05/17/2010 [AS2 #102] - 'Cubi are masters of emotional manipulation

Started by Tapewolf, May 17, 2010, 04:26:21 AM

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Quote from: ooklah on May 17, 2010, 12:22:42 PM
She's definitely not the nicest person. Was she this nasty when she met Edward? or had she already softened a bit? Or is Edward that awesome? hrm...
Eh, she just needed to get la-*Gets shot.* OW! Dammit! Who keeps doing that?!


In a way I wonder if Destania is trying to make a connection with Abel so she can manipulate him?

It does sound like her point may also be a statement that would apply to her as well.

"If we're so much alike why shouldn't we work together" kind of way of thinking.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: A. Lurker on May 17, 2010, 01:23:17 PM

I don't know. Seems to me that if you really loathe somebody, that very emotional investment would make it rather difficult to then just turn and ignore them...in fact, Aaryanna's and Destania's behavior in the recent strips appears to illustrate that principle quite nicely. So yes, I'd say Abel probably is going to give those words some serious consideration -- more than they IMO deserve, but then I have the luxury of just being on the outside looking in.
True, it makes it difficult to ignore, but, because of the source, and the ways most minds work, most would rather eat a brush rather than admit their enemy wrong- in fact there is a nice anecdote (but true) from one guy who worked in SAV (slovak academy of sciences) how back in the 60s there were two geological theories about the coming about of a particular mountain range, each forwarded concrete-headedly by one scientist, and only after the death of one of them the other admitted the other theory is most likely to be the correct one... and that was to do with objective facts.
So it really depends on whether selfdeprecation, or anger and stubbornness are the dominating traits of abel's personality.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


She's messing with his head.  No doubt about it.  I don't know if she's thought of that for a long time or is coming up with it on the spot, but it's definitely, specifically, meant to mess with him.

Quote from: Arcblade on May 17, 2010, 07:55:06 AMDestania's words here, most of it is complete BS in my opinion.  This probably doesn't need to be said, but it hits a nerve, so I'll say it anyway:  no one is responsible for being born.  It's what you do afterwards that matters.

Yeah, I don't believe what she's saying either.  It doesn't even make sense to me.  Though considering Abel's current emotional and mental state, I'm willing to bet he's more likely to believe it.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she's emotion jammering him to increase the likelihood of him being confused and taking her words as truth, no matter what his current opinion of him is.

Telling him everyone will die... I'm willing to bet that this is why Abel takes classes from her to learn how to survive on his own, and also why he tends to push everyone away (in increase their chances of survival).  May also be a big reason for the Pip head squish in his dream (playing on his fear of hurting others, and also the 'becoming a monster' one that fake!Pip points out - possibly the same fear, actually).

Quote from: Tapewolf on May 17, 2010, 11:31:19 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 17, 2010, 11:15:59 AMDestania is 7,000, and seems to show no signs of aging. We also know that she can't be much younger than her mother...
I don't think we know Cyra's age, if that's what you're saying. The way I read it, 7000 on the clan pages is the age of the clan - i.e. the moment of ascension - not the age of the founders themselves.

Actually, take a look at Piflak's clan leader page.  It says that she ascended at 2,000 years of age with only two clan members, so for the fun of it, she only allows one new member for every 1,000 years she lives.

Now compare the listed age with the number of clan members...  They match up, instead of having an offset by two members/millennia.  I think it's safe to assume that the 'age' is the age of the leader, instead of the age of the clan.
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


Abel's depression means he already believes that he's to blame, and the others saying it isn't his fault are the one's he's struggling to believe. He'd believe the other to be correct because he doesn't have a countertheory, and accepting Destania's rant would conveniently justify his isolation, or drive him to suicide (Which would really, really hurt Aniz!)

Right now, he's seen that everyone around him he cared about has died, but doesn't see himself as the cause. Thus, he's isolating himself out of caution, but still trying at least somewhat to make a life for himself


Quote from: Infranscia on May 17, 2010, 02:28:01 PM
Actually, take a look at Piflak's clan leader page.  It says that she ascended at 2,000 years of age with only two clan members, so for the fun of it, she only allows one new member for every 1,000 years she lives.
Interesting.  I think you may well be right there.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Now I'm even more confused as to what her motives are for doing this.

Granted it's not too soon to rule out the obvious, that she simply wants to be cruel to Abel, but that seems a little mundane and plot irrelevant.

The other option is that she wants a particular reaction out of him. For plot reasons, this seems more likely, but it's hard to understand what reaction she's looking for.

If she wants obedience, she oughtn't to have beaten him.

If she wants aggression, she's certainly provoking it, but it will be directed at her, which is not particularly useful.

If she wants him to roll over and die... well she might be getting there. If she can make him lash out, then beat him down, she might just get him to break.

Of course, she might hint a "way out" of his misery. I.E "You are hopeless. The only way you could possibly redeem yourself would be to kill your father, but no. No, you're too big of a pussy to do that aren't you? You're going to roll over and cry now aren't you. Worthless." 
Post of the Dead:
"When there is no more room in hell, this thread will walk the earth"


Quote from: Scow2 on May 17, 2010, 12:57:49 PM
... But, since she can't kill him herself, she's decided to settle on driving him to suicide.

I don't think Fa'Lina would allow anyone at her school to kill themselves.  She's stop the attempt just like she would stop any attempt to kill a student or teacher.  

... Is this a bad time to point out that my wife's nickname is "Dee"?  Maybe I should start sleeping with a bat next to me in bed.   :)

Edit: Fixed whose school it was :-)

A. Lurker

Quote from: jeffh4 on May 17, 2010, 03:52:25 PM
... Is this a bad time to point out that my wife's nickname is "Dee"?  Maybe I should start sleeping with a bat next to me in bed.   :)

In turn, am I a bad person for immediately thinking of this strip at the above? ;)


Quote from: Arcblade on May 17, 2010, 10:52:05 AM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on May 17, 2010, 10:37:34 AM
Ahh .. but isn't it obvious that she's really talking about herself ?
That she's talking about how she perceives her own fate ?
All that bitterness transferred to someone else than herself ?

It's good entertainment, is what it is. :)

I dunno, what horrible thing happened as a result of her birth?  The only event I can think of that would sort of tie to this was Destania's attempt to stop Aniz from going to help Siar.  And the result of that... really wasn't her fault.  I don't see how it fits. 

Well for one thing her clans existence started the war that broke her lover and probably killed off most of her family and friends.

She seems to be projecting.

Someone who hates themselves can be especially devastating to those around them who remind them of the qualities they don't like about themselves.


Quote from: jeffh4 on May 17, 2010, 03:52:25 PM
I don't think Destania would allow anyone at her school to kill themselves.  She's stop the attempt just like she would stop any attempt to kill a student or teacher. 

It's Fa'Lina's school, isn't it?  Not Destania's...

Seems to me, considering that later on she is his teacher, she is trying to take him out of himself.  Depending on how the rest of their encounter goes, her underlying message might be this: "Okay, here's how it is right now, and it sucks.  Now are you going to just sit there and wallow in self-pity, or are you going to get off your duff and DO something about it?"  So far just giving him good advice hasn't had any effect.  However, getting a rise out of him may just do the trick, and feeding off the pain that is a result of the smack-down she's giving him is a bonus.


Quote from: PhoenixMiranda on May 17, 2010, 08:16:50 PM
Quote from: jeffh4 on May 17, 2010, 03:52:25 PM
I don't think Destania would allow anyone at her school to kill themselves.  She's stop the attempt just like she would stop any attempt to kill a student or teacher. 

It's Fa'Lina's school, isn't it?  Not Destania's...

Seems to me, considering that later on she is his teacher, she is trying to take him out of himself.  Depending on how the rest of their encounter goes, her underlying message might be this: "Okay, here's how it is right now, and it sucks.  Now are you going to just sit there and wallow in self-pity, or are you going to get off your duff and DO something about it?"  So far just giving him good advice hasn't had any effect.  However, getting a rise out of him may just do the trick, and feeding off the pain that is a result of the smack-down she's giving him is a bonus.

Aniz was eventually abel to get a reaction out of Abel, and even a week attack.  Maybe Destania is trying to do the same. Since she's read his mind, that would make sense.


Something that just occurred to me re-reading this strip.  It's been speculated before that part of her lashing out is to remind Abel of his and her relative 'place.  She is the elder, arguably wiser, obviously far more powerful and the one higher in rank.  But, she is also the Teacher and he is the Student.

Abel has suffered many slings and arrows from peers throughout his life, culminating in the harrowing trauma leading-up to and following his 'awakening' as a cubi and as a result is very emotionally defensive.  Abel also appears to adhere to the philosophy of 'the best defense is a good (verbal/emotional) offense' and uses his native wit to lovingly hand-craft exquisite snarks which he then lobs in delicate arcs toward his targets where they perfectly land on just the right buttons.  He does this to Everybody except Mink and Mink is just a great big puppy-squiggly and you just do not kick the puppies. 

He then tries this on Destania...  Now, she's schooling him on how emotional/psychological warfare is really done.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


By now I can't make anything of Destania's behavior: I don't know if she is evil or not, if she does all this for the bigger picture or just for her own amusement. I'll just go on believing that there is a reason to it and that I'll most likely find out soon enough. And up until then I'll hope they'll be all gumdrops, cookies and sunshine in the next update. xD
I guess I could go and reread the archives and all the theories and try to sort things out, but I like being surprised. ;)

Congo Jack

NOW she's scary! :mowsmile

I hope it's really just a mind game, not a prophessy of sort. Not that we know about Destania being a seer, or something, I'm still a bit scared to hear that from someone, who's name is derivative from "destiny".  :mowmeep


Hmm, for several months i thought she is called Destainia.... which gave her more similarity to cleaning agents...
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on May 18, 2010, 02:23:29 PM
Hmm, for several months i thought she is called Destainia.... which gave her more similarity to cleaning agents...
Well, I would like to bleach her from my memories.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on May 18, 2010, 03:00:21 PM
Quote from: danman on May 18, 2010, 02:23:29 PM
Hmm, for several months i thought she is called Destainia.... which gave her more similarity to cleaning agents...
Well, I would like to bleach her from my memories.

*Charles sings!) I'm gonna wash that Cubi right outa my hair!
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Attic Rat

Funny, I thought her name was a pun for "Disdain-you".

Ah, well!
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: jeffh4 on May 18, 2010, 02:41:34 AM
Aniz was eventually abel to get a reaction out of Abel, and even a week attack.  Maybe Destania is trying to do the same. Since she's read his mind, that would make sense.

Well, yes.  Aary has been trying to get him to respond to his situation rather than just mope (and his "oh poor me" schtick has been grating on her nerves, from what I can tell--but it doesn't dampen her desire to get down and funky with him, oh not at all), but so far the only thing he's done is react negatively to what he sees as others trying to interfere in his personal affairs.  Looks like Destania's trying to get him to do more than that, and actually think about things.  Throwing them in his face and telling it like it is (well, maybe exaggerating a bit to get her point across) while giving him a bit of a beating might get him to strike back and argue with her, to attempt to refute what she's saying, or at least make him decide to go forth and prove her wrong.  But of course he'll need some lessons in Growing A Backbone, etc....and who better to get them from than Destania?  (Other than maybe Fa'Lina, except that she doesn't teach any courses.)


I'm starting to think that I'm one of the few DMFA readers who do not have an emotional investment in any of Amber's characters.
I can't tell if I'm emotionally stunted, or if it's just that I can let go of my opinions and beliefs for the sake of enjoying a good story.

As for Dee going Destaniatrix on Abel, who can truly presume to understand the motivations of a powerful, magical creature who has lived in an unforgiving world for thousands of years? More than likely she's goading Abel into taking action - any action. And there's a good chance that she's using her own feelings and experiences to do so (as well as some 'persuasion'). After all, it was Cyra, her own mother, that started the whole train wreck. Indeed, Cyra is indirectly responsible for Abel's situation (granted, choice and circumstance play a big role too). Perhaps Dee feels ashamed-of/angry-about her clan's/family's legacy and is lashing-out-at/trying-to-shape-up Abel because of it. Perhaps Dee is simply still pissed at Aniz and figures having-to-kill-his-own-son/being-killed-by-his-own-son is fitting punishment. Or perhaps Dee has a "Do Something Random Today" roulette, and it just happened to fall upon 'abuse someone physically or emotionally', and she's going for the two'fer. Or perhaps even still, Prof. Ink bet her a bag of muffins that she couldn't crack Abel's shell. As I mentioned before, it's hard to understand exactly what Destania's intentions may be, but I know one thing for sure: I can't wait until the next comic.
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]

MT Hazard

Quote from: Scarydragon on May 24, 2010, 10:58:56 AM
I'm starting to think that I'm one of the few DMFA readers who do not have an emotional investment in any of Amber's characters.
I can't tell if I'm emotionally stunted, or if it's just that I can let go of my opinions and beliefs for the sake of enjoying a good story.

You sound stable enough to me, getting overall emotional over a fictional character is for people who write hate mail to the actors in soaps because they don't like the character they play, that or join hatedoms. You probably right on the second part (I can let go of my opinions...) and that is perfectly healthy.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on May 24, 2010, 01:14:01 PM
Quote from: Scarydragon on May 24, 2010, 10:58:56 AM
I'm starting to think that I'm one of the few DMFA readers who do not have an emotional investment in any of Amber's characters.
I can't tell if I'm emotionally stunted, or if it's just that I can let go of my opinions and beliefs for the sake of enjoying a good story.

You sound stable enough to me, getting overall emotional over a fictional character is for people who write hate mail to the actors in soaps because they don't like the character they play, that or join hatedoms. You probably right on the second part (I can let go of my opinions...) and that is perfectly healthy.

Ehm, that is a different problem alltogether-  is called failing to distinguish reality and fiction , and should not happen after the age of 4
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

MT Hazard

Surely getting over emotional about a fictional character is failing to distinguish reality and fiction. I agree that shouldn't happen after age four, but it does.

Anyway back on topic, I'm not sure what Dest's end game is or if she is Abel loathing, self loathing or species loathing (all three?) but would Abel be in better shape mentally in present time if Dest had left him alone?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on May 24, 2010, 03:49:58 PM
Surely getting over emotional about a fictional character is failing to distinguish reality and fiction. I agree that shouldn't happen after age four, but it does.

Anyway back on topic, I'm not sure what Dest's end game is or if she is Abel loathing, self loathing or species loathing (all three?) but would Abel be in better shape mentally in present time if Dest had left him alone?

Actually, Abel didn't seem to be in all that good a shape mentally and emotionally Before the Dee beat-down.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

MT Hazard

That's kind of my point, without Dest's 'help' he could of just slid into depression, in the present day he does have problems, but they could have been considerably worse (possibly).
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic)