The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Flight deck

"On the ball as always Chief, glad I was assigned you guys." Kal looked over the LAM "She's loaded out again right? I'm getting a feeling we aren't done in this system."


Subarctic surface... wait, is that... nope, it's just snow.

Loki took the offered envirosuit, though furred and a fox, he had the appearance of a scrawny teen.  Once the suit was on he bounded off into the snow and flopped on his back to make a snow angel.

He bounded off after he made quite an impression in the snow and headed up the trail into the valley.  From a bit of distance off, he waved at the others and waited.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Old SpecForces ready room

Ben also signed the forms after he had checked them over to make sure there weren't any special hidden issues.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Flight deck

The chief nodded, "everything is a-okay, you can take her up and out for your patrol rotation later today.  The crew is anxious to indoctrinate your bondswoman."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Surface, cold as hell (YMMV by religion)

Aaron took one step out side.  He normally liked the cold.  Something comforting about it.  But he stepped out and decided he would have nothing to do with that sort of cold and went back inside to get a warmer suit on.

Stepping out side again he notes, "Stupid cold being so cold."  He then heads towards Loki, looking around for anything of note.
The All Purpose Fox


Surface, cold as... well, we don't need to go there

Aaron notices some brown splotches in the snow off along the path, following them leads to a frozen body of a canine dressed in the trappings of one of the pirate types.  It is hard to tell whether the cold or the laser wound to his back killed him.  His trail comes from up the path and it is not more then a day or two old.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Some place cold

"Hey, check it out.  I found a dead guy.  Loki you know anything about this?"

At least it looks like there is not much precipitation around here.  Leaves stuff nicely in place for anyone to find.  He was also beginning to think that asking for some ground reinforcements would be a helpful addition.
The All Purpose Fox


A cold place

Loki heads back down the path and looks to where Aaron had pointed, "yes it is a frozen canine of some type, I suppose he had managed to escape after being wounded and collapsed.  He either succumbed to the wound or exposure.  Judging by the area and the time right now, I assume this is the hot portion of the day.  It must get far colder around here at night."

Loki seemed oddly serious and far more mature then at any point either Nova or Aaron can remember.  He examined the uniform, "this is one of the true pirates, his uniform is of a crewhand, probably from a medium ship... small freighter converted to a gunship.  Crewed probably by about a dozen, minus him of course."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Old SpecForces ready room
Romulus finishes moving his gear and looks to Ben "Ready when you are. When we get back I'll tell the others to come get the rest of their gear"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Have I mentioned it is cold yet?

"Hmm... so there is another ship, with real alive pirates?  Are they after your ship?  I'm liking this whole thing a lot less even more now.  We need more people with bigger guns down here."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

The Lieutenant was follow the Major some paces back.   She comes up to the guys and scans the body...

"He has been dead about 72 hours, and the wound didn't kill him.  He slowly froze to death or he would have bled to death.   Was he coming from our landing site or Lokki's ship landing site?  I can't tell if he was shot from your ship or from someone from our aera. " says Nova.  "Was he really escaping and happen to run into the ship defence area or trying to locate your ship Lokki?"

LT Nova wondered if Lokki need help talking to his ship now, but at least, the Major seems alittle less cocky, now.  Lt Hunnydew smiled the green fox, being the mature warrior, now


Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Flight deck

"Treat her right Okay Chief? She's still not used to the idea. Well that is all Chief have a good one." Kal returned the Salute the Chief gave him and headed back to his room.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dom's room

After filling out a few more pieces of paperwork Kal put on a new flight suit and headed down to the briefing room.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Briefing Room (flightdeck)

Kal realised he had gotten there early. Taking a seat near the front her started rereading the intel on the ailens.


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Briefing Room (flightdeck)

The intel on the aliens is sparse.  What information has been obtained has been from the two Acadians and the X'xiklorian.  The technology of the enemy is ultra-advanced, beyond the comprehension of ISF scientists and akin to magic for lack of a better word.  Interdimensional/multidimensional energy weapons, such as phasors or hyperdimensional fission beams, or phased weaponry, such as phased plasma cannons are highly ineffective against their armor designs.  More conventional matter weapons are highly effective.  The standard plasma and laser weapons are varied in their effectiveness.  All except the most advanced sensor and targeting systems are ineffective against their stealth and ECM systems, regulating most to manual targeting and visual sightings.

Eventually the other pilots and the flight leader file in.  Dom begins the briefing which consists mostly of basic details.  He asks for volunteers for patrol duty, before resorting to assigning shifts.

I come from the land of ice and snow...

When suggested that his ship might be responsible, Loki shakes his head, "no, my ship uses fusion weapons... he would have been completely atomized.  This looks relatively low powered, like a hand weapon... a laser pistol."

As if awaiting this revelation, a number of disheveled furres mount a small ofensive from the treeline, opening up with conventional slug-thrower weapons.  For most soldiers this is not much of a surprise, for less combat trained personnel it is quite surprising.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Old SpecForces ready room

"I'm ready, let's head back."

Ben shouldered his gear and headed back to the shuttle bay where the shuttle awaited.  Both he and Romulus were ferried back to the Phalanx.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Shuttle between Revelation and Phalanx
Romulus looks over at Ben. "Damn I hope something happens soon I'm starting to get bored as hell. I was hopeing to go get that ship with that little weird fox. Oh well I guess we'll find something to keep us busy until we're needed again"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Shuttle between Revelation and Phalanx

"I sure hope so, otherwise we will have to resort to a physical training session... maybe a hand-to-hand exercise.  I'm a bit anxious to move onto our next objective, but the ships need to be repaired and retrofitted.  Sometimes it really bites to be dependent on the navy for a taxi service."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


...from the midnight sun where the hot lead flies

Aaron dashes for any convent cover, snapping off a few shot as opportunity allowed.  When he was in a less dangerous spot he got out his communicator and sent out message, "This is Major Aaron Brown sending out a call for assistance.  My crew and I are under fire from an unidentified force.  I'm sending my location now."

After he finishes with the signal he looks into returning fire.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Shocked LT Nova grabs Lokki and runs for cover, too, and which is little ways down the path to Lokki's ship.  She fires a few wild shots and then switches to scensor/computer assist aiming with laser sighting, she hits one, but finds cover on the opposite side of the canyon from the Major.  She gets one more in a tree above the major, and scan 360* to find out number and locations of these raiders/pirates.

"Lokki can you call for help?" whispers LT Nova.


Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Briefing Room (flightdeck)

"I'll go 'Viper'." Kal volunteers "Who's with me?"


Hammer of the Gods...

Loki stood there for a second with his hand forward as if he planned to stop bullets with it, but Nova grabs him before any pirate actually draws a bead on him.  Roughly handled by Nova, it takes him a moment to recover.

"My name is Loki... low-key... not Lokki... locky.  As for calling for help..."  The fox kit concentrated for a few seconds and shook his head, "my range is too limited right now, it must be on the other side of the valley."  His eyes flash for a second and dart about,  "They are surrounding us, you really should take this bell collar off... I can take care of them."

A shot passes dangerously close to Loki as he quickly relocates to a different spot.

Aaron receives a reply back, "this is the Revelation, what is your status?  We will be scrambling a team to your location immediately."

A bold pirate severely wounds the tree next to Aaron, good thing he wasn't standing there.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Briefing Room (flightdeck)

A dingo raises his hand, "I'll go with you." 

'Renegade' stands and gives a thumbs up to Major Hadem.

The major wisps his reptilian tail about for a second before he nods, "right, hop to it then."

Shuttle, Phalanx landing bay

As Ben and Romulus disembark, a deck officer heads over to them.  "It looks like Major Brown has encountered resistance.  The colonel wants your squads to scramble to their aid ASAP."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Briefing Room (flightdeck)

"Ok Renegade lets go get those birds preflighted." Saluting the Major, the wolf and dingo made their way out  to the hangar.

As they reached the bays where their Raptors waited they grasped paws and parted, each to their own LAM.

"Hello Britney." Kal said as he spotted her closing a compartment on the LAM's leg.

"Sir..." She replied "Every thing is good to go...I'm not used to this type of mecha but a machine is a machine."

"Good to hear" Kal said as he finished his walk around and started to climb the ladder to the cockpit. "Chief I'm gonna take her out on a spin of the system won't be out late." He joked as he strapped in and Jessica and Britney helped.

"Thank you ladies." Kal grinned as he Saluted the crew.

Flipping a few switches and setting himself up, Kal watched as both his and 'Renegade's Raptors were loaded into the

"Overwatch flight of two, 'Cool Hand' and 'Renegade' ready for launch."    Kal radioed to the ships launch control.


Will drive our ships to new lands

"Revelation Aaron, the status is bad.  We are... OH CRAP!"
The tree next to Aaron bravely takes some bullets for him.  Aaron look around for any sort of safer spot as he fires back.
"We are taking fire, looks like they are surrounding us.  I can't get a good rifle count.  Help would be good.  Fast help."

He turns to Nova,
"And don't you dare take that thing off him!  We are in dire need to make sure nothing else goes wrong."
The All Purpose Fox


Shuttle, Phalanx landing bay
Romulus gives Ben a small smile as he starts to run to his squadroom. "Thank god for small miracles" Romulus races to his new squadroom. Rushing through the door, he runs straight to his locker getting his equipment "LOCK AND LOAD TIME! WE GOTTA GO BAIL SOME SCIENTIST OUT OF TROUBLE ON THAT PLANET! TRIPLE TIME MOVE IT!!" He looks at Ben again "Looks like your squad gets a trial by fire" He quickly dons his battle army and readies his rifle while waiting for the rest of the squad. "I SAID MOVE IT"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room

The two squads scramble to ready themselves for combat.  This is not the time for hesitation and no one appears to be doing that.

Within a good period of time, the two squads are ready to move. 

Amanda comes charging down the hall just as Ben orders everyone to head for the shuttle.  She immediately passes them and waves to Romulus and Ben, "double time it!  Prepare for a air deployment, we will fit you all with drop packs (a specially designed hover pack). and you will be coming in right on top of their positions."

The teams file into the shuttle, where their normal seats have been replaced with a drop seat and pack.

Amanda smiled and gestured to the spots, "strap in, if none of you have done this type of thing before then you'll learn on the job.  The unit has basic controls similar to most light craft, but it is a backpack.  Don't slam into a tree at speed."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - flightdeck

Both 'Cool Hand' and 'Renegade' were given authority to lauch and once in space, they received a priority transmission, "This is Revelation control to patrol flight, you are being redirected to escort the assault shuttle from the Phalanx.  There is a ground action on the planet and we need you to fly support for the troop transport."

To fight the horde...

Aaron's shots wing a pirate and scores a lucky hit on one that appears to have been already hit by Nova.  He spies a rock well flanked by trees that he can retreat to for more cover as his current tree has been mortally wounded.

Nova's sweep could not determine numbers.  Just as she searched for a new target or two, a short distance away, the snow erupted upward and a pair of snow hares in snow camo gear (i.e. all white).  Jump up and try to increase her lead count by several times normal.

Loki quickly steps between her and them with his paw out stretched and as the little bell collar rings, he fights its effects to errect a telekinetic barrier.  The bullets are mostly deflected, but its strength is very low due to the collar.  Loki is pushed into Nova's back.

"You lady, throw down gun and then we shoot you too."  One of them says.

"niet!  She won't drop gun if you say that."  The other one scolds.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

The planet's surface

Seeing Loki's face the guns alone even with his powers dampened and try to save us all spoken volumes to Nova.  Yet, she could not trust the military to feel any trust to Loki.  If the marines didn't show up soon she would disarm Loki's bell collar.

She did find something interest during her scan of the rocky slope of the canyon, a weak spot in the ice and rocks across from her.  When poor Loki is hit into her, she managers refit her pistol to overload condition.  She holds Loki to her with tears in her eyes as she stands up with her weapon pointed at them.

"No NO Loki,  Grrrr You bastards pirates.  Here take it, and go to the blackest of space." shouts Lt Nova as she throws her gun at ambushers with all her strength  The overloading pistol flys over their head and lands right under the boulder she was aiming for.  Some greedy scum runs over to get it, only to blow to bits.  The explosion triggers  the start of landslides as she and Loki make a break for it down the path to Loki's ship.


singing and crying
*Sigh, so much for not doing anything stupid.* Aaron thinks to him self as Loki and Lt. Honeydew run through the open.  Aaron opens fire, first at the two bunnies immediately next to him, then makes his way to a very nice rock position to cover for Lt. Nova and hoping that A) She doesn't get her self killed by the priates, B) she does not get her self killed in the land slide, C) She doesn't get Loki killed, D) The land slide doesn't get everyone killed.

"Wait, no!  Don't run that way into certain death!  If the pirates gun you down in the open the avalanche will finish you off!"

He throws a grenade into the biggest cluster he can find and fires his rifle at anyone he can note.
The All Purpose Fox

Paladin Sheppard

Space near the Revelation

"Copy that Revelation, en route to link up coordinates."

"You get that 'Renegade'?" Kal asked over the radio band the two where using.

"Two copies." Came the reply from the other Raptor.

They quickly reached the meeting point with the shuttle.


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room/Dropship
Romulus only nodded at Amanda as she tells them they would be dropping in. He quickly boarded the ship after all of the two squads loaded. "Alright soldiers let's go see what kind of trouble those scientists got themselves into" He donned his drop pack. He checked Ben's to make sure it was on and working properly. The then turned to the squads "Sound off for equipment check. For you new guys that means check the person's pack on your right to make sure their packs have the green light. And remember *he points to the ready lights" red means stand up and the green means jump. Anyone who stops to think about jumping gets thrown out by me" He looks at Ben and smiles a bit. "Lets go be heroes"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Valhalla, I am coming!

The avalanche was far more powerful then intended, the nature of ice and snow caused quite a movement.  The torrent of snow and ice did grant Aaron a decent view of their opposing force.  At least twenty-four combatants were arrayed against them and all but eight of them were dressed in arctic camo.  The pirates were busy maneuvering to avoid the avalanche to do much combat, other then those farther up the valley which Nova and Loki were running towards.  A couple of pirates up in trees kept Aaron pinned down and a lucky shot sprayed rock particles all over him.

Nova and Loki bolted ahead of the onslaught of ice, snow and rock.  Nova spied a large rock outcrop behind which they could shelter from the avalanche if they could make it.  Loki's pace rapidly became slower and Nova was almost literally dragging him along for the last few meters. 

Unfortunately sprinting in the open drew the attention of one group of pirates, who did not immediately see the threat of the avalanche.  They opened fire with light arms, but their distance cut down on accuracy, however one stray shot managed to catch the feline as she rounded the rock.

The ice and snow surged around Loki and Nova.  The speed and ferocity of it caught the pirates who were firing at Nova and Loki completely by surprise. Many of them were hit full on by the cold wave.  Safely behind the rock, Loki grasped Nova tightly in the frigid cold with a strength quite surprising that nearly threatened to snap her arms and crush her ribs with its force.

The rock outcropping was surrounded and nearly buried by ice and snow.  After the torrent had ended, Loki disengaged from Nova and leaned against the rock.  He pressed his forearm against his stomach and grasped his left arm and grit his teeth, smiling, he turned his head towards Nova, "the avalanche might have been a bit much."

Behind their position, the pirates organized.

The snow had managed to reach Aaron's position, knocking over a few trees.  In the confusion that this caused, a smallish arctic wolf stumbled into Aaron as both had moved to avoid the falling tree.  An uncomfortable few seconds passed as both considered what to do now.

The tension on the battlefield was broken briefly by a loud boom overhead and the unmistakable whine of an incoming dropship.  Somewhere amid the forest, a few missiles broke the treeline and headed towards the approaching shapes above.

Amanda's Assault dropship

The dropship sped toward the planet where it was greeted by a pair of LAMs from the Revelation.  The ship hit the atmosphere hard, but it was to be expected.

A klaxxon sounded and the dropship bucked a bit.  Someone on the ground had Wasp* launchers and were trying to take down the dropship and LAMs.  Amanda smiled, no infantry deployed weapons could hit an ISF dropship, but the LAMs were another story.

The drop alarm sounded and Amanda gave a thumbs up to the troops as she hit the releases.  There was no stop and hover where they could leap from the side, no, the unit they were strapped into unceremoniously dropped into the floor and each trooper was shot out of the dropship at near maximum G-Force tolerance.  Each soldier had to fight to keep conscious as the automate drop systems kicked in and they streaked to the ground.

The landing was hard and each soldier was nearly tossed from their units as they were catapulted to their feet with weapons ready.

Somehow, amid this flurry of G-Forces, flying and landing, Ben had managed to erect a map of the area on his team's HUD, indicating a rendevou point for them.  He indicated a spot, in a more forward position, where he recommended Romulus's team deploy. 

"Rom, I'm taking my rookies to this location, we will attempt to secure the major.  Lt. Hunnydew's transponder shows her to be here and I recommend you head there.  Be careful, this area is more hostile."

Ben reached his waypoint and his team assembled.  One of the ladies, Rino Jinguji, his computer expert was being helped by Sgt Kiel.

"What happened?"  Ben inquired while the rest of his team secured the area.

"I'm okay, the drop unit was hit by a shot gun blast and landed funny.  I'm not used to these things so I was a little shaky after being tossed out.  Just a bit dizzy for a second."

"Keep sharp, we don't have time to rest."  Kiel advised.

Atmospheric descent - LAMs

After rendevouing with the dropship, it immediately dove into atmosphere.  Both LAMs flew escort and cover, but they were not as adept at sharp atmospheric dives as the dropship.  Granted, no fighter, LAM or aerospace was. 

Warning klaxxons went off immediately as his computer warned of ground launched anti-aircraft missiles were locking on the fighters.

'Renegade' hit a hard roll and dive, firing off flares and chaff as his systems hadn't identified the type of weapon yet.

In unison, both systems registered 'Wasp*' as the type.

*The wasp is similar to stingers, it is a being-portable box launcher system.  It has only a single shot, but it is reloadable.  These weapons are old and are heat seekers, their range is medium.  They have sufficient yield to do heavy damage to a LAM, but likely could not down one unless it was a lucky shot.


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Bringing rescue to those in need
Romulus hit the ground running so to speak. Once he landed he was moving for cover. He listened to Ben over their coms and looked at the map on his HUD. Romulus used his own waypoint to assemble his squad. Once he got there, he found he was one of the last to show. "Good to see you guys are on time" He took aim at whatever pirates he saw as did his squad. Using his HUD he set another waypoint. "Oh sure you get the easy job" Romulus said jokingly over his com. He looked at his squad "Alright men move out, stay low, and give each other covering fire when you can" Romulus looks at the aftermath of the avalanche "What the hell happened here? Move out now" Romulus made sure to start fireing on the pirates as soon as he broke cover with his squad. They moved as fast as the conditions allowed to Nova's postion, takeing aimed shots where they could.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


On we sweep with threshing oar,

Normally this would be one of those times when Aaron would be amused and ponder how a radio call can bring so much action to the field. 

However, things were a bit different now.  Mostly in the form of an arctic wolf.  An unpleasant event, probably for the both of them. 

Aaron hefts up his gun.
"Yea, there is the easy way about this and the hard way.  The easy way is that I shoot you.  The hard way is to take your prisoner.  Give me a reason to take the easy way out."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

God and Goddess Loki Sorry sorry...

Sorry about the landslide. Loki but I need to get you away from the pirates, which Just Happen to here days in advance of us.  Somebody else knows about your little toy ship or those guys are the most unluckiest pirates in space.  So, Who on our side gunning for you, Loki? 

Real Questions: After this little invasion, and you walking in with a control collar around your neck,  Just how will your ship react to us, the Major and me?    And don't try sugar covered for me Loki  I have scanned that collar, I know what frequencies are reducing your powers?  And I am guessing your ship will know that too and think you are prisoner if you walk aboard with it activated.  That is If it is still here. 

And I wonder if you were going to remove that collar without me helping anyway, aren't you? once you get on your ship.   Okay make it quick, Greenie Foxie.  I'll scan you for injures.... and you answer fast before the ship decides to move out of another bad neighhood" says LT Nova as she turns to get her scanner.
"OW OW OW my side side.... Great a maybe crack rib and a bullet graze on my left side."  as she reads her scan and then turn the scan on the green Fox.  "Let's check you, too for stay rock wounds and maybe internal bleeding."


Paladin Sheppard

Atmospheric descent - LAMs

"'Ren' Break right, Break." Kal said over the ship to ship comms as he banked hard to the left, leaving a trail of chaff and flares in his jet stream.

"Comp tags em as wasps" Kal grunted as the g-forces mounted.

The two missiles zipped past, locked onto the countermeasures both LAMs had pumped out.

"I've got the launch point." Kal said as he rolled out of the maneuver. "'Ren' you take em I'll cover'"

"Roger, 'Cool Hand', I'll pop em" Kal watched as 'Renegade's Raptor maneuvered to strike the coordinates.