The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

"Thanks Corporal." Kal turned to the black and tan alsatian. "Can I have your name miss?" He pulled the cord braclet from his pocket.


Unknown Ship - Valynth's holding room

"Well, this is just great"  Valynth grumbled as he laid back on his bed.  "Well, at least this is better than being a prisoner of those pirates" He said as his hands felt the empty holster, still remembering the weight and feel of his 686.

"I hope they resolve whatever they need to soon"  he said as he reached down and flicked open his long empty 'ammo case,' which was now just a simple box attached to his belt.  "I feel kinda' naked without my weapon and muntions.  Of course, this wouldn't have happened if everyone on that blasted ship hadn't mutinied"  he said as his thoughts returned again to the circumstances that had brought him to his current situation.

Having left his sister and their relatively comfortable home, he had decided to take a job as what was officially deemed a 'private security company,'  but Valynth had no delusions that they were little more than mercenaries.  They even had a small fleet of privately owned ships designed to protect merchants from various pirates, for a price of course.  Naturally when the pirate problem was getting severe, the company decided to send investigation ships to figure out how the pirates had been working so successfully.  Valynth and the ship that had employed him had been selected to investigate these occurances.

Valynth had secretly marked a subtle change in the crew when they had reached the reported areas of pirate activity, but he ever got a chance to voice his concerns since another crew member decided to apply a section of pipe to the back of his skull while Valynth was on normal patrol.  When Valynth woke up, he was in the ship's brig with other crew members, but without his weapon or ammunition.  He then learned from the boisterous and rebellious crew that they were going to join their 'pirate brethren.'  They had offered Valynth an opprotunity to join them in their glorious pirating, but he refused.  From then on, Valynth was a prisoner until he was liberated only to be put into this new slightly more accomidating cell.

"I just hope they didn't lose my gun in this mess."  He grumbled as began to drift into a semi-sleeping state.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Shuttle bay

The captain eyed Nova as she spoke, "trust me lieutenant, I will not provide any special treatment."  He waived the orders in the air as he walked towards the shuttle, "there are only two reasons for class one transfers these days, as these are normally prisoner transfer requests.  VIPs are sent with class A transfers Ms. Hunnydew.  My guess is that you are in trouble and a few strings were pulled to keep you out of a bad situation."

Without further word, the captain saluted the crew chief at the captain's launch, "are we ready to go chief?"

The feline nodded, "yes sir.  Welcome aboard.  We shall be departing as soon as you are secure."

The chief and another crew member helped the captain, MacDuff and Hunnydew into their seats and belted them in.  Unlike most of the capital, medium and support ships in the ISF, shuttle craft and fighters do not possess artificial gravity. 

The shuttle departed the Revelation and proceeded towards the captured station.  For the entire flight over, the captain stared at the order letter, appearing deep in thought.  The shuttle arrived and was docked at the station.  The small party exited the shuttle and was lead through the station to the conference room.

Entering the room found all members of the fleet's command staff, Major Kanzoria, the senior privateer officers and the command staff of the IFL forces present.  The captain noticed a supreme lack of caffeinated beverages and turned to Nova, "Ms. Hunnydew, would you be so kind as to make some coffee and tea please."

Despite the use of the word please, this was not a request, but an order.

Taking his seat, the meeting began.

Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay

Loki looked back at Romulus with big, fearful eyes, "but... I can't feel anything anymore."

"As I said young master, this object will restrict your powers.  Now come along please."  The colonel and the guards exited and Loki followed reluctantly, he seemed much more subdued and unsure then before.

The green fox was lead from the shuttle bay to a holding area.  Nexx turned towards Wilcox and Romulus, "I will have to leave him in your hands here for now, you have full reign to question him as you feel necessary for now.  I will have to attend the meeting at the station, but shall return.  The Captain will likely be with me at that point.  If you need anything, just ask Lt. Commander Atwood, she can assist you."

The colonel left, heading back towards the shuttle bay, leaving Loki, two armed guards, Lt. Commander Atwood, Wilcox and Romulus and his team to their own devices.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

She looked at him quizzically and shrugged, "Britney Graham, what's yours honey?"

Unknown Ship - Valynth's holding room

Valynth was jostled awake by a guard, "sorry to wake you fellow, but we have docked and all detainees are to be identified and processed." 

The guard indicated the door, "best grab all the possessions you have, you likely won't be coming back here."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Spacestation, Fleet Command Conference room

As much as Nova dislike being "order" to make coffe and tea.  She kept her grumbles to a minimium as she make the coffee and tea service of all the top brass members of the ISF.  The captain's stern look at her, make her even quiet her grumbles...

"Com'n Hunnydew, you are in a top meeting, shut up and go invisible. You may learn something important." Nova thought to herself.  The cat girl put on a fake smile and serve everyone their first cup of whatever they wanted and then she blend into the background as the meeting got underway.
She is ready to quietly serve anyone who want/needs a refill.  As she listen to the commanders' talk of ship/fleet readiness and the talk of Aliens

Lt Nova Hunnydew wonders what Fate had in store for her to have given her a front row seat in the drama..

Nova Hunnydew

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

"I'm 1st Lt. Kalin Jerico but most call me Kal..." Kal stoped as he saw Sam smiling knowing what Kal was up to. Grinning back Kal looked into Britney's eyes as he lifted the cord braclet and showed them to her. "Do you know what this is Britney Graham?" He asked as he put it around her right wrist.


Shuttle/Phalanx Shuttle bay
Romulus saluted as the colonel left. He then turns to Loki. "Look kid I know it doesn't seem it but we're not trying to be bad or evil. I know I speak for myself but I have no intensions of hurting you" Romulus walked near Loki with a somewhat relaxed attitude, he pulled up something to sit on. "So where you from kid?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Unknown Ship - Valynth's holding room

Valynth sat up and replied to the guard, "Well, since the pirates took all but the clothes on my back, I'd have to say I'm ready."  He gave a friendly smile to the guard as he stood and started trying to make some small talk "I hope my lack of criminal tendencies didn't bore you.  I know how dull things get when you're forced to stand guard.  At least being on patrol lets you get a change of scenery.  Now if only you could get some scenery on a ship."

He chuckled a little at his joke and he walked over to the door, "Shall we get going?  I've been dying to know what happened to my stuff, if anything remains."
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Fast Transport - Puddle Jumper

Aaron just stared at the pilot, "Define late."
"Just as I said sir, we are a half hour late."
"We will be arriving at the station soon.  Hope you enjoy interrupting important meetings."
"Yes, I enjoy barging into stuffy rooms with old men arguing strategy.  I try and do that every time I present transfer orders.  Speaking of transfer orders, why am I out here anyways?"
"I don't know sir, maybe you should ask the old men when you interrupt them."

The shuttle arrives at the station and Aaron heads to present his transfer orders of doom.
The All Purpose Fox


Space station, Fleet Conference room

The commanding officers of the ISF Expeditionary Scout Fleet met in conference with the Privateer leaders and Imperium Foreign Legion officers.

Fashionably late, Colonel Nexx made his appearance and whispered something to Captain Summers.  Pouring the coffee, Nova was just able to make out, "... green fox alien."

The meeting after that point was relatively mundane.  There was debate over the privateers and IFL participation in piracy, the issue of outside mental control and finally the coming menace of alien invasion.

"To make reparations for this incident, the IFL Guard will assist you in your mission."  The apparent leader of the IFL detachment declared.

"I pledge my services and that of my ship the Defiance, the rest of our cruisers must remain here to defend our colony world.  Besides, it is obvious that they are incapable of competing at your level in a confrontation, so they would be only the liability."  Flatly stated a feline female officer in a heavy spanish accented voice, "our privateer vessels are not up to the technological level of the ISF forces."

Captain Summers nodded, "though unconventional, this situation is warranted and acceptable.  We will begin field retofits for the Defiance in the Stardock.  I will leave the logistical details to the rest of you, Colonel Nexx and I have some pressing matters to attend to."

The Captain rose along with Colonel Nexx and both turned to leave, but the Captain paused and gestured at Nova to follow, "come along Lieutenant Hunnydew."

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

"I hope its not some strange marriage custom, or outdated and backwards Lycan bond ritual thingee."

Phalanx interrogation room

Loki's ears drooped off to the sides as he looked at the drab gray floor, "you can't hurt me, you aren't strong enough for that." 

The kid's voice showed no ounce of arrogance or defiance, his comment was just a matter-of-fact.  "I am from Ozerun, from the capital of Aryador.  Mine is the House of Eowadon, third in the line of succession of the Acadian Star Empire, and I am a Prince of the Royal family."

Wilcox raised an eyebrow, "I think you just told us a bit more then we needed to know."

Unknown Ship - Valynth's holding room

"Your stuff is in the holding area, follow me."

The guard lead Valynth out into a large area of the vessel they were on.  Many of his fellow prisoners and former jailers were gathered here all filling out paperwork and some were being spoken to.  To Valynth it looked like a small slice of bureaucratic hell.

A generic fox vixen handed Val a datapad, "please complete this paperwork here to cross reference with our database."

She pointed Val to a seat where he could rest while completing.  The datapad contained many forms, from citizenship and personal information, to skills, employment and much more.  Though excessive, it did not appear Val would get his stuff back without complying.

Fast Transport - Puddle Jumper

The shuttle docked at the station and dropped Aaron off.  Seemingly in a hurry, the pilot took off immediately after unloading him.

When challenged about his business here, he presented his transfer orders to the officer of the watch.  He saluated and quickly whisked the fox off to his doom of crashing staff meetings.

Luckily for Aaron, the meeting had just adjourned, unluckily they ran smack dab into Captain Summers.

The Captain paused, "what another priority transfer?"

"Sir, class A transfer orders."  The deck officer replied.

"Let me see those."  The Captain said as he pointed to the cursed papers in Aaron's hand. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx interrogation room
Romulus just kinda shook his head. "Kid, I can't speak for everyone but I don't intend to hurt you. I hurt people enough as it is during battles." Romuls looked off into space as he spoke "A prince huh that must be nice. I was born on some dirtball planet, I think my father and mom where stationed there during some battle for territory. I am from the house of Darkcloud, a military family of no real importance. I've been in the Army basically all my life"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Space station, somewhere around the Fleet Conference room


Aaron hands over his orders and thinks to him self, 'Another?  Must be a very popular time for people to transfer in.  Or maybe I lost a poker game and was too drunk to remember it?'

The obviously annoyed Captain Summers reviewed the transfer orders.
"Things seem to be in order.  You know why you are here?"
"Truth be told, I suspect that I lost a poker game that I was too drunk too remember.  The terms of the bet I lost must have been a random reassignment, other then that I'm not sure why a xenobiologist would be assigned here."
The All Purpose Fox

Paladin Sheppard

QuoteINARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

"I hope its not some strange marriage custom, or outdated and backwards Lycan bond ritual thingee."

Smiling just a little evily Kal replied, "No to the first but yes to the second Britney. You are now my Bondswoman and while you are not a slave you are still required to serve."

Kal turned back to Sam. "Mind if I borrow Corporal Kersney?" getting a nod from the Lt, Kal asked her for a favor. "Corporal Kersney mind taking Britney down to bulkhead 30 and finding a berth for her? Also can you get her some new clothes from the QM and have her at my quaters at 1500."

"Sir!" The Corporal moved up to the new bondswoman and took her arm, "lets go."

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova was disappointed not to hear more about this "green fox alien".. Was there a new aliens race found? or more like a lost colony? wonders Nova.  She had also look over on the table and quick looks at the comp screens before each member.  She thought she saw a picture of a green fox, but she would have to store that memory away for the thing being.

With a small sigh, Lt Nova Hunnydew follows Capt Summers, with thoughts about the aliens and this "new" xenobologist... I will have to find this Xenobologist she thought



Unknown Ship - Registration room

Valynth nodded, sat in the indicated seat, and began filling out the datapad forms.  He remained wary of his former jailers, making sure never to lose sight of them.  He had his suspicions that they had been under some form of influence since any true pirates would have disposed of him immediately when he refused to join them the first time, but he was not going to risk being wrong.

He continued to fill out the forms, having practiced on the forms he filled out to apply for his last job as 'ship security.'  These forms, however, were unusually long and left Valynth thanking his training for his arm's endurance to continue.

Valynth finally finished the last form on the datapad and could feel his arm cramp in a job well done.  He had answered the forms' questions as truthfully as he could and he could understand the reasons they had for asking such information, but he still silently swore at the bureaucrats that had made these long forms a nessecity.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Phalanx interrogation room

Loki looked up at Romulus, "I have been a warrior all my life, well the short 150 years of it, but our ways are different then yours.  We fight with psychic abilities and technologies.  Where is Ixiah, I should like to see my cousin now."

Space station, somewhere around the Fleet Conference room

Captain Summers paused and regarded both Aaron and Nova, "A xenobiologist and xeno-technologist, interesting.  This must be luck.  As it just so happens we have an interesting specimen, but we will not speak of this here.  Major, Lieutenant, it is best if the two of you get to know one another as you will be working together.  Now follow us, we have a special guest to meet."

The captain and colonel headed down the hall towards the hanger and the captain's launch.  With the two science division officers in tow, they boarded the launch and departed for Colonel Nexx's ship.

Unknown Ship - Registration room

The vixen examined his datapad and smiled, "you are just what we need, more or less.  Please follow the sergeant here and he will take you to a waiting area.  You are rather hard to place, but hopefully you don't mind special forces work." 

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

The corporal dragged Britney off towards the crew berthings.  Britney turned back towards Kal and with a confused look on her face yelled back at him, "I'm your what??!!"

Sam smiled at Kal, "you are going to have to explain this one to the CAG you know."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Lt Hunnydew makes a point of sitting by Col Aaron on the transport...

"Hello Major Aaron. I'm Lt Nova Hunnydew... An assist Prof of Physics at Confed's BTI, granddaughter of Dr Bambi Hunnydew, Co-inventor of the Grand Jumpdrive. 5.0" Said Nova...  "So, How was your trip here?" she asks jokingly..



Phalanx interrogation room

Romulus looked at Loki "You know I thought you looked alittle young. You cousin huh? That must have been the voice in my head I heard when we found you. As for where he is I don't know that for sure, sadly I don't think you'll be haveing a family reunion any time soon"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


*Aaron barely pays attention to most of what Nova said, he was too busy checking her out*

Errr, right trip.  The trip was a riot.  So, I'm guessing that you were the other transfer?
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

" Ah riot?" Nova questions Aaron as she looks at the fox... and notices that he seems to been addressing her chest...  With a cooler tone, "I'm hoping to be working with a profession researcher." Nova tells Aaron " Colledge to colledge.  One who puts the mission success above one's own self rewards.  My Granny always said that the rewards are more enjoyable when the work is done" says Nova as she move forcing eye-eye contact with a slight grin.  Only to look away with a bit of disgust, as she pulls back and turns to look out the window. 

"I'll complete my orders Sir, but we will see where the research takes us." Says Nova in a professional tone.



"Speaking of which, what is our research?  I've been dragged out into deep space, onto a navel ship, on fairly short notice, with out so much as a peep as to what I will be doing other then being described as 'interesting'." Aaron says to the back of Nova's head.
"It has to have something to do with the aliens.  I have heard rumors of live specimens."
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"I can't said anything beyond the rumours you have heard, and then I have hear only of new "artifacts" found and something more.  But then my family has always known more than most." whispers Nova as she doesn't look at the fox, but she turns look forward and looks at her lap. 
"So new aliens, beyond the Humans, some more beings other than the Bugs...I wonder if them know of the ancient Star Empire..." whispers Nova to herself.

"We, the pawns, now fly to meet our Gamemasters, Mr Aaron or our new game rivals" Says LTJG Nova Hunnydew.


Paladin Sheppard

QuoteINARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Brig

The corporal dragged Britney off towards the crew berthings.  Britney turned back towards Kal and with a confused look on her face yelled back at him, "I'm your what??!!"

Sam smiled at Kal, "you are going to have to explain this one to the CAG you know."

"Heh, my next port of call really. Thanks for lending me the Corporal." Kal waved a salute at his former classmate and headed to the nearest lfit.

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation-Bridge Deck

Stoping at the airlock to the bridge, Kal asked the marine on duty outside if the CAG was inside.


Unknown ship - Registration Room

Valynth looked curiously from the vixen to the sergeant, but remained quiet as he followed the sergeant to the waiting room.  As they walked Valynth began to weigh his availible options.  He was hardly in a position to refuse being drafted, after all, most of his identication and personal effects were being held in these people's custody and they had saved him from his pirate themed prison.  He figured he would at least hear out their 'offer' as they would probably phrase it, and who knows, he just might enjoy a job in the military.

He made a mental note to try and contact his sister when he could.  She never was one to worry too much about Valynth's condition or life choices, but he knew she would be worried if she had been told his ship had 'gone missing' as the company would undoubtedly put it.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Captain's launch

The flight between the station and the troop cruiser Phalanx was rather brief.   Colonel Nexx and Captain Summers discussed something quietly between themselves during the whole flight over.

Docking, the passenger's disembarked and without much fanfare or ritual headed straight for the compartments directly off the shuttle bay.

Phalanx interrogation room

Loki gave Romulus his best big sad eyed child routine, "but, I absolutely must see my cousin... pwwweeeaaassseee!!"

A small amount of psychic influence, despite the collar, was added to help sway Romulus's thoughts along Loki's intended path.

However before any results could be seen of this play on emotions, the room door opened and the Colonel, Captain  and a few other officers entered.  Two of them were new and no one in the room had seen them before.

As everyone's attention was draw to the door, Loki deftly slipped something out of Romulus's belt and hid it in his shirt.

Unknown Ship - Conference room

The marine sergeant took Valynth to a large room full of over a half dozen other people, a mix of humans and anthros with no clear delineation of skills or abilities.  A few of the former pirates were present, though these were the better of the lot who had suddenly changed their ways, they held unto who they previously were much stronger then those that seemed to completely revel in the experience.

An ISF military officer, a major in rank and a human in species, entered and took a seat at the head of the conference table.  What little conversation occurred in the room died down.  The officer was probably in his mid-thirties, with early graying hair and dark brown skin color.   

"Those of you here have been selected because you possess special skills, few or no family commitments and the correct personality to assist us on our mission."  He paused before continuing, "I am major Leonard Shannon and I am the liason officer for the ISF Army.  Our operation is one of reconnaissance, seeking the approach of an ancient enemy come once again to pacify its toys and experiments... you, us... all the people we know.  Our operation is to locate the enemy main force, and gather intelligence from the few outposts we have discovered in the region of space beyond the current borders of settled space.  We will also be handling the few known pirate groups in this area."

Major Shannon took a brief pause before continuing further, "after much consideration and our most recent success, Captain Summers and Colonel Nexx have decided to form a second special forces team.  You all have been selected to participate as members of this team."


INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Bridge Deck

The marine stood at attention and replied sharply, "no sir.  The CAG has accompanied the captain to his meeting.  If he has not stayed with the Captain and the Colonel, then he may be on his way back and should be in his office.  Sir."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

INARI Class Cruiser, Revelation - Bridge Deck

"Right. Carry on marine!" Turning around Kal headed back down the passageway till he came to the CAG's office. Knocking on the door he waited for a responce.


Phalanx interrogation room
Romulus stoud at a slightly relaxed attention when he saw who it was that had come through the door. Romulus took a step to stand more in front of Loki at the sight of the two new faces.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx interrogation room

Hello, have we interrupted something?  I have been trying to interrupt something important all day.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

*giggles* "ah ahmmm" sounds LTjg Nova Hunnydew from behind Aaron... She lets the captain said something to him as she trys to keep a straight face.  After a second she calmly waits with a neutral face and enters the room after the Capt Summer.



Phalanx interrogation room
Romulus narrows his eyes atter the newcomer jokes about interupting, then looks at the other newcomer when she giggles. He then looks at the colonel and captain. "Who's the peanut gallery?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Captain Summers cast a sideways glance briefly at the two science officers before answering Romulus's question, "don't mind Major Brown and Lieutenant Hunnydew, they are extremely convenient transfers from HQFL*.  I've brought them along because they can best assist us with our guest."  The Captain paused to regard Loki, "by the makers, he is just a child."

"Indeed, but looks are very deceiving sir."  Corporal Benjamin Foster, after his comment he turns quickly to snag the shirt cuff of the green fox as he attempted to make a run for the open door, "now, I thought we were over that, mate?  There is now where for you to go and we aren't going to be hurting you."

"I'm not trying to run away!"  Loki protested as he squirmed in Ben's grasp and pouted, "I just saw someone with food walk by!"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"