The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Romulus saluted Nexus as he finished talking. He doesn't seem all that excited about the promotions but he said nothing. "Yes sir I believe it would be best me and my squad where transfered over to the Phalanx"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - CAG's Office

Thanking the Master Chief, Kal filled out the forms. Looking over at the wall mounted clock he decided that he'd best get back to his berth.

"Master Chief can you give these to the CAG I've got to go meet my Bondwoman." Handing the completed forms back, Kal moved back down the ship and to his room. Passing a mess hall he ducked in and grabbed a couple of beers and some sodas.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Domonic's bunkroom

Stepping inside Kal put the drinks down and sat at his desk reading over tech manuals while he waited for Brittney.

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx interrogation room

*sigh*  Yes, Loki I will be fine.... Unlike other cubs, Uncle Kevin's "Dana and the Rainbow Furries" stories were not watered down version of the your mythology/history for me. What my Granny thought was a mythology of ancient star race, the Zhar.  She would give me the detail accounts of the ancient enemy of the Zhar and Acadian.. How they can enslaved their victims with mind rape and/or mind control.  How a victim could look normal and still murder their cubs with a smile, IF the energy demon wanted them to.  These "Masters" are puppetmasters to their slaves and tricking or controlling the races into "war' games between each other for their master's entertainment.  We only recently know the race name of the masters, the Ixlin." said Lt Nova.

   "Our Knowledge or my Knowledge is more theory and imagination of Sara Hunnydew, my great grandmother.  All from what she could translate from the memory crystals that she found from an ancient starship crash site... She believed that the ship was a research vessel of the "rainbow furries", the Acad, and what they discovered about the Zhar and their enemy."   

"Granny Bambi was more a mathematician and astrophysicist, she would take her mother's work and found the harmonics to improve our graviton generators and the Stardrives.  She even found the Nexus technologies, but she could never find the right metal alloy or the right frequencies to make it work.  She stopped when she discovered a way to make a stargate or wormhole device which could make instantinous travel between any two points in this universe regardless of distance, but the energy and size limits make it too impractical to use.  The field can't be maintain beyond a gate size 3 meters across... and the power required to send one person is the same energy required by a carrier class starship to hyperjump one light year.  You also have to transport one of the pair of the gates to the new location by sublight speeds"


Edit   OOC< ooops sorry, Ixaih>


Phalanx - Conference Room

At first Valynth was not sure which one of the two was going to be his superior, but Romulus' response made it clear so he saluted Romulus and said "It will be a pleasure to serve with you sir."  He then relaxed the salute before continuing "So, when do we get briefed on our equipment and missions, sir?  'cause I'm ready to go as soon as certain pieces of my personal gear are returned to me."

He grinned a little as he finished.  He had never thought of himself as a military 'hero,' and he knew that this mission would probably be bloody and might get him killed, but in that laid a challenge which was the whole reason he left home in the begining.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Phalanx - Conference Room
Romulus regarded with a bit of annoyance. "Well the missions come when they come. Right now we have nothing to do it seems" Romulus looked at the rest of his squad and shook his head. "If you want to see you equipment basicalyy look at them. *points to his squad* You'll also be fitted with a rifle and the common gear" Romulus to Nexx "Sir, do you know where the armory is on this ship so he *gestures towards Valynth* can get equiped?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx interrogation room

At this point Aaron is sitting in the corner doodling in his notes pad.  In future retellings of these stories Aaron would claim that he was being discreet, letting Lt. Honnydew do all the talking and simply listening.  That was kind of true in fact.  Though what he was really thinking about was the fact that there was, apparently, a real life psychic next to him and Aaron was curious for details about the whole process.  More importantly, he was thinking about what sort of trouble he could cause...
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx - Conference Room

Colonel Nexx nodded to Romulus, "I'll speak to the Captain and have your gear and posting transfered here.  Do you wish to keep your current shuttle crew or use one of ours here?"

Major Shannon overheard both Valynth's and Romulus's questions and decided to answer, "all of their previous effects are in the new Special forces locker room, all are in the lockers assigned to each individual.  The bunk rooms and each unit's relaxation area is connected off of there.  As for the armory, when you are ready, we will take you there."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - CAG's Office

As Kal left, the master chief examined the forms he had handed over and she laughed, "another Graham."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

After half an hour, there was the familiar sound of the door chime, quickly followed by a loud and angry shout.  The door suddenly opened as an angry Brittney stormed in.  She was dressed in some casual off-duty clothes that seemed to compliment her fairly well.

The corporal followed her in carrying a few bags and a couple of technician uniforms for her ground duty work.  The corporal seemed amused by Brittney's flustered state.

When Brittney found Kal she immediately began yelling up a tirade, "what's all this about being your bondswoman?"  She almost barked like her primitive quadruped ancestors.   

Phalanx -  interrogation room

"Gate technologies are not something that most advanced societies consider practical.  The energy requirements scale as the size of the gate increases.  For most hyperjump, dimensional phase-shifting, and inter-dimensional point-to-point travel are the means to cover vast distances efficiently."  Loki stopped to regard Major Brown, "so what do we do now, Major, all this talking is becoming boring, don't you all wish to go retrieve my ship?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx -  interrogation room

Yes, in fact that was exactly what I was thinking.  By the way, how large is this ship?
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx - Conference Room
Romulus nodded his head At  Major Shannon. "We're ready to go. We *points to his squad* need to get more ammo and he *points to Valynth* needs to get fitted with armor, a rifle and ammo. So whenever your ready"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Yes, by all means Loki, we should go your ship.  We eageringly await your orders Captain. " said Lt Nova as she gets back on her feet and salutes the Capt Summers.



Phalanx -  interrogation room

Yes, in fact that was exactly what I was thinking.  By the way, how large is this ship?

Loki, sticking his tongue out the left side of his muzzle, made a rather silly attempt to stretch his arms as wide as he could.  "Uh... really big, but not so very big as a cruiser.  Sorta like that primitive shuttle that Romulus and Amanda brought me here on. 

Captain Summers cleared his throat, "Lt. Nova appears to be anxious to get on with her duties.  Major Brown, you are in charge of the retrieval of this alien ship.  Try not to be too reckless, oh and keep an eye on Nova here.  If she violates military top secret information systems again, I will be forced to fire her out an airlock and possibly you with her Major as she is now your responsibility."  The tone of his voice carried a light tone to it, but his eyes showed a seriousness that affirmed there would be consequences if she operated outside the lines again.  "Now take care of that alien ship..." the Captain smiled briefly, "make it so."

Phalanx - Conference Room

Major Shannon gestured for Romulus to follow as he headed out into the hall.  All the members of the special forces followed for the moment, as the need to examine their accommodations and gear were high priority.

"Sergeant First Class Darkcloud, you, Staff Sergeant Foster and the rest of your original team will bring these new unit members up to par.  Training is to begin immediately and I will leave the methods to your discretion."

The major lead the group to the ready area for the SpecForce units.  The primary living area, consisting of a central lounge area for relaxation, was where everyone entered.  Off this main area were the bunk room for the teams, the separate NCO bunk area for Romulus, Ben, Val and Alex, a training area, the locker room and another training room.

"This gentlemen is your new 'digs'.  I will be your operations leader and company CO.  Warrant Officer Stewart is your Platoon CO and immediate boss, she is on station right now detailing security forces there.  When she gets back, I'll introduce you.  Your weapons and standard gear are already issued and lockered.  When you are ready, you can transfer your teams old stuff from the Revelation.  As for the rooks stuff, that is the standard only, as you determine it, special weapons can be assigned to individuals who qualify appropriately.  It's one thing to record it on forms, its another thing to prove you can handle it.  I will leave you to settle in and get to know your rooks."

The major nodded and headed out of the room.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx - Conference Room
Romulus addressed the new "recruits" right after the Major left. "Alright boys, find yourselfs a bunk. Then I want you fully suited in Training Room A. First thing I plan to do is see who can actually shoot straight with a rifle" Looks to Ben "Keep track of the men that will be under you command. You'll be the one to assign what weapons they will have. I suggest one sharp shooter, radio man, heavy weapons expert, demolition expert, and a hacker" Looks to his squad "If Staff Sergeant Foster needs your help in training his squad, do it" Looks at everyone "ALRIGHT MOVE IT!" Leans over to Ben before he moves "We'll transfer our stuff after we get this done"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx -  interrogation room

The Shock and Dismay could be heard in Lt Nova Hunnydew shouted, "Captain!"  
"Ah! sir" peeps Nova one second later..  "A Hunnydew knows her duty and honor to ISF, Confed, and her family... Major,  Capt.   For the record, I wish a word with you alone at your convenient, Capt Summers." continues Lt Nova Hunnydew in a calmly normal level tone of voice, standing at perfect attention with eyes forward.  But Inside she was hurt and angry

"Major, we can move out on your orders." says Nova as she standing still  and waiting on the major's orders come.  She may not break into computer proctorial here on any ISF ships.  But she can and will record everything that was said in her presence.  The Capt, she was not worried about, yet, but the Major was an opportunist if her feelings about him were right... Her charges were sealed for Command Eyes only.   She was sure she had angered the Capt with her performance with the green alien,but to let that out,  The Major with that like information about her.....She was not sure what the Major will do to her, or with her, with an alien ship, or with a psi-on.



Phalanx -  interrogation room

Aaron was a tad concerned about the whole throwing him out the air lock bit.  He very well knew what sort of unpleasant business occurs when a living system is thrown into hard vacuum.  Though he was still unclear as to if you freeze to death first or if you burn to death.  Though this all depends on you breathing out first so your chest doesn't explode.  As great of a concern this particular question was Aaron did have a number of things on his mind.  This list, in order of most important to Aaron includes:

1. Not getting thrown out an air lock.
2. Figure out what it is that Nova did that warrants throwing associates out air locks.
3. Retrieve a space ship.
4. Figure out how Capt Summers knew he would do something reckless.
5. Not getting thrown out an air lock.

To this end Aaron formed a plan in his head.

"Make it so indeed.  Lt. Nova, Loki, let's find us a ship.  Let's also bring it back in one piece."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx -

Nova had a small satistifaction from seeing Aaron's worried look.   She saluted the Major and the Captain, marched across the room with the green fox and left the interrogation room on her way to the shuttle bay.    She had short quick smile for Loki and patted his shoulder in the hallway..but waited for the Major in the shuttle bay at parade rest with Loki. 



Phalanx - SpecForce Room

Ben nodded to Romulus, "my best candidate for sharpshooter is the sergeant designated as my second. Alex Kiel.  He is listed as IFL army designated sniper."  He forwarded through the pages on the datapad he had received from the major, "heavy weapons looks to be a merchant marine... Harold Aeul, demolitions candidate would be one of the privateers, Jaice Randou... he is former EOD expert from the Imperium Army, Computer expert looks like another privateer candidate,  Rino Jinguji... a former Trade Consortium Special Operations Weather technician who has been working as the station's head networking engineer.  That leaves Cyndi Katsura as communications."

Ben winked at Romulus, "unlike your all boys club, looks like I got a pair of ladies."     

As the two senior NCOs discuss things, the new recruits scramble off to find bunks.  Romulus's team selects their accommodations and a coyote drops his gear in the NCO quarters and approaches Romulus and Ben.

He offers his hand to Ben, "Hello, I'm Alex Kiel, I'm the IFL sergeant that will be your second.  Thought it good to introduce myself.  I'll be with the squad in training A." 

Ben nods as Alex heads over to the training room.

"heya fellows," comes a voice from behind Ben and Romulus.  Wilcox walks in and shakes her head, "Colonel Nexx has decided to transfer my assault shuttle over to here and send one of his to the Revelation.  My marine squad and our shuttle crew will make up the final elements of your Platoon.  Nexx went and, against my wishes, made me a Senior Chief.  So much for me keeping out of the paperwork.  We will be in the set of rooms across from yours here."

Phalanx -  interrogation room

The Captain thinks for a moment and as Nova leaves he responds to her request, "after you retrieve the ship then we can speak."

Loki thought it great fun to mimic Nova as she saluted and marched out of the room, which was made more comical by his anime space pirate getup and cape.  With the both of them standing in the shuttle bay in parade rest, which is not at all restful, they got quite a few looks and a few snickers.

Loki beamed at them and continued to play soldier.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx - Shuttle Bay
"Lt. Nova, this 'high crime' that you seem to be caught up in wouldn't happen to be something along the lines of 'flicking boogers at the admiral during ceremony' would it?"

After a moment he then looks about for the person he should talk to about shuttles and debated to him self if requesting escort on this one would be a good idea.

((OOC: ShadesFox hasn't shown up, that would be Aaron ;p))
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx - SpecForce Room
Romulus looks at Ben and shakes his head. "Just don't get distracted with them. I don't you need you trying to be a casanova while in a firefight" Romulus looked at the others while Ben spoke with Alex. He turned to Wilcox when she spoke. When finished he shrugged. "Sorry to drag ya in. *gestures to Ben and himself* We're gonna go check out the newbies wanna join?" Romulus headed towards training room A.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

After half an hour, there was the familiar sound of the door chime, quickly followed by a loud and angry shout.  The door suddenly opened as an angry Brittney stormed in.  She was dressed in some casual off-duty clothes that seemed to compliment her fairly well.

The corporal followed her in carrying a few bags and a couple of technician uniforms for her ground duty work.  The corporal seemed amused by Brittney's flustered state.

When Brittney found Kal she immediately began yelling up a tirade, "what's all this about being your bondswoman?"  She almost barked like her primitive quadruped ancestors.   

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

Kal spent the next half hour explaning to Brittney about her role and dutys as a bondwoman...Leaving out the bit about 'coupling'

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx - Hanger

Lt Nova can't help but giggle at Loki's antics, and Asks "Please, Loki don't live up to your name sake.  This is serious, the Major is an unknown.  And the legendary Loki was Mischief, in some stories he help the Heroes, in others he betrayed them.  #sighs#  Now, don't be sad, I don't think you are that Loki of myth... Wait, Are you?"   She looked worried, but her own eyes were full of mischief... When the Major Aaron startle her with his question.

The Major walks to Nova and Loki, and overhears something about Mischief and betrayal of heroes..And that  Nova did not think Loki was that Loki of myth...Then he asked his question.
She jump and shock at him but turns quickly and gracefully she saluted him and answer his question.

"The truth..Is I hacked into the Adm's computer database to add a few friends' names to the Navy Ball guest list.  Admin Botact had a very simple password to his personal account...Which I use to gain access to the Officer's Club computer.  But No one believes me that was all I did to the Admiral's computer.  He was so mad, that I guess his 'foolproof' password, I found myself on a priority one transport to this first front fleet.  He also added to my record that I hacked into the upper level security on his code, but stated they did not have enough proof for Court Marshal" She said
 He didn't need to know what I really was into with her hacking. , she thought  Well, the whole truth, she did add some friends to the Navy Ball list  as a side trip during her last visited to the Main Frame.  The Navy Ball *sigh* I missed it, but the food was the only thing worth going for anyway.



Phalanx - SpecForces room

Valynth broke away from the group went to his locker and found the standard gear waiting with his 686 revolver.  He checked his revolver and found that it still contained six shots of ammo.  His first feeling of relief ceeded to his annoyance that no one had considered using it.  He slipped on his new gear and headed into the training room with the other 'recruits.'
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - Shuttle Bay

Loki regarded Nova quizzically, "I'm legendary?"  The green fox smiled impishly at the thought, "oh what I could do if I was a legend!"

A deck officer approached Major Brown, he eyed the odd green kit, "sir, Colonel Nexx has instructed that I keep an eye out for you.  This way please, we have a shuttle prepared."

The officer lead Aaron, Nova and Loki to a small aerospace craft about the size of your average Leer jet.

"Do you require a shuttle pilot?"

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

Brittney was quiet for a few moments, she sat there and gazed at her hands as the information sank in.

When she next spoke her voice was small, "so that's it then... I am yours to command?  Is there some type of refusal process or something?"

Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room

Wilcox shrugged and smiled, "sure why not, I need to take it easy until they get more synth-fluid from the medbay.  I lost too much after that guy shived me and now I'm on full mechanical systems until I get patched up and 'fueled back up' heh."

Ben gave a thumbs up to Romulus and Wilcox before turning and heading into the training room.  With all eyes on him, he took a deep breath and gave everyone a wry smile. 

"Alright rooks listen up.  The datafiles you have all filled out shows us what you think of yourselves, but it is only text on a screen.  This is where you will own up to what you have typed.  First though, we need to gauge you on the most important aspect of soldiery, the ability to shoot and to follow lawful orders."

Ben walked over to the contained firing range area and pulled a rifle off the rack, "this is our standard M-74 pulse rifle.  It fires 10mm caseless, contained gyrojet short rounds and is the standard military firearm used for boarding actions on space objectives.  Why does a modern, advanced space force still utilize slug-style arms?  Because of hull penetration and depressurization.  Lasers, plasma and particle weapons can quickly burn through even the thickest hull plating on all except our most modern line ships."

Ben places the rifle back on the rack and pulls of another one, "now this is the standard issue P-68 pulse laser rifle used for ground assault operations, it is lightweight and durable.  Like the M-74 it comes with a number of features to be customized per mission such as micro-grenade launchers, bayonets and such.  This weapon holds enough energy for 200 pulse bursts in single synergetic E-clips... synergetic means self-recharging... they use some type of silicon-organic structure developed from captured alien technology or somesuch.  Since we are not cubs here, I shouldn't have to tell you this, but the brass requires we do... if you break one of these E-clips or it is damaged, do not consume the contents of the casing no matter what you might think."  The canine staff sergeant replaces the weapon on the rack.

"For our sergeant Kiel, he is going to need to familiarize himself with both the MS-80 and L-4 SpecFor designated sniper weapons.  The MS-80 is a classic .50 caliber heavy slug rifle and the L-4 is essentially an anti-vehicle laser rifle."

Ben indicates both the weapons on a separate rack.

"However, before we do that I want you all to do a simple think for me."  He nods and snaps his fingers, the other members of the current Special Forces team quickly strap a field pack to each of the new recruit's backs.

"I'm sure you all know what to do, drop to your bellies and give me 50... and yes the packs are fully loaded.  These pushups will give you the feel for what it is like to lug your gear through hostile territory to an objective.  We may not always have time to rest and may be pressed into action quickly.  As each of you finishes, keep the pack on, and grab a rifle... M-74 first ... and take up position at the first firing stall.  This stall is designed to a simulate all firing positions, standing, half-crouch, full-crouch and prone.  There are 4 targets according to each position, fire at only the one corresponding to the position you are in.  Be sure to clear your area before you enter and exit the stall, safety on until you are ready to fire and off after you are fully finished.  After the M-74, hand it to the designated armorer and retrieve the P-68... don't worry about these wells, they are properly shielded.  When you have completed each one, go over to where sergeant first class Darkcloud is and standby.  He will have you field strip your pack and repack as well as field strip your rifle and reassemble.  All of you except Kiel that is, Kiel will retrieve an MS-80 and then and L-4 and repeat the course except it will be timed per position."

Ben took a breath, "well, what are you waiting for?  Hop to it soldiers!"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room
Romulus smiled at how Ben took command of the troops and smiles. He pulls out a pistol and looks at the rookies. He waits for the rookies to start their pushups then taking careful aim fires the pistol so it lands near the rookies. He then smiles as the rookies look at him with surprise. "What you didn't expect us to make this easy for you did we? I want to know how well you'll preform while under fire. Now get back to work" Romulus takes carefully aimed shots at the rookies while they did what Ben asked them to do. While the rookies switched to the rifles so did Romulus. Taking up up his rifle he aimed and fired inches above their heads. "Come on now soldiers you getter be hitting your mark or else you will died in combat"
When the rookies finished he stoud waiting for all of them to asemble infront of him. "Alright soldiers watch carefully I'm don't want to have to repeat myself" Romulus takes a pack and strips it, pointing everything out as he pulls it out, explains what it's useful for then moves on to the next item. He then repacks the pack so the rokies would know the best way to do it. He then went to the rifles, but doesn't use his own personal rifle. At first he slowly strips both rifles and shows what parts to pay attention to. Once he puts them back together he quickly field strips both rifles and reassembles them.
Once done he addresses the rookies "Ok lets see how well you where paying attention. I want you to do everything I just did. I want you to practice it until I say you can stop'
Walks over to Ben while the rookies are working on their packs and rifles. "So what do you think of the new guys?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - Shuttle Bay

"Oh yes, a pilot would be nice thank you."

Aaron waits for a moment as the deck officer summons a pilot.  After a brief round of salutes Aaron continues,

"Yes, we are looking for a ship.  It is yay big."
Reaches his arms out imitating Loki's 'description'.
"Though that is his words, not mine.  At any rate we should depart asap, the legendary Loki should guide us to the location."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"Don't Tease or encourage Him, Major Brown" Said Lt Nova "The Loki of Myth is/was the demigod of Mischief.  The lord of Chaos.  He has other names Puck, the green male of the woods, and the horned fox  Our Loki may not want to be know as the Trickster."  She is not sure what the Major was playing at, but the whole hanger didn't need to know they were going to search of  Loki's ship.  She went into the shuttle without looking back.


Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

"Well....Yes there is, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to go down that path Britney...I involves me killing you"

Kal grimaced.

"I hope you don't chose it though. What I'm waiting for at the moment, is permission to have you stay on board this ship and serve on my ground crew. If denied though I will have to send you back to my family's holdings."

Kal waited patently for her answer, noting that yes her uniform did seam to fit her VERY well.


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room

Valynth's arms were burning from the recent work out they had been given.  He had always made sure his body was in a fairly good condition and indeed he was one of the better maintained of the group, but that only went so far and his arms were in a numb pain by the end of that portion of the training.  Being ever practical Valynth simply obeyed as he figured that the training would help his dim odds of survival on a battle field.

He then moved to the firing range as per instructed and made sure to clear it.  He took the rifle and brought it to the ready postion until he was instructed to fire.  On he was told to fire his finger flipped off the safety and opened fire on his target.  His aim with the rifle was good, a majority of his shots, though scattered, hit in the center mass while a few hit the target's head. Three of his shots missed, but only barely.  He silently swore at his arms, which were slightly numb and sluggish, for screwing up his aim.

Valynth listened and watched as Romulus showed them how to pack and put together their rifles.  He started with the pack and quickly unpacked and repacked his gear in decent time, but he wasn't the fastest of the group.  When he got to the rifle, however, he made up for a bit of what ever time he lost on the gear as he called upon his training in fire arms to assemble the rifle even though his hands were still shaking from the push-ups.  As per instructed he continued disassembling and re-assembling the pack and rifle, gaining time on other recruits as he cycled through with his arms gradually regaining feeling.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room

Ben watched Valynth and Alex as Romulus asked him the question, "our seconds are doing rather good, as are all of the team.  That is to be expected though based on their backgrounds."

As the rookies continue their tests, Major Shannon enters the area again, but this time he is followed by an ISF marine trooper.

"there you gentlemen are, hope everyone is doing well.  I need to transfer one of your new recruits out, the IFL has requested a transfer of all former Imperium military forces found among the privateers as long as it is feasible for transfer.  Since Alex is IFL, he was officially transfered here, but Jaice Randou was former Imperium Army.  The IFL wants to register and re-indoctrinate them into Imperium service.  To replace him, Corporal Sean Davis will be transfered to you.  He is one of our Marine Combat Engineers and is an expert in explosives.  he should fill that billet effectively as he is a good marine."

Major Shannon left Sean in the charge of Ben and Romulus as he walked over and collected his charge.  With a nod he left to transfer him to the IFL troop ship.

Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - Shuttle Bay

Within a few moments, the shuttle's crew had ushered the three into their seats and secured them in as the pilot began his preflight checks.

The pilot gave a thumbs up to the crew chief who checked the straps before giving the go ahead to the pilot.

The chief secured himself in as the pilot taxied into positions and within a few moments the shuttle was in space.

Loki yelled to the pilot, "head for the space over the northern polar regions of the planet."

After a few hours the ship was in position.

Loki, looking a tad bit mischievous, looked over to Nova, "now if you take off this bell, I can take us to the ship..."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Kal and Dominic's bunkroom

"I would rather not be killed, what a horrible thing!  So I guess I am stuck then.  Good thing I am a mechanic, but how do you know you can trust me?  And what do I get out of this?"  Brittney followed his eyes, "and what are you looking at?  My eyes are up here."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - CAG's office

Master Chief Graham examined the forms, she felt it was rather important so she picked up the comm.

"Commander MacDuff, this is Master Chief Graham, we have an unusual request.  If you could drop by your office, you will need to see this."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

In the shuttle, above the planetary northern pole.

"So, Do I open the lock and release the trickster?  Hoping, I amuse him enough for him not to steal  me soul and he will give me a pot of gold?", Nova asks Herself aloud as she looks outside to see if there is any ship.  "or Should I demand his gold and watch him like he is prey until he does give it up?"

She looks Loki in the eye for a moment, and then begins to take his collar off.  She finds that Loki's collar has an encoded lock, she was silly to think that one could easily open it.  Yet, the collar device was interesting, why did have this graviton mini generator that was wired differently.  It shouldn't be on, now, either, even at this very low level. 

If she remember the idea of these prisoner collars, they activated when a prisoner pass a place or certain point and then prisoner would feel 6-10Gs for force suddenly and a guard also could activate it on need.  This one was modified so bad, She could deactivate the generator and it would still send to the prisoner monitoring center that it was still on. Still, she would wait and see what the Captain had to says about it.

"We will ask the Captain, Loki.. But Why do you need it off, If I may ask?" asks Lt Nova.
"Major, your word on this?"



Tribunal Class Troop Cruiser, Phalanx - SpecForces room
Romulus crossed his arms and looked at Sean. "Throw your grea in a locker, find a bunk, grab some armor, a pistol and a rifle. Get loaded up then do 50 push ups, then target practice with both firearms. Once done have Valynth show you to field strip your rifle, unpack you back then reassemble your rifle and repack you field pack"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.