The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Despite of all your losing.

"Why?  I've always wondered that my self.  Usually the answer comes down to something like, `I'm stupid.`  It is a good general case answer that seems to cover most circumstances I get my self into.  Now shut up and sit still."

Story of his life there.  A long series amazing coincidences, absurd luck, and rampant stupid on his part that somehow works out.  Speaking of absurd luck...

"Hey Richard, while on the subject of stuff you know, why are you people here, on this forsaken planet's cold surface, with guns?  Really big guns from the look of things."

What to sing now?
The All Purpose Fox


Gonna make things go boom
Romulus nods to Ben "Sounds like a plan. Got any areas you think we should show special attention?" Romulus then looks to Nitro "Looks like you're time to shine"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The very cold place

Nitro nodded to Romulus and grabbed Davis, who both conversed for a few moments before nodding in agreement.  "We will need to place C-80 charges at the base of the rock formation facing out into the valley.  When we blow it, the whole mass of ice, dirt and trees will flow like water right out into the open.  The problem is we will need to crawl across the open space to reach it.  Wish us luck and give us cover from this angle."  Nitro pointed to the area away from their approach.

Nitro and Davis made their way across the snow and deftly planted the charges as the rest of the team provided cover fire.

Both made it back across and were ready to detonate the charges.

"Just give the word."

Meanwhile in Aaron's neck of the woods...

The vixen nodded and remained still, "in some way, I owe you a debt of honor... if I survive the belly wound... urg... must it be so tight... it really smarts.  We could have avoided... this... whole situation if you had just let me shoot you... it would save me some pain.  Actually... I... think... I... will... pass out..."

True to her word, the lady pirate's eyes roll back and her head lulls off to the side.  A quick check shows she still breathes.

Richard considers Aaron's question and answers frankly (or richardly I suppose ¬.¬), "we crashed here,"  He indicated himself and specifically the uniform, "from the space battle.  Our gunship was downed by your fighters.  The others,"  He indicated the vixen, "were already here, it is an arctic listening post for the Warlord Kartashe's forces.  He is one of the six pirate 'kings' I suppose you could call him.  They had orders to monitor your fleet and send warning when you left so we could reconquer this colony.  At least that is what they told us."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

She has a smile for the little green fox, and a worried look for the Ship.  But lets Loki and herself be transported to medical.  She couldn't blame Loki for not trusting the military...

Lt Nova is worried..  She worried about Loki and about her people, there are those who would blame her for this or blame Loki.  She let the medic get her on the stretcher, but asks "Can I stay close by Loki?  He will need me, somewhere along the way.  and Please, No painkillers for me, I must report to Capt Summers. ASAP Pass that request along to the captain."



boom baby
Romulus watched Nitro and Davis setup up the charges and crawl back. All the while laying a line of cover fire with the others. Romulus looks at Nitro "Make this problem go away"

Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The party in the snow

After checking that the female pirate was still alive Aaron made to sure keep trying to keep her alive.  He also had a feeling that the whole mumblings of debts of honor would make things even further complicated. 

"An observation post, as far as they were told.  I find that last qualifier interesting."
The All Purpose Fox


Ice, Ice... er, no... scratch that.

At the evac shuttle...

The Medtech regards Lt. Nova with barely restrained frustration, "ma'am, that is not possible.  You've been shot and you have a broken rib.  How you are able to keep going is a mystery to me, I can skip the painkillers sure, but you are being strapped in... next to the kid as you want, but from this shuttle you are going straight to emergency care."

When Nova moves to protest the medtech hunkers down in front of her so they are face to face as the strap her in securely, "you don't seem to understand ma'am... you are hurt, hurt fairly bad.  The field medics have bought you time to get to surgery and full service medical care, but at this time... you are dieing.  Do you understand me?  You will bleed out within a few hours, not to mention internal infections and the like.  So please, let us do our jobs.  What ever report you have can be relayed in flight and brought to the Captain's attention.  Now please settle down before I am forced to tranq you... ma'am."

The shuttle began its ascent.

RC radioed from the shuttle drop point, "the queen and the little prince are airborne."

At Romulus's location...

"Right... one miracle coming right... up."  Nitro said as he toggled the switch.

A few bright and loud explosions punctuated his bright smile as he got to do what he loves best, "yeah!  I love to blow shit up!"

As predicted, the explosions pulverized the rock wall and the dirt and snow... no longer restricted, instantly liquidated.  The mass of it carried the whole remaining fighting force of pirates in a deadly tirade down the valley.  The event was both spectacular and gruesome.

At Aaron's location...

Richard shrugged again, "what they tell as is not usually party with the truth sir.  Perhaps you can ask some of them..."


"... or not..."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


There really aren't many ice songs are there?


"Son of a bitch."

Aaron keeps his head down long enough to make sure nothing else was shooting.  He then gets out his radio.

"Aaron here, is everything dead yet?  I've got a few guests and it looks like one has been at the tea party a bit too long.  Need medical assistance."

At this point Aaron decided to formulate his report.  There is a lot of getting annoyed with Nova, notes about a pair of pirates, and explosions.  All this and he still has to actually find a ship that thought it would be smart to set down next to a pirate listening post.  Maybe they pirates set up next to the ship.  Either way, there was a dead body that still needed explaining.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

With the shock of her condition and the knowledge of just how hurt she was, Lt Hunnydew was force to see reason.  She glares and growls a moment at RC only to fall back on the stretcher in pain of fighting the straps.  "ow ow Fine you take good care of him...." says Nova with her eyes tightly shut.  "ooor else....." faintly whispering before she faints.

"or else Mother, the ship, will destroys us all" thinks Nova into the darkness of unconscious.



God I love this job
Romulus only stared and smile at the explosion. "There now that that's outta the way" Romulus got RC's message and noddedd his head. "Good now meet up with the rest of us" Romulus gives RC and Hacker a way point to go to. Romulus then gets Aaron's message. "Copy that Major, we're heading to your location now. *Then addresses RC and Hacker "Change of plans boys we're meeting at the Major's location. He has someone that needs medical assistance. Hopefully those two didn't take up all your supplies"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


I'm out of snow/ice songs...

As the evac shuttle ascended to orbit, followed by the Major's landing shuttle, it became obvious to all those who had not seen it that the alien ship had indeed been found and it was following.

As the evac shuttle neared the Phalanx the alien ship sent a directed transmission just as it entered scanner range. 

An orange vixen appeared on the comm screen, her smile was entrancing as her voice drifted across space, "Greetings, I am the Acadian diplomatic flyer 0006, designated as 'Mother', approaching at vector 16 at 0.10 C.  I will be landing in primary shuttle bay 1 along with the medical shuttle."  The ship did not ask, but the tone was pleasant.

An emergency call to Colonel Nexx, who immediately conferenced in Captain Summers on the Revelation.

The colonel scratched his chin, "Well Captain?  What do you think?"

"I do not think we could conceivably stop it without severe casualties." Captain Summers stated.

"I don't plan on causing any problems, I just wish to remain near Loki."  An orange vixen stated as she added herself to the communications channel.

The Captain did not seem surprised, "Indeed, our secure communications channels do not appear to pose much of a challenge to you.  We do not wish any harm, I hope we can work together against a common foe."

"I'll leave that up to Loki and the others, I am just a ship."

Meanwhile, on the evac shuttle...

Relieved that Nova had settled down, the medtechs evaluated their conditions and sent the data to the awaiting medical staff on ship.

In the depths of Nova's subconscious, as she sat pondering some notes at her desk, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Loki stood behind her, staring over her shoulder, "so, whatcha working on?"

At the Major's location...

Ben and Romulus's teams reached his position.  A careful group, they quickly relieved Richard of his gun.

"I am his bondsman, I will do what you wish as long as he wishes it."

Ben shrugged, "whatever pal, but pardon us for being a bit cautious."

RC and Hacker arrive a bit later and immediately examine the vixen, both give each other a brief smile, "the major has captured a girlfriend..."

Hacker removes Richard's and Aaron's attempt and applies a better pressure bandage and bindings.  He then injects her with painkillers, antibiotics and blood plasma, "she'll need a med evac to the ship... the major's call.  Otherwise we can let the rookies try and field surgery her, it would be good training for them."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


In the house of snow and ice
Romulus just looked at Richard. "Say what now? Too many customs to understand I guess" Romulus shock his head and looked at the good looking vixen with Aaron. He then looks at Aaron "Damn Major you get all the cute ones don't you. Here's hopeing this one doesn't turn out like the last one." He shakes his head at Hacker. "Don't care if she is a pirate I don't want anyone trying to play field surgent on anyone. If the Major oks it, we'll take her back with us. Though I'd rather not leave her here to die. Seeing as that ship left, to god knows where, it seems you mission is done planet side Major. So we may as well take her back with us" Romulus looks at Aaron as he finishes talking.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

In the windmill of my mind

"If you are here this further into my mind you know...
It is an ancient Math problem from my grandmother, or something her mother unearthed... See it is written in the Acadian. I think or maybe it is something else.  This formula was never solved, other formulas were and they led to improved engines and shields design.  But this one my grandma though could be lead to the technologies to get the Humans home. Well, Nanny Bam only got so far.

Maybe it is the formula for a dimensional trap or a pocket universe.  Who know? I just try to translated it into something that makes sense." thought Nova... "Hey Wait a sec Can I get some privacy around here? Closed the door and knock next time." She grabs the green fox and pushes him out a blue door which appeared just in front of them.    Loki finds himself in front of a closed door in a doorway without walls



Kind of cold here

In his unique jokingly defensive tone Aaron answers, "No, she is not my girl friend.  Just because a cute vixen, who will not be operated on in a cold planet, gets dumped on my lap does not mean we are going out.  The universe may seem to conspire to dump cute girls in my lap but that is beside the point.  Still, calling for medevac for her is the proper thing to do for her."

Aaron then had to wonder.  If this vixen is assigned to him, is 'command' will now nearly double, with captured folk.  Oddly enough, he suspected that these newly captured folk would be more cooperative then the regular ones.  First away mission and things are already far more amusing then he wanted.
The All Purpose Fox


Who's up for snowboarding
Romulus nods to Aaron then looks to RC. "Call another medivac down. I know they so do love making second trips. Also see if they can bring something warm for us to drink" Romulus then looks at Richard "I take it you where with the pirates. Where was you camp. Seeing as we have a ride I wouldn't mind to see what's left down here"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Running down a dream

Loki smiles, "she has a small amount of training in psychic disciplines, but this is child's play to a natural." 

Waving his hand all the doors became transparent, but one of them glowed red.  Loki approached this door and knocked briefly as he passed through it.

What he found beyond was a well organized library, quite like that of ancient times, filled with scrolls and books of all manner of subjects that Nova had knowledge of.  A large amount of what was here was covered in cobwebs, signifying that it had not been accessed in a while.  Many areas of the hall contained voids in their halls, preventing any possible travel to the bookcases that lay on the other side.  These voids were a dreamscape representation of dead neural pathways, possibly due to many different reasons of anthro biology from damage caused by injury, age or recreational chemical usage.

The area Loki headed for was well travelled and strong, it lead to a modern library area of computers, holo-terminals and digital equipment.  Using a holo-keyboard, Loki accessed data Nova had gathered on his species, the enemy and others.  He reviewed technology of the ISF and a lot of data considered sensitive to the military.

The cold reality

RC nods to Romulus and sends a call back up to emergency deployment, "we need another medevac on this transponder, we have another wounded... stable condition, female fox... injury and statistical information uploading to medical server.  She's not in the system, so full scans will be needed.  We will also need cold weather support."

"Roger that, medevac in route and we will bring tea and coffee."

RC acknowledges and puts his comm system in standby.

Richard shrugs again at Romulus's comment, "yes, I know where the camp is and I can take you there after the med shuttle arrives."   

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Romulus nods at RC. "Hrmm sounds good. Haven't had coffee in a while" Romulus surveys the landscape some since he never did get a chance. He then looks at Richard after his comment "Excellent. We'll head out as soon as we can" Romulus gave Richard an evil grin "And if there are still pirates down there you feel like alerting to our coming. I'll put a bullet in your head before you blink"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

These Dreams

The computer dies and the lights shutdown around the library. and Loki is left in the dark....Then a overhead stoplight lights him up.  And Nova walk into the light with her arms folded with a frown .

"Loki, Okay you knocked, you need to wait for me to answer and don't go running off on your own and stealing secrets.... God and Goddress, Loki anything I have is thousands of years behind you and yours' technologies.  My great-grandmother's ancient ship was over 100,000 years old or more.  What could I know that is so important to you   And IF there is anything do you need to know?  you could try asking, I meant tell you" 

  It's crash site is some 36 parses of here.  She had to run off back to ISF space because of Pirate activities in the area.  She saids that the location was well hidden, but no one has gone back to the site.



Snow capped wonderland

Richard nodded and smiled knowingly, "I would expect no less, but as I said, I am now your major's bondsman.  If he were to order me to betray you, I would have no choice really.  Such a thing would be unheard of though.  You should ask your pilot there..."

Richard point's to Kal's LAM, "from the markings I can see that one is a Lycan.  He will know of bonds and such."

Richard presents his wrist to Aaron, "I will require a bond cord when you are ready to take me into service, as will your wounded lady."

It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down

Loki scratched the back of his head as he smiled guiltily, a sweatdrop beaded on his forehead.  "I'm not accustomed to asking for these things... I've been in the habit of just taking, it seems a little callous and arrogant, but we have always been psychics.  To not be a psionically active and able to defend one's self was always a sign of weakness to be exploited or at least pranked."

He held up his palm and a sphere of chaos writhed in it.  The swirling, angry energy eventually slowed, coalescing into letters and finally words.  "This represents all you know about my people, the enemy and such.  I can expand it."

The ball of words increased and snaked out to all corners of the dreamscape library.  The voids suddenly became whole and the locked doors at the far end of the hall, which Nova had previously not seen, suddenly opened showing bookcases as far as the eye could see.  She felt instantly clear on all things she struggled with, she understood the secrets of existence and the mysteries as of yet unsolved.

"Those doors are the limits of your primitive mind, your species only uses about 20% of its mental potential."  The doors slammed shut and things returned to normal, "you are not ready for that... nor am I prepared to teach you.  I am just a kid you know."  The silly grin reappeared and he winked at her.

He was surprised to hear about her great grandmother and the ship, "your great-grandmother's ship?  Do you mean hers personally... that she, and subsequently you, are also aliens?"   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova looks at Loki with a skeptic eye... But...she wave her paw and the library disappears... a star lit sky appears over a thinned air planet of orange dust and a reddish dwarf star rising over a scene crash starship...  The markings similar to the ones that she was looking at early  are on the ships aft sections.  Below poking around the ship are a Koala and a Tabby-cat with breathing devices on.  Kitten with blue hair of 5-6 standard old in a large fish bowl  helmet has a puzzle of the alphabet and a random collection of keypad pieces a ranged in the sand in front of her.  She is matches the letters to the keypad pieces in seemly random.

Day 2 on the Beta Regina 3, class N planet. Appears in the sky for about 5 minutes 

"Sorry Vacation Holo-films... Well, these are historical records to the university, Great-Grandma Dr Sarah Hunnydew, Anthologist, found a exploratory landing site on the third planet in this system.  The native habitants of the 2nd planet, Regina 2 had reached the atomic age.   They had sent a manned probe to this planet before they blow themselves back into the Stone Age.  The landing site was very close to this crash site, so Granny Sarah thought, they may have very well found it.  The home planet habitants were very hostel to her group, and the major cities are still very radioactive.  So she tried to find out what she could about the habitants out here, and found this unbelievable find a ship of an unknown race.  She was able to recover some of the memory crystals and the like, even brought back some of the hull, but no ones has been able to re-manufacture the material.   About Regina's natives she found a simple data disk on the outside of a landing probe.

Many of Granny's stories about the masters, you guys, and insectoids were found in these ships memory crystals.  Granny Sarah had to run home about a two-weeks after this Holo were recorded because of pirate activities in a nearby system.  Granny Sarah did not want the pirates or anyone else not from the university to find that ship She never trusted the other ISF members, very much.  .  So, She kept the location hidden.  The council was not pleased with her, since she "couldn't" recall where she found these memory crystals.  Yet, Once the new enemy really started sending raiding party into our space, the council had to listen to my Granny Sarah's theories.  We still have not answered all the question about this ship.  But no one has had time or the money to return to the site, with the war on. "
Stated Lt Nova..."Many others have search the Regina systems and no one has found the crash site."



Aaron thought to him self,
Oh keen, what will I do with bondsmen?  I suppose I should ask this Kal fellow at some time.

Still, it looked like he was going to go further to investigate pirates.  Fun job he got him self into.
The All Purpose Fox


I had the radio on, I was drivin

Loki thought about what she had mentioned for a while before responding, "what are your theories on who this ship comes from?  I think I know what this is, but I'd like to know what you think... from you, I will not peek further in anymore than I have already."

Back in the icy paradise...

The medevac unit landed and the medical personnel exited.  They immediately took over charge of the female fox, she seemed far paler then when aid was first administered to her, but the medtechs seemed confident.  She was loaded into a stretcher and taken aboard.

Another small group of shuttle personnel setup an aid station and pressurized containers with various hot beverages and containers for the troops to partake of.  This they left in the hands of Romulus's team as they boarded the shuttle and headed up.

A short distance away, Amanda's dropship made a landing and the crew deployed.  Amanda and a fresh squad of marines were dressed in winter gear.

"What's up boys?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Frosty the snowman
Romulus watched the medics treat the vixen and leave the drinks. He Pours himself a nice cup of coffee and tips a sip "Hrmmmm coffee". Then guestures to his squad to get something warm to drink. He then watches Amanda's dropship show up. He looks to Ben and whispers "Go figuer once all the fighting is done they show up" He then looks at Amanda with coffee cup in his hand. "Oh you know, just haveing a snowball fight with some kids from down the block and decided we'd get some hot cocoa after we one. We're planning to go raid their snow fort, you want in?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

On the Boulevard of Broken Dream

"Well the star charts dates the ship at around 200,000 years. The ship's records have a recording of a hyperspace anomaly, " As she explains she walk down the slope to the Hologram of the ship. "We can't know how ship was studying this anomaly, but the record ends with "thing" unraveling and then imploded which pulled and threw this ship out of hyperspace."

She walk into the ship, and show the green fox, the body of two foxes mumified across the control panels. "There you tell me, whose ship this was?"



The trees went by, me and Del were singin

Loki followed Nova down the hill in the dreamscape of her mind, he stared long at the crashed ship.  The design was archaic to him, but fabulously advanced to someone like Nova.  The language was obviously familiar, an old dialect of his own.  Still he worried at what her great grandmother had found, there were many lost ships from the ancient days.

As Nova explained the anomaly, it worried him, that kind of thing should not happen.

When presented with the ancient foxes, he barely stiffled his own surprise.

"These two are... they are the cause of all our problems then... and now.  This is Χάος, Xaos, and Gaea... and it is through them that the first came to walk upon this universe and play its song for our sorrow and dismay. "

He grabbed Nova and looked up into her eyes, "they are still there right??!!!  Your great grandmother didn't move them... touch them... please tell me this was a scan, not an actual intrusion into the control chamber.  My species doesn't leave corpses even when these shells die, they turn to particles and drift away... we are energy beings, the shells approximate flesh down to the exact details as you know, but it isn't fully like you understand.  If they are still there then their spirits are dormant..."

Stop, snow time.

Amanda smiled, "If I can bring my little gun, sure I'll tag along.  My marines here will hang out with the shuttle and secure the area."

She waved to the marine sergeant who nodded and began issuing instructions to the awaiting marines. 

Amanda entered the dropship and brought out a person-portable chaingun and a pack of belted rounds.  She smiled and winked at Major Brown, "This is my little gun."

The dropship closed all hatches and ramps after deploying a light hovertank and a few other hover scouts.  Unlike most movies, they don't tend to leave the ship wide open for anyone to sneak into.  The dropship is also outfitted with enough weapons to take on an entire platoon of tanks.

Romulus was presented with a hover transport if he needed it.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


All along the snowy trail
Romulus rolls his eyes a bit at Amanada's gun. "If you can't get it down with one" He looks at the hover transport. "We'll take that most of the way there, but we'll travel the rest of the way on foot. We do want to try and be alittle stealthy incase there are still some pirates hiding from the snow"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

A Night at the Museum

Nova was shaken by Loki's reaction,  "No No, I don't know, just cool your jets a sec,
Okay this is the official display at the museum...which only had a part of the original ships recordings" the dream Nova had her hands on her head.."Okay See This is the original recording from the ship's records right after the crash... I guess Granny Sarah never could enter the control room itself since it was sealed and later buried.  the main computer core was closer to the center core., where she got the memory crystals.  The hyperdrive was scrap and the sublight drive was blown"  The bodies of foxes slowly turned to dust as the recording started to run again.  and soon left little dust at all.   

"Gosh, Loki, you have to remember All this is only what I remember, and sometimes my total recall can get scrambled."




Aaron was taken a bit off guard by Amanda, "Well, I have my rifle here.  I rather like the rifle.  In fact, I'm going to see about keeping this one."
He made every attempt to suppress the ancient, 'this is my rifle, this is my gun' joke that was sure to cause pleasantries.

"I'm still not so sure how well stealthy approaches would work.  Especially in the snow.  While there is a lot of snow it does tend to all look the same."
The All Purpose Fox


Little runaway, I was flyin

Loki was not relieved by the images shown, "A bad, bad thing is still lurking on that planet... maybe.  I'm not sure if this means they are gone or they want it to appear that way.  At some point we will need to go and investigate this crash site."

Loki was about to say something else, but instead he slumped against the wall, breathing heavily, "I think I have to... go back now... let's hope your people fixing persons are good at what they do.  If you see an image of a white door or a bright passage of light... don't follow it, do whatever is in your power not to be drawn into it."

Ice and more ice, with some snow thrown in for color

Amanda smiled as Aaron commented on his rifle, "very good, size is not an issue for you."

A marine sergeant approached the group and spoke to Amanda, "senior chief Wilcox, we are all set here.  Just give us a ring and we'll come in and light them up if the pirates give you trouble."

"Alright."  She turned towards the group, "let's saddle up boys, girls... and major."  The last bit she said with a slight salute, bordering on being too informal.

Regardless of whether they were taking it part of the way or the whole way, the transport would still be used.  The stopping point could be debated on the transport in the warmth.

About half way, Amanda turned back towards the group, "okay now what?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Over the hills and far away
Romulus smiled at Aaron. "You're doing alot better than some soldiers than I've seen" Romulus files into the transport with the others. He seemed half awake as the they neared the half way point. Once Amanda spoke he seemed wide awake and looked at a window. "That's all up to the Major here. He's the ranking officer. I suggest we go play in the snow and walk the rest of the way but it's his call"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.