orientations, any canon biology...

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


The really sadistic ones kill off other possible pairings via sticking them on a bus, writing them out, or even killing them off. (Including dropping literal bridges on them.)

REALLY awesome writers do this... (Warning: Suggestive.)

Anker Steadfast

Heh, that reminds me of Ambers take on the Dan / Merlitz pairing.

Offcourse, it was non-canon, and didn't last very long.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.